“I agreed for you to bite me in exchange that you give me the top spot, but it ended up being a trap for me?”

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Bai Huai’s face did not change expression: “Why did I set you up?” Tell me, if you write the steps this time, will the first place in the grade be yours? “


After a pause, he added, “But if you didn’t write the steps, the first grade is yours still. So no matter what, the top spot is yours. In this way, I am indeed a man of my word. ” 


Jian Songyi had never seen such a shameless person. He wanted to beat him. But unfortunately, Bai Huai was quick to grab him by his hands. As a result, he was unable to give Bai Huai a good beating. He could only move around and against him as he tried to crush him to death: “What a fart! You’re a big trash! And you said that you like me? To like me is to set me up all day long? Your science ensemble even actually got a full score? So what is it now? Do you just like to study and don’t like me now at all? Are you in a relationship with me or your ensemble notes? You are with me just for my comprehensive notes!”


Jian Songyi was angry as he spat with fire, but Bai Huai was moved instead of getting offended. So he turned over and pressed Jian Songyi down to bite his earlobe. Bai Huai then followed by saying in a low voice: “I study hard because I like you.” 


His position was suddenly wrong. He thought that he was being pressured in the exam and being pressured on the bed, so he became unreasonable: “You have to win over me because you like me? Upon seeing me angry right now, are you happy?” 


Bai Huai kissed him all over his red face and earlobes before explaining softly: “I don’t want to win over you, but I am a bit self-righteous sometimes. I always feel that I have to be better than you, so that I can give you better.” 


Jian Songyi, who was peppered with kisses softened. “I don’t want you to give me anything…” 


“But I want to. You have not been short of anything since you were a child. If I want your parents to give you to me, I will definitely have to give you everything I got. I have to work harder. Otherwise, how can I give you the best?” 


Jian Songyi softened again as he grabbed Bai Huai who didn’t move. 


Bai Huai coaxed him warmly and started to move his hands: “And besides, as long as I have it, I will give it to you; It’s all yours, so I am not robbing you of anything. So don’t be mad at me, okay? ” 


“I’m not angry… I’m not angry… You are not allowed to move!” 


“How can I prove to you that the first place in our grade is yours? From the beginning to the end, from inside and out, it’s all yours?” 


“Bai Huai, be ashamed! This is daytime prostitution!” 


“No one is at home.” 

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“It’s winter vacation, so you don’t have to get up early tomorrow.” 




Jian Songyi buried his head in Bai Huai’s neck. The urn sounded angrily, “Then I want to be on top.” 


Bai Huai’s throat overflowed with a low laugh: “Okay. You are going to be above me.”


The fine snow fell one after another, gentle and strong. While the rose swayed his waist on the snow. The heavy snow almost smashed him several times. When in the end, he could not bear it anymore, he also scattered all over the place.


There was only the low breath of the wind and snow in the air. 


After a long snow, it finally calmed down. 


It was night outside the window. 


The rose softened into a pool of mud again. After being served, he took a shower and changed into his pajamas. He was wrapped in a quilt and slumped on the bed. 


After a lapse of a month, Jian Songyi finally enjoyed the treatment that the gold master should have once again and felt refreshed and comfortable. 


As expected of his little lover, who provides coffee, cake, a jacket, and sneakers daily, his face and skills are top-notch. 


It’s just that he feels a little empty after he finishes. Plus, Bai Huai hasn’t slept much recently and the weather is cold. Thus, he falls asleep as soon as he shrinks into his bed. 


However, on the bedside table, Bai Huai’s cell phone kept ringing “ding dong ding dong”. 

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The sound was so annoying that Jian Songyi decided to turn off the phone directly. 


When he took the phone, Jian Songyi accidentally saw the message on the screen.


Ice Cream Xiaoyuanzi: [Sister! I’m furious! Bai Huai takes the number 1 spot in our grade again! I’m pissed! I’m pissed! ! ! ] 




Jian Songyi was stunned. He rechecked the phone and found that it was indeed Bai Huai’s phone, so he was even more stunned. 


Sister? What sister? Could it be that Bai Huai secretly became an Omega behind his back?! 


And what’s going on with this ice cream dumpling? Sending a message to Bai Huai to scold Bai Huai?? 


This must be an error or a fraud. 


Before he could think about it, the next message came again.


Ice Cream Xiaoyuanzi: [Jian Songyi has been ranked first twice this semester, him and Bai Huai tied twice, and now this. He must be really pissed off. His relationship with Bai Huai must’ve influenced his study! It is really the biggest obstacle on our way as his fans!]


Jian Songyi is stunned again. It turns out that Bai Huai is chasing him in this kind of manner too. Is this really for real?! 


Before he could wake up Bai Huai, another piece of news came as soon. 


Ice Cream Xiaoyuanzi: [Forget it; let’s not talk about this. Sister, can you give me the contact information of the flower shop that you ordered roses from for the cubs at the last art festival? I smelled that Jian Songyi’s pheromone smelled like roses that day, so the support club wanted to order a bunch of similar ones and give it to him as an encouragement. I hope it can motivate him to get the top spot back in our grade.]


    Art Festival? Roses? Fan club? 

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    ? ? ? 


    ! ! ! 


    B.S.? ! 


That B.S. that Bai Huai pretended to be jealous of that he had to coax him for is himself?!


Jian Songyi is not confused now. 


He straight up got up from the bed and started looking for a knife. 


The knife has not yet been found, but Bai Huai’s phone followed through another ‘ding dong’.


Jian Songyi looked down at the screen. 


This time, the sender was replaced. 


Aunt: [Xiaohuai, I transferred 200,000 yuan to your card. It will be Chinese New Year soon. You should buy Xiaoyi some gifts and take him to eat something delicious.]


Aunt: [Did something happen to you recently? You were supposed to be going to Beicheng last Christmas. Didn’t I transfer you 80,000 yuan? I also heard from Aunt Tang that you and Xiaoyi had bought various couple outfits out of carelessness. Is that where you used the money for?]


Aunt: [Anyways, when you run out of money, just ask your aunt for it. Boys should be generous when they fall in love and be willing to spend money. Xiaoyi has been raised to be squeamish since childhood, you can’t wrong him.]



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Bai Huai has been receiving allowance when all along he thought that he has to raise Bai Huai on his own because he puts him into a situation wherein his father won’t give him financial support anymore.


Jian Songyi was so annoyed that his tail exploded into a nine-tailed squirrel. 


However, before he could even catch his breath, the phone “ding dong” mercilessly yet again. 


Jian Songyi looked down in despair, and sure enough, there was nothing good about it. 


It was from a different sender again. 


Lu Qifeng: [Bai Huai, can I use the birthday present you gave me before? Well, I did help you deceive Jian Songyi, didn’t I? That 20,000 yuan is my matchmaking money.] 






Jian Songyi found the knife. 


He felt that Bai Huai’s mobile phone was really a treasure.


Buried in it are 10,000 legitimate reasons for him to murder his husband.




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