Chapter 19 - Is this attitude suggesting that it’s popular nowadays... Wife chasing crematorium?!

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Tang Bai heard his grandfather say that the scavenger series robots of the institute were going to be sent to the military academy. Part of the reason for sending these robots was to prevent Xie Ruheng from cleaning the toilets. As a result, teacher Wang went too far and the robots hadn’t been sent there. Xie Ruheng's punishment was spared.


However, the scavenger robots could protect Xie Ruheng's safety and prevent Qin Jun from harming his (XR) mind.


But I don’t know if Qin Jun will go to the underground arena to destroy Xie Ruheng’s mecha after the plot changes...


Tang Bai yawned and squatted by the charcoal stove guarding his Buddha Jumping Over the Wall. During this time, Tang Bai tried to make Buddha Jumping Over the Wall. It took a long time to make Buddha Jumping Over the Wall. It took about three days from processing the ingredients to making it successfully.


In these three days, Xie Ruheng was extremely busy due to military training.


The seven-day military training is divided into three major contents: physical training, skill operation, and actual combat exercises. The skill operation part is the review of high school knowledge, such as mecha assembly and basic first-aid.


The first five days are training. On the sixth day, there are written tests in the morning and afternoon, and the last day is a collective review of the past week.


Xie Ruheng never went to high school, and the operation methods he mastered were all wild ways, which doesn’t meet the military academy's examination standards. So these days and nights, he has been learning  supplement knowledge and has no time to spend alone with Tang Bai.


But time is like water in a sponge, there will always be a squeeze. Xie Ruheng took time out of his busy schedule tonight to learn etiquette with Tang Bai.


Today, Tang Bai is ready to present his Buddha jumping over the wall to replenish Xie Ruheng's body.


In the past few days, Tang Bai strictly followed the production steps of  Buddha jumping over the wall, putting the pot on a charcoal stove to simmer the soup. In a few hours, he would have to change the charcoal and lotus leaves. As a result, Tang Bai didn’t sleep well in the past two days.


Fortunately, the Buddha jumping over the wall would be done soon after jumping the wall!


Tang Bai excitedly took off the mask on his face, tore off the dry lotus leaves on the pot, smelled the rich fragrance, and was full of accomplishment.


He put the Buddha jumping over the wall into a thermal insulation box, sprayed his arm with sunscreen spray, and stepped into his small low-heeled leather shoes to go out.


Soon he walked to the gate of the military academy carrying a bento under an umbrella.


“Hey look!” A student on duty in the school guard room pushed his companion that was next to him, and the two looked up together.


The person walking with an umbrella had a pair of slender legs, brown tube socks wrapped around their calves, outlining a beautiful and sharp line.


Looking up, there were dark blue shorts. The two dark colors were set against each other, and the leg skin in the middle was so white that it was dazzling.

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When the visitor put away the big black umbrella and revealed a doll-like face, the two alpha eyes looked straight.


“I'm here to find Xie Ruheng.” The omega's voice was very sweet, and the dimples on his face were delightful.


The students on duty were stupefied by the omegas body fragrance, and then...


“That was Tang Bai just now! Why do I think he smells like chicken soup?”


The other alpha took an intense sniff and hesitated to say: “Is there still some bone soup?”




The expressionless Xie Ruheng in the team stood out from the crowd. The dark military school uniform made him pale in color, and his body was slender in proportion. Tang Bai looked at Xie Ruheng distressedly, um, thin and dark...


When Tang Bai was watching Xie Ruheng, many alphas secretly looked at this omega, who was famous in the military academy.


Perceiving everyone's commotion, Xie Ruheng raised his head and saw the familiar slender figure.


“Well, today's military training ends here.” The instructor smiled: “Don't let the beautiful omega wait too long.”


Everyone looked at Gu Tunan subconsciously. After all, this was Tang Bai's prospective fiancé. Didn't Tang Bai come to Gu Tunan, who else would it be?


He was also carrying a bento, so virtuous.


