The criteria for determining new kinds of mechas was very strict. Not only did it require a novel design, but it also required that the design concept had less than a 30% overlap with previous mecha designs. 

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“Only changed one step?!” A professor from the department of mechanical engineering agitatedly said, “I don’t believe it! Unless you let me disassemble it!”

A second later, that new mecha was dragged away by Xie Ruhang. This new mecha that was extremely similar to a defensive type basic mecha in appearance wasn’t light, but the black-haired alpha easily and effortlessly dragged it.

The elderly professor was an old and frail beta. Just carrying a toolbox tired him out enough, so he stared at Xie Ruhang in shock. 

“Teacher, I need to use this mecha to compete. I temporarily can’t lend it to you for research.”

The old professor froze for a moment, “…Okay, okay. Student, when are you competing? Where are you competing?”

Xie Ruhang walked onto the raised platform, not even turning his head around, “Right now. In the combat arena.”

He had just finished talking when the raised platform rapidly rose, instantly landing on aerial floor 1, where the combat arena high in the air was. 

The overly bright, blinding light made Xie Ruhang slightly narrow his eyes. He put the mecha on the transparent ground and then looked around the large combat arena. 

The Federal Military Academy’s combat arena was like a castle in the sky, suspended in the blue sky and among the white clouds. The auditorium surrounded the spherical combat arena like an asteroid belt.

Grand and majestic. Completely spotless. It was completely different from the underground area. 

And the opponent he was facing this time was also different.

Gu Tunan stood in the center of the combat arena. Behind him was an aerodynamic humanoid mecha that was designed by a top mecha designer, with a long and slender build.

Compared to the rugged and strangely shaped mecha, the humanoid mecha looked like a refined and courteous gentleman. 

[Humanoid mechas look really good.]

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[With the same amount of money, it is more cost-effective to buy a non-humanoid mecha, but I still can’t help but want a humanoid mecha.]

[Don’t look at it anymore. If you continue to look, you’ll start to dream. Non-humanoid mechs are more suitable for people like us who come from normal families.]

[Gu Tunan is so handsome. If I was Tang Bai, I would marry Gu Tunan~]

[Isn’t Xie Ruhang and his new mecha also pretty good?]

[Just how is Xie Ruhang’s new mecha new? No matter how I look at it, I still feel that it is a defensive type basic mecha.]

[A new kind of mecha that hasn’t even been assessed yet. There’s no guarantee that it won’t be super weak.]

[That’s right. I remember that a few years ago, there was a mecha so trashy that it was ingeniously trashy, and it was also determined to be a new kind of mecha.]


Xie Ruhang saw Gu Tunan make a hand gesture to start the competition towards him. His eyebrow slightly raising, he also returned the gesture. 

Compared to Gu Tunan, who gave a strict, textbook salute, the strength behind his return salute could be considered lazy.

Gu Tunan frowned, “I hope that you can treat this competition seriously…” He took one glance at the mecha Xie Ruhang modified and then coldly added, “And not act recklessly because you gave up out of hopelessness.”

Innovations, when it came to mechas, weren’t easy. Xie Ruhang had only changed one step. No matter how he looked at it, it didn’t seem to be a serious modification. Instead, it was like a modification that got rid of the defensive type basic mecha’s biggest advantage and created the gimmick of making a new kind of mecha. 

Winning too easily wasn’t what he wanted.

Looking at the back of Gu tunan, who was walking into the mecha, Xie Ruhang didn’t talk. He raised his head and looked at the real-time bullet chat, which was like a sea of stars above the sphere-like combat area. The bullet chat was passionately yelling things like “A war with the love of alphas on the line”, “Xie Ruhang, if you lose, how about you marry me?”, “Gu Tunan is so handsome ahhhhh”, “Is it about to start yet? Is it about to start yet?”…

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Pitch-black phoenix eyes silently took in everything.

Then, he turned around and entered the bulky mecha.

The heavy mecha was like a clumsy tortoise. Originally, a defensive type basic mecha didn’t have the effect of increasing speed. This new mecha seemed to not only have zero effect on increasing speed but also seemed to be dragging him down in various aspects.

Gu Tunan cautiously circled around that mecha. Then he discovered that the mecha controlled by Xie Ruhang even had difficulty turning its body to monitor the enemy. 

[What is Xie Ruhang doing? Not moving at all, is he a f**king tortoise?]

[Is this the mecha version of the tortoise and the hare? I’m dying of laughter.]

[As expected, Xie Ruhang’s new kind of mecha is a sensationalist trash mecha. It caused my mentor to come for nothing.]

