Bai Han said lightly, “You are luckier than me, and you will have a better life than me.”

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This time, Bai Huai didn’t argue with his father. Just with an adult’s certainty and gentleness, he replied, “I know.”


“But have you ever thought that if you study medicine, it will be difficult to for him to maintain his current wealthy life?” Bai Han’s voice also softened, like the most ordinary father gossiping with his son at home.


Jian Songyi listened, wishing he could rush over to refute immediately. He didn’t need Bai Huai to earn money to support his family.


However, before he could rush over, Bai Huai said lightly: “I plan to study Omega’s medical and drug research, not clinical medicine.”


“Hmmm.” Bai Han nodded, “This is the most promising industry in recent years. Now, the national policy also supports it. If you open your own pharmaceutical research company after graduation, it is indeed not bad.”




“But it shouldn’t be because of this, isn’t it?”


“Well, he is arrogant, careless, and lazy, so I have to think of something”


“Looks like you remember what I taught you when you were a kid.”




“I wasn’t able to do it, so I hope you can.”


“I will.”


“You take him home, I want to be with your dad again.”


Bai Huai was silent for a long time and finally nodded, “Okay.” 


On the way home, Jian Songyi couldn’t help but wonder Bai Huai, “I thought you had to drive him away, but you left by yourself.”

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Bai Huai held his hand and looked into the distance before saying lightly, “He already has white hair. He is only forty-two years old.”


On the day that Bai Huai was sent away, the last spring snow fell on Nancheng.


Jian Songyi, who always hated winter the most, suddenly found that he was actually infatuated with the smell of snow.


He didn’t want Bai Huai to see his reluctance, so he covered half of his face with a scarf, stood in front of the boarding gate, pretended to be calm, and said indifferently, “You can leave without worry. Study in Beicheng. Don’t worry about me. I won’t be so impulsive. I will be careful, and I will try not to be lazy. I will protect myself well, so you should too.”


Bai Huai lowered his eyes to look at the sensible child before smiling: “You are such a powerful Omega, you can even beat an Alpha like me, so I’m not afraid of you being bullied.”


“I suspect that you are accusing me of using domestic violence in disguise.”


“No, I enjoy it very much. I even think you can be more violent sometimes .” 


“You’re still talking dirty at this time!” Although Jian Songyii was used to the way Bai Huai talks and acted as if he is not a reasonable human being, he was still thin-skinned and easy to blush. As a result, Jian Songyi followed it up with a kick before saying angrily, “I have something serious to tell you.”


“Speak, I’m listening.”


 “I don’t want to just walk into a college of my choice.”


What Jian Songyi said, Bai Huai thought it was normal, since he wasn’t surprised. He was just curious: “Why?”


“I was a recommended qualification for a physics competition, and I passed it for review. But I can only go to the physics department in Huaqing.”


“Don’t you like physics?”


“I don’t like it either. I just think physics problems are fun to do, and I don’t want to study physics for the rest of my life. I don’t think my temperament is suitable for me to calm down and engage in academics.” Jian Songyi hid his chin in the scarf, “That’s why I don’t want to study it.” 


Ba Huai then asked warmly, “Then what do you want to study? “

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“I want to study finance. To earn money and support you.”


Bai Huai was a little surprised. He was stunned for a moment before realizing something. After remembering it, he couldn’t help laughing: “Did you hear me talking to Bai Han that day? So you’re worried that your boyfriend won’t be able to earn money in the future and won’t be able to support our young master Jian?”


Although Jian Songyi didn’t think that Bai Huai would not be able to make money, he did think that scientific research would burn money, and it would be hard work. So he had to earn his own money so that Bai Huai could do scientific research with peace of mind.


When Bai Huai smiled like this, he felt that his mind was pierced, and he felt embarrassed: “What are you laughing at? You are not allowed to laugh! I just want to support you. What’s the matter with that? Are you still too Alpha-ism and think that I can’t raise you? “


“You can. I know you can raise me.” Bai Huai took Jian Songyi into his arms and rubbed his head fiercely with his voice still full of smiles, “Why are you so cute?”