Gu Tunan's expression moved slightly, remembering the days when Tang Bai once gave him a bento and remembering what he once said to Tang Bai, “Next time you make a bento...I will eat it.”


Unexpectedly, Tang Bai still took his words to heart like this.


Gu Tunan's heart warmed.


Sure enough, Grandpa was right. The prodigal son turned his head back and didn't change his gold. This time the Gu family exerted pressure on the Qin family, and he should have saved a lot of face in front of Tang Bai.


Looking at Tang Bai's vigorously waving his hand, and the figure running over, Gu Tunan smiled calmly and stretched out his hand to the little omega who was approaching in front of him——


Then he didn't even touch a single hair on Tang Bai’s head.


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Tang Bai braved the afterglow of the setting sun and ran to Xie Ruheng with small steps, the strand of dull hair on the top of his head dangling, as if he couldn't help but jump for joy.


His cheeks were red, he was panting, and he gave Xie Ruheng a bento like it was a treasure, and his eyes were amazingly bright: “Brother Xie, you won’t be able to guess what I made for you!”


Gu Tunan: “......?!”


Cadets: !!!!!!!!


Cadet A: My Brother Xie is awesome!


Cadet B: Start fighting!


Cadet C: I really want to be a spare tire too!


The alphas looked at Gu Tunan with different expressions. They only felt that there was a green hat on Gu Tunan's head. Then they looked at Xie Ruheng and slapped their thighs.


Do you see how awesome Xie Ruheng is? Although he doesn't say anything, he’s a great man!


Xie Ruheng: “.....”


This kind of disparity, this blatant preference, this kind of irritation…


Xie Ruheng painfully discovered that he was actually upset. This recognition made him start to spurn his soul. Why was he lacking a bottom line so much?!


Xie Ruheng, who was envied and hated by many alphas, took over the insulation box. The person who originally received this holy thing was Gu Tunan, but now it is him. It really is a feng shui rotation... This is not unpleasant.


Xie Ruheng understands what it feels like to be left dangling by a green tea. He was still sour for him for a second, but the air around him had a sweet aroma in the next second.




Nostril fluttering, Xie Ruheng took a deep breath and found that the air seemed to be really sweet.


A strange sweetness.


He followed the smell to find the source of the fragrance, it was the bento given to him by Tang Bai, Xie Ruheng tentatively opened the lid——


A strong scent came over, and everyone's faces appeared surprised and intoxicated. Even Xie Ruheng was lost for a moment.


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He saw a small amount of abalone, sea cucumber, deer tendon, pork belly, quail egg, duck gizzard...


He couldn't recognize the other ingredients for a while, but Xie Ruheng was sure that the sloshing ingredients within the soup had a soft and waxy taste, and the taste must be beyond imagination.


“Oh my god... this is so fragrant…” Qiu Yan's eyes glowed as if he saw the vast universe, and he swallowed, “Brother Xie, can taste it? Just a piece!”


“What kind of dish is this? Why does it smell so good?”


“Damn, I also want to find Xie Ruheng for a meal!”


“It smells so good, that drool flowed out of my mouth unsuspectingly.”


“I'm sour, Xie Ruheng is not only beautiful but also has good fucking fortune!”




A group of alphas all rioted when they smelled the scent, and they all craned their necks to look at Xie Ruheng. The corners of their mouths were moist, and their eyes were full of envy.


“Buddha jumping over the wall.” Tang Bai put his hands behind his back, proudly puffing up his small chest, the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were proud: “Smell it?”


The proud little expression hit Xie Ruheng's cute spot at this moment, and he nodded involuntarily.


“Fragrant, fragrant!!!” A group of greedy alphas echoed, as if they had tails, they couldn’t wait to wag them, “Brother Xie, just a bite~” “A meal is not memorable, but next time I’ll choose you as the leader. We must vote for you!” “Yes, yes, you can vote for Brother Xie in exchange for a sip of soup, everyone say yes or no!”


