Chapter 35 - The only thing that defeats green tea is green tea.

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Tang Bai opened her contestant message bar and was inundated with "99+" messages.


Most of the comments were not nice, either mocking his lack of strength and claptrap, or saying that he was aesthetically incompetent and o like an omega.


Tang Bai: "......"


Do I have some kind of body that comes with a fishy comment section?


Thanks to the exercise in the comments section, Tang Bai had developed a heart of gold. He calmly browsed through the comments section under the mech page, and was about to close it when he suddenly noticed a private message alert pop up.


You have been contacted by [jury member Bai Zhi].


Tang Bai: "......?!"


Bai Zhi?!?!?!?!!


Is it the Bai Zhi he's thinking of?


Bai Zhi, the eldest son of the Bai family, is an omega but a gifted, well-educated and progressive man who graduated from the Academy of Etiquette and joined the Parliament.


When Tang Bai was only 12 years old, he heard his parents and grandfather talk about Bai Zhi's case every day.


I heard that Bai Zhi had made a bet with his father that he would come first in the written examinations for the Commonwealth Parliament, and if he won, Bai Family would help him get into Parliament, and if he lost, he would marry.


Then Bai Zhi won.


He entered the council, starting at an age when omega's were best suited to marry and have children, to now being an older, unmarried omega, from the initial uproar to the current silence.


He made a lot of motions to raise omega rights, not many of which were passed, and at first people laughed at Bai Zhi, and then no one bothered to pay attention to him.


An omega, eventually, is going to marry someone anyway.


This is what everyone thinks of Bai Zhi, including Tang Bai in the beginning.


At the age of 12, Tang Bai considered doing what he wanted to do, just like Bai Zhi, but as he grew older, he grew weaker.


He was afraid.


He was afraid that, like Bai Zhi, he would fall out with his family, be laughed at by society at large and spend his best years in a career that was doomed to fail.


Until Tang Bai read the book.


In the book, Bai Zhi has been dormant for twelve years, like a cicada buried in the ground for twelve whole years, and has come across the only chance in his life to break out of his shell -


Xie Ruhang.

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Bai Zhi is cold, he and Xie Ruhang are similar in a way, they are both willing to sacrifice everything for their ideals, but they are different, Xie Ruhang is like a fire that burns itself, hot and bright, Bai Zhi is more like ice that grows cold and hard, slowly freezing his emotions and weaknesses.


Bai Zhi has been secretly helping Xie Ruhang in the early stages of his career, and he needs an omega light, and Xie Ruhang is the omega light he has built himself.


He knew that Xie Ruhang's light shone so brightly at the cost of his life, he knew that every step Xie Ruhang took would be closer to the abyss of death, but instead of trying to stop it, he pushed.


He was the best of emotional demagogues and the most ruthless of politicians.


He took advantage of Xie Ruhang's death, the fall of the omega light, to create a great orgy of mourning and remembrance for the omega light, and the world was ashamed of itself.


This is Bai Zhi, the politician who mentions Xie Ruhang's name in a live webcast in Parliament and then goes to Xie Ruhang's grave in private, indifferent to the point of not showing any expression.


There are no psychological descriptions of Bai Zhi in the book, and Tang Bai reads without knowing what Xie Ruhang is to Bai Zhi - a like-minded friend or a handy tool?


But this does not affect Tang Bai's admiration for Bai Zhi, not in the way that he admires Xie Ruhang and wants to follow him, but with a sense of awe and distance.


So ......


What does this big man want from me?


Tang Bai clicked on the private message apprehensively, like a student being questioned by the head teacher, and then he saw Bai Zhi's question.


"Hello, I am Bai Zhi, the judge for this preliminary round, I am curious about your work and would like to understand your concept of mech building."


Tang Bai nervously wrote a long list of mini-essays, checking the wording and typos several times before carefully sending them off, and after a while he received a positive response from the big man: "You've got a good starting point, good luck with this competition."


Tang Bai: "!!!"


Mum I've made it! The big man complimented me!!!


