Chapter 30 - I named this kill move 'Light', and I think it suits you.

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While the alarm sounded inside the cockpit, Xie Ruhang's ears echoed Tang Bai's words from last night.


"Grandpa and I said that the framework of all the Federation's mechs now cannot be separated from the five most basic mechs, even the advanced mechs are extended from the basic ones."


"The basic defensive mech, which has only a defensive function, has no function, so the defensive mech has the most stable frame."


"When I was a kid, my grandfather gave me an assignment on how to improve the stability of defensive mechs, and I worked on it for so long that I think my grandfather has forgotten about it."


The white hands mysteriously pulled out a different part from the main part of the central stress area, "but there is something I have never forgotten."


Amber eyes gazed tenderly at the piece in her hand, so carefully that she held it like a star, "I've been revising the system and the design, and the structure Grandpa made is really a super stable one ......"


The pretty little omega's voice suddenly trailed off as she said, "So I wondered, is the most stable frame in the world the one that causes the most killing at the moment of collapse?"




Another crack spreads from the centre like a spider's web, and not just the centre, but like a domino effect, cracks appear all over the hulking mech's body!


"And then yeah, I worked out a new mech."


The repositioned energy tanks shattered together, the raging energy flowing out in a predetermined trajectory, the blinding light flashing under the countless cracks, large and small.


"The stronger the opponent, the more damaging it is. It's perfect for defeating the strong with the weak, but it also has the obvious disadvantage of requiring a long buildup time and requiring the opponent's strike points to be within the mech's buildup range, so it's up to Brother Xie to control it with care."


Dark phoenix eyes saw through a display covered in blood mist as the humanoid mech closed its violent jabbing fist.


Even with the defensive stinger removed, this strike was enough to destroy the badly damaged mech.


Time seems to stretch out in this moment as Xie Ruhang presses the toggle button on his left hand side to change the mode of battle.


Freedom to fight.


Unlike assisted combat, which relies on the mech's own attack skills, free-for-all combat relies entirely on the mech's control of his or her own body.


Few mechs choose free combat mode, as the mechs themselves provide very little boost in free combat mode, only amplifying the power of the mech's own attacks.


This means that in free mode the mediocre talent is doubled, the slightest limb imbalance is revealed by the mech and it is better to unleash the mech's own killing moves, while the amazingly talented can take advantage of the situation and push the limits of the regular mech's attack, speed and other attributes!


A gifted mechatron can even manipulate his body to make an attack that even a mechatron cannot make, and after one blow, the mechatron is scrapped.


Xie Ruhang is one of those rare mecha combat geniuses.


[Drop - Free Combat Mode switch successful!


The heavy, bulky mech was like an ill-fitting coat over his body, and his shield-shaped arms were only suitable for defence, making it difficult to attack.


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The mech is nearing its damage limit, and at this point in time it doesn't need a Gu Tunan attack, its damage rate is automatically increasing.


" Brother Xie you need to make sure that Gu Tunan attacks everywhere in this triangle, when the mech takes more damage than the limit it will make a 'biu~' sound!"


"But be careful not to let the damage rate go straight over 100 per cent oh."


Xie Ruhang took a step to the left, dodging most of the attack with an impossible speed and an extremely tricky angle, ensuring that only a fraction of the remaining force landed in the area right in the centre of the mech.


Gu Tunan's eyes widened slightly as he watched the mech's amazing dodging skills and the active eating move at the end of the dodge, and in that moment Gu Tunan's mind flashed through a myriad of doubts -


What? Xie Ruhang was able to dodge it?


So why didn't he hide before?


Strange, why did Xie Ruhang end up taking the hit when he clearly dodged it?


...... Wait!


Gu Tunan's heart jumped and he reacted with a jolt that something was wrong, and he subconsciously tried to back away when he saw the mech in front of him make a cracking sound -


The special parts shattered in half and peeled away from the huge mecha shell, revealing the bright glow in the inner shell.


[Alarm! Alert! Damage rate has reached 98% - 98.7 % - 99.6 % - 99.9 % -]


When the damage rate jumps to 99.9 %, the piercing alarm stops abruptly and is replaced by a slight "biu".


Gu Tunan's eyes widened in disbelief as he saw the dazzling, tear-jerking light blossom from the splintered mech, the long-accumulated lurid energy rippling through the air -


Like a pillar of light across the heavens and the earth, it came straight at us!


Gu Tunan hurriedly manoeuvred his mech into a dodge, confident that although the blow was powerful, the opposite mech was at the end of its tether and he could win if he dodged the shockwave.


The brilliant and dazzling light stretched out in a blast aimed at the humanoid mech, not a slim beam of light but an endless sea of light, there was nowhere to escape from, nowhere to avoid at such a close distance!


For this blow, a blow that had gathered all the energy of Gu Tunan's previous attacks, was a blow that went beyond the mecha-assisted combat mode and was led by the incredibly talented Xie Ruhang!


"I named this kill move 'Light' and I think it suits you well."


The heavy mech, which was on the verge of disintegration, drew a basic light-energy sword and swung it at Gu Tunan with an overpowering blow!


The sword was even more blinding than the raging sea of light, wrapped in an unstoppable aura, piercing coldly and viciously into the weakest crack of the mecha!


This sword dulled the sea of light tumbling around it, as if the stars had lost their colour in the blazing sun.


The sword was followed by a spider web of cracks, and the seemingly indestructible humanoid mech collapsed with a crash, raising a huge cloud of dust.

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The whole room was silent.


No one expected such a reversal, even Tang Bai, who was in fact unsure at heart, as a mech's self-exploding attack requires strict timing, is a demanding execution, requires the right time and the right place, and can backfire on the mech master if he is not careful.


The crowd was dumbfounded, except for one professor who slapped his thighs.


"So that's how it is! I see!!!" The white-haired professor of mechanics danced like a child who had found a new toy, "So this is not a defensive mech! It's a battle mech with a new attack method!"


"The new mecha with the perfect fighting technique is perfect!!!"


A mechanics cadet next to him had just been startled by the professor's voice, and in the next moment was surprised by the result of the competition.


The final result of the match popped up on the large light screen in the martial arts arena as follows.


[The match is over! Xie Ruhang, freshman of Mech Combat Class 1, Year 18, wins!


The eye-catching results were like boiling water poured into a frying pan, and in an instant, the whole arena was abuzz with excitement!


[No? Is this a fucking comeback?


[Xie Ruhang That last one! Yes! What! What! Ahhhhhhhh coach I want to learn it too!!!]


[Xie Ruhang actually used a 99.9% damaged mech to destroy Gu Tunan's full-blooded turncoat mech?


[Holy shit, one hit and Gu Tunan's mecha damage rate is 100%! I'm kneeling down for Brother Xie!


What's the name of Brother Xie! Call me Xie Ruhang!


[Brother put Xie Ruhang bull on the public screen!


[Xie Ruhang I'm going to give you monkeys!!!]


The mere sound of a victory against the weak and a desperate fight against the strong is something that normally only appears in the rumours, but now it is happening before our eyes.


Unspeakable blood rushes through the chests of countless people.


"Ahhhhhhhh Xie Ruhang wins!!!"


I don't know who was the first to start cheering, but a second, a third, and more and more people followed, shouting with all their strength to the presence in the martial arts arena: " Xie Ruhang! Xie Ruhang! Xie Ruhang!!!"


The deafening cheers almost raised the roof of the arena and woke up Gu Tunan's senses.


He looked through the shattered screen and watched in a trance at the cadets in the audience who were in a frenzy. Those cadets were always arrogant, and yes, those who made it to the Federation Military Academy were the best in alpha, and no one was willing to show subservience easily.


Now, however, these future officer reservists, all shouting the same name in unison, threw down their caps, took off their pitch-black gloves and even untied their jackets, waving all they could for revelry like flags and cheering sticks.

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And it was Xie Ruhang, whom he had despised the moment before, who did the impossible on his own.


Gu Tunan lay dazed in his scrapped cockpit, remembering the amazing sword in his mind, the one that seemed to pierce through time and space, through everything in the world.


Even if he had known the timing, trajectory and power of the strike, he would still not have been able to avoid it if Gu Tunan had to do it again.


So powerful was the desperate sword, so broken and determined that it left no way out for itself, and naturally would not leave a ray of life for its opponent.


If it hadn't been for the school's cutthroat tournament, he... He should have just died from that sword ......


At this point, Gu Tunan realised that he had broken out in a cold sweat at some point.


He found that his biggest mistake in this battle was not losing to Xie Ruhang, but underestimating him.


Underestimating a mech who can pull off kills he's never heard of or seen before in free mode.


Gu Tunan strained to climb out of the cockpit of his mech, his grey-blue eyes staring at the battered black mech on the field of play, he was silent for a long time and said to his opponent inside the mech, "You're strong, I apologise for the slight before the opening round, I'm the one who didn't really take this match seriously, but I'll beat you in the future. "


Having said that, Gu Tunan looked with some regret at Tang Bai in the audience, who was sitting in the first row at ...... He was sitting in the first row at .


Where are the people?


Tang Bai leapt down from the audience with his backhand, and to the shock of the crowd, he ran recklessly towards the centre of the arena, towards the scarred black mech.


He was running so fast, his cheeks were plastered with the red letters "Brother Xie will win" and his eyes were red, his red fingertips clawing desperately forward as he ran, as if he wanted to dash to Xie Ruhang the next moment and touch the man in the mech who was dead or alive.


Brother Xie! Brother Xie, Brother Xie, nothing must happen! Nothing must happen! Nothing must happen!


Tang Bai's red eyes looked at the humanoid mech, covered in cracks and ready to collapse, as if she wanted to see through the thick mech to the handsome young man in the cockpit.


His mind can perfectly sketch every detail of the other's face, each stroke traced with care is a shimmering, most dazzling luminary.


The figure, wrapped in light, split the illusory world of the book with a single sword, imprinting itself on Tang Bai's mind.


Never before had he been so intensely aware, watching the battle, that the light that lit up his world was Xie Ruhang.


To fulfil his wish, the glittering Xie Ruhang.


Xie Ruhang was not going to use a new mech he had built, but a mech called "Long Night".


It was the Rat's exclusive mech, the only one Xie Ruhang could assemble before he enrolled in the Federation Military Academy.


In the book, Xie Ruhang and Gu Tunan also had a mecha duel, in which Xie Ruhang used the "Long Night", and the match ended in a close victory for Xie Ruhang after an even fight.


The price of victory was the revelation that Xie Ruhang was a "rat" and that people with tinted glasses suddenly accused Xie Ruhang of being too vicious, cold-blooded and unforgiving, that Gu Tunan had lost because he was too kind, and that a man with Xie Ruhang's ruthlessness did not deserve to be chief. ......

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Xie Ruhang from the book wins.


Winning over the overwhelming accusations and prejudices.


Everyone is saying that he won dishonorably, that he was ruthless and cold-blooded, but not that Gu Tunan's fancy mech was a noble privilege, that Gu Tunan took the initiative to provoke and did not leave a way out for Xie Ruhang.


Xie Ruhang cannot lose.


He couldn't lose when he fought in the underground arena, he lost and he had nothing to lose, he had to be turned into a corpse and thrown into an untouched rubbish street, he was licking his blood at the tip of a knife, he rushed to the end every time he fought because he had to.


In the underground arena, the ring-keeper is open to challenge, challenged by an endless stream of opponents, all hoping to step over the body of the ring-keeper to the top.


Only this ringmaster is cold-blooded and cruel enough to use thunderbolts to suppress the jackals and tigers leaping from the stage.


Xie Ruhang cannot lose.


The only advantage he had at the Federal Military Academy was his individual strength. He did not have a privileged family, he did not have profound learning, he did not even have a long-sleeved hand; he could only make his own way by being maverick strong, strong enough to convince everyone.


Gu Tunan could win with a standing ovation and walk off the mat with a shrug, but Xie Ruhang could not, for he had no way out, for he had only one way to go.


So that night, Tang Bai took out his immature mech design and apprehensively told Xie Ruhang that it was a mech that hadn't been tested for safety and that he would give it to Brother Xie if he liked it.


Xie Ruhang did not question his ability to build mechs, but asked him -


"Do you want me to beat Gu Tunan with this mech?"


Those dark phoenix eyes gazed at him quietly, and his thin lips opened slightly: "As you wish."




Tang Bai finally ran up to the mech and jumped onto the thick three-metre high mech, finding at a glance the location of the cockpit door, which was covered in dense cracks showing the intensity of the battle.


His heart sank, almost daring to imagine what the cabin occupants looked like.


Tang Bai pushed open the hatch with trembling hands and saw Xie Ruhang, half of his face red with blood --


He is patiently and carefully wiping the blood from his face, using the same bunny handkerchief Tang Bai gave him.


The slumdog Xie Ruhang has a habit of getting himself in top shape before he leaves his mech at the end of a match, as he doesn't like to show his weakness in front of people.


Xie Ruhang's dark phoenix eyes blinked slightly as they were not quite used to the sudden glare.


When he saw the little omega in front of him suddenly blushing and crackling with tears, Xie Ruhang's slow and deliberate face wiping movements stopped, and his slightly muffled and condensed voice revealed a hint of imperceptible panic: "Why are you crying?"


Then he saw the little omega in front of him crying out snot bubbles and saying softly, "I, I'm happy ......" ,,,url m.. ...

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