Chapter 20 - “Boom~”

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Tang Bai and Xie Ruheng walked to an empty practice room. Tang Bai opened the insulation box, scooped out a few spoonfuls into a bowl, and graciously handed it to Xie Ruheng.


“Taste it!”


Xie Ruheng picked up the bowl with both hands and cherishingly tasted a sip. The small sip of soup was condensed with the fragrance of various ingredients. It had been simmered for more than forty hours and it was impossible to tell whether the seafood was fresh. It had the fragrance of chicken, mellow and smooth, with mouthwatering saltiness and fresh sweetness.


With just one mouthful, one’s soul seemed to be reborn.


The little beast in his heart sighed contentedly and almost burst into tears.


“Is it delicious?” Tang Bai lay on the table, his amber eyes full of expectation. Under such a gaze, even if it was devil's cuisine Xie Ruheng could say that it was delicious without his awareness, not to mention that it was originally superbly tasty.


“Very delicious.” Xie Ruheng said earnestly: “The food you cook is delicious.”


Tang Bai was very happy when he heard that, he rolled up his sleeves and happily filled Xie Ruheng with abalone, sea cucumber, and deer tendon. While busy serving up the dishes, he said, “Eat more and more! You are too skinny!”


Xie Ruheng: “......?”


He was suspicious for a moment about his thin and fleshy figure and the way he was dressed. Does Tang Bai like a particularly strong, muscular alpha figure?


Under Tang Bai's gaze, Xie Ruheng picked up the abalone slightly confused.


“Don't worry, don't worry, there’s a lot more, eat slowly~” Tang Bai kept in mind that part of Xie Ruheng's stomach problems in the book was that Xie Ruheng ate too fast, and said with sincerity and earnestness: “Chew and swallow slowly to keep in good health!”


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Xie Ruheng slowed down when he heard the words, the abalones were boiled soft and were heart-wrenching. The middle part was sticky and tough, like jelly.


Then he saw Tang Bai’s amber eyes showing an extremely tender feeling again, the eyes were tender as if a farmer was relieved to see their piglet humming and eating.


Xie Ruheng: “......???”


Why did I think of such a bad analogy?


Xie Ruheng coughed and said, “You can also eat some.”


Tang Bai shook his head, holding his small face in both hands, looking at Xie Ruheng contentedly, and said softly: “You can eat it.”


Those watery eyes were curved as if they were full of honey, and there was an unreserved tenderness in them that could drown people. But, they also had a faint blood-red hue to them, and there was also a bluish-black coloring underneath. Making Tang Bai appear a little more haggard than usual.


“You haven't rested well?” Xie Ruheng asked.


Tang Bai pulled out a small mirror nervously and looked at the image of himself, “Sure enough, eye cream and everything else is deceptive, there are still dark circles.”


Seeing Xie Ruheng continuing to look at him, Tang Bai explained: “This dish is more troublesome to make according to the ancient recipe. It takes two or three hours to change the charcoal and lotus leaves. I sleep relatively lightly, and I can't fall back to sleep when I wake up.”


After he finished speaking, he found that Xie Ruheng couldn’t move his chopsticks, and quickly urged: “Why aren’t you eating it? It won't taste good when it's cold.”


Xie Ruheng's eyes moved slightly, “...Don't cook such troublesome dishes next time.”


“I am also trying to challenge myself. In the final exam of my cooking class, you can get a full mark for making a dish that’s from a difficult cuisine.” Tang Bai paused and said seriously: “And I like to make good food for you.”


Food is something that easily brings happiness. Tang Bai hopes to give Xie Ruheng a lot of happiness to the extent of his ability.

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Looking at those sincere and clear amber eyes, Xie Ruheng's heart was filled with a steady stream of indescribable softness. He wasn’t used to this kind of warmth, so he lowered his head and ate a mouthful of sea cucumber. The taste of sea cucumber was softer than abalone. The fragrance was also stronger. Even if Xie Ruheng didn't know much about such precious ingredients, he also knew that this sea cucumber was definitely not the same grade as the one he ate before.


And it wasn’t someone else who carefully handled these ingredients, it was his dream love O, thinking about it this way, the unnamed love in his heart became more turbulent...


While Xie Ruheng was eating, Tang Bai flipped through the magical novel in his mind to check the contents of the etiquette test.


The first question is a basic question, which examines the AA meeting ceremony. Depending on the age and status of the target, the meeting ceremony between AA can be subdivided into meeting gifts for younger generations, peers, elders, and superiors.


It's not difficult, it could be called giving free points, Xie Ruheng in the novel didn’t lose points on this question.


