Chapter 58 - Be happy.

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Xie Ruhang had difficulty expressing his mixed feelings at the moment, and after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't understand where he had lost his big number.


Is it really because Tang Bai idolizes his big number and can't feel anything else but admiration?


Xie Ruhang: "I have a favourite too."


Xie Ruhang: "He spends time with me every day, but he seems to treat me as a good friend, not like me."


Tang Bai stumbles and almost falls.


When did Gu Tunan and Xie Ruhang become best friends?


Wait a minute, it seems to be around this time, in the book Gu Tunan and Xie Ruhang were teamed up by their teacher at school during this period, and they were teammates in the mecha combat class.


And in a few days the military is supposed to put the two of them on a classified mission, and the relationship between the two in the book is heating up rapidly because of it.


Some details actually show that the two are interacting a lot more than before, such as when Xie Ruhang posted a screenshot of a fan's explanation to Fierce A. The ever-proud and conceited Gu Tunan agreed with the explanation and followed it up with a comment of the same type!


This ...... What is this if not love?!


Gu Tunan criticised his rabbit's mech in his circle of friends for its poor design, but as soon as Xie Ruhang posted it, Gu Tunan changed his tune like a strict wife.


The more Tang Bai thinks about it, the more he realizes that this is the case. He is both helpless and remorseful, as he has been so busy doing so many things during this period that he has spent more time talking with Xiao Cheng than with Xie Ruhang, missing out on the progress of the relationship between the two protagonists during their affair, and now Xie Ruhang has apparently fallen for Gu Tunan!


He's also to blame for this one for sending in his own assists!


Tang Bai remembers that after making the glandular scar replica, Gu Tunan helped Mrs. Gu make one too, and at the time Xie Ruhang intentionally brought it up with him to ask him what he thought of Gu Tunan: "I found that Gu Tunan seemed to really care about what we did, but I heard that before he made this video, he didn't I've noticed that Gu Tunan seems to be really concerned about what we've done, but I've heard that before he made this video, he didn't like this stuff, and occasionally mentioned it to his classmates with a tone of contempt."


Xie Ruhang must have noticed at the time that Gu Tunan, a straight A cancer, had started to get better. In the grand scheme of things, there are not many young alpha's like Gu Tunan who are willing to spend time with their families doing glandular scar faux makeup.


Spending time with an alpha who is starting to understand AO as an equal, who is good-looking, well-qualified, an excellent student and from a distinguished family, not to mention the fact that they were both teammates in the mecha combat class, it is understandable that their young and energetic flesh often gets entwined when they are simulating a battle and their hearts flutter inadvertently.


Tang Bai is lost in his own brainstorming.


But now Gu Tunan is still treating Xie Ruhang as an alpha, and although he has a crush on her, he can't cross the line to try to have an AA relationship, so Gu Tunan can't respond to Xie Ruhang's feelings.


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He sighed and said reluctantly, "It's all about timing in things like relationships, you can't have one without the other, wait until you feel the time is right ......" Wait until you want to reveal your identity as an omega to Gu Tunan ......


Tang Bai: "I'll make you a button that you can give to your sweetheart."


Xie Ruhang was deep in thought when he saw this reply.


Wasn't his sweetheart Tang Bai?


"I'll give you the button and you'll give me the button", does Tang Bai mean that if Tang Bai has his heart set on him, he'll make the mechanical button and give it to him?


Xie Ruhang is not sure whether to be happy or sad, but he is happy that Tang Bai likes him no matter what he does, even to the point of getting stuck in a choice block.


The sad thing is that he now can't figure out exactly where the big one lost.


This seems to be the only way to go, if Tang Bai chooses to go small, he will find the perfect time to unveil the vest, if Tang Bai chooses to go large, he will dump the small altogether.


Xie Ruhang: "Good."


How could a nice omega fall in love with Gu Tunan?


Tang Bai walked sadly towards the Registrar's Office to get his college uniform. Thinking of the handsome uniform of the Mechanical Engineering Department, Tang Bai was instantly energised and climbed the stairs with his little legs, overtaking the cadets in front of him, leaving behind a fragrant smell.


The three cadets froze on the spot and stopped on the stairs as if they had been petrified.


"...... Is it just my eyes?"


