Chapter 37 - Everything in the world can be tea.

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"Forget the tea ceremony class, do you know where Mr. Ling is?" Tang Bai changed the subject.


Jiang Quan turned his head and pointed to the floor-to-ceiling window behind him, "Mr. Ling is there."


Tang Bai stands up and sees a thin figure behind the window, a gentle omega with a calm and elegant demeanour, sitting at a low table carefully making tea.


Mr. Ling has well-kept hands and his tea is a pleasure to watch as it flows smoothly.


The green tea buds sink into the white water and the blue waves roll over, the tea water soon turns a bright yellow-green.


Mr Ling poured the brewed tea into the sea of tea, poured two more cups of green tea for Tang Bai and Xie Ruhang and said in a warm voice, "Please."


Xie Ruhang glanced at Tang Bai without a word, and when he saw Tang Bai holding the tea and smelling the aroma, observing the colour of the tea and the way the leaves were tossing and turning, he too studied in earnest.


Tang Bai took a sip of the tea, which was refreshingly sweet and had an endless aftertaste, and he couldn't help but exclaim, "Great tea!!!"


Good tea indeed, Tang Bai it's been a long time since I've had a tea as amazing as jelly and dew!


"This tea is sweet and wild, is this the best green tea that can be grown in the wilderness to absorb the essence of the sun and moon and compete with the weeds? Tang Bai exclaimed.


Xie Ruhang: "???"


Xie Ruhang was delighted to see Mr. Ling, who was always happy but not angry, meeting his soulmate like a mountain stream: "Yes!"


Xie Ruhang: "??????"


Mr. Ling raised his eyebrows, and with a slight smile, he explained to Tang Bai the entire process of sowing and picking this cup of tea to making it, and took out his treasured tea leaves to share with Tang Bai, as they gazed at the pot of green tea with the eyes of a rare and precious beauty.

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Xie Ruhang took a sip with no expression, and did not feel any tea afterwards, instead a leaf entered his mouth and Xie Ruhang calmly pooh-poohed the innocent leaf.


A grass is a plant. And he is the weed caught between two masters of the art of tea.


Ling Xuanyun saw Xie Ruhang's sullen expression and worried that she had left Xie Ruhang out in the cold: " Mr. Xie?"


Tang Bai looked back blankly and saw Xie Ruhang pick up his cup of tea and take a sip, "Good tea, good tea."


Green tea body ps10: throw in your preferences, even if you don't have anything in common you should not belittle them.


Seeing Xie Ruhang concentrating on his tea, the two began to talk about the tea ceremony with great enthusiasm, only to hear Tang Bai say, "I advocate natural tea, from the heart, follow the nature, and integrate tea into all aspects of treating people and life ......"


This theory not only drew a lot of nods from Mr. Ling, but also sent shockwaves through Xie Ruhang's body!


So this is the theory of cultivating the mind of a high class green tea?!




Green tea body ps11: The highest level of learning tea is the unity of tea people, everything in the world can be tea.


"Mr. Ling, I am rushing to visit this time because I want to ask you to help me with one thing ......" After hearing Tang Bai's intention, Mr. Ling was silent for a while, looking at Tang Bai, who was rambling behind the dense fog, and did not immediately agree.


The gland is an intimate part of the body and a scar with the gland removed goes from shameful to unseen.


"It's okay if Mr. Ling doesn't want to."

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Mr. Ling fondled his teacup for a moment, sighed and said softly, "Mr. Tang Xiao and I will go to the bedroom."


Tang Bai surprised Mr Ling by following him into the bedroom, which was a double bed, except that there was very little sign of another male owner in the house.


Tang Bai withdrew her eyes and saw Mr. Ling sitting at his dressing table, looking into the mirror and taking off his neck ring, revealing a pale scar on the back of his neck, which, from a distance, looked like a small pale pink centipede.


"It's ugly, isn't it." Mr Ling reached out and rubbed the scar, "Some people would cover it up with a tattoo, but I didn't want to please anyone else and left it alone."


Tang Bai said cautiously, "I have some ointment to fade the scars."


"No, I stopped caring about that stuff after I learned tea." There was only a wooden comb on Mr Ling's dressing table and no skincare products.


Tang Bai thought for a moment and said, "I was reading The Book of Tea and I was impressed by a passage in it."


Mr Ling looked up at Tang Bai and listened to his earnest words, "The tea ceremony is a form of worship of 'fragmentation', a gentle temptation to achieve some possible perfection in a life where we all understand that perfection is impossible."


