Chapter 80 – Test Scores Determine Family Status

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Jian Songyi felt that something was not right. 


It’s okay for Bai Huai to bite him. After being bitten, Bai Huai has to pick him up from the bed with a sore back and do two sets of language readings, pressing him to analyze all the points one by one before he can sleep.


There’s probably no high school student and gold master winner who works harder like him in this world. 


Jian Songyi suddenly felt that Peng Minghong was right. Puppy love consumes time and would probably take up his health.


However, love is love while learning is learning.


Bai Huai and Bai Han’s bet is still on. This is a long-term war between father and son, and Bai Huai will not allow himself to have any losses.


As for Jian Songyi, although he has obtained the qualification for walking in any college he wishes for, the number of walking has not yet been submitted for trial, and everything has not yet been decided. The key is that he still likes to pretend. 


And for a person who pretends to be forceful, his grades must be good. 


Therefore, although the two of them were bored every day and studied seriously, they did not fall behind. 


And it seems to be to prove to others that he and Bai Huai are a match made in heaven. And that they will only get better when they’re together. It is also to prevent other people from gossiping behind their backs. 


Jian Songyi gets up and goes to morning self-study with Bai Huai. 


He is not late as he leaves early. In fact, Jian Songyi doesn’t sleep in class anymore. He doesn’t fight and pretends to be a good student.


Every day, he obediently goes to school on time with Bai Huai in a couple’s outfit. Except for occasionally arguing with Bai Huai about asking for five more minutes before getting up, he is actually very honest and diligent with his new body clock. 


It was a rare peace of mind, and all the teachers were very relieved. For this blatant lowkey love, they turned a blind eye and passed like it’s not against the rules. 

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Others saw that even Jian Songyi, who likes to cause trouble, is handsome, has a good family background, has the qualifications to walk into any college, and has a perfect boyfriend, all began to indulge in learning and felt that they were really unqualified to fall, so they all calmed down to prepare for the final exam.


Nanwai has finally returned to a rare normal, and the intelligence level of the teachers and students has finally returned to what it should be like in a key high school. 


And the first fine snow in Nancheng in 2020 also arrived quietly at the end of January. 


The snow in the northern city came violently and wildly, and the huge snowflakes were mixed with the dry and cold wind, which caught people by surprise. On the other hand, the snow in the southern city was moist and warm. It falls silently at night, making it seem to be undetectable even. 


Only when Jian Songyi got up the next day did he find that there was a thin layer of snow hanging on the bare sycamore branches. In fact, the evergreen holly grass by the roadside was also stained with white. 


Even with this kind of snow, a lady like Mrs. Tang, who wants to sleep in for her beauty sleep, doesn’t really care about this so much. But for cheap high school students, they’re sure to struggle every morning just by going to school. 


Jian Songyi leaned back on his chair and looked out the window, only to see that the window on the second floor of the red brick building opposite was still lit with dim light. It reflects the fine falling snow one after another. In some way, it gave him peace of mind.


The light and the snow are so gentle. On the other side of the snow, the person on the other side of the light should also be looking very gentle. 


If Jian Songyi was still a child, he would be lying on the window sill by now, shouting to the opposite side: “Brother Huai, brother Huai, it’s snowing! You can build a snowman!” 


Little Songyi would be so excited that the whole community could hear him. 


But whenever it snows in Nancheng, and they try to build their snowman, both Jian Songyi and Bai Huai would get their clothes wet. As a result, their parents would bring them back indoors to beat their buttocks. 


The snowman has always been a regret of their childhood.


So seeing the snow falling, Jian Songyi suddenly thought of Bai Huai. 


Although it has only been four or five hours since they last saw each other, he still thinks about him and misses him. 

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He picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to the creditor: [Have you finished brushing today’s comprehensive paper?] 


Creditor: [Finished it.] 


Little Squirrel: [It’s snowing.]


Creditor: [Do you want to build a snowman again?] 


Little Squirrel: [Go away.] 


Creditor: [Take the mock test tomorrow. If you pass the test, Brother Huai will build a snowman for you.] 


Little Squirrel: [Who is the one taking advantage of it? You still want to be my brother?] 


Creditor: [I don’t want to be your brother, I want to be your husband.] 


Little Squirrel: [We are serious high school students now. We are in the cultivation stage, don’t be greedy for me.]


Creditor: Then Aunt Liu made pear soup today to warm my body. Would you like to come over and have it?]


Little Squirrel: [No, I’m brushing my teeth.] 


Creditor: [I have a magnetic field problem that I could not solve smoothly.] 


This set again.


Jian Songyi took out his coat and put it on. He opened the door of his room and walked down while sending Bai Huai a message: [You are not doing well; why is that my business?] 

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Bai Huai smiled, and without replying, he quietly waited for the door of his room to be opened. 


Sure enough, Jian Songyi, who was wrapped in the smell of wind and snow walked in. As soon as the door was closed, he slid into Bai Huai’s arms and sat on his lap. 


He glanced at the paper on the table. Without saying a word, he picked up the pen and began to draw talismans. Then he put down the pen, rubbed his hands together, and raised his eyebrows shyly: “Understood?” 


“Understood.” Bai Huai circled with one hand before letting his other hand rest on top of Jian Songyi’s


The frostbite Beicheng caused hasn’t completely gone away, and Bai Huai is distressed. He wants to cover Jian Songyi every day for fear that the root cannot be cured, and it will grow every year in the future. 


But Jian Songyi didn’t take it to heart at all. He simply glanced at the other questions, immediately took out his hand, picked up the pen, and continued to scribble down the paper. “Why are you so stupid? This problem-solving method is too cumbersome. You just do it like this and then this; isn’t it enough?” 


“We don’t have steps like that.” 


“Fuck, every time.”


“That’s because Shi Ping doesn’t care about you. The unified scoring will definitely deduct points if you don’t follow the proper steps in solving these equations points. You could just use your stupid method to ensure your answer. Anyway, it is not too late to-“ 


“Forget it, I won’t tell you about it anymore. You and other mortals are not worthy of being compared with us geniuses. ” 


Jian Songyi is really smart but is also really lazy. 


While Bai Huai is a person who is used to being cautious and meticulous. 


“Be good and obedient. If you don’t write the steps well, how will I give you the number one spot in the city?” 


“Dad, I won’t miss the steps.” 

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A quick and yet deep kiss.


“Are you going to be bad?” 


“Not bad… uh…” 


“I said, are you going to be bad?” 


“Not bad… uh… I’ll go to you… uh…” 


“Jian Songyi, are you going to be bad?”


In the end, Jian Songyi was taken. The kiss was so soft that he wanted to run, but Bai Huai pressed him down by his thighs that he could not run away. So he could only reluctantly say, “I won’t! I won’t be bad, okay?” 


“Will you write down the steps honestly? ” 


“I will! I will write it all down! Will that be alright?”


“Okay, I will reward you with another kiss.” 


“Bai Huai, you fuck…uh…” 




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