But seeing Bai Han only politely greeted them before going straight to the attic on the third floor, Mrs. Tang Qingqing couldn’t help sighing: “Alas, this person was likable during the few years when he was just sleeping. Fortunately, Zhimian was the one who taught  Xiaohuai and Xiaoyi when they were children…” 

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Jian Songyi gave his mother a wink. 


Mrs. Tang hurriedly said with a smile: “Forget it, let’s not talk about this. I’ve just wrapped it. Xiaoyi, come over quickly and put them in the pot.” 


Jian Songyi refused as she walked: “Mom, you don’t know how to wrap it, so don’t make a mess for Aunt Liu and dad.”


“Why can’t I wrap it up?” Mrs. Tang Qingqing was not convinced and pinched it a few times. “Look, isn’t this wrapping?” 


Jian Songyi didn’t even look at it: “That is called steamed buns, not dumplings.”


“Stinky boy, is that how you should talk to our mother? Do it yourself if you can then.” Mr. Jian glared at Jian Songyi as a warning.  “Aunt Liu packed food for Grandpa Bai’s family and I packed food for your mother and me. If you want to eat, you should pack food for yourself.”


Jian Songyi: “…..” 


Are children not allowed to eat during Chinese New Year?


Bai Huai looked at Jian Songyi, who was killed by his parents’ dog food. He got up from the sofa, walked to Jian Songyi’s side, picked up the dumpling wrappers, and whispered, “It’s okay, you can eat my share.” 


His slender fingers flipped a few times to make a beautiful, white, and plump Yuanbao dumpling ready to be freshly baked. 


Bai Huai then placed it next to Mrs. Tang Qingqing’s  “steamed stuffed bun”.


And just like that, Jian Songyi was instantly happy: “I want to eat thirty with cowpea stuffing.” 


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“Okay.” Bai Huai smiled lightly, “Is it okay to change ten to beef stuffing?”




Mrs. Tang Qingqing looked at the two people and couldn’t help showing a smile resembling of an old mother. 


‘Okay, my son has found a backer, so it’s not easy to bully him.’ She thought.


But then again, how could such a precious son of the Bai family be blind and fall in love with Jian Songyi? 


Madam Tang thought so, and was very happy: “Hey, let’s wrap coins.” 


Jian Songyi raised his eyebrows: “Mom, can you stop being so rampant?”


As soon as he said this, Mr. Jian said lightly: “Jian Songyi, Your pocket money is gone next month.” 


Jian Songyi: “?” 


Bai Huai chuckled. 


Jian Songyi glared at him. 


Bai Huai quickly coaxed: “I have it, I’ll give it to you.”


“Your money, is it not mine? Bai Huai will spoil his boyfriend at an early age, and he will look like a man with no family status.” Bai Yun, who was watching the fun, had already washed the coins and handed them to Aunt Liu, smiling. “The coin purse still needs to be wrapped, but Aunt Liu should be the one to wrap it. Otherwise, Lao Jian and Xiaohuai will definitely cheat, and this coin will never come to me. Don’t bully my lonely family.” 

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Bai Yun is planning how to give the purse. The dumplings of the coins were marked, so that Lao Jian and Xiaohuai, who were eaten by their little Omegas, were exposed and could only smile awkwardly. Then she continued to make dumplings as if nothing had happened. 


Seeing this, Bai Yun laughed and scolded a few words, and the whole room started laughing as they wrap the dumplings drawer after drawer.


When the dumplings were finally made, the rest of the people washed their hands, and only Jian Songyi, who did not touch the spring water from beginning to end, lingered secretly in the kitchen. 


The Chinese New Year’s Eve dinner was very rich. 


But Bai Huai doesn’t remember exactly what he ate.


All that he remembered was that it was lively and hilarious.


He remembered that that night, Jian Songyi stuffed dumplings on him one after another. The edges of each dumpling looked a little shabby. He could not eat anymore, and he was still not reconciled to the idea of stuffing him with dumplings.


In the end, he simply stared at each dumpling, and when he saw one with a tattered edge, he folded it back and frowned. When Bai Huai finally bit the coin, Jian Songyi finally smiled. 


Mrs. Tang quickly applauded: “Xiaohuai is incredible. His new year must be very lucky, your aunt wishes you and Xiaoyi both gold medals!” 


Grandpa Bai also smiled: “You boy, you are lucky for the new year ahead. Although nothing is as important as being happy. Do not forget that.” 


Bai Yun also smiled: “Two or three hundred dumplings and just this one coin. This is a blessing, so don’t imitate your father’s cold face in the future. Smile more or your luck will run away.” 


“Well, don’t be like that.” Bai Han took a sip of his wine, “You will be better than me in the future.”


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And Jian Songyi looked at Bai Huai with a wide-eyed smile, triumphantly: “I’ll just say, this year, you will be the person with the best luck. It’s very smart to distribute my luck to you. I’m your lucky star.” 


Bai Huai smiled indulgently: “Yes, you are my lucky star. Otherwise, how could my luck become so good.” 


Everyone saw through Jian Songyi’s little mind, and everyone indulged his little mind.


Even Bai Han looked at them with a faint smile deep in his eyes. 


When Jian Songyi called him that day, he was right. In this world, there are always people who will be happy. He has no right to let his son lose the ability to be happy because of his own despair. 


If the dead can’t come back, then at least give the living people lesser things to regret. 


That night, everyone drank some wine and gossiped about the most common household things. Then there were the fireworks, the fireworks outside the window were extraordinarily gorgeous. The sound of the countdown in the room was extraordinarily loud, and the warm yellow lights reflected the red Spring Festival couplets and blessing characters, which were somewhat tacky.


Jian Songyi took Bai Huai to stand on the balcony to watch the fire trees and silver flowers at night, listening to the Spring Festival Gala program and the noisy voice of people in the house for decades. 


Turning his head, he looked at Bai Huai, whose cheeks were slightly flushed. With a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, Jian Songyi spoke: “Bai Huai, look, I’m still better than you because I pulled you into the mortal world to accompany me. ” His eyes were bright, with a childlike smugness. 


Bai Huai knew that it was Jian Songyi who proposed the two families to celebrate the Chinese New Year together. Jia Songyi also persuaded Bai Han and Bai Yun to come back home. The dumplings with good luck were also Jian Songyi’s doing by cheating. 


It’s not a big deal, and it’s useless. Just like when Jian Songyi insisted on sleeping with him when he was a child, when he insisted on having his parents hold a parent-teacher conference for him, and when he insisted on telling everyone that he was his best friend. But all of it is just to make him happy and let him understand that he is not alone in this world. 


He was afraid of being deserted.


From the age of six, Jian Songyi was afraid that he would be lonely, so in these twelve years, he did everything he could: accompanied him and stuffed him with all the warmth and excitement he had. 

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Friends, family, honor, luck, and himself. 


Such pure warmth, without reservation, can only be given by a child-like Jian Songyi, who grew up in a utopia and never lacked anything. 


With his share of pride, naiveness, and arrogance. 


And Bai Huai loves his innocence and his arrogance, just as he loves his bright and ignorant self. 


His eyes were too bright, making the galaxy and fireworks behind him overshadowed. 


Bai Huai lowered his head and kissed the corner of his eye. 


He said, “Jian Songyi, you are my world.” 


Because of you, I have never been truly alone.



Translator’s Note:


This is such a sweet sweet chapter. I couldn’t help it for the love of the heavens. This is one of the many reasons why I am still single and simping on fictional characters. 




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