After a moment of silence, Mr Ling smiled and sighed.




Tang Bai and Mr Ling emerged from their bedroom to see Xie Ruhang surrounded by a group of children and a light screen dropped in the air with the most basic common language on it.


Xie Ruhang, who was always quiet, patiently taught the children to read and write, and none of them deserted.


"Every time Mr. Xie came back, he would help me teach these children to read and count. Ling Xuanyun said, "He also prepares rewards for these children and can grant a wish to the one who learns best."


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"Mr. Xie loves this child and Lu Xiaoshan's wish is to learn mechs from Mr. Xie, so Mr. Xie has given Lu Xiaoshan a separate assignment."


"Last month Mr. Xie bought new clothes for all the children and Jiang Quan was the happiest, he is a very beautiful little omega, Mr. Tang Jr. probably didn't see it because Jiang Quan's parents made a point of dressing him up in a beta look."


"They were even thinner before they came to me, they couldn't eat meat for months, and some of the children's families were so poor they couldn't afford to eat, and the only meal they ate a day was at my place, and they could eat two big bowls at a time."


"These kids are staying with me for six months before they have to leave, they have to go to school, but some of the families are really poor and go to school for a few years and then they withdraw the kids from the family to help out."


"Quit school to help?" Tang Bai asked, "What can such a young child do to help the family if he doesn't study?"


"A lot, for example the mines employ child labourers, ten year olds can earn seven or eight star coins a day in the mines, which is quite a lot for them. For such a small amount of star coins, there are all kinds of diggers in the mines, children, old people, invalids, and omega."


Seeing Tang Bai's incredulous look, Mr Ling said softly, "To tell you the truth, Mr Tang Xiao may not believe it, in the slums, apart from the omega's in the red light district who would have their glands removed, there are many omega's who want to work in normal occupations who would also have this surgery, such as working in the mines."


Tang Bai froze for a moment and asked, "Can't I use inhibitors?"


"The inhibitors are very expensive, Mr. Tang, one unit costs a thousand star coins, with the omega's physical strength to go to the mine and work desperately only twenty star coins a day, a month without eating or drinking and working day and night in the mine, can only earn six hundred star coins, how can they afford to buy?"


"The gland removal surgery is once and for all, and it's also cheap, only a hundred star coins, why is it so cheap? Because they don't need much good surgical procedure, aftercare, and some omega's are so heartbroken about money that they can't even spare the anesthetic."


"Actually the other part of the reason for the low cost of gland removal surgery has to do with the red light district, there are some omega's who still think about subsidizing their families after having gland removal surgery and go to the red light district to work odd jobs. Yeah, I'm not kidding, because they really need the money ......"




When Xie Ruhang finished checking Lu Xiaoshan's homework, he realised that it was getting late and that it was time for the children to go home, he looked up and saw Tang Bai's red eyes.


"You're okay ......" Xie Ruhang, who had just opened his mouth to try to remedy the situation, was gently tugged by Tang Bai on the corner of his coat, only to hear Tang Bai whisper, "Brother Xie, I want to pay for all the children here to go all the way to university."

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The dark phoenix eyes were slightly surprised.


"It's not just here, I... I also want all the kids in the slums to go to school, I want everyone to be able to eat and wear new clothes ......" Tang Bai choked mid-sentence, "I also want to contract all the omega inhibitors and get them a normal job, not the mining kind, the kind that's so exploitative ......"


Those amber eyes were already red and her nose was flushed, Tang Bai buried her face into Xie Ruhang's shoulder and said sadly, "How can there be such a bullying job, working all day for twenty star coins ......"


The fabric on that part of her shoulder was already wet and damp with tears, a realization that caused something to sting Xie Ruhang's heart gently.


He carefully placed his hand on Tang Bai's slightly trembling back, and Xie Ruhang could smell the soft, clean milk of Tang Bai's body, so Xie Ruhang softened his voice and whispered in a coaxing tone, "Okay, let's do this."


Tang Bai rested on Xie Ruhang's shoulder for a while, and as the wave of sadness passed, he lifted his face in embarrassment and found the children all around him staring at him with wide eyes ......


Tang Bai: "......"


"Little Xie, why is your beautiful brother crying?"


"Did Little Xie bully Pretty Brother?"


"Little Xie just said he likes Tang Bai, he won't bully Tang Bai!"


"But my daddy likes little daddy, so he'll go and bully little daddy!"


Tang Bai: "............"


Tang Bai feels that he is once again socially dead.

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