Chapter 81- Happy New Year

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Fraud! Big Liar! 


Jian Songyi walked back to his seat angrily. He slapped Bai Huai’s table, wishing he could smash the paper with “300” written on it.


“What about the first grade in the final exam?!” His tone was much more fierce than when he was robbed of the top spot for the first time.


Bai Huai saw that Jian Songyi was really unhappy the first time he robbed him off of the first spot in their grade. But now, he was simply bombarded.


After all, it’s absolutely impossible for a person like Jian Songyi to really ask others to let him have it, so now it’s just a peculiar way of acting like an irascible squirrel, and it’s just a matter of coaxing him every day. 


Bai Huai had even seen the big fluffy tail behind Jian Songyi. It looked so fluffy that he found it very cute. 


He was so cute that Bai Huai could not help but tilt his head and smile softly at Jian Songyi: “What’s wrong? I’m the first in the grade, here it is.” 


Then he put his hands into his coat pocket: “Look, it’s already in your pocket.” 




Three seconds later, Jian Songyi’s face blushed. His tone became extremely loud after, “You bastard! You’re playing word games with me! Who the hell said that this grade is the first?”

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Bai Huai still squinted his eyes and smiled. He asked slowly, “Then you don’t want me to be the first in my grade?” 


Although Jian Songyi was arrogant, he set a bottom line for himself. Even if he was angry and impulsive, he would never say anything like breaking up. So when Bai Huai asked this question, he was at a loss for words for a while. After holding it for a long time, he could only say one statement: “Don’t be a fart! Get out of the way! I want to sleep!” 


He sits in a chair and buries his head to sleep. 


Bai Huai pinched the ends of his red red ears, and couldn’t help laughing: “Since I want it, then I’ll just say what I have to say?” 


“Fuck off!”


“So I am really out of here?” 


“Come back to me!” 


“I am coming~” 




The melon eaters who thought they could watch the live broadcast of domestic violence suddenly felt that the melon in their hands was not fragrant. 

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It became full of dog food. They ought to spit it out!


They express their deep disdain for the behavior of the first and second graders who are fighting for life and death, but actually madly throwing dog food around! 


Say, isn’t Bai Huai cold? Has facial paralysis? Talk less? Has abstinence towards socializing?


When in reality, he is a fucking scumbag! 


But fortunately, their Brother Song is still very strong, and he ignored that scumbag Bai Huai all day. This kind of flirtatious cold war has made them feel a little more balanced. 


At first, Jian Songyi was angry with Bai Huai, that scheming dog. Later, he simply felt that it was too embarrassing for Bai Huai to behave himself like that in front of so many people in their class. 


It really damaged his majestic image as the school bully. 


So in order to maintain his personality, he didn’t bother Bai Huai until after school in the afternoon. 


No matter how Bai Huai coaxed him or teased him, he kept his mouth shut and his face cold, as if he was going to carry this flirtatious cold war to the end. 


So Bai Huai didn’t bother him anymore. He just helped him get hot water, recorded his homework, covered him with a blanket, and was very gentle and meticulous. 

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Everyone looked at him coldly and felt that Brother Song had higher family status. Look at how sincere and well-behaved Mr. Bai’s attitude toward admitting he was. 


Brother Song is worthy of being Brother Song. In fact, he can manage such a top-level Alpha and Gao Lingzhi as Bai Huai so obediently! It is simply a master of art! The pride of Omega!


What they didn’t know, however, was that their Omega pride was finally carried home by the docile Alpha.


When he got out of the car, Bai Huai put his hands around Jian Songyi and moved to the gate of Bai’s house. Jian Songyi made a stinky face and struggled symbolically a few times, but found that it was useless, so he simply stopped struggling. 


Not only did he not struggle, but when the door closed, he even had some expectations in his heart. 


After all, the pure male high school student only uses those methods to coax his goldmaster father. 


He can first look at Bai Huai’s performance today, and then decide whether to forcefully forgive him. 


Jian Songyi was very proud in his heart. 


But after the next second, Bai Huai pressed him over the front of his desk while giving him a pen in his hand. 


Jian Songyi: ? 

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The script went a little wrong. 


The gold master, who thought that he could finally end his abstinence after the winter vacation, was stunned. 


However, Bai Huai took out a notebook on his own, unfolded it again, and said seriously: “Write down the steps that you didn’t write in the exam fifty times until you remember it.”  




Jian Songyi, who forgot to be angry, suddenly became terrified. He stood up directly to push Bai Huai down and put him on the bed. Jian Songyi hovered over before straddling him. This scheming dog compromised him just to fucking ask him to write the steps? What does he mean?! Why is he still thinking about it?!


Jian Songyi was really annoyed at this moment. 


On the other hand, Bai Huai didn’t really want to punish him. He just wanted to tease him. Seeing that the squirrel’s tail explode again, he couldn’t help laughing: “Are you willing to speak now?” 


Jian Songyi closed his mouth and continued to use violence silently.     


Bai Huai grabbed his wrist: “Tell me why I’m being a scheming dog?” 




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