"Is that omega Tang Bai?!"


"So, so beautiful!"


It's not unusual for Tang Bai to show up at the Federal Military Academy, but Tang Bai's previous visits were to the Mech Academy to deliver lunch to Xie Ruhang.


Occasionally, the campus forum of the Federal Military Academy circulates a snapshot of Tang Bai, and a lot of alpha's run to lick her face, but some alpha's think Tang Bai is green and secretly diss her, accusing her admirers of being superficial.


However, since Tang Bai's vest was revealed yesterday and he won the mech building competition, Tang Bai's status as the forum's dream love O has become unassailable!

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That was the only omega mech builder ever to win the overall championship of the mech building competition, becoming an icon of the machine building department and attracting a huge wave of admirers with his strength.


Who wouldn't love an omega with good looks, strength, literacy and good cooking skills, who can sing, dance and paint?


As for green tea? Just kidding, my male god is such a good omega still need to go to tea others, he is just playing the stunt, using his own performance art to satirize the phenomenon of green tea prevailing in this society.


"He went into the faculty and I, I want to get an autograph from him later." An alpha mumbled.


"You can ask for it later, you're the best looking."




The alpha's were whispering and the lesser A heart was budding, only for all three to freeze when the slender figure reappeared.


Brand new thigh-high military boots polished to a shine, outlining straight, graceful lines, belts pinching a waist that is less than a handful, and up to open shoulders, a slender swan's neck, and that finely sculpted face.


The omega in front of him changed into a pitch-black military school uniform, the lines of which were hard and wonderful, and his physique held up perfectly to the uniform, chest up and gallant.


The clear amber eyes carelessly swept over the dumbfounded crowd as Tang Bai, back straight, brushed past the three men with a brisk pace.


"Fellow, fellow student ......" A military cadet snapped back to attention and stammered out, "Are you here to study in the mechanical department?"


Tang Bai turned around cleanly at the word, his turn of foot was beautiful, a norm comparable to that of a ceremonial soldier.


"Yes, please enlighten me!" Tang Bai smiled two sweet dimples and gave a military salute at the same time, and when he finished seeing no reaction from the alpha's in front of him, he turned around in style and walked briskly towards his class.


Well, the military school had a heavy workload, with seven or eight classes a day from Monday to Friday in the mechanical department, and exams were frequent, with lunchtime tests every day, weekly exams once a week, and monthly exams once a month.


Tang Bai thought as he walked, and soon reached the classroom, where he knocked on the door, and all the students and teachers in the middle of the lesson looked back, and for a moment, the classroom was dead silent.


Tang Bai smiles kindly at the new students and sees familiar faces in the classroom, one being Mo Zheng and the other being Rong Yao.




An alpha pen has fallen to the ground.

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Tang Bai looked to the teacher at the podium, "Hello teacher, where is my seat please?"


The flaxen braided alpha gave him a gentle look, he pushed his glasses up, his blue eyes behind the lenses looked around, his eyes fell on an empty table by the window, "That's where Cheng Yangbin's classmate is, you can sit there when he comes to pack up and leave."


Tang Bai nodded, noting that the mech drawing on the classroom display was the one he had altered for Cheng Yangbin.


The drawings were not required to be kept secret because of the cheating, so Cheng Yangbin's drawings were released straight after the cheating was revealed.


This teacher was also kind enough to post the original work of several mechs that Cheng Yangbin copied, with the parts copied in red.


Cheng Yangbin, who happened to walk into the classroom, looked up and saw the whole process of analyzing the drawing, from how the first draft was plagiarized from other mech builders' works and copied into a tetrapod, to how it was modified by Tang Bai and turned into a miracle ......


This time Cheng Yangbin was dropped out of school and no longer needed to market his persona, so he had no make-up today, losing his heavy foundation, his dull skin, severe dark circles under his eyes completely exposed and his whole person looked dishevelled and depressed.


Cheng Yangbin was furious and pointed at the young man on the podium and cursed: " Cheng Wenhui! Don't think you can ride over my head from now on! Don't think you'll ever be able to ride over me again, you bitch-born bastard!"


The polite young teacher stood at the podium in a state of embarrassment, as if he did not know how to deal with the situation, but let Cheng Yangbin yell at him.


