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Chapter 76 – Afterwards


 *I’m putting an early warning here for content that might not please everyone. The following chapters will also hold small contexts and full-blown texts of their love. Beware.


If only Jian Songyi didn’t have to answer his mother’s video call, he felt as if he could kiss Bai Huai all night.


This man is so sweet.


He will probably be in the hands of this man for the rest of his life.


Calm down. Jian Songyi pats his face as he tries to compose himself as much as possible just so his mother won’t notice that he is fresh from crying or kissing Bai Huai. He took a deep breath and connected the video call when he felt he had done all he could.


In the video call, his mother and father’s heads instantly popped up from his screen with the gorgeous lights and fireworks behind them. The two of them were laughing like little children.


“My dear baby, happy eighteenth birthday!”


Jian Songyi blushed. “Mon, don’t call me baby; I am not a kid anymore.”


“Why can’t I call you as such? You are still your mother’s baby. But Mom and Dad are under traffic control. We might not be able to come back tonight, so we might not be able to celebrate with you right away for the first time. Don’t be angry with Mom and Dad, okay?”


Mr. Jian said with a ‘tsk’: “Jian Songyi won’t be angry. Without us in the way, it’s not too late for two people to good around and be happy.”


Mr. Jian smiled: “Don’t worry, son, even if you have a boyfriend and get married, you will always be Mom and Dad’s second love in this life!” Alright, I’m going to play with your mother now. You guys have fun too! “


And then they hung up.


Very careless.


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Jian Songyi pouted: “Did you hear that? I am not their priority and their first love.”


Bai Huai chuckled lightly and pecked the corner of his lips: “I love you; you are the person I love first.”


With that, Jian Songyi hooked his arms around Bai Huai’s neck and reconnected their lips together. 


The two kept kissing each other as if there was no tomorrow. Eventually, they managed to end up kissing back in their room.


When Bai Huai’s hand reached under the hem of his top, Jian Songyi suddenly turned his head away and stepped back.


Bai Huai asked in a low voice, “What’s the matter?”


Jian Songyi’s new hairstyle shows that he is particularly cool, and his eyes are flushed at this time, which makes him particularly lustful.


His voice was a little hoarse when he spoke: “I think I’m coming with a heat.”


Bai Huai clearly remembers that the binding heat of his little Omega is at the 15th, and even if it was unstable, there was no such unstable method.


So he buried his on his neck, sniffed it, and then suddenly gave a low smile: “Honey, not all heat is binding heat, and Omega does not only need it when they’re in heat.”


If it was a typical day, Jian Songyi would certainly not admit it to death.


But tonight, Bai Huai went too far and directly broke all of Jian Songyis’ psychological lines of defense and camouflage.


He blushed and lowered his head as he bit his lip. “I saw it during the day… that strawberry. “


Bai Huai was stupefied, and then he remembered that a small gift was really still in his pocket. It turned out that someone had thought of this aspect, and he laughed for a moment: “We don’t need that.”


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Jian Songyi buried his head even lower: “Although it’s not a combination of heat and can’t do that, it’s still more hygienic to use it.”


Bai Huai was amused, knowing that he was wrong, and explained in a low voice, “Do you think I am the kind of scum man who is so happy that he doesn’t want to use that?”




“You’ve been divided for less than half a year, and I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.”


“As long as it doesn’t reach the genital cavity…”


Jian Songyi flushed with shame. He couldn’t say the rest, but he just wanted to tell Bai Huai that he liked him and was willing to do everything with him.

He is obviously eager and lustful, but he says the most provocative words in the purest tone.


Bai Huai didn’t think there was any young and strong Alpha who could resist such an invitation.


However, he really felt sorry for Jian Songyi. He felt that Jian Songyi was too young. He had just recently become an adult and would definitely not be able to bear it.


His little boyfriend needs to be taken care of.


So even though the room was filled with the warm and inviting fragrance of roses at the end, he was still not willing to pick the little roses. So instead, he used his fingers to make the little roses bloom like never before.


The strawberry-flavored gift didn’t work in the end.


But when Jian Songyi woke up the next day, he still felt the soreness from his back all the way to his legs.


Bai Huai, this beast.


 It is worthy of being listed in the sea.

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In addition to that face, there is actually a bit of natural talent.


Turning his head to look, Bai Huai was still asleep. His brows and eyes are softened, which is not really the case often, as if he had finally let go of his worries and precautions.


Jian Songyi couldn’t help but secretly gave his boyfriend a good morning kiss, and then got out of bed lightly. After washing up, he went to the kitchen and decided to make breakfast for his boyfriend on the first day that he is officially at legal age.


He boiled water and then took out two buckets of instant noodles.


Jian Songyi opened it, put in the seasoning packet, poured the water, and covered it.


Five minutes later, he returned to their room with two buckets of instant noodles. Jian Songyi stood in front of the bed, raised his legs, and gently hooked Bai Huai.


Bai Huai thought Jian Songyi was uncomfortable, so he opened his eyes only to be welcomed by the sight of two buckets of instant noodles in front of the bed.


“Breakfast with love?”


Someone is quite proud: “Mm-hmm.”


“Okay, my boyfriend is great.” Bai Huai sat up and flirted with Jian Songyi by giving him a kiss.


But instead of kissing back, he gave him a kick: “Go brush your teeth and wash your face!”


Bai Huai smiled and went to the bathroom.


The toothpaste has been squeezed out, and the towels have been soaked in hot water.


Although some young masters are grumpy and will not do much, Bai Huai feels good.

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You see how artistically squeezed this toothpaste is. The brush is so full that it falls on the table. Ordinary people would not dare to squeeze so much.


His boyfriend, how cute, how lavish, how generous.


Bai Huai brushed his teeth and laughed.


Some people are expensive and lazy. They call when they feel comfortable and when they feel uncomfortable. And after they finished, they just stayed there paralyzed.


After finishing the physical work by himself and settling someone down, Bai Huai has to throw the sheets and duvet covers in the washing machine, wash them, dry them, and put them on again. Otherwise, if they leave traces, Jian Songyi’s parents would find out what they did tomorrow, and Jian Songyi would just scold him again with shame.


When he was done, he saw that someone had already fallen asleep on the sofa in a ball, so he could only be brought back to the bed, put him in his arms, and then fell asleep.


After this, Bai Huai slept a little more soundly than usual.


As a result, he woke up to find that the rich spoiled, lazy boy began to prepare his own toiletries and make their own breakfast.


He is really an 18-year-old baby who knows how to handle things.


And this is also the first New Year he has not spent alone in the past four years.


Bai Huai felt that everything was very satisfactory.




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