The second question is a situational question, which is about dinner etiquette. In the book, Xie Ruheng loses points frequently on this test. The next point isn’t because Xie Ruheng doesn’t work hard, but because there are too many restrictions, for example, you can’t put seven dishes on one’s table. Etiquette teachers won’t mention it in class, so it’s easy to lose points.


Today there wasn’t much time, Tang Bai decided to give Xie Ruheng these two questions. When Xie Ruheng was finished, Tang Bai asked sweetly: “Brother Xie, let's learn the meeting ceremony first. Do you know the meeting ceremony between alpha and alpha?”


“For a handshake, the stronger one stretches out his hand first, and the stronger one is the most powerful among the elders, superiors, and peers.” Xie Ruheng replied.


Tang Bai nodded approvingly, “Come on, I’ll play your alpha elder, let's practice.”


“The important thing to remember is that the holding time should not exceed three seconds. When shaking hands, bend slightly to show respect.”


Tang Bai stretched out his right hand, and after a second, his hand was held by Xie Ruheng. Xie Ruheng's hand was a size larger than his. Tang Bai couldn't help but sigh with emotion: “It’s so difficult to play an alpha. Sure enough, pretending to be A must have superior innateness. Brother Xie, you really have an alpha spirit.”


Xie Ruheng: I didn't expect shaking hands would reflect my alpha charm.


Tang Bai: I praised him for pretending to be an A, he must have a sense of accomplishment~


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Xie Ruheng, who was more burdened by the male god, withdrew his hand gracefully, waiting for Tang Bai to explain the next step, but Tang Bai asked excitedly: “Xie brother, do you want to learn the meeting ceremony between OO~?”


Xie Ruheng: “......?”


Tang Bai saw Xie Ruheng not speaking, so he acquiesced that Xie Ruheng’s etiquette examinations ranged from both AA and AO, which was not very practical for Xie Ruheng as an omega. He (XR) can’t continue using alpha etiquette until Xie Ruheng’s true gender is exposed.


“The meeting ceremony between omegas is more intimate and enthusiastic than between alphas.” Tang Bai said, taking a step closer. The social distance for alphas is 50 centimeters, while the social distance for omegas is 10 centimeters.


It was too close, close enough that Xie Ruheng was holding his breath.


“We will use the pasting ceremony, face and face should be stuck together.” Tang Bai raised his face and muttered in a low voice: “But you are too tall.”


How could there be such a tall omega?


Tang Bai stood on his tiptoes and embraced Xie Ruheng's neck generously. At this moment, Xie Ruheng's eyes widened slightly, his slender neck tightened, and his adam’s apple that rolled up and down was extraordinarily sexy.


“The better the relationship between the omegas is, the closer their faces will be.” Tang Bai pressed his cheek affectionately onto the side of Xie Ruheng’s face. When their skin touched, he (TB) felt his (XR) cold skin suddenly heat up.




The light of the omegas is so cute!


Tang Bai squinted his eyes, rubbed Xie Ruheng's hot cheeks like a cat, and said softly, “The last step is a gentle kiss.”




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Xie Ruheng: “!!!”


The heat of Tang Bai’s breath landed on Xie Ruheng's earlobe, causing his already stopped brain to freeze completely!


Seeing Xie Ruheng motionless, Tang Bai pointed to his lips specifically, “You don't have to kiss, just kiss into the air.”


He demonstrated it again responsibly, the pale pink lips seemed to be smeared with a layer of transparent syrup, and the sweetness of his lips was so sweet when making an inviting kiss gesture.


Xie Ruheng’s temples jumped fiercely, and he didn’t even tremble so uncontrollably when he killed for the first time, “ you know what you’re doing?”


Teasing an adult alpha...


Tang Bai let out a moist “Hmm” that seemed to come out of his nasal cavity, he softly encircled Xie Ruheng's neck and looked at him with those clear and innocent light-colored eyes that were so naive and gentle.


For a moment, Xie Ruheng really wanted to kiss him regardless, and teach this little omega who always said what he wanted and teased (XR) him.


But that’s not how romance works.


The amazing self-control was stubbornly stopping Xie Ruheng.


“Tang Bai,” Xie Ruheng took a deep breath, his slim phoenix eyes narrowed dangerously, and he asked word by word, “What is the relationship between us?”





Devil's cuisine - really bad food. Like it was made by the devil or something.


O - I don’t think I ever mentioned this before, but I thought I should probably say it. O: omega. A: alpha. B: beta. AO: alpha and omega. AB: alpha and beta. OO: omega and omega. BO: beta and omega. I’m pretty sure the first letter is like (name) x (name) where the first name is in the top position, meaning that you can also switch the order.

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