Xie Ruheng didn’t hesitate to close the bento, which caused everyone to boo.


“No way, no way!” “That's not right, still so stingy in front of an omega.” “It's just a mouthful.”


Tang Bai looked at these alphas using eighteen martial arts in order to get a bite, and couldn't help but laugh.


The noisy alphas were stunned when they saw Tang Bai laugh. Maybe they looked dumbfounded and were too straightforward. Tang Bai put away his smile, he asked with a stern face, “Was what you just said true? Is it? Vote for Brother Xie in exchange for some soup?”


“I’ll take it seriously if you don't speak. Next time I’ll make a big pot of soup, you and your ballots, don't even think of running away!” Tang Bai began counting everyone using his finger: “You, you, you, you…”


He counted with his fingers one by one. When he reached Gu Tunan, Tang Bai's movements paused.


Those grey-blue eyes, he didn't even know how long they looked at (TB) him, and the suppressed emotions brewing in them were like the dark waves under a calm sea, erupting at any time.

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This is.........




Tang Bai looked at Gu Tunan slightly, he (TB) was intimate with the other protagonist in front of the main protagonist's back, which really made the protagonist uncomfortable.


But I’m also doing this for your own good, why do you have to look like I put a green hat on you? We’re just good (XR & TB) sisters, you’ll naturally appreciate me if you know the truth in the future!


It took Tang Bai three seconds to unravel himself perfectly, and gracefully retracted his little finger-pointing, and pretended that nothing happened, and returned to Xie Ruheng's side. Tang Bai spoke sweetly: “Let's go~”


Gu Tunan, who refused to let go of those amber eyes with a little mood swing, he... his pupils suddenly shrank!


From a guilty conscience to a strong sense of reason, and finally walking to the jealous shield provocatively, is this attitude suggesting that it’s popular nowadays... Wife chasing crematorium?!


Gu Tunan was suddenly enlightened!


Those small, meaningful, and straightforward eyes must be saying “Look at my performance”!


Behave well, redeem merits, and behave badly, the prodigal son slips on his knees.


Grandpa was right, the road to chase an omega is long, and he should continue to practice.


Xie Ruheng watching the whole process: “......?”


Why are you making eye contact? Is there anything you can tell me?



T/N: this mf Gu Tunan really needs to get his brain checked, he’s so delusional. He needs a good ol’ back-hand slap from Tang Bai. Can the author just kill him off or something…


Buddha Jumping Over the Wall - I feel like I mentioned it before, but this is a variety of shark fin soup in Fujian cuisine. Where the name comes from has many different stories. A common one is about a scholar traveling by foot during the Qing dynasty. While he traveled with his friends, the scholar preserved all his food for the journey in a clay jar used for holding wine. Whenever he had a meal, he warmed up the jar with the ingredients over an open fire. Once they arrived in Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian Province, the scholar started cooking the dish. The smell spread all the way over to a nearby Buddhist monastery where monks were meditating. Although monks are not allowed to eat meat, one of the monks was tempted and jumped over the wall. A poet among the travelers said that even Buddha would jump the wall to eat the delicious dish. (From Wikipedia.)


Spare tire - a fallback guy or girl. Like a backup after you break up with someone.


Feng shui - (in Chinese thought) a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (qi), and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account when siting and designing buildings.


Wife chasing crematorium - ok, first of all, this is seriously weird as hell. So this is supposedly an actual term, I thought this was just a typo… Crematorium is used to describe the double physical and emotional torture or painful price paid when chasing one’s wife. It’s derived from the work and culture of Danmei writer Mizu sensei. There are about 9 works of Mizu sensei’s, all of which are the scumbag “bad boy” type. The main story routine is: torture and then more torture. After that is ruining their love in the early stage and squandering the other side's love. In the second half, when the love is completely let go, the scum gong (top) gradually realizes his own heart and comes begging to the shou (bottom), then begins chasing the shou while begging for forgiveness unscrupulously.

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