Chapter 36 - Is this the green tea that teases people to death?

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While Tang Bai was chatting happily with this "x" reader, she switched to her big number and clicked on the chat screen with Xie Ruhang, asking, "Brother Xie, can I ask you to do my make-up?"


Xie Ruhang, wounded to death by green tea, slowly typed out a question mark: "I'll do your make-up?"


Seeing Xie Ruhang's rhetorical question, Tang Bai was a bit embarrassed to ask Xie Ruhang to help him with the glandular scar imitation.


Glandular Wounds Faux Makeup is a collaboration negotiated between Bai Zhi and his live account.


Bai Zhi is looking forward to the popularity of his tea class, and hopes that he will release a beauty series with a strong title, such as "Tramp Faux Makeup", where omega's who have been forced to remove their glands because they can't be marked by bite marks are seen by some alpha's as tramps.


Bai Zhi offered a very attractive price for Tang Bai's live number, and analyzed how much Tang Bai's followers would increase after a series of operations and how it would help the omega community ......


Tang Bai: "......" I'm actually a friend of the army! The kind who is willing to work for free!


The biggest challenge was that Tang Bai needed a helper, because even if Tang Bai was good at make-up, he didn't have eyes in the back of his head and couldn't do the glandular scar make-up by himself.


The special effects makeup of glandular scar imitation is rather hideous and scary, Tang Bai guesses that the little sisters are afraid to touch this kind of makeup, and Xie Ruhang can also go to the red light district to see those omega scars to accumulate material, after thinking about it, Xie Ruhang is the most suitable.


Tang Bai: "I want to do special effects make-up on the glands, I can't see the glands myself, and I don't feel comfortable asking someone else to do it ......"


Xie Ruhang: "!!!"


Gland!!! Body !!!!!!


Too! Big! How dare you! How dare you!


Too! Stinging! Exciting! It's exciting!


Is this the green tea that teases people to death?


Xie Ruhang sat up in shock from his dying illness, just about to say I can, but halfway through typing, his bloodied brain calmed down.


The gland of an omega has a natural attraction to alpha, especially an unmarked omega that he likes, and when he sees Tang Bai wearing a neck ring, his attention is often focused on the forbidden area that is covered.


"...... This time I want to do glandular scar faux makeup, it's actually a collaboration with a small partner, we want to make more people aware of what happens to omega in the red light district through glandular faux makeup videos, I think omega can all learn this faux makeup, surely there are passersby who will see this kind of makeup to learn about it out of curiosity, if every omega wears this kind of makeup, maybe there won't be the kind of is your glandular too underserved bite Victim Guilt Theory now ......"


Xie Ruhang looked at the message from Tang Bai and suddenly felt ashamed of the yellow scrap he had just filled his head with.


This is a charity event, a cause that Tang Bai is prepared to put time and effort into, and he should treat Tang Bai with respect and give her as much help as possible.


"But it's a real pain in the arse, it takes ages to research makeup, Brother Xie if you don't have time that's fine, I can go and find someone else."


Xie Ruhang: "!!!"


Xie Ruhang: "No problem, I can."


Tang Bai: Good! Not bad for my sister!

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Tang Bai was very touched: "Oooooooh I would like to ask Brother Xie to take me to the red light district to collect material, but of course if Brother Xie is busy, he doesn't have to take me there."


Xie Ruhang: "Not busy, free, right now, where are you, am I coming to you or are you coming to me?"


Tang Bai was deeply touched by Xie Ruhang's eagerness and enthusiasm, a true sister should be able to think what others think!


"I'll see you at the military school in half an hour~"


Happy to set a time and place, Tang Bai replied to "x" before leaving to pack: "Sorry, I was just talking to a friend and forgot to reply to you."


X: "It's fine, I was just talking to the omega I like too."


Tang Bai: "Hahahaha well, you guys keep chatting, I'm going out with my good friends ~ I won't have time to read the news if I'm busy later."


x: "Going out with a favourite alpha?"


Tang Bai: "No, I'm a good friend."


x: "......"


Tang Bai: "What's wrong?"


x: "Nothing, just remembered something suddenly just now. Have fun big time and don't forget to code when you get back."


x: "After thinking about it, I still can't resist blowing a wave of rainbow farts to Dada, Dada's writing is very good, I'm very happy to see Dada's writing, I wish Dada can keep doing what he likes, I wish Dada's heart is hot pillow and never forget the original heart."


Tang Bai: "You too! [Super unbeatable snakeskin stickpin peacock happy opening.gif]"


x: "[Happy peacock opening with the super unbeatable snakeskin stick stick.gif]"




Tang Bai changed into a puff-sleeved shirt, removed the jeweled cufflinks from the sleeves and put on a dark blue cloak. While tying the cloak, Tang Bai realised his hair was a little too long, so he took a red silk ribbon from a gift bag and tied it in a small chirp.


