Chapter 82- I Will Kill All The Dogs In The World

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Jian Songyi found a Qinglong Yanyue Sword in the corner of the room, which was a one-to-one product around the Three Kingdoms. When he got closer, he realized that it was two heads taller than him. 


The workmanship is also very refined. 


Magnificent and very solemn-looking, very realistic. 


At a glance, it looks like a good sword with a high price. 


It would be a pity not to use such a good knife to cut Bai Huai. 


Jian Songyi pulled the corners of her lips, sneered, and stretched out his hand to hold the sword by exerting his arms.


He prepared to carry the sword in one hand and go out handsomely to kill that scumbag man. 


But then, it didn’t move. 




Jian Songyi took a deep breath and tried tugging it again.



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Crap, which shops around here made this? Why would they make a sword weighing more than 80 pounds?!


Why don’t they just all die?!


For the time being, Jian Songyi was not able to pick up the two-meter-long sword with one hand very handsomely. With that, he kicked the sword holder and sat back on the bed angrily. 


He suddenly calmed down a bit. 


In fact, it wasn’t that he couldn’t pick up the sword, but Jian Songyi remembered what he had said. He said that he would consider Bai Huai’s feelings more in the future. So it’s definitely not because he doesn’t want to kill Bai Huai anymore, but because he had decided that he needed to analyze it rationally and think about it from a different perspective. 


First of all, people have a reason and a purpose for doing things, so there must be a reason behind Bai Huai’s scheming. 


For example, the reason why he wants to mix into his support club and be a sister may be to support him silently. He sends roses to him under the name of B.S., perhaps for the sake of silently supporting Jian Songyi. 


But he pretended to be jealous of that BS, tricked himself into running to his room in the middle of the night to coax him, and then he held him down for a whole night, why?


And then, he is obviously rich still, but Bai Huai still pretends to be cut off for love and has been out of financial resources in front of him, so that he feels guilty and has to support him with a gold purse. What is that for? 


On top of that, in Beicheng, he colluded with that old bastard Lu Qi Feng and let him betray him for 20,000 yuan. What is that for as well? 


Using his second-best mind in the city, Jian Songyi thought about it and came up with the same answer to the three questions. 

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To sleep with him.


So that he’d be good.


So that he’d be very good.


For another good reason, he second-guessed.


Jian Songyi stood up slowly, straightened his clothes, and moved his wrists in a circular motion. 


Then he got angry in his dantian. Jian Songyi could not help but roar angrily. He managed to pick up the Qinglong Yanyue Sword and rushed out the door. 


Fuck all their troubles!


He is a piece of garbage for an Alpha!


One day, Jian Songyi promised that he would kill all the dogs all over the world with the surname Bai with his sword.


He rushed to the door, but it suddenly squeaked open.


Bai Huai stood outside the door, looked at him, and was stunned. 

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When Jian Songyi suddenly saw Bai Huai, he was stunned for a moment. 


After being stunned for a second, he immediately raised the big sword and shouted angrily: “Bai Huai, if I don’t hack you to death today, I don’t deserve to be called Jian Songyi!”


Bai Huai’s first reaction was to check if Jian Songyi did not hurt himself. The second reaction was that he decided that there would not be any decorations in their house from the Journey to the West in the Water margin of the three Kingdoms in the future. A Dream of Red Mansions could be considered, though. The third reaction was to question why Jian Songyi suddenly wanted to perform domestic violence again.


As far as his reaction sequence was concerned, Jian Songyi failed to kill Bai Huai today. All because his sword was too long compared to the door. As a result, it got stuck in the doorframe.  


Jian Songyi tried to tug it several times, but failed to cut the sword out of it. 


Eventually. Bai Huai reacted and quickly pressed the sword’s handle with one hand and wrapped his arms around Jian Songyi’s waist with the other: “What’s wrong?”


Jian Songyi held the 80-pound sword in both hands. He really didn’t have the strength to fight with him, so he could only let him hug him and then gnash his teeth: “You have no clue about the things you have done yourself?!” 


Bai Huai was silent for a while. 


He has a lot that comes into his mind, but he has done a lot of bad things, and he is not sure which account Jian Songyi wants to settle with him. 


Jian Songyi sneered: “If you are honest with yourself today, I will spare your life and will only inflict a serious disability on you.” 



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“Don’t wor. Ifif you are disabled, I will support you for the rest of your life.” 


Bai Huai felt that he had to impose now that he is the Alpha in this relationship while Jian Songyi is the Omega. Otherwise, this love may have to be discussed for three generations. And each time, his life ends because of Jian Songyi’s beatings. 


So Bai Huai tentatively asked: “Would you like to give me a hint?” 


“Oh, a hint? Okay, I’ll give you a hint: The vice president of the support club; Is the Starbucks I order for you every day good? For Lu Qi Feng’s birthday present, Is 20,000 yuan enough?” 


After saying this, Jian Songyi freed up one of his hands as he wanted to throw Bai Huai’s cell phone at him. 


Because of this, the sword in his hand wobbled as he couldn’t carry the weight of the sword with one hand. The two-meter-tall big sword led him to lean back. Seeing that he was about to be planted with the sword, Bai Huai quickly supported the sword with one hand and hugged Jian Songyi with the other. As Jian Songyi tried to move back, Jian Songyi lost his focus and instinctively wrapped his arms around Bai Huai’s neck. 


Without saying a word, Bai Huai changed the direction of the sword to throw it out of the door. Bai Huai then eventually closed the door and sat down on the sofa with Jian Songyi in his arms. 


By the time Jian Songyi relaxed, he had realized that his sword was gone, and Bai Huai had already looked down at the mobile phone in his possession.


At this point, everything becomes clear. 




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