Jian Songyi had just woken up and was still a little sheepish, but he still glanced over at Huan Fuyi. It made him a little scared.

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However, when he thought that there were hundreds of people behind him, and that Jian Songyi was still an Omega, he couldn’t do anything to himself, and he suddenly became more confident: “It’s just a friendly exchange between classmates.” 


Jian Songyi wanted to go home and sleep, so he was impatient: “Do you want to fight?” 


“…..” It was a bit direct, which made Huang Fuyi a little uncomfortable. But nonetheless, he really came to fight. 


He had lost face many times because of Jian Songyi before, but now he is not that anxious, knowing that he is an Omega. With that, maybe he can still find his place back.


Moreover, he chased Lin Yuanyuan for two years, but Lin Yuanyuan liked this Jian Songyi. And now, she still speaks to Jian Songyi with the id of “Ice Cream Xiaoyuanzi”. The more he thinks about it, the angrier he becomes, and the more he wants to regain face. 


So he boldly said: “Yes, do you dare?” 


Jian Songyi raised his eyebrows and glanced at him. He felt convinced because he had helped Lin Yuanyuan once, and this iron bull seized the opportunity and refused to let it go.


But it’s not difficult to understand. After all, a boy of this age has the greatest importance of face value, and it is most important to get his face back. Anyway, Huang Fuyi is always looking for a beating, playing dirty with Li Ting and Wang Hai. Compared with their dirty methods before, this actually looks a little silly. 


It’s just that he was unlucky because when it comes to loving face value, probably no one can compare to Jian Songyi. 


Jian Songyi raised his lips and smiled: “Okay, let’s fight here.” 


“Right here?” Huang Fuyi felt that it was not formal enough. 


Jian Songyi was really sleepy, making him more impatient: “If you don’t want to fight, get out of the way.” 


Huang Fuyi gave up after hearing this, and rushed over with a fist. 


He has a good physique, is fast, and is bigger than Jian Songyi. At this rush, the onlookers took in sharp breaths. 


Jian Songyi is now a fragile Omega! Zhuo Luo and Lin Yuanyuan rolled up their sleeves and planned to rush forward to protect their sister.


However, before they could completely roll up their sleeves, they saw that Huang Fuyi had already been kicked and stepped back, half squatting on the ground. 


Jian Songyi took back his long leg neatly: “I have been wearing these shoes since the first day, you are not at a loss.”


The crowd was stunned for a moment.


Still the familiar Jian Songyi. Nothing has changed.

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What about him being an Omega?


Jian Songyi had already beaten Huang Fuyi a lot of times already, and he is actually used to it. But this time is different. This time, Jian Songyi exposed himself to be an Omega. If he still could not beat him, then being an Alpha is useless.


As an Alpha, it’s supposed to be impossible to be beaten by an Omega, so Jian Songyi can’t be an Omega.


Huang Fuyi instinctively wanted to release pheromones to test him. But he held it back as he took the others present into account.


Jian Songyi looked at him and smiled lightly: “Do you want to use pheromones to pressure me? But afraid to cause trouble?”




“Do it. I won’t hold you accountable.” Jian Songyi said casually. “Just let the other Omegas stay away.” The other Omegas were very conscious, and upon hearing this, they retreated to a safe distance within the visual range. After all, Alpha’s repressive pheromones were too terrifying for Omegas. 


So they were even more suspicious of whether Jian Songyi was an Omega. If he was an Omega, how dare he make such a request? 


On the other hand, Jian Songyi and Bai Huai stood there calmly, without any extra expressions, as if they had just picked up a piece of garbage on the way home. 


This kind of sloppy arrogance and disdain made Huang Fuyi very unhappy. 


In a way, he really hopes that Jian Songyi is an Omega. As long as Jian Songyi is an Omega, then those old accounts can be turned out one by one to understand. 


He’s just an Omega, and he likes to pretend so much. He’s really asking for it.


No matter how badly he fights, he has to surrender to the instinct of pheromone restraint in his genes. 


Huang Fuyi stood up and sneered: “You said it yourself, don’t go back on it.” 


“Speak less, do more.”


Huang Fuyi was not polite at all and instantly released a powerful pheromone. The strong taste of whisky struck instantly, and some of the Omegas who had retreated more than a dozen meters had squatted down. 


The corner of Huang Fuyi’s mouth hung a wicked smile. 


As long as Jian Songyi is an Omega, it is impossible for him not to kneel at such a close distance! 


But then his smile gradually stiffened. 

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Why doesn’t he kneel? 


He has been releasing for a long time; why is he not responding at all? Jian Songyi is standing still and even yawning lazily? 


Huang Fuyi was not convinced, and he increased the concentration of his pheromones. 


There was still no response. 


Still no movement. 


If this continued, the surrounding Omegas would be in trouble. 


Lu Qifeng held Zhuo Luo in his arms to comfort him, and scolded Huangfu Yi sharply: “Enough is enough!” 


Huang Fuyi reluctantly put away his pheromone and looked at Jian Songyi: “You are not an Omega at all. Are you playing with us?” 


Jian Songyi was a little helpless: “I really am.” 


“Then how could you have no reaction at all?!” 