Soon Tang Bai was running happily towards the figure in front of the military school, carrying a small biscuit specially made for Xie Ruhang.


It's the weekend and Xie Ruhang is not wearing his military uniform, but a very simple white shirt and black trousers, which immediately diminishes his sense of distance.


Tang Bai looked at her generously and said, "Wow, Brother Xie, you look great in this outfit today! You look different from usual!"


Green tea body ps5: choose simple and clean new clothes, occasionally a different style will make people shine.


Xie Ruhang naturally took Tang Bai's handbag, the breeze brushed against it, a deep red color appeared, the phoenix eyes looked at the back of the snow white neck caressed by the red silk, Xie Ruhang's breath caught, the words "high class green tea" flashed frantically in his mind!


This heartfelt red hairband! An instant eye catcher using an eye-catching colour!

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The choice of material for the hairband was also very careful, as the satin was a noble, feminine and flowing look that matched Tang Bai's own personality.


What's more, Tang Bai also used a hairband to tie up a small chirp hairstyle, this hairstyle is not only unseen before, lively, cute and full of vitality, but also can divert everyone's attention attracted by the hairband to the long and white neck ......


So that's it, modest caution is the essence of a fresh green tea look!


Not only that, Tang Bai came up with a sincere and enthusiastic compliment on his outfit, a modest compliment that made the heart flutter.


It's good to take notes.


Green tea body ps6: to have a pair of eyes to find the beauty and good praise language skills, moderate praise can gain each other's good feelings.


Xie Ruhang suppressed the shock in her heart and lived to tell the tale: "Your hair looks lovely today."


"Eh?" Tang Bai stroked her little chirp, "Hahahahahaha I just tied it with the tape from the gift box packaging lol."


Xie Ruhang: "!!!"


Lesson learned! A high class green tea has to create a sense of effortless beauty! It's better to imply that you're naturally beautiful than to be honest about the fact that every part of your beauty is carefully designed, and using gift-wrapping tape as a hair tie sounds grounded and casually spontaneous ......


Green Tea Body ps7: Create effortless, unadorned beauty handsome.


Tang Bai got on the hover car and waved at Xie Ruhang who was frozen in place, " Brother Xie ?"


Xie Ruhang returned to her senses, opened the door and got into the driver's seat, ready to take out the dessert snacks she had bought in the car cupboard.


"I've made you little biscuits, all sorts of flavours, these are in little tins for the car, the dorm, the classroom drawer, and then I've made smaller ones to take with you." Tang Bai pointed to another biscuit, "These gift boxes are for Brother Xie to give out to your friends ~ these little biscuits are not as sweet as the ones I made especially for you."


Xie Ruhang: "......"


Oops! With this comparison my little dessert suddenly won't give away!


Green tea body ps8: hand-made food looks more attentive than bought food, focus on the food itself delicious at the same time, can not forget the packaging (Note: this method is more suitable for master cooking level of green tea use)


" Brother Xie why did you buy so many small snacks ......" Tang Bai remembers the last time he did Xie Ruhang's car, the car cabinet only had simple water and compressed biscuits.


Xie Ruhang is not a man who cares about his mouth, and it is unlikely that he bought these snacks on a whim; the best chance is that they were specifically for him.


In the book, Xie Ruhang, who forgets to eat three meals a day, remembers to prepare snacks for him.


...... Ahhhhhhhhhhhh so foul!!!


Tang Bai suddenly raises his face, his watery eyes shining brightly at Xie Ruhang, and when he raises his face to look at Xie Ruhang wholeheartedly, it always gives the illusion that "you are my world".


Xie Ruhang's heart fluttered at the sight of such a soft, clear gaze, and he saw the face come closer and closer, then ......


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The side of his face was then rubbed against the omega's soft little face and the sweet, soft, cotton candy-like tone of Tang Bai's voice was heard in his ear, "Boo-boo~"


Heartbeat missed half a beat in this moment.


Tang Bai and her best sister finished their posting, contentedly unwrapped their snacks and ate them like little hamsters, "Reviewing oo's pasting etiquette, Brother Xie, you haven't forgotten the etiquette I taught you before, have you? There's still some manners left to teach, we'll learn them again when we're not busy for a while!"


Xie Ruhang, who was teased to the point of bloodshed: "......"


Green tea body ps9: if it is if it is not, relaxed, intimate enough but a touch and leave, seduction at the same time to pay attention to the reserve.


Really, learned ......




Tang Bai had wanted to go to the red light district to bag an omega and see the other's glandular scars, but Xie Ruhang said his neighbour was an omega who had left the red light district.


"He's in his forties, his surname is Ling, we all call him Mr Ling, I heard that when Mr Ling was young he met an alpha who helped him redeem himself from the red light district and bought him a room on Green Street, which Mr Ling runs as a childcare centre."