Tang Bai reminded her, "Cheng Yangbin, go and pack up your personal belongings on your seat, and don't forget the billion star coins you have to donate.


Cheng Yangbin froze for a moment, and his resentful gaze climbed on Tang Bai like a poisonous snake. Tang Bai, facing Cheng Yangbin's ugly face, was not only unafraid, but also smiled with a mouthful of small white teeth, "Move fast, old scoundrels are subject to the freezing of personal assets by the court. "


Cheng Yangbin, who could not find favour with Tang Bai, grunted coldly and gathered his things in his seat with an expressionless face, tidying up with a rough, crackling motion, and glaring at the young man on the podium before he left.


When Cheng Yangbin left the classroom, he smiled gratefully at Tang Bai and turned to the class, "This is the new student I was telling you about, please give a round of applause to welcome Tang Bai Please give a round of applause to welcome Tang Bai to our community."


A warm round of applause rang out in the classroom, which was dominated by alpha's who possessed a wolf-like gaze, searing and oppressive, an alpha sitting in the back row did not applaud as he looked Tang Bai up and down before giving a slow, booming whistle.


Tang Bai looked at the alpha, who had turquoise eyes very similar to Bai Zhi's, and a provocative smile was in those eyes at the moment.


Cheng Wenhui also noticed the alpha's frivolous gesture and he frowned, "Class, Tang Bai is a very good mech builder, although he is an omega, his mechanical attainment is deeper than the vast majority of our classmates."


"Tang Bai, I would like to ask you to help me explain this mech drawing, I don't know if you would like to." Cheng Wenhui enquired.


This drawing was adapted by Tang Bai himself, so it is more appropriate for Tang Bai to speak about it, but Cheng Wenhui's move was more to give Tang Bai a chance to showcase it.

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Tang Bai, who did not understand the teacher's intentions, smiled and nodded as he stood at the podium and began to speak eloquently, his sweet, clear voice explaining the design concept as if he were speaking of love, his delicate face more inscrutable than the black and white drawings.


The students in the classroom were more attentive than in any other lesson, not sure whether they were listening intently or paying attention to the speaker.


When Tang Bai finished her talk, the classroom broke into a spontaneous round of applause, more enthusiastic than the first.


Tang Bai was walking to his seat when just then he heard the alpha who had started whistling lazily again, "What's the point of an omega mecha build if it's awesome, dainty and can't keep up half as well ......"


" Bai Li, are you finished?" Mo Zheng turned his head and said coldly.


Bai Li raised the corners of her lips, "So delicate, ah, I can't even say a word about it, I'm afraid."


Tang Bai didn't turn around, he opened his notes and listened to the teacher's lecture, not even parting with his light to the uninvolved people.


He had thought about what he would face before coming to the Federation Military Academy, it was normal, wasn't it?


Soon after the session was over, Tang Bai looked at the timetable and saw that the next session was a physical training session and she needed to change into her training uniform and gather in the gym.


Tang Bai pushes open the door to the changing room, clutching his new training uniform, and a group of half-naked alpha, beta and him look at each other inside.


Tang Bai had never dreamed of seeing this scene before he pushed the door open, and like a frightened hamster, he closed the door quickly, desperate to find a place to wash his eyes.


After a while, the door to the changing room opened and the first person to come out was Bai Li, a very tall man with long arms and legs, his eyes sunk deep as he looked down at Tang Bai, his eyes mocking, "Do you need me to tell everyone to hurry up and leave a space unoccupied just for you?"


Tang Bai tilts his head and treats Bai Li like air.


A snicker came from overhead and the other man strutted away, soon followed by a second and a third cadet, not sure if they were there to look after Tang Bai, or if they were just that fast in the first place, Tang Bai didn't have to wait long before the changing room was empty.


Tang Bai walks into the changing room, he closes the door and takes out his detector to test the room for cameras, after making sure there are none, he stands in the corner and changes his clothes quickly and silently.


The little tufts of dull hair hung down listlessly, wilted by his training uniform, and Tang Bai reached out and tugged at his face, pulling the corners of his mouth together in an upward curve with his fingers as he muttered to himself, "Be happy."


So by the time she stepped out of the changing room, Tang Bai was an energetic little omega again.



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