[True. As someone born from the slums, how could Xie Ruhang come up with a kind of mecha? Unless he dug up some kind of amazing blueprint from the garbage dump.]

[Gu Tunan, stop turning in circles. You should overturn this tortoise sooner! I’m waiting for the money from the bet after your guys’ competition! (Those with Gu Tunan’s stock, rejoice!)]

As if he heard the impatience of the bullet chat, the humanoid mecha on the combat arena rushed forward like lightning, and the spikes hidden in the mechanical hand burst out! A punch headed towards Xie Ruhang’s mecha’s chest! Even the ground was shaking!


The entire audience couldn’t help but let out exclamations. When they saw that bulky mecha crash into the ground from one punch, everyone’s hearts were in their throats. 

Had he lost?

Under everyone’s gaze, that bulky mecha slowly climbed up, and then it was once again knocked down by one punch from Gu Tunan.

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Different refined and courteous appearance, Gu Tunan’s fighting style was unexpectedly very unhinged and unrestrained. As soon as he made a move, the sound of collisions had never stopped. Were neverending.

[Fuck, now way. Xie Ruhang’s f**king motionlessly letting Gu Tunan hit him!]

[Throwing yourself into the enemy’s arms and letting yourself be hit, I’ve actually seen it happen today. And Xie Ruhang still thinks that he hasn’t been beaten enough by Gu Tunan and specifically sent his chest towards the other’s fist.]

[I reasonably suspect that the bet for the fight between Xie Ruhang and Gu Tuana was started by Xie Ruhang.]

[Even a tortoise wouldn’t be as embarrassing as Xie Ruhang!]

Tang Bai subconsciously grabbed his thigh. The shrill sound of mechas rubbing against each other made him want to cover his ears, but he looked towards the arena in a self-abusive manner.

Under such violent and continuous attacks, the person within the mecha could also get injured.

“Tang Tang, don’t worry too much…” The sound of Tong Meng’s voice, which contained sobs, came from beside his ear. 

Tang Bai gritted his teeth, forcibly acting confident, “I’m not worried about Brother Xie. I believe in him.”

Tong Meng said, with sobs in his voice, “Th-then can you first stop pinching my thigh?”

Tang Bai: “……!”

Tang Bai quickly massaged Tong Meng’s thigh for him; however, his mind was on the fight. He saw Xie Ruhang’s mecha get knocked down again and again, then stand back up again and again. 

The bullet chat had gone from the mockery in the beginning to the silence now. Everyone quietly watched that mecha arduously stand up. The thick armor of the mecha based on defense finally couldn’t withstand the offensive, and a deep crack appeared.

From the dark crack, Xie Ruhang’s pale-white face could be vaguely seen.

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Gu Tunan took a deep breath. The suffocating feeling that had been lingering around his heart finally disappeared, for the large part. 

He had never encountered a basic mecha that was so durable and resistant to beatings, being able to endure his offensive for this long before cracks appeared. 

It seemed like Xie Ruhang’s new kind of mecha was innovative in its defensive aspect, abandoning all else, even the most basic agility was thrown out, in exchange for this phenomenal defensive ability.

Which step did Xie Ruhang change?

Especially the part Xie Ruhang used in the last step. He had never seen that kind of part. And what role did that part play in this modification?

Also, which mecha maker made this modification exactly?

The defensive type basic mecha’s defensive points were extremely hard to improve. Ten of thousands of mecha makers had all challenged this difficult problem before, but they all gave up.

The Federation’s 5 most basic mechanics were designed by Elder Tang, who then spent half of his life perfecting them. It was very difficult for future generations to improve on them. 

Being able to raise its defensive attributes could be considered a relatively outstanding innovation. After the competition ended, he needed to see if he could pull some information out of Xie Ruhang’s mouth. He fairly appreciated that unnamed mecha maker. It would be for the best if he could invite the other to help him customize mechas…

While thinking about this, Gu Tunan inattentively controlled the mecha to continue attacking until the combat system scanned Xie Ruhang’s mecha’s damage percentage and the notice “Damage percentage is 97%” jumped out. Gu Tunan hesitated for a moment. Then he put away the spikes from the offensive system and reduced his strength before punching.

[Warning! Warning! Damage percentage has reached 97%!!!]

The tired phoenix eyes regained some spirit because of that warning. Xie Ruhang coughed and tasted blood in his throat.

When cracks appeared on a mecha, its defensive ability would be weakened by a lot. The attacks from the opposing mecha could be felt directly on Xie Ruhang’s body.

Although the defensive ability of this mecha was very high, under high-intensity blows, even if Xie Ruhang was a top-tier alpha, he had sustained injuries. He lowered his head, spitting out blood towards the construction table with a pale-white face. 

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