Green Street is a tree-lined street in the slums, next to the richer streets of the slums, and is very safe, at least there are no gangs fighting fires on Green Street and thieves are not present here, as the residents of Green Street are not a presence to be messed with.


Mr Ling's nursery can help with the children during the day. The parents of these children go to work in the mines during the day and have no time to take care of their children, and they are worried about the danger of their children being alone at home, so they pay three star coins a day to leave their children in Mr Ling's care.


This is because Mr Ling will not only take care of the children's lunch, but also teach them to read and write.


"He shouldn't refuse our request to see the glandular wounds." The hover car pulled into the garage and Xie Ruhang and Tang Bai got out of it.


The trees here are so leafy that the midday sunlight penetrates through the layers of foliage and falls softly as small patches of light.


Xie Ruhang lived on the first floor of Building 6, while Mr. Ling lived on the ground floor of Building 6. There was a small yard in front of each building, and Tang Bai passed by other buildings and saw that the small yards in front of those buildings were cold and clear, with piles of debris and bare turf.


The small courtyard in front of building six, however, is beautifully tended, with many flowers and plants planted and a small pond dug with many red carp.


"This is Mr. Ling's small courtyard." Xie Ruhang said.


A few children were squatting in front of the pond watching the fish, when one child with sharp ears heard Xie Ruhang's voice and looked back alertly, smiling quickly when he saw Xie Ruhang, "Little Xie is back!


" Brother Little Xie!" " Who is the person next to Little Xie?" "So pretty~""


The children chattered and giggled, curiously gawking at Tang Bai, and all of a sudden the whole yard was filled with the sound of "Little Xie is back with his beautiful brother".


The children's eyes were filled with the desire for good things, and the smiles they showed Tang Bai were sincere and shy, a fundamental difference from the children Tang Bai had seen in the slums before.


"Hello," Tang Bai smiled at the children as he knelt down, "You can call me Brother Tang Bai."


"Brother has little biscuits here, are you guys hungry and do you want to eat the little biscuits?" Tang Bai asked with a smile as he held out a tin of biscuits.


The group of children looked at each other, no one said anything, some gulped but took a step back, and others looked at Xie Ruhang with bewilderment.

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Tang Bai did not expect these children to listen to Xie Ruhang so well.


"Eat." Xie Ruhang said this before the group of children gathered around joyfully.


The children had their own set of rules. They would line up to receive their biscuits, and the ones in front of them were either physically stronger or spoke in an orderly manner.


He thought Tang Bai was tired of standing because he had squatted down.


"Thank you, I'm not tired, would you like a strawberry flavoured biscuit?"


Zhou Xiaoshan saw the omega in front of him smiling and saying softly, under the sunlight, the amber eyes were so transparent that they were translucent, a good look that Zhou Xiaoshan could not describe.


The hand he had hidden behind his back rubbed hard against his shirt a few times before he carefully reached out and took the biscuit that this omega had gently placed in his hand.


"I have other flavours here, does anyone like matcha flavoured biscuits?" Tang Bai felt like she was feeding stray kittens, these little kids were all so skinny and thin it was a little heartbreaking.


They looked like contented kittens as they ate the biscuits, which made Tang Bai's heart soften.


"What's matcha flavour?" A child asked weakly.


Tang Bai didn't know how to describe it, so he fed the fresh-looking child a small matcha-flavoured biscuit.


Jiang Quan, who had been fed by Tang Bai's hand, blushed. He was embarrassed to look Tang Bai in the eye and looked down shyly when he saw the ring on Tang Bai's hand, which looked so beautiful, like a rose in Mr. Ling's well-tended flower garden.


He saw the shoes Tang Bai was wearing again, they were clean and there was not much mud on the sole of the shoe.


Jiang Quan couldn't help but take a peek at Tang Bai's clothes, and he saw that the dark blue cloak had a light, dark pattern that shone faintly in the sunlight, and the pattern seemed to be in the shape of a flower.


Jiang Quan's attention was drawn for a long time to the hidden dark pattern, he had never seen such a beautiful material, it looked so smooth and made him want to sneak a touch.


But I can't touch it, the cloak is so beautiful, what if he touches it and makes it dirty?


Jiang Quan carefully put the remaining three biscuits in his pocket and decided that when he got home today he would tell his mum and dad what had happened today and that he would give them this delicious biscuit to eat.


Jiang Quan smiles contentedly at the thought of it.


"Brother, where did you buy these biscuits?" A small child asked curiously, while others looked at Tang Bai in unison, wondering how much such delicious biscuits cost.


"I made them myself, but if you want to learn, I can teach you," Tang Bai said softly, "Not only can I teach you how to make biscuits, but I can also teach you many other things, too.


Jiang Quan's eyes lit up at his words, "Then will brother take the tea class that Mr. Ling said he would take too?!"


Then he saw the pretty brother freeze for a moment, "Ah ......"


Tang Bai: "This, this too will be."

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