Chapter 68 - O'Shea's POV (below)

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"...... Hello, my name is Tang Bai and thank you for saving me." Tang Bai looked up at him, his amber eyes shining with light.


Looking into those beautiful eyes, he was so stiff that he didn't even know where to put his hands, and finally he said, in a dry voice, "Xiao Cheng."


It is a pseudonym, Xiao being his mother's surname.


He is now using the identity of "Rat" and taking off his human mask at the first meeting may cause some disturbance to Tang Bai.


A nobleman like Tang Bai should despise the underground arena racers.


Together with Tang Bai, he took the assailant to the police station, neither of them speaking on the way, but his instincts made him aware that Tang Bai had been spying on him.


But so did he, and he looked over at Tang Bai as she stared out of the window.


He is so good-looking himself that he rarely thinks to others, "That's a good-looking man.


But Tang Bai is truly beautiful, exquisitely beautiful, with a clear, angelic face and a cat-like cunning between her eyebrows.


He was like a passer-by looking over the fence at a well-tended rose in the garden, wanting to pick it and steal it for his home to see every day, but knowing in his heart that it would be best to let the rose continue to bloom in the garden.


All he could do was look away, but that was fine.


"I'm actually here to check out the underground arena and the black market, can you accompany me?" Tang Bai said to him, her ears red.


He accompanied Tang Bai to the underground arena, where they had to pick out masks first, Tang Bai chose a white feather mask and helped him pick out a matching black feather mask.


He saw that Tang Bai's expression was not quite right and reached out to cover Tang Bai's eyes.


Surrounded by the cheers and roars of the people, he was so close to Tang Bai that he could hear his shallow breathing.


Thick eyelashes quivered across his palm like a butterfly flapping its wings in his palm.


"I don't understand, what is the point of the existence of the underground arena?" Tang Bai asked him.


For the players, he said, the underground arena should exist to survive, to stay alive, to have a one in a million slim chance of being good enough to survive.


Becoming an underground arena star may be the only way for a slum kid to get ahead.


Tang Bai said seriously after hearing this that reading should be the ladder of advancement for all of us.


Tang Bai says he wants to reach out to people who can help the slums, he says he wants to build schools here and he says everyone deserves a bright future.


He released the hand covering Tang Bai's eyes and saw the eyes behind the mask wavering as the underground arena burned with fire.


Then the tip of his heart trembled slightly.


"It's like we're at a costume party with this mask on, by the way, do you know how to dance?" Amber eyes shone brightly at him and knowing he couldn't, Tang Bai smiled, "Then can I teach you how to dance next time?"


So they had their next meeting.


In the square where the white doves are flying, Tang Bai is excited to teach him to dance the Moka.


"When you invite someone to dance, say, "Sir, may I ask you to dance." Tang Bai held out his hand to him in a decent manner.


So he followed Tang Bai's example and put one hand behind his back, one hand outstretched to the man in front of him and bowed his head slightly, "May I ask you to dance, young master?"


Tang Bai nods proudly and condescendingly, placing the hand with the rose ring on it in his palm.


Gorgeous music flows from the rose-style light-brain ring, like magnificent petals floating on a gurgling stream of water.


At first they were dancing Moka, but then Tang Bai said the square dance music was really too brainwashing, talking about how he suddenly took his hand and led him onto the huge dance floor.


The fountain changed its shape to the music, Tang Bai took his hand and laughed as he danced, he had heard the music before and thought it was loud, but this moment he felt the charm of the music Tang Bai was talking about.


He always thinks that everything is beautiful in Tang Bai's eyes, whether it's a street stall, a square dance, a dirty child or even the person "Xiao Cheng" ...... Everything is beautiful.


The first time I heard Tang Bai's comments on "Xiao Cheng" was at Coffin of Machinery.


At that time he did not know that the mech builder was Tang Bai and Tang Bai did not know that "X" was Xiao Cheng, and they shared their lives as normal, well-connected online friends.


Tang Bai said to him, "I seem to have a crush on someone.


That man lived in a place where madness, sin and chaos reigned, but he grew sober, good and wild.


He was a very different being from me. I was tamed into docility by this society, but he kept his bones austere and free.


When he covered my eyes, it was as if I heard the sound of rivers flowing and seas roaring inside him, and it made me want to go to his world and adventure with him so badly ......

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Tang Bai made the man sound too good, so good that he never even considered that the man was himself in the first place.


He asked Tang Bai, "Does that guy like you?


Tang Bai said, like, he liked me, and his gaze fell on me tenderly as I looked away.


He said to Tang Bai, "You have said so many good things, so what are the weaknesses of the other side?


Tang Bai said, "The downside is that he's too slow, I guess, and he doesn't even know he's going to kiss me when I close my eyes.


So he suggested to Tang Bai that if he really liked it and was sure that the person was of good character, then next time he should take the initiative and kiss him.


Tang Bai said to him apologetically, "But I haven't kissed anyone yet, what if I kiss him and he just ducks?


Then said, if you really want to kiss, do you have to spray some kind of kissing spray in advance, how about a fruity one ......


It's good to be in love.


He saw Tang Bai's screen full of shredded words and couldn't help but feel this way.


Such a beautiful thing was like a luxury to him, and injected with the camouflage potion he had less than forty years to live.


In the average two hundred year life span of an intergalactic man, he can only give his lover a brief love if he really wants to fall in love.


This love is selfish and vile.


The issue of longevity is hidden, leaving the lover with a long period of suffering just to enjoy a brief moment of pleasure.


So he has never had the luxury of love, but he has also never met an alpha that made his heart sing, so he doesn't regret it when he thinks about it.


