Chapter 59 - It's just a battle between him and himself.

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In the gymnasium, the cadets stood in order of height from lowest to highest, with Tang Bai at the head of the line.


Rong Yao stole a glance at Tang Bai in her tight training clothes. Tang Bai was thin and fair-skinned, like a porcelain doll, and her training clothes were very flattering, outlining the curve from waist to hip.


" Tang Bai is a new student, right?" The physical fitness teacher was kind enough to say, "Let's see, the omega's fitness is weak, so Tang Bai, your training will be cut in half for you."


At the end of the sentence, a familiar snort came from the group.


Without batting an eyelid, Tang Bai stood at attention, his eyes bright as he looked at his physical fitness teacher and exclaimed, "Report, teacher! No need!"


Tang Bai's mouth was closed, her jaw slightly raised, and her thin body was stubborn.


The fitness teacher froze for a moment, "Are you sure?"


Tang Bai looked ahead and shouted, "OK!"


"Good, now everyone go to the playground and run five laps!" The physical fitness teacher gave the order and the team ran out, led by Bai Li at the end of the line.


The sun was scorching outside and the playground was so hot that it felt like a large steamer, and Tang Bai's forehead was covered in a fine layer of sweat after half a lap.


At the centre of the track is a grassy pitch on which a group of cadets are playing football, and when someone sees Tang Bai at the tail end of the group, they stop playing and follow him around in a daze.


The Etiquette College also organises omega runs, but they are usually early in the morning, when the sun is still out, the breeze is fresh and there are birds chirping in the treetops.


Tang Bai had never run in such a hot sun and he had never run so fast.


It was so fast, everyone in the team was taking too many steps, even Rong Yao, who looked the thinnest, was running so fast and so easy.


" Tang Bai, three steps and one inhale, three steps and one exhale." Rong Yao's reminder came in his ears.


Tang Bai tried to breathe in and out as Rong Yao had told him to, but by the end of the first lap he had lost most of his energy.


The sun is so hot, everyone is running so fast and the track is so long ......


Tang Bai struggled to keep pace with the pack but inevitably fell out of the pack on the second lap.


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He heard someone in the group say, " Bai Li, you run slower!"


But more sounds Tang Bai could not hear, and he drew further and further away from the group.


His feet began to go numb and his stomach seemed to ache a little, a physical pain that could not be shifted with his will, and he tried to think of something to ignore the pain.


What to think?


If an alpha enters the Liturgical Academy, he will be too frazzled to keep up with the rhythm of aerobics for the first time.


If he took a cooking class, he'd probably eat his own cooking and be so bad he'd vomit ......


Ah, running really made him want to vomit a little.


His legs were as heavy as lead and Tang Bai wanted to stop and take a few steps. He wanted to cry a little because the last of his strength was being drained from his body and all he could do was cry.


Tang Bai could feel many of the cadets on the green looking at him, but he was so tired, too tired to turn his head and look at the expressions on those people's faces.


Is it mockery?


Or is it sympathy?


The team running the fourth lap easily passed him who was still on the third lap.


In the midst of extreme exhaustion, Xie Ruhang from the book suddenly came to my dizzy brain.


-- "Don't let me hear any more sexist remarks, alpha is no more noble than omega."


-- "I'll take off this uniform as soon as an alpha can beat me."


- "I have heard that when one dies one becomes a star, and that the star I am transformed into should be distant and small and out of place, deep in the dark clouds, just as my life has been deviant and maverick, deep in many impossibilities."




In fact sometimes running is like many things, it's all about exhaustion, all about pushing beyond limits, lap after lap doing your best, alone but free.


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Every step Tang Bai takes seems to be in the footprints of another person in a parallel time.


I was obviously exhausted to the point of exhaustion, and even thought my body was at its limit, but I held on for a little while longer, and a little more, and at a certain moment suddenly broke through the critical point.


The groggy brain woke up again and everything became calm and clear.


It doesn't matter what the onlookers think, it's just a battle between him and himself.


The group that had run five laps had come to a halt and all stood at the finish line, silently watching the slender figure running towards them step by step.


He was red in the face and running slowly, but even more slowly, he was getting closer to the finish line, from 50m to 20m and finally 10m, 5m, 3m ......


Tang Bai finally crossed the finish line and in that moment his body instantly went limp, his eyes went black and every breath he took hurt as someone held him up and set him up to walk slowly.


"Can't sit down now." Rong Yao handed Tang Bai the water, "A sip?"


"How about it, do you want to go to the infirmary, I'll carry you." Mo Zheng said.


A group of cadets surrounded him, some unpacked a packet of wet wipes, others held an umbrella for Tang Bai, and others pulled a small electric fan out of nowhere and blew on Tang Bai.


Tang Bai smiled when she saw how nervous her classmates looked, "It's okay, I'll be fine after a short rest, no need for everyone to come over to take care of me."


