Jian Songyi was kissed a few more times, and he felt the warm sizzling feeling again and again. Feeling soft and drowsy, he can only hum when the pure male high school student suddenly wants to fulfill his obligations as a student. Out of context, that pure male high school student sent him out of his room while wrapped in a coat. 

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The statusless gold master father, who felt very tempted, was now ruthlessly rejected that he couldn’t believe it: “You’re going to drive me away?!” 


“Because of the exam tomorrow, you should go back to bed early. Go downstairs to sip some soup and then go back home.” 


“I won’t eat it!” 


“It’s snowing. It’s wet and cold. If you don’t take in something hot, your frostbite will itch again.”


“I won’t eat it.” 




“I said, I won’t take it!”


“My grandfather is here.” 




Facts have proved that although the relationship between the two has always seemed to be what Jian Songyi says is what will transpire. In the end, resistance is ineffective. 


Jian Songyi had the pear soup poured into a bowl just for him to warm his stomach up. He silently eats before forcedly being sent back home. 


Wrapped in the quilt, he lay on the bed feeling extremely annoyed.


Since their birthdays, the two have been addicted to studying and have lived a very abstinent life. Even their own combination fever was directly dealt with by three inhibitors, which did not stir up any storms. 


Now, on the eve of the exam, in the last darkness before dawn, Bai Huai didn’t want to have a carnival with him, which was really annoying. 


Sure enough, in Bai Huai’s heart, the physics ball is cuter. 


Jian Songyi completely forgot about Bai Huai’s educational warning tonight, and turned off his lights, and went to bed with only anger and jealousy. 


On the other side, Bai Huai saw the light in Jian Songyi’s room dim down. Knowing that someone was asleep, he turned off the chandelier, closed the curtains, turned on the dim lamp on his desk, and continued to write the question with his head down. 


He always had to work harder to ensure that everything was foolproof, and he could give Jian Songyi the best. 


The snow falls silently on a winter night. 


Jian Songyi sleeps soundly because the air belongs to Bai Huai, the smell of snow. 

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Bai Huai felt sorry for Jian Songyi because he was tired of studying. So before the exam, he was reluctant to make trouble with him, so he kissed him a few times for the lesson that night. 


But he didn’t expect that Jian Songyi would forget what he told him after teaching the lesson.


Nonetheless, on the day the test results came out, the language papers were the first to be handed out.


Yang Yue took his. His paper got a 131 mark, so he returned back happily. 


Bai Huai, 137. 


Not so beautiful. 


He was about to take a look at Jian Songyi’s paper to find a psychological balance, but was stunned on the spot. 


He rubbed his eyes. 


Took another look. 


And he was even more stunned. 


After not reacting for a while, someone screamed, “Brother Song!!! You actually passed and got 138 in the Chinese test!!!” 


It is said that this time the city’s highest language score is 138. There were three who had gotten the highest in Nanwai, but they did not expect that Jian Songyi would get the 138 score.


Was it that easy?! 


For the man whose sensibility was dead. 


The man who pissed off Lao Bai to the point of making him look middle-aged and bald. 


The man who almost pulled Lu Xun out of the coffin. 


He actually took the language test first?! 


More than the former liberal arts tycoon, Bai Huai?! 


The audience was shocked. 


Jian Song tilted his chair proudly and pointed his fingers lazily at the table: “See? A Genius is a genius because there is only the first place I don’t want to get, and there is no first place that I can’t get.” He raised his eyebrows: “Yes, children are very honest.” 

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Before Bai Huai could react, Xu Jiaxing suddenly ejected from the spot ecstatically: “Yang Yue, Yu Ziguo, ten packs of spicy sticks per person, if you’re willing to admit defeat! ” 


Yu Ziguo hugged his spicy noodles in heartache: “Impossible! I can’t be wrong with my fortune-telling! This is just one result, why are you in a hurry?!”


Xu Jiaxing grabbed Yang Yue’s spicy tiao first, and said while snatching it, “Is there a need to wait for the other subjects? As long as my Brother Song wins in Chinese, for the other subjects, Master Bai will at most have a tie with him. So let’s hand over the spicy sticks honestly. After receiving yours, I have to go to Class 2 and 6 to collect Lu Qifeng and Zhuo Luo. Forty packs of spicy sticks are enough for me to eat for the Chinese New Year.” 


