Chapter 85- A Thousand Miles to Find My Husband

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The morning after Bai Huai left, Jian Songyi was late.


In fact, he heard the alarm clock ringing but while half-dreaming, he forgot that Bai Huai had left. And so he was still waiting for Bai Huai to coax him out of bed.


It’s just that he didn’t wait and even fell asleep in a daze.


After falling asleep, he heard Bai Huai’s voice.


“Baby, get up.”


“Baby, get up quickly.”


“I’ll kiss you if you don’t get up again.”


“Good boy, I will kiss you now. Get up, okay?”


Bai Huai’s voice was very gentle as well as his kisses. Even his hug was very gentle indeed.


He habitually wanted to roll over into Bai Huai’s arms and rub himself into it.


But then it failed.


The weightlessness of trying to find support and then suddenly losing his mind made him suddenly wake up from his dream.


Jian Songyi found that the sky was bright and the spring sunshine fell on the ground, but it was cold and empty.


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Bai Huai is not there.


Jian Songyi was stunned for a while. He then sat up with his legs spread apart and his elbows against his knees. He buried his face buried against the palm of his hands and rubbed it to each other so hard that his whole face started to turn red. After a while, he then he got up, washed himself, and set off for school.


Before going out, he remembered something and went back to the kitchen to get milk and bread.


He promised Bai Huai to always have breakfast and take good care of himself.


When Jian Songyi got into the car, he was the only one in the back seat. When he was sitting next to an Alpha who was 1.88 meters tall, he felt that it was too crowded inside, but now he just feels empty.


Looking down at the not-so-hot breakfast in his hand. He didn’t know why, but he took out his phone, took a photo, and sent it to Bai Huai.


Then Jian Songyi saw the dense unread messages that WeChat delayed pushing.


Creditor: [Baby, get up.]


Creditor: [Baby, get up quickly.]


Creditor: [The video is not connected.]


Creditor: [I won’t be able to kiss you if you don’t get up. Get up quickly and be good.]


Creditor: [Forget it, sleep more. Remember to have breakfast. I will ask Aunt Liu to cook porridge for you every morning. Pack it, and you can go to the opposite door to get it. Aunt Liu will still deliver lunch and dinner.]


Jian Songyi thought that Bai Huai could tell the truth.


The corners of his mouth rose involuntarily.

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Little Squirrel: [How can you talk so much? I can’t imagine what you will be in your menopausal period in the future.]


At this point, Bai Huai should have already started his second class. And Jian Songyi estimated that he would not be back for a while. So JianSongyi was about to put down his phone when a message suddenly popped up on his screen quickly.  


Creditor: [You’re already? Have you had breakfast yet? Nancheng is going to cool down today, and it will be cold in spring. You should wear more clothes. The hot water bottle is placed on the outermost layer of your school bag. Remember to change the hot water to cover it when you are studying at night, so as not to let the frostbite get to the root of the disease.]


Jian Songyi really wanted to cut out the WeChat chat records for everyone to see. The shitty, cold, and abstinent male god is even more nagging than his mother.


He hates it.


But Jian Songyi still obediently sent the photo of his breakfast: [I ate this. It’s too late for me to read your news. I’ll find Aunt Liu tomorrow.]


After thinking about it, he sent another message: [Aren’t you in class? Why are you still playing with your phone? Which goblin are you talking to?]


Creditor: [Waiting for you, little goblin, to get up. I was afraid that you would wake up and not see me. And eventually, end up missing me.]


Jian Songyi pouted: 【You think you’re so fucking beautiful?  Who the hell would miss you?]


Creditor: [It’s fine if you don’t. I am relieved that you don’t feel that way.]


Upon seeing the last WeChat message, Jian Songyi lowered his eyes. He opened the bag of bread silently and nibbled on it slowly.


Jian Songyi thought about it. He had already did feel that way since Bai Huai left.


When Jian Songyi woke up in the morning without seeing him, he felt like he didn’t want to wake up.


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But he couldn’t say it. Jian Songyi wanted to seem super cool about the whole situation. Bai Huai shouldn’t see him as clingy and super reliant on him. Otherwise, this dog would have to make an inch, and he would have to be eaten to death.


However, Jian Songyi is not a person who is good at lying; he can’t hide anything.


He couldn’t successfully deceive him that he didn’t want Bai Huai, and he couldn’t hide his thoughts about Bai Huai on top of that.


Although he behaved the same as before Bai Huai’s transfer, he still had a cold and stinky face for the whole day. He tried masking it by making jokes with his friends, though. He still didn’t like the food in the cafeteria. He listened to the teacher’s lectures and studied on his own, and he was still the first in the grade every time he took the exam.


Nothing has changed.


However, Yang Yue and the others could see that Jian Songyi wanted Bai Huai.


He would wake up on time every day as soon as the alarm went off, instead of staying in bed until it was late as before.


Jian Songyi would go to the trouble of picking up a cup of hot water after class instead of a bottle of ice drink as before.


He will carefully pick out the coriander and celery that he accidentally put in the meal, and then eat obediently instead of simply eating nothing like before.


He will begin to take notes seriously, sort them out bit by bit, and write more and more neatly, instead of omitting steps as he used to.


He did everything that Bai Huai had done for him, as if this way, he would not feel that there was anything wrong with his life after Bai Huai left.


It’s just that occasionally in the afternoon, when Yang Yue pokes him to wake him up for class, he will mumble a few words: “Bai Huai, don’t make trouble. I’m sleepy”, and then it  inadvertently tore a hole in that layer of whitewashingof pretending that he doesn’t miss Bai Huai whatsoever.


Every so often, Yang Yue and the others were extra cautious. They would turn around and secretly send Bai Huai a WeChat, asking him to call Jian songyi at night.


So, Jian Songyi didn’t say anything, but Bai Huai already knew that his naive, willful, and ignorant little boyfriend had actually learned to take care of himself and that he really missed him.

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As a result, there was a lot of guilt in his heart.


In fact, if he could, he hoped that Jian Songyi could always be naive, willful, and ignorant because his boyfriend was not competent enough.


But Jian Songyi thought it was fine.


After all, this is not the first time.


The last time was three years of waiting. This time it was only three months.


The last time he didn’t know why Bai Huai left, but this time he gave Bai Huai a good gift.


The last time he didn’t know if Bai Huai would come back. This time he knew that Bai Huai would definitely come back.


Last time, he could only wander helplessly and restlessly every sleepless night, staring at the empty window sill on the opposite side in a daze.


Last time, he typed, deleted, typed, and deleted every carefully crafted sentence of missing, questioning, and caring for Bai Huai until finally there was no trace of it. But this time, he could receive countless words of concern and love every day.


The separation and missing were so hopeless last time, but this time, he has hope.


So he didn’t think it was that difficult.




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