Tang Bai was so excited that he couldn't wait to post it to his friends to show off. After thinking about it, he opened the big StarNet and prepared to record his good mood on StarNet.


When she opened Starnet, Tang Bai found that she had a lot of message alerts on her Starnet trumpet.


This Starnet trumpet is his author number, not many fans, because Tang Bai also did not run much, he just said some not so nice things in the trumpet some time ago.


Well, it's ......


Not in a relationship for a career: "I simply want to do what I love, I didn't have the courage before and then I had the courage because of one person.


I wrote this one originally to show that omega's can do whatever they want.


Someone reported that my article was stirring up gender antagonism and promoting incorrect values.


I've just realised, writing this, that people aren't too fond of thinking about alpha?

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Open your eyes and take a good look at what certain alpha's have to say and you will see that their comments all revolve around their own interests and the interests of their kind.


No matter how much we give in, how much we reflect, how much we hold ourselves to extremely high moral standards, does it work for those people? Are they willing to talk to you about equal rights?


I didn't think power was important, but now, I want to have that power."


This is what Tang Bai posted late at night when he was in a mood, when an alpha said Tang Bai was exaggerating, and Tang Bai replied furiously "Last time, a bi-sexual alpha reader in the comment section supported Jun Tongchen, and then you guys were mocking weakness as the original sin? What are omega's to you if weak alpha's are removed from the ranks of your kind? You don't hurt when the knife doesn't cut into you, but I do."


And now, social media platform shows Tang Bai's late night rant was retweeted and liked and commented on by real name MP Bai Zhi ......


Tang Bai: "......"


Tang Bai: "!!!"


I, I fell off the horse?


Bai Zhi's retweet simply said "Support", but his retweet changed the tide of comments under Tang Bai's statement, with many sensible and firm comments coming out, some of which happened to be fans of Tang Bai's books, others who had never heard of Tang Bai's work but were in favour of it. Some of these comments are from famous women who have never heard of Tang Bai's work but agree with his comments, such as the wife of an admiral, the wife of a professor, the wife of a master mech builder ......


This group quickly went through Tang Bai's article and then quoted from it, dissecting it inside and out with understanding earnestness, either gently and courteously or with spiteful venom.


Some of them were so insightful that they immediately elevated Tang Bai's ideas, even Tang Bai didn't know that his ideas were so profound and great, others hit the nail on the head by pointing out the shortcomings of Tang Bai's essay and suggesting directions for improvement, while others cited real-life examples around them to echo Tang Bai's views ......


The things Bai Zhi has done over the years are not all useless, he has been doing real work for eight years and there are a lot of people watching him, and after eight years he is surrounded by people who recognise his ideas and have ideas of their own.


There is a force behind him that cannot be ignored.


In fact, there were also comments in support of Tang Bai in the comments section, but they were small in number and inconsistent in their timing compared to the abusive comments, and were quickly suppressed.


And Bai Zhi brought the comments in a short spurt, like a rushing river, with more and more tiny droplets converging to drown out any discordant sounds.


This was Tang Bai's first visual experience of the power of big brother.


Tang Bai was also shocked to find that the big man had offered him an olive branch: "Hello Dada, I am a fan of your book, would you be interested in creating a reader group?"


Tang Bai: "......"


Tang Bai replied shakily, "No need to call me Dada ......"


Bai Zhi: [Okay [smile.jpg]]


The smile was clearly an expression of kindness for the elders, but Tang Bai conjured up the dominance of a big man smiling and laughing, and he was so scared that he almost fell to his knees, not knowing if the emoji was a mockery or not.


Bai Zhi: [Introduce myself, I'm Bai Zhi, an omega councilor, I've been doing research on the forced prostitution of omegas in the red light district, and I've learned that many omegas have had their glands removed ...... I hope to bring this issue to the attention of the public. I was following your article and saw your work about Jun Tongchen's gland removal, so I had an idea and I hope to use your work to lead the discussion in the community ......]


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Tang Bai: "......"


