Chapter 86- Pretend To Be Responsible

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WARNING: Steamy content ahead.


When Jian Songyi arrived at Beicheng, it was raining heavily with lightning and thunder. The rain is just dropping nonstop. The whole city was plunged into a kind of gray prosperity.


He was wearing short sleeves and felt a little cold.


Jian Songyi glanced at his phone only to see that Bai Huai still didn’t reply. He refreshed the chat interface while waiting anxiously for the taxi.


When he was finally lined up, he immediately reported an address familiarly, which seemed to be a place he frequented.


But he had never been there.


It’s just that this address first existed in his chat records, later in the chat record collection. Then it was written in a notebook and locked in the cabinet. By the end, he remembered it very well.


In those three years, he recited this address over and over again. Jian Songyi always wanted to find it, but he never dared to approach it because he didn’t know his own mind nor the other party’s, so he could only be ignorant and timid.


And now, he can finally come here without hesitation and scruples to find the person he misses and worries about the most.


It was raining so hard that Jian Songyi got soaked in the short walk from getting off the car to the security guard booth.


His hair grew longer, and his black and fluffy hair fell down, dripping with water droplets and sliding down his white face. It eventually hits his collarbone. Jian Songyi’s black T-shirt was also wet as it stuck to his body, outlining the thin figure of the young man. Nonetheless, he looks extraordinarily thin and lovable.


He tossed his hair which made the water droplets fall everywhere. And then showed a flattering smile to the uncle in the security booth: “Brother, I’m here to find a friend. Can you let me in?” 


The water droplets grazed his beautiful features, making him more gorgeous and irresistible.

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The “brother,” who is nearly fifty years old, felt that he has not seen such a likable boy for a long time. But being likable is likable, and work is another matter.


So he shook his head: “No, you must have an access card or ask your friend to pick you up.”


The properties under Bai Han’s name are all too high-end. The downside of being high-end is that they are strictly controlled. Jian Songyi doesn’t want to embarrass the security brother, so he can only stand under the eaves of the security booth obediently and call Bai Huai again and again.


The wind was blowing wildly, and the trees in the community would seem to be broken at any given time. When it was blowing like this, his soaked clothes got stuck to his back. Not to mention the discomfort, mainly because of the cold. Jian Songyi rubbed his arms and continued to stand there and wait. When he was on his phone, he didn’t feel anxious for waiting, but because he was worried about Bai Huai.


He regretted not forcing Bai Huai to mark him completely before leaving.


Because I heard that there will be a strong sense of belonging, dependence, and psychological connection between AO couples who are completely marked.


Instead of being empty and ignorant as it is now.


Jian Songyi lowered his head and stared at his toes. He listened to the busy tone, making him feel more panicked and aggrieved. He even planned on calling the police if Bai Huai didn’t answer his phone still.


Fortunately, just a second before he decided to call the police, the call was connected.


The voice on the other end of the phone was a little hoarse, and it sounded tired, but it was still gentle: “Baby, what’s the matter?”


It was just for a moment, just a short sentence, but it already made Jian Songyi feel so emotional, which made his nose a little sour.


“Brother security guard won’t let me into the community. Can you come and pick me up? It’s raining so hard.” He wanted to pretend to be calm but unconsciously showed aggrieved coquettishness.


There was a brief silence on the other end of the phone, and then Bai Huai said immediately: “Okay, stand there and don’t move. I’ll pick you up right away.”

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“Okay, I’ll be at gate one.”


“Alright. Don’t hang up, or I won’t be rest assured. “




Jian Songyi held his phone with ease and heard the rustling of clothes on the other end of the phone as well as the sound of hurried footsteps. Eventually, the background sound became noisy due to the sound of rain.


Bai Huai should have gone downstairs.


“Why did you suddenly come?”


“I couldn’t contact you earlier this morning.” The other end of the phone seemed to blame him, while the other one didn’t know how to explain: “I was so uncomfortable last night that I didn’t sleep at all. I had barely taken a nap this morning. I didn’t notice that my phone was dead. I’m sorry.”


“I am not blaming you. I just…” Jian Songyi bit his lip and forced the moisture from the corner of his eyes back, “I just miss you a little bit.”


He never admitted that he missed Bai Huai. Every time Bai Huai asked, He would try his best to act very arrogant and cool to say that he didn’t miss him, who the hell would even miss him, and he shouldn’t be narcissistic.


So, upon hearing this sentence of Jian Songyi missing him, Bai Huai was heartbroken. It was hard to imagine how intense the emotion was to make such an arrogant character like Jian Songyi take the initiative to say that he missed him.


He walked quickly to where Jian Songyi is without daring to delay for a minute.


Jian Songyi saw Bai Huai holding an umbrella and walking out of the rainstorm.


His steps were not calm at all, and his usually cold and beautiful eyebrows were all distressed and anxious.

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Jian Songyi suddenly didn’t know what to say. He just stood there while holding the strap of his school bag. He could just barely call out: “Bai Huai.”


And just like that, he was hugged tightly into a dry and warm embrace the next second.


“Jian Songyi, are you an idiot?”


“I’m not. I just miss you.”


He was held motionless, and he was scolded as an idiot for not blowing his hair up. 


Good boy.


But Bai Huai would rather Jian Songyi scold and punch him a few times, rather than being so obedient, so obedient that his heart twitched.


Bai Huai was already at the most sensitive period of his emotions. His heart hurt so much that his eyes turned a little red. He pushed Jian Songyi’s head into his shoulder, lowered it, and rubbed his wet head: “Let’s go home first.”




Bai Huai hugged Jian Songyi tightly before taking him home.


The wind and the rain were heavy, but Jian Songyi didn’t get wet again. It was only Bai Huai’s shoulder that got drenched this time. 


When they got home, Bai Huai didn’t give him a kiss like they do in the weddings, just as Jian Songyi imagined. Instead, Bai Huai pushed Jian Songyi into the bathroom before putting in hot water:”Take a bath first, don’t catch a cold.”


Jian Songyi obeyed and washed himself.

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Bai Huai knocked on the door: “I’ll bring your clothes in.”


“Oh, come in.” In the past, Bai Huai also helped Jian Songyi by bringing in clothes, and then the two people would start making trouble in the bathroom.


Some people are really beasts.


That’s when Jian Songyi realized that his face is starting to get a little red at the memory. He turned his back. And heard the sound of the bathroom door being opened. He couldn’t help but be a little nervous as he expected something to transpire. 


“The clothes are on the shelf.”




After the short word, there was the sound of the door closing.


Jian Songyi was stunned for a while, then turned around and found that there was no one in the bathroom.


He immediately felt angry and ashamed.


Bai Huai, that animal, after seeing his seductive back, he actually left like this?!




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