Bai Li and Mo Zheng were grouped together, while Tang Bai, who had not learnt basic sparring before, stood next to the fitness teacher and observed the sparring.


All the other groups hit each other to the point, but Mo Zheng hit Bai Li hard.


The two alpha's tear at each other like raging beasts, Mo Zheng's strikes are as ruthless and animalistic as his mech building style, while Bai Li's fighting style is wide open.


The sparring session ended with Bai Li bleeding from the corner of his mouth and Mo Zheng with a bruise on the end of his eye.


The next training session was a climbing obstacle challenge, which required the participants to climb a natural man-made rock wall twenty metres high.


The physical fitness teacher confirmed that Tang Bai was in good condition to continue with the task and agreed to his request.


"Heh, what's the point of trying to be tough when you're like this." Bai Li's mocking expression tugged at the wound at the corner of his mouth and he couldn't help but hiss.


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Tang Bai still treats Bai Li like air and changes into his climbing gear under the guidance of his fitness teacher.


Bai Li stands with his arms against a pillar, his turquoise eyes clearly irritated as he watches Tang Bai not-so-skillfully attaching safety equipment to his waist.


It was like being back eight years ago when he tried to persuade Bai Zhi not to go his own way, but no matter how much he tried to persuade him, no matter how loud he fought, no matter how hard he begged, his brother's brain would not budge.


He went and got into a fight with the alpha who had backed out of his brother's marriage, he came home bruised and battered, saw his father furious and about to slap his brother, he rushed up to defend him only to be beaten to a pulp again, all in all it was a mess of soldiers.


Why must you be so stubborn.


Why not do what omega's are supposed to do.


Why do you have to make yourself suffer.


Twenty metres would be on the difficult side even for a skinny beta, let alone for an omega.


As expected, Tang Bai fell midway down his first climb, and even with a safety rope and mat, he hit the uneven artificial rock face with his inertia.


Bai Li scratched his hair furiously, wanting a cigarette to calm down, but smoking was not allowed in class.


Watching Tang Bai's persistent figure for the second time, Bai Li's palms balled into anxious fists, and he would knock Mo Zheng's teeth out if he provoked him again now.


"He's so enlightened!"


"This one is significantly better than the last one."


"The physical coordination is really good now."


"I think Tang Bai could have done better if she hadn't been so physically exhausted from her previous run."


Around the room came the sentiments of other students.


Even Bai Li, he had to admit that Tang Bai was indeed a very talented omega, but as he watched the figure that could be blown away by a gust of wind struggle to climb, he still couldn't help but say in a wicked voice, "He'll fall."


Sure enough, a stepping off and a figure just short of a step fell straight down again.


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This time he climbed higher and fell harder, and there were shouts of surprise all around, even Bai Li took a subconscious step forward.


He saw Tang Bai easing up once again, the pretty little omega smiling shyly at his concern as he exchanged something with his fitness teacher, and after a ten minute break he strapped on his safety equipment once more.


"Will he be okay this time?"


Mo Zheng heard someone ask this question, a question he had also heard asked during Tang Bai's challenge for a web-wide quiz.


So Mo Zheng said lightly, "Yes."


His voice was not too loud, not too low, just loud enough to be heard by a circle of people around him, and Rong Yao glanced at Mo Zheng, his face unquestioning.


In fact, anyone who has been to the final of the mech building competition and seen it would be hard pressed to dispute that figure.


The man was slender, the softest omega in appearance, as if he were made of candy and spices, his voice sweet and soft, like he was telling impossible fairy tales, but he did everything he said.


He is committed to completing the final as early as possible with as little disruption as possible to the progress of the competition.


He then finished Paper C in six hours, twice the normal speed.


He said the whole network could give him questions, one from the crowd and one answer from him.


He then contrasts Cheng Yangbin to the point of no return, proving himself with absolute power.


Now he says he's going to try again.


Everyone held their breath as they watched the figure, it was the slim and trim figure of the omega, with smaller hands and feet than the alpha, there were smaller hand spots and foot spots that the alpha could not easily grasp or step on, but for this omega it was advantageous.


Instead of climbing the route that most alpha would choose, he found the line that suited him best, and this time he finished better than any other, avoiding all his previous mistakes and climbing step by step, with exceptional determination, to the highest point.


As he got closer and closer to the finish line, everyone's heart was in their throat and someone shouted, "Come on!" " Go Tang Bai!"


With cheer after cheer, Tang Bai finally climbed to the top and, as if completing a beautiful dance on the rock, he flashed a huge smile at the cheering crowd.


With his amber eyes curving and two dimples emerging sweetly, he smiles like a bright little sun.


The applause erupted in a flash and this time Bai Li stood in the crowd, his mouth opened as if to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

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