He never dared to tell Bai Huai that in the year when Bai Huai left at the age of fourteen, because he was not used to and missing him, he had secretly drank alcohol, secretly cried his eyes out until its bloodshot red, secretly asked for his address, secretly bought a ticket and went to Beicheng.

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But returned directly to the airport soon after.


Because he was not sure whether Bai Huai would like to see him or not.


Probably in Bai Huai’s heart, Jian Songyi fell in love with him at the age of seventeen, and Jian Songyi once thought so too.


But when Bai Huai left for the second time, Jian Songyi realized that he probably liked Bai Huai no later than he liked him.


Because he only now understands that the lingering unhappiness comes from the attachment to the person he likes.


He is really slow.


But fortunately, they still did not miss it after all.


Three months is not difficult.


Spring has come and gone. In a blink of an eye, it has entered early summer. Nancheng is about to enter the rainy season. The air is full of sticky and humid heat, which is not pleasant.


Yang Yue’s approval has been confirmed, but he did not pack up and leave the school. Instead, he moved the table next to Yu Ziguo and gave him precise guidance throughout the whole process. Yu Ziguo was also able to endure hardships. Shengdi pulled his grades to the top 20 to 30 percent of the grade.


And Yang Yue also began to lose weight. He gave Yu Ziguo all his meat at every meal, and then ran around the playground for an hour. After two or three months, he actually lost 20 to 30 pounds. Because of the tanning, he looked a little masculine. He looks a lot more mature than the fat and white mushroom during military training.


On the contrary, Yu Ziguo was raised to be a little fatter.


Jian Songyi asked Yang Yue if he liked Yu Ziguo, but Yang Yue just told him that him and Yu Ziguo were one of the most ordinary students in Nanwai. That people like them  only dare to talk about more complicated things after they have already guaranteed or secured their future.

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But he also said that they would work hard.


Whether ordinary or excellent, there is always hope in life.


Because of this energy, even Xu Jiaxing, the brainless one, started to study hard, thinking that he should try to get into Beicheng. Otherwise, it would be bad for him to hang himself in the small gang.


While  Lu Qi Feng and Zhuo Luo had a quarrel, and the quarrel was terrible. Zhuo Luo cried for a long time, but he never paid attention to Lu Qi Feng.


Jian Songyi knew about Zhuo Luo’s experience, so he always felt sorry for Zhuo Luo. He felt that if Zhuo Luo, such a lovely and good-natured person, could be so angry, it must be because Lu Qi Feng had done something worse than a beast.


Lu Qi Feng didn’t answer him, but he didn’t refute him either. He just said that he was an idiot.


That look of self-blame and depression made Jian Songyi’s fatherly love overflow and told him, it doesn’t matter, who has never been a fool when they fell in love early.


Even a smart and calm person like Bai Huai could do something stupid like running to Beicheng because of his low self-esteem, and then turning back and tossing for a few months just to chase after himself, let alone other people.


But they’re all just teenagers.


All the love and hatred are so impulsive and pure. Everyone clumsily works for the beauty they want, and this clumsiness and effort make those mistakes beautiful.


In the evening, Jian Songyi and Bai Huai opened a video to check questions, while rambling about these trivial things.


Because the question was a bit difficult, he didn’t notice that Bai Huai didn’t tease him from time to time as usual.


It wasn’t until he finished writing the last question that he looked at the tablet on the stand in front of him and stretched out, “Tsk, I’m faster than you today, and I’m still better.”

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On the screen, Bai Huai put down his pen and snickered his lips: “You are an Omega, you should be faster than me. Otherwise, it will be discordant.”


“Bai Huai, can you stop being so nasty?! I’m going to sleep!” Jian Songyi’s ears turned red again. He acted as if he was about to close the video call.


Supposedly, Bai Huai would hurriedly coax him for a while. Bai Huai should try to flirt and cheat a few screen kisses before giving up, but today Bai Huai actually just smiled lightly: “Well, go to bed early. Good night.”


Only then did Jian Songyi realize that something was wrong. He looked at Bai Huai suspiciously: “Did you have an appointment with another goblin tonight?”


“Does the queen count?”




Bai Huai smiled gently: “it’s just that I’m not feeling well today. I want to go to bed early. If you want to, I’ll talk with you again.”


Through the screen, many things could not be seen, but Jian Songyi could only find that Bai Huai was indeed a little uncomfortable, and said quickly, “I won’t bother you anymore. Take a good rest, and if you still feel unwell tomorrow, go to the hospital.”


“Okay.” Bai Huai smiled softly as usual, “I’ll listen to my boyfriend.”


It’s not a big problem.


But after the video hung up, Jian Songyi kept a string in his heart. A faint trembling on the bottom of his heart aroused enough to cause him panic. 


The first thing Jian Songyi did when he woke up the next day is to turn on his phone.


However, he did not receive news from Bai Huai unlike usual.

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Jian Songyi tried video-calling Bai Huai, but no one answered from the other line.


Call, the other party’s mobile phone is temporarily unavailable.


Jian Songyi dug out Zhu Gong’s WeChat without hesitation and made a video call.


“Hey, Zhu Gong, are you at school? Can you help me find Bai Huai?”


 “I’m still on my way to school. But why did you suddenly ask me to help you find Bai Huai? You can’t get in touch with him?”


“Well, I can’t get through his phone. So can you help me find him when you get to school? I’m sorry.”


“No problem, I’ll be there in about ten minutes. I’ll write back to you.”


“Well, thank you.”


The ten minutes passed extremely long.


Jian Songyi changed his clothes, packed his documents, and booked a flight to Beicheng.


He is ready to go to Bai Huai at any time.


While staring at his phone screen in a daze, his fingertips trembled slightly.


In fact, it was supposed to be just an ordinary morning.

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Maybe Bai Huai was just uncomfortable and slept in for a while. Maybe he just forgot to charge his phone at night. Maybe he just forgot to bring his phone to school this morning.


It was supposed to be a normal day just without a single message from Bai Huai early in the morning.


But Jian Songyi is already so used to opening his eyes every morning and it’s Bai Huai’s WeChat that would welcome him. Just like when he was so used to seeing Bai Huai whenever and wherever. Just like when Bai Huai would take care of him at all times. To him, a loss of contact that is too short to be considered a loss of contact makes him feel extremely nervous already.


Distance is such a terrifying thing, and a little abnormality will make people frightened.


He was worried about whether Bai Huai was sick and the fact that no one there would take care of him. He might just be at home with a fever and coma. He was worried about whether Bai Huai had encountered something sad and there’s no one to accompany him..


Every time he worried about something, he hated why he wasn’t by Bai Huai’s side so that he could take care of him, coax him, and accompany him.


Instead of doing nothing like this.


Because nothing can be done, these ten minutes seem extraordinarily long.


Finally, Zhu Gong sent a message.


“I asked for you. Bai Huai is sick and asked for a leave. He didn’t come to school today. “


And just like that, Jian Songyi got up with a bag on his back.




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