Although Xu Jiaxing’s tone was very awkward, it was the truth indeed. 


Yu Ziguo looked at the spicy strips and was so distressed that he was about to cry. 


Jian Songyi won the first Chinese test for the first time and also beat Bai Huai. The first grade was also in the bag, so he was in a good mood. 


He didn’t care about the gathering of these people to gamble. He waved his hand generously: “Okay, don’t mourn. This is a happy event. I’ll go to the canteen to buy you twenty packs later. ” 


But Yu Ziguo is still very sad. 


Since Jian Songyi revealed his identity as an Omega, Jianghu people gave him a nickname called Yu Banxian. 


This time he vowed that Bai Huai would be the first in the grade, and the signboard could not be smashed. 


He humbly waited for the test papers for the other subjects.


The English test papers are issued. 


The two scores are the same, 146. 


The math papers are issued. 


The two scores are the same, 150.


That is to say, Bai Huai can get first place in the grade only if the reasoning score exceeds Jian Songyi. 


If the total score surpasses Jian Songyi, which has never happened in the history of Nanwai in the past two years. Yu Ziguo wiped away his tears and began to count the spicy strips. 


In order to maintain a mysterious sense of ritual, Jian Songyi and Bai Huai’s comprehensive papers were all reversed. Yes , there is no immediate announcement. 


But Jian Songyi doesn’t think there is anything to be mysterious about, because he has answered the answer. All of them are correct, and the full score is correct. 


Can Bai Huai get 301 points on the test again? It doesn’t exist.

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This time, he was finally on top of Bai Huai. 


With a very handsome gesture, Jian Songyi turned the paper over. 


Then he saw three bright red numbers, 298. 




It is not a perfect score?!




He can make sure he gets all the answers right this time! 


Otherwise, why would he have won the first prize in the national physics competition?! 


Jian Songyi felt that this 298 was very eye-catching, and angrily turned over the paper to have a look. 


Two points were deducted for the last big question in physics. 


The answer is correct. 


‘Simple algorithm.’


‘Steps are gone.’




Jian Songyi looked at Bai Huai angrily: “Crow’s Mouth!” 


Bai Huai slowly folded his papers: “If you don’t listen to your brother, you will be the one to suffer in the end.” 


“The teachers in the city are really not good at correcting papers!” 


“Well, unfortunately, they also changed the college entrance examination questions.” 




Jian Songyi knew that he was wrong and didn’t listen to Bai Huai’s words. 

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Righteously, there was a loud shout from outside the classroom: “The honor roll is out!” 


Yu Ziguo immediately ran out with his spicy sticks in his arms, and then came a scream. 


The scream sounded a little joyful. 


Jian Songyi looked at Bai Huai suspiciously: “Do you mean what you said?” 


Bai Huai nodded calmly: “I mean what I said.”


If what he said counts, then Jian Songyi is still ranked 1.


Jian Songyi let out a sigh of relief, and his little chest suddenly stood up proudly. 


Hmph, even if the step points are deducted. What if the step points are deducted? He is still the first in his grade. He crushed them in all aspects. 


This is the advantage of being a genius. 


That’s how he sucks. 


Jian Songyi didn’t know how to be forgiving at all, so he picked Bai Huai’s chin very badly: “Children, in the future, the test results will determine the family status. Is there any problem?”


His boyfriend is really a vengeful person. 


So Bai Huai was very obedient: “No problem.” 


Jian Songyi realized that he could finally stand upright on Bai Huai. He felt refreshed. He got up lazily and walked out of the classroom in a happy way, ready to appreciate his prosperous beauty on the honor roll. 


 Then he looked at the handsome photo on the Honor Roll from a distance and fell silent. 


After a while, he turned around angrily, pointed at the beast in the hood with gold-rimmed glasses in the photo and fried his hair on the spot. 


“Bai Huai! You are a big liar! You have one more point than me!”




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