At the end of the conversation, he ordered the Sunflower Energy Gun from Tang Bai, which he wanted to give to Tang Bai for protection.


It was a good and fulfilling time, and although the pressure of running for chief was great, he was able to meet up with Tang Bai on a regular basis and talk to his friends on Mechanical Coffin in the evenings.


At the time he thought he had two close friends at once.


He saw the slums getting better, and somehow Tang Bai managed to get Bai Zhi to call attention to slum education, and on the etiquette test he got the Moka that Tang Bai taught him, and everything started to change for the better.


He thought everything was getting better.


It was only when he and Tang Bai met again that he gave Tang Bai the sunflower energy gun.


"You're 'X'?!" Tang Bai exclaimed.


It turns out that the seller is Tang Bai.


He was dwelling on the coincidence of the incident when he heard Tang Bai's careful probing, "So you ...... know all about it then?"


What do you know?


He looked blankly at Tang Bai.


Tang Bai let out an oops, looked at him with a "I knew it" look of hatred and then ah ......


Then Tang Bai stood on her tiptoes and kissed him with a red face.


It is strawberry flavoured.


-- "If you really want to kiss, do you have to spray some kind of kissing spray in advance, how about a fruity one?"


-- "The downside, I guess, is that it's so retarded that he doesn't even know to kiss me when I close my eyes."


-- "When he covered my eyes, it was like I heard the sound of rivers flowing and seas roaring inside him, and it made me want so badly to go to his world and adventure with him ......"


It turned out that when they were watching the fireworks together, Tang Bai suddenly closed his eyes and asked him to kiss him.


It turned out that the day he removed his hand and looked into his eyes and saw the flaming light in those amber eyes, it was called "love".


It turns out that in understanding all this, he will also lose him forever.


How can he be with Tang Bai? He was an omega who hadn't lived long and Tang Bai was going to be laughed at for being with him.


He took a step back as Tang Bai stared at him in awe and all he could do was apologise, "Sorry, I have to go."


"Don't you go, okay." Tang Bai's face was still flushed and his eyes were bright with his favourite light as he confessed, "I like you."


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"Young master, how can you like me when you don't even know my real identity?" He had told Tang Bai that Xiao Cheng was his false identity.


Tang Bai looked at him with bright and determined eyes, with the righteousness of a love separated by mountains and seas, but all the seas and mountains can be leveled, and he said, "Although I don't know who you are, I really, really like you, can we be together?"




How he wanted to say that.


"I can't be with you, I'll do you harm. All I can offer you is the brief stay of this false identity."


He saw that the thin layer of red that had been left on Tang Bai's face had all faded cleanly with the passage, and that face was as white as a sheet of paper.


"I'm sorry." He whispered.


Amber eyes filled with tears, washing those eyes brighter and brighter, Tang Bai seemed ready to cry out, " Xiao Cheng, you son of a bitch!"


Don't cry, my young master, I'm not worthy of you crying over.


"Don't think that you saved me, don't think that you stayed with me as 'X', don't think that just because you did that I really have to have you!"


Yes, that's it, you don't have to have me, you can have a good life, you will marry a husband who is right for you and loves you, he will stay with you until you die, you will have children and grandchildren, you will be happy forever.


He turned and walked out the door, and he had no idea where he was going.


"If you leave, I'm going on a blind date, I'm going to find another alpha to be with, and I'm never going to talk to you again!"


" Xiao Cheng!"


"Don't you go, OK!"


"You're not allowed to leave."


"Don't go ......"


He did not turn back, because he was afraid to do so.


He walked further and further away, stopping when he could no longer hear the call of those behind him.


He found himself with a terrible pain in his chest, where his left atrium was, so stuffy that he could not breathe a little, so oppressive and painful that it throbbed with every heartbeat.


Loss always brings pain, he had only spent such a short time with his young master, they had only had such a short time of pleasure, and when such a little pleasure was taken away it would be so painful, what if they had spent more time together?


What if it is so long that Tang Bai has become indispensable and his death cannot be undone?


Would Tang Bai have been more upset at that time than he is now?


Xie Ruhang covers his mouth as he coughs up a large mouthful of blood, which runs down his hand, but he wipes it away from his lips with the back of his hand without much care.


A message alert sounded, it was a message from Tang Bai on the Mechanical Coffin, Tang Bai asked him if he still wanted the rabbit mech.


He said no more.


Tang Bai asked why not.


Xie Ruhang closed his eyes, thinking that he should say something desperate at this time, the more desperate the better, the better to break Tang Bai's heart, so that Tang Bai would not like him anymore when she had been hurt enough and would not waste her time on him.


So he said, "I just think of you as a friend, I don't like your love, and that makes me feel a little sick.


Sure enough, Tang Bai never contacted him again.


He didn't use that rabbit mech.


Nor did he have time to find a new suitable mech.


He eventually chose the long night.


The night was long, the night was long, and he had stayed up too long in the long night, thinking that he had finally found his star, but the star hung so high and so far away, how could he pick it?


In the mecha duel for the chief exam, he narrowly defeated Gu Tunan with "Long Night" and the price for his victory was the exposure of "Rat", so everyone suddenly accused him of being too ruthless and cold-blooded in the competition, saying that Gu Tunan lost because he was too kind. too kind, that a man with a heart of gold like his doesn't deserve to be chief ......


He won.


Winning over the overwhelming accusations and prejudices.


The chief examination was somewhat exhausting for him, causing his rut to be unexpectedly early.


He was caught in the middle of a wretched rut by Gu Tunan, who learned his secret and began to change his attitude towards him, but he didn't realise it at the time.

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When he closed his eyes, he would think of Tang Bai, and when he thought of Tang Bai, his left chest would ache, