So on Jian Songyi’s first day as an 18-year-old, they sat cross-legged on the seaside carpet to watch the flow of the tide outside the glass window. While doing so, they ate the instant noodles Jian Songyi cooked for him, which Bai Huai thought was the best meal he had ever had in his life.

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Along with that, the couple kept kissing, hugging, and playing on the beach until they ended up in fits of laughter. They watch the sunrise all the way to the sunset. They kept saying I love you to each other over and over again until the day sky turned into a dark sea of stars.


Bai Huai then concluded that eighteen years old is really such a good age.


There will be a bright, innocent, and proud young man with the young wild rose that came into his life. And because of this, his barren and lonely land became a feast of flowers coveted with a utopia all for himself.


The two can’t keep their lips off of each other and they somehow end up back in their room yet again.


When Bai Huai’s hand reached into Jian Songyi’s hem, he slightly started rubbing Jian Songyi’s waist little by little. Jian Songyi suddenly turned his head away as a gasp escaped his lips. His face became flushed unnaturally.


“What’s the matter? Don’t you want to kiss?” He asked in a low voice.


 “No.” Jian Songyi’s new hairstyle made him look extra cool. At this moment, the corner of his eyes was already flushed, which showed his desire. “I feel so hot.” Jian Songyi then added.


Unlike the previous two people who were fooling around, it was just that the physical reaction in front of him was different. Jian Songyi felt something he hadn’t felt before: the desire from the depths of his body was crawling on the surface of his skin.


This is the usual nonessential excuse he made up. Jian Songyi wanted to vent it out to Bai Huai so that he could feel the satisfaction. However, he is a bit too ashamed that just thinking about this is enough to make his face even redder than before.


But Bai Huai clearly remembered that his little Omega’s estrus was on the 15th. Even if it was unstable, there was no such hazardous method.


Bai Huai buried his face against his neck and then proceeded to sniff it. He suddenly gave a low laugh. His lips and tongue glide over his soft gland as he even viciously releases some smell of pheromones, making Jian Songyi’s legs weak.


Bai Huai clamped Jian Songyi against his waist and supported him before murmuring in a low voice. “It’s not at all binding heat. You just want me.”

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Jian Songyi doesn’t want to admit it, but since it is a special day…


Tonight, Bai Huai went too far. He directly broke Jian Songyi’s psychological lines of defense and camouflage. So Jian Songyi nodded: “I do want you.”


“I saw it earlier… That strawberry.” He added while biting his lower lip.


Bai Huai was stupefied, and then he remembered that a small gift was still in his pocket. It turned out that someone had already thought of this and laughed in a low voice: “We don’t need that.”


Jian Songyi looked at him: “Although it’s not a combination of fever and I won’t get pregnant, it’s still more hygienic with condoms.”


Bai Huai was amused, knowing that he was wrong, and explained in a low voice, “Do you think I am the kind of scum man who is so happy that he doesn’t want to use that?”




“You’ve been divided for less than half a year, and I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.”


“As long as it doesn’t reach the genital cavity…”


Jian Songyi flushed with shame. He couldn’t say the rest, but he just wanted to tell Bai Huai that he liked him and was willing to do everything with him.


Bai Huai could not help but gently bite Jian Songyi’s earlobe. He licked and sucked unto it with the tip of his tongue before saying in a low and raspy voice: “Baby, do you look down on me too much, or do you look down on me too much? As long as I go in, why can’t I poke it? Your genital cavity? I don’t think my self-control is so good that I can hold back when I want you.”


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It seems that today’s bottom line is much lower than usual, and Bai Huai’s words are much more straightforward.


Jian Songyi couldn’t listen to Bai Huai any longer so he decided to just block that mouth of his with his mouth and gag him through that.


The wet tip of his tongue plundered between Bai Huai’s lips and teeth.


As they kissed deeply, Bai Huai unwittingly took the initiative to take off most of their clothes. He then leaned Jian Songyi against the corner of the wall and slid his fingers down his back teasingly all the way to reach his belt. He took it to himself to undo it before reaching for his trousers. 


Jian Songyi instinctively wanted to push Bai Huai away, but Bai Huai had foreseen this, trapping him against one of his arms by pressing Jian Songyi hard enough against the wall. While Bai Huai’s other hand went directly down Jian Songyi’s ass to find his hot and humid hole. With a touch of his fingertips, Jian Songyi’s whole body softened in Bai Huai’s arms.


“Do you want it there?” Bai Huai asked in a low voice.


Jian Songyi was so flustered that he buried his head in his chest as his ears turned blood red in color. 


The answer was pretty much obvious.


“Are you rejecting it?” Bai Huai asked in his raspy voice yet again.


Jian Songyi slid his arms around Bai Huai’s neck before shaking his head gently.


“Then I’ll help you.”


Jian Songyi thought that the feeling and the sequence would just be the same, just like those two times prior to this. Bai Huai used his hand to help him set and harden his length and make him shoot up.

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However, when Bai Huai stripped him naked, put him in a bath, and then placed him to bed in a prone position, Jian Songyi could not help but feel wronged.


He turned his head and looked back. He found Bai Huai half sitting between his legs. Seeing him tilting his head, he leaned over and kissed his lips without waiting for him to ask.


The tip of Bai Huai’s tongue tried to pry open Jian Songyi’s teeth. He was so familiar to the space in his mouth that it was an ease for Bai Huai to flirt with Jian Songyi through his tongue so that Jian Songyi would slowly seep through the feeling.


As a result, Jian Songyi arched his back slowly to cater to the kiss they shared. Bai Huai took advantage of the opportunity to put a hand under his body and found his two protruding particles. Bai Huai’s fingertips pressed against it so hard to the wherein it immediately secreted a stream of liquid.


Bai Huai could not help himself but smile as his fingers started fiddling against Jian Songyi’s balls. 


Perhaps it is because the differentiation is particularly late, making Jian Songyi extremely sensitive and indifferent. Usually, as long as Bai Huai kisses a little deeper, Jian Songyi will feel it, not to mention that their emotions are so strong today that Bai Huai also singles out his sensitive places and flirts innocuously.


His physical desires were awakened and unsatisfied.


Jian Songyi wanted it harder but could not say it, as he could only whisper: “Bai… Huai… “


“Hmm? Baby, what’s wrong? Are you sick? “


As if Bai Huai was intentionally teasing him, Bai Huai then slipped his hands on the tip of Jian Songyi’s bare nipples, and little by little rubbed it. While doing so, his lips started to litter kisses from his gland all the way to Jian Songyi’s shoulder blades. 


“If you are not feeling well, then I’ll stop.”


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Jian Songyi bit his lower lip. “I am not uncomfortable. I am comfortable. I do not want you to stop. I want you to hurry up.” 


Biological instinct prevailed over reason. That is why he could say these words, and now that he was awake, he was embarrassed to be unruly.


Jian Songyi can only bite his lip again and bury his head back on the pillows.


Die to save face and suffer.


Jian Songyi is usually reluctant to give up, but at this time, this type of teasing should still be okay.


Bai Huai thought so, then bowed his head and bit Jian Songyi’s gland. As a result, the smell of cedar was immediately released.


It’s like seduction.


The smell of a perfectly matched pheromone is like a poppy to Jian Songyi at this moment. His gland is still being licked and sucked gently while Bai Huai’s hand plays with the tip of his nipple stronger and more presumptuous.


Jian Songyi breathed a little more loosely.


While observing his reaction, Bai Huai pressed Jian Songyi’s hole to help him relax. He could feel his flooding, but Bai Huai still asked him gently, “Honey, are you uncomfortable? If you don’t feel well, I’ll stop.”


With that, he really took his hand away.




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