“What am I to do if you are too weak?”


Huang Fuyi was so embarrassed that he couldn’t get away with stealing chickens. “An Omega is laughing at a weak Alpha? I am dying out of laughter here, Jian Songyi. Do not pretend to be an Omega in order to avoid responsibility of what you have done in the Omega’s comfort room.”


Jian Songyi could only sigh as he shook his head. “I originally planned on keeping a low profile, but why are you so annoying? If I do not prove it, then this fiasco won’t be finished.” His tone sounded casual and meaningful. But as soon as his voice fell, the scent of wild roses instantly filled the entire corridor. Its growth was domineering and savagely strong that no one could ignore it.


Omega and Omega’s pheromones do not generate hostility like Alpha, nor do they suppress Alpha. 


It just stimulates Alpha’s instincts. 


That is to say, as long as Omega’s pheromone is strong enough and attractive enough, and Alpha’s self-control is not so good, the Alpha will passively fall into heat. 


All Alphas and Omegas smell the pheromone. 


It is not as sweet as an ordinary Omega, but it does have the taste of pheromone belonging to an Omega. 


For the Alpha, it’s extra alluring, addicting, as if they’re wanting to loot him. 

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Jian Songyi’s control is moderate, which is fine for those in the distance, but for Huang Fuyi, who is only a few steps away from him, the smell is too strong and domineering, causing him to suddenly feel a sense of urgency- the urge to possess. 


This is an instinctual impulse. 


However, before he could react instinctively, a cold and powerful pheromone instantly suppressed him. Like a sudden heavy snowfall, the scent of roses was instantly covered.


The possessiveness in Huang Fuyi’s body faded away, and there was only a sense of unwilling surrender after being suppressed. 


Fortunately, the heavy snow was fleeting, and everything soon returned to calm. 


Huang Fuyi squatted on the ground on one knee to prop himself up on the ground. He raised his head and looked towards the opposite side. 


The very attractive Omega was standing loosely, staring down at him in an arrogant manner while the Alpha standing behind him, indifferent and strong, did not move, as he is just silently proclaiming his sovereignty. 


It seemed that Huang Fuyi had nothing to do with anything as it was beyond his own power. 


Jian Songyi said lightly: “Do you believe it now? I’m an Omega.” 


Except for Betas, everyone smelled the pheromone, and it was impossible not to believe it.


But Huang Fuyi was still not reconciled: “How is it possible that Omega is not affected by Alpha pheromone? That you can still beat an Alpha?!” 


“I’ve already said it. Blame me that I am so powerful that you can’t imagine the fact that I am as perfect as me. I am an Omega. If you don’t believe me, then what can I do? Besides, I’ve already mentioned this, but I can do all of these things because I am Jian Songyi. It had nothing to do with whether I was an Alpha or not. If you were not listening, then what else can I do?”




Everyone was silent.


Yes, it is a fact. He is an Omega.


It is also true that this Omega crusheed an Alpha.


What Jian Songyi said is also true.


The casualness and understatement of the parties make their fussing especially clumsy and embarrassing. 


However, they don’t know that the understatement at this moment is how many nights of pain, sweat, and self-struggle have been exchanged. 

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They just don’t understand how there can be such an Omega. This is unscientific. Is it true that God treats Jian Songyi preferentially? 


And Jian Songyi saw that everyone finally stopped making trouble, so he said lazily: “Okay, let’s go. This is the end of the matter. There is so much trouble every day. I don’t know, I think you can all take the first grade exam, leisurely…” 


After speaking, he looked at the two trembling gossip little Omegas in the crowd. With a sullen tone, he told them: “I don’t care about you. I could only pity you both.”


Pity them, not because of their weakness. It’s because they take the weak as a matter of course capital. 


Some people understand this, some people don’t. 


But none of these matters to Jian Songyi. He just wants to go home and sleep with Bai Huai.


The two of them held hands and walked out of sight slowly, ignoring the crowd standing there dumbfounded.


Jian Songyi felt that this wave of pretending was successful tonight. He hadn’t been pretending for a long time, and he felt a little more comfortable. He just walked out of the teaching building and wanted to ask his boyfriend for praise, but was suddenly dragged by his wrist and led into the small woods next to the building. He was gently pushed against the tree. 


Bai Huai looked down at him with his eyes half-squinted before raising his lips: “You dare let other Alphas smell your pheromones?” 


Jian Songyi has a clear conscience: “I just pretended to be a coward, I didn’t seduce them. It was a serious pheromone.” 


“But I didn’t smell anything serious at all.” 


“That’s because you’re not serious. What’s the matter with you?” 


Bai Huai looked at him. His eyes did not look good, and he was obviously a little unhappy. 


Bai Huai was rarely upset, and even if he was upset, he wouldn’t say it. 


 Jian Songyi looked at him, and suddenly thought of something. He then smiled and grabbed Bai Huai’s collar: “Why is my boyfriend so stingy? Is he jealous?” 


Bai Huai didn’t deny it: “Well, I remember saying that I’m stingy.” 


Jian Songyi stared at the two thin lips in front of him as he smiled playfully: “Then what am I going to do?” 


“Coax me.”




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