“You’re still laughing!”


“I am not laughing anymore. I’m really not laughing anymore.”


When Bai Huai really stopped laughing, Jian Songyi lay on his shoulder and Hem Haw said, “I am a layman. I feel it is very easy to do everything since I was a child, so I don’t have any special dreams. Now my dream is that we can always be together, so your dream is my dream. I have to support your dream.”


“Then Don’t I have to eat this soft rice for the rest of my life?”


“Whether you like it or not!”


“I’ll eat it anyway. I think it’s delicious after eating it for two months.”


“You need a face!”


“But if you decided to take the examination, we won’t see each other until June. But if you accept the walk-in, we’ll be able to see each other by April.”




Jian Songyi hesitated. His expression turned hard as if he was thinking seriously.

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Bai Huai thought that Jian Songyi was so cute by the way he was thinking that he couldn’t help laughing again: “My boyfriend’s dream seems to be a little fragile. It can be defeated by the circumstance of him being able to meet me by two months in advance. It seems that my boyfriend really likes me. .”


Only then did Jian Songyi realizes that Bai Huai was teasing him again. But every word he said was the truth, and he suddenly became angry and punched him.


Bai Huai was punched, but he still then kissed him tenderly and said with a smile, “As expected of a child bride raised by three boxes of strawberry milk a day when he was still a child. Really sweet..”


“Who the hell is your child bride?! Bai Huai, watch your language. Pay attention to your words! Now you are blocking the door!”


Bai Huai was punched again, so he then kissed Jian Songyi again: “Okay, I am blocking the door. So my financial father has to study hard during my absence. Write down the steps well and try to support me.”


Jian Songyi snorted coldly and planned to give him another punch, but the airport broadcast had already started urging him to ascend the throne. And so, that punch turned into a tight hug.


Bai Huai rubbed his head: “I really have to go.”




“I’m not here, so you have to be good. Eat breakfast well and remember to pick up water after each class. Don’t drink ice and don’t let yourself be cold.”




“If you have other Alphas chasing you, you can ignore them. And of course, even Omegas can’t pursue you.”


“You still talk about me! How much peach blossom debt you caused in Beicheng Middle School? I haven’t made a deal with them yet. You settle the account!”


“They all know that my boyfriend is named Jian Songyi. Zhu Gong has a bigger mouth than Xu Jiaxing.”




Bai Huai chuckled, “Why are your ears red again? Are you embarrassed?”

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“I am not. Hurry up, you’re so annoying. Your plane is going to board and you’re still chattering here.”


Jian Songyi gave Bai Huai a push.


Bai Huai turned to leave.


But Jian Songyi stopped him again: “Wait!”


Bai Huai turned back.


Jian Songyi took out the sketchbook, handed it to Bai Huai, and pursed his lips together: “I fixed it. All the dirty parts were wiped off, and the broken pieces were re-bound. Some of them couldn’t be repaired, so I re-painted them myself. , I don’t know how to write the thin gold body. After practicing for a long time, it still doesn’t look very good. I will try to practice more in the future, you can make do with it now, it’s just a thought.” 


There was a pause after that.


“Uncle Zhimian and I will always be there, so don’t feel like you are alone. Smile more, and make more friends when you return to Beicheng. Be lively, go out to dinner, play basketball, and get together with friends when you have nothing to do. But you are not allowed to play tricks, I added Zhu Gong on WeChat. I will check his posts. And I am reminding you now that I am stingy. If I find you messing with flowers, I will kill you in Beicheng. That’s for sure, so you must miss me…”


Jian Songyi said so fiercely, but his eyes are already turning red while his voice was getting a little too tighter than normal. It feels like it’s going to break that he couldn’t say the next words past his lips..


Bai Huai lowered his head and kissed him deeply with all the reluctance and unknown miss about the separation.


It wasn’t until their lips connected for that last kiss that the corners of their eyes became red. 


Bai Huai then opened his mouth in a hoarse voice. “Be good. Wait for me to come back. This time when I return, I won’t leave anymore.”




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