Chapter 83- Jian Songyi, You Are My World

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Jian Songyi has a bad feeling. 


Sure enough, his feeling was accurate. 


Bai Huai rubbed his head and said slowly, “After the winter vacation, I’m leaving.” 


Jian Songyi, who was still alive and noisy just now, dimmed in an instant. 


He lowered his head, pursed his lips, and said nothing. 


Bai Huai watched the little squirrel’s tail droop, making him feel a little distressed and guilty: “My household registration is in Beicheng. I haven’t transferred it back here, so I have to go back to prepare for the college entrance examination. And with Bai  Han’s character, as you know, there would be a lot of things that would come my way. I wanted to tell you earlier, but I was afraid that you would be upset you.” 


Jian Songyi lowered his head and said dully: “I am not blaming you for this. I know it’s not your fault.” 


“Blame me, I shouldn’t have left at that time.” Bai Huai said lightly, “I regret that I didn’t start being unreasonable sooner just so I can get you. I should’ve acted like an animal and eaten you earlier.” 


Usually, if Bai Huai said something like this, Jian Songyi would instantly try to give him a beating. But this time, Jian Songyi just lowered his head, made a muffled sound, and didn’t move at all. 


He is really unhappy.


Bai Huai sighed and hugged Jian Songyi a little tighter: “It’s me, you bastard, hit me up. I won’t fight back. Don’t be sulky and make yourself mad.” 


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Jian Song buried his head in Bai Huai’s neck. Against it, he whispered, “I’m not angry. I just thought that you wanted to stay alone in Beicheng again, and I felt sad. How lonely.” 


Bai Huai suddenly twitched. 


He thought of 10,000 ways to coax Jian Songyi, but he didn’t think that Jian Songyi was just worried that he would be lonely alone. 


His boyfriend’s temper is a little bit bad, his behavior is a little bit violent, but why is he so soft-hearted? 


So soft that he can’t do anything about him. 


Bai Huai could only comfort him in a soft voice: “I won’t be lonely. As long as you talk to me every day. I’m going to leave at the end of February and the college entrance examination will take place in June. It will only take more than three months.”


“It’s going to be more than three months.” Jian Songyi’s voice was still a little wobbly. 


Bai Huai lifted his chin and gave him a kiss: “Besides, we can get bored if we are with each other every day for the rest of the winter vacation.” 


Upon hearing the word “winter vacation”, Jian Song thought of something and whispered with red ears: “Why don’t we just take that one during the winter vacation? Let’s use the couple’s travel package. My heat would be scheduled perfectly in the middle. You can fully mark me by then.” 


The more Jian Songyi said it,  the quieter his voice became and the redder his ears were. 


Bai Huai laughed dumbly: “Are you an idiot, do you think I’m going to be willing to do that to you?” 


Jian Songyi blushed: “I’m not too young.” 

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“Regardless of whether you are young or not, do you know what it means to be completely marked? It means that in the future as long as you are hot, you will want me. Even if you fight with the inhibitor, you will still want me. Do you understand? You tell me how am I going to be willing to completely mark you before leaving?” 


“But after completely marking me, we will have a sense of belonging to each other. I want you to feel that I am with you when you are alone in Beicheng. I don’t want you to become that empty again.” Jian Songyi said and buried his head back against his neck. 


Bai Huai smiled and said in a low voice, “I won’t be empty, because my heart is all about and full of you.” 


“Would you please stop talking about rustic love? it’s so rustic and creepy.”


“Then would you stop being unhappy? I can only use creepy words to coax you. I’ve learned a lot recently, do you want to listen?” 


“Get out! I won’t listen! It’s disgusting! I don’t know where you learned these messy things from day to night.” Jian Songyi didn’t want to waste the good time on sadness. So he sat up and pushed Bai Huai away, fiercely trying to cover up the redness in the corners of his eyes. 


Jian Songyi, who has an inch head and a fierce bum, is really beautiful with red eyes. Bai Huai suddenly felt that he could indulge a little more, so he took Jian Songyi back and said with a low laugh, “I learned a lot of those cheesy lines. A lot that in the winter vacation, I can teach you slowly.”




Jian Songyi has never had such a corrupt winter vacation. 


He and Bai Huai were stuck together almost from morning to night. It was that time of the year wherein Mrs. Tang, Mr. Jian, and Mr. Bai, each were busier than the other and hardly stayed at home, so they became more and more unscrupulous. 


Jian Songyi also thought about it. Although he was cheated of money and sex, he was really happy. For someone’s knowledge and deep grasp of the essence of friction movement, the money was used as tuition fees for physics tutoring. 


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The one-to-one professional tutoring is provided by Nancheng. City’s No. 1 and Nanwai’s most handsome, this wave is not a loss. 


However, no matter how good it is, it can’t be worth the sweetness between the couples who are about to face separation during their passionate love. 


In addition to not being enough, it still feels as if it will never be enough. 


Jian Songyi always felt that he could treat Bai Huai better. 


In his heart, Jian Songyi was afraid that Bai Huai would leave, that he would be lonely, and that Bai Huai would live too isolated and impersonal again. 


Whenever he was not by Bai Huai’s side, he was very afraid. 


Because he knew that he is the only one giving excitement in Bai Huai’s life, and he couldn’t be relieved to let such a person leave him and return to the cold North City. 


Life is not a TV series or a novel. People who are cold and do not eat human fireworks are not so happy.


And Jian Songyi felt that he was a downright mortal person, so he wanted to draw Bai Huai into this cheesy and lively life so that he could live a more real, warm, and happy life. 


After all, apart from multiplying the love that Bai Huai lacked in other places, he couldn’t do anything for him. 

Therefore, on the evening of the Chinese New Year’s Eve, the Bai family has never been so lively. 


The older generation of the Jian family is gone, Mr. Jian and Mrs. Tang decided to spend this Spring Festival with the Bai family. 


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Of course, the more important reason is that Jian Songyi, who is only 18 years old, does not want to face the complicated life problem of whether to go home with his boyfriend for the Chines New Year or go back to his parents’ home for the Chinese New Year.


When he was young, Father Bai had the same temperament as Bai Han and Bai Huai, cold and arrogant. 


But after old age, people will always start to yearn for some things that are nostalgic about the world, such as liveliness, family affection, and youthful hope in young people. 


Therefore, he couldn’t be happier with the two families celebrating the New Year together. 


Bai Yun also took time out of her busy schedule and came back from abroad to celebrate the Chinese New Year with them.


To everyone’s surprise, Bai Han also returned home. 


In previous years, during this occasion, Bai Han would be invited to major parties. Although he was very tired of such occasions, he always felt that when he went to places with more strangers, he would not think of the people that means the most to him, so he never refused the said invitations. 


But this year, He doesn’t know why, but he went back to Nancheng to celebrate the Chinese New Year. 


Although he wore a black suit and a black coat and walked into the warm and lively Bai’s living room with the dry cold from the north. And the way he directly lowered the temperature by ten degrees, everyone did not despise him still nor gotten annoyed even just for a bit. 


This person is a bit unpleasant, but it is always good to be able to come back and have the whole family together. 


At least there is hope, a reunion of some kind. 




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