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But then, there is another group of delirious people in the world.


Jian Songyi browsed the post for a while and felt that Nanwai’s students from top all the way to the bottom had some problems with their brains.


He lazily yawned and laid on the table to face Bai Huai: “I want to sleep.”




Bai Huai took out some earplugs, put them on Jian Songyi, took out a blanket, and then covered him. “Go to sleep. I’ll call you for self-study later.”


Only in that corner of the Class One Senior Three’s classroom quiet.


One slept soundly, while the other brushed the questions while occasionally freeing up one hand to help the other tuck the blanket. 


However, there is no such thing as a quiet time in the world, since the gossip is only yet to arrive.


Bai Huai was swiping the questions when the screen of his mobile phone in the table began to keep flashing endlessly.


Bai Huai took it out to have a look.


Ice cream Xiaoyuanzi: [Ah! Ah! Ahhhhh! Sister! I am dying! They’re saying that my cub is an Omega baby! Is it real or fake?!]


Bai Huai tilted his head and glanced at the sleeping Omega baby beside him before replying: [Real.]


Ice cream Xiaoyuanzi: [Aaaaaaaaaaa! If you said so, then it must be true! Wooooo, that bastard Bai Huai must have discovered it a long time ago, so he took Brother Song down! Ah! That cheap beast!]

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Bai Huai: …..


He could not refute Lin Yuanyuan’s words.


Because it’s all facts.


Ice cream Xiaoyuanzi: [Forget it. Since Brother Song likes him, I won’t scold him for now. But now is not the time for internal strife. We must be consistent with the outside world and shut those idiots up! I am really convinced that this group of people doesn’t have fathers. When they thought Brother Song was an Alpha, they said that he was bullying Omegas, since he is Nanwai’s top ALpha. But now that he is an Omega, people call him trash, and he doesn’t deserve to be Nanwai’s Alpha. It made me so mad! I am going to insult them back! Sister, you cover for me!]


B.S.: [How would I cover you?]


Ice cream Xiaoyuanzi: [By swearing together!]


Ice cream Xiaoyuanzi: [Forget it, you can’t swear. I will instead send you some swearing quotes from star-chasing girl. You can just copy and paste.


Bai Huai glanced at the quotations sent over, and once again sighed at the breadth and depth of the Chinese language.


At first, Bai Huai only joined the support club so that he can break into the enemy’s army and strangle the Omegas who had a crush on Jian Songyi in the cradle. But later on, he had found out that these Omegas actually looked at Jian Songyi with the mentality of watching him as their cub. They inexplicably became ‘sisters, especially Lin Yuanyuan, who practically worshiped Jian Songyi.


So it was a little bit hard for Bai Huai to refuse. Thus, he can only click on the post.


Opening it feels like falling into the Asura field. 


[Is Jian Songyi really an Omega?! My view of him is shattered! Ahhh! I do not believe in life anymore!]


[My first love is completely destroyed! I am looking at the paperclip in my hand now, and I feel like I’m a breed with it!]

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[I can bend into a mosquito coil in disappointment!]


[If Jian Songyi is an Omega, I will do it with tears in my eyes!]


[I am one of the only three female Alphas in Nanwai! Do I actually have hope now?]


[Bai Huai is still there.]


[No, why are you still crazy about him? Nanwai’s top student turned out to be an Omega. If you say it out loud, it’s the same as asking if there is anything left in Nanwai’s reputation.]


[That’s right. I am dying of laughter here. The person who used to say that he is the Number one Alpha in Nanwai turned into an Omega.]


[You stinky people! Even if Jian Songyi is an Omega, it doesn’t affect his power at all! You said he was a joke, but those of you who have been crushed by all aspects of your looks, sports, fighting, intelligence, and physical strength, can’t be compared to him! Garbage! Tonight, I will send you fifty-six sky-rocketing cannons and send all of you spiraling up to the sky to explode, forming ‘Love Me China!’ ]


[How could Jian Songyi be an Omega? Where can such Omega be found? How come we’ve been blind all along?]


[It’s not really a gender cognitive disorder, right? Falling in love with Alpha is self-defeating? ] 


[It may also be to avoid responsibility about peeping with Omega pretend tears.]


[Escape the responsibility of what? Is Jian Songyi an embarrassment for being an Omega? When did he even beat people that didn’t deserve to be beaten? You can’t count the Omegas he helped with both hands! I was bullied by a trash Alpha at the time, and he protected me. On top of that, he didn’t say anything for my reputation. How can you all listen to one side’s story and slander such a good person?!]


[Right. On the contrary to the issue, Jian Songyi has always been very protective of Omegas and respects them so much. This time, it was the post owner who spoke ill and deserved to be punished.]


[Jian Songyi is indeed a good person.]

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[I also think that their claim is unlikely. Although Peng Minghong will act somewhat like a mother, he still has the basic principles. And since he is willing to let Jian Songyi go, it should be because Jian Songyi is an Omega.] 


[Ah. However, my heart is still broken!]


[My cool Brother Song! I suddenly felt so bad!]


[Is Jian Songyi becoming an Omega affect his excellence? Can you guys stop this already? Aren’t you guys Omegas yourselves?]


[I still find it hard to accept. Is Jian Songyi really an Omega? How could he be an Omega?! The Omega who took the 3000’s championship? It was an Omega who beat up the iron bull and scolded him?!]


[Who the fuck can he beat and scold? I am an Alpha anyway; my pheromone pressure can kill him.]


[But that time on the basketball court, you guys really lost badly.]


[Yeah, at the time, he put your pheromones indiscriminately.]


[But haven’t Jian Songyi differentiated at the time?]


[Or is Jian Songyi not really an Omega, to begin with?]


[Does anyone dare to verify it?]


[No one dares.]


[Huang Fuyi, are you still here? If you are still here, come out and answer. When are you going to be in school?]

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[He definitely won’t dare. It would be too embarrassing to get Jian Songyi to beat him again.]


[I am Huang Fuyi. I am here. I’ve already gone to school as I am going to study later tonight.]




Today, at Nanwai, no one had finished their homework except for Bai Huai.


When Jian Songyi woke up, the evening self-study was over, and their classroom was crowded with people.


“What is this for?” He asked in surprise.


“It sure is crowded, huh?” Xu Jiaxing was a little envious: “When can I be watched like this?”


Jian Songyi suggested, “Maybe you can try streaking?”


Jian Songyi didn’t know why this group of people were here, but he was used to seeing big scenes. Thus, he didn’t pay attention to this group of big idiots. 


He calmly packed his school bag and walked out side by side with Bai Huai. 


Leaving school is the best protective umbrella. However, Huang Fuyi, who has already received the offer, confidently goes to school. He appeared at the door to block the classroom’s entryway without fear.


“Jian Songyi, I have something to ask you.”



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