Tang Bai: "No need to use 'you' either ......"


Bai Zhi: [Okay [smile.jpg]]


Tang Bai covered her mouth and watched tearfully as the big man continued to speak. The big man was saying something to the effect of, "I think we're both like-minded and I admire you, but you're too small to just write about reality, so why don't we both do something big together?


Tang Bai's mood at the moment can only be summed up by an emoji of a husky who has infiltrated a wolf pack, peeking at the serious wolf beside him in an awkward but polite manner, with the words "I can't pretend anymore".


Bai Zhi: [May I ask what you think?


Tang Bai: [A great pleasure!




Bai Zhi: [Okay then [smile.jpg]]


Bai Zhi has gone to help Tang Bai with the readership, and his request to Tang Bai is simple: don't work on anything, just work on your writing.


Original lazy day 3 Tang Bai: "......" I'm sorry I don't write 10,000 words a day!


Tang Bai cried as he prepared to start coding, he had just typed a few words when he noticed that his Starnet Live account had been private messaged by a special user, and opened it to see -


Bai Zhi :【Hello, I'm Bai Zhi, would you be interested in doing a character replica? The area is sensitive and involves glands ......]


Tang Bai almost cried out with a loud wow!






Xie Ruhang opened "This omega is a master mech builder" as usual and saw Tang Bai's composition words in the latest chapter put up for the readership.


To enter the group, you will need to present your reader number and be vetted by the administrator.


Xie Ruhang saw it and immediately applied to join the group, and when he was approved to join the group, he found out that he is currently the only alpha in the group.


Xie Ruhang: "...... Hello everyone."


The omega's in the group who are chatting enthusiastically about skincare and beauty products: "Wow, welcome newcomers."


Xie Ruhang peered into the screen for a while and found himself unable to get a word in, as the omega's talked about cosmetics and medical beauty, and also talked about glandular membranes and butt membranes, which Xie Ruhang had never heard of.


Xie Ruhang: "???"

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Feeling out of place in the world, Xie Ruhang clicked on the list of group members in loneliness and saw Tang Bai's author number.


The name of the author who is not in a relationship but in a career reminds him of the pact between Tang Bai and him, and reminds him of Tang Bai's previous addition of some of his reviews to the list.


Without knowing who he really is, Tang Bai still resonates with his ideas ......


Xie Ruhang's heart moved him to send a friend request directly to Tang Bai's author number instead of revealing his real identity.


He didn't really have much confidence that Tang Bai would approve his friend request, but to his surprise, Tang Bai did so right away.


Xie Ruhang said, "Greatly good."


Tang Bai: "Hello! I remember you! You're 'x'~"


It is true that we fell in love with each other's souls, as Xie Ruhang, who first fell in love with Tang Bai's body, thought.


As he thought this, the corners of his mouth involuntarily rose and his gaze was gentle in a way that he was not even aware of.


Xie Ruhang: "I never thought Dada would remember me."


Tang Bai: "Because you were the first alpha that made me feel trippy!


Xie Ruhang's smile faltered, and for a moment he thought Tang Bai had seen through his vest.


But Tang Bai really wasn't trying to unveil her vest, Xie Ruhang asked tentatively, "Do you share the same outlook? My idol is Xie Ruhang, is your idol the same?"


Tang Bai: "What a coincidence, my idol is also Xie Ruhang! As long as you like Xie Ruhang, we're friends!"


Xie Ruhang, who was unexpectedly not very happy despite being confessed over the air: "......"


He even suspected that he had gone mad with tea appreciation, and that he could smell the familiar scent of tea again in Tang Bai's words.


Xie Ruhang: "Then don't you think Xie Ruhang would be the alpha that fits with your three views?"


Xie Ruhang Crazy hint.


Tang Bai: "Hahahahahahaha that's different~"


Xie Ruhang: "............"




Green Tea Diary.


The only thing that defeats green tea is green tea. The tea ceremony cannot be satisfied with the present and stop at nothing, there is still a lot I need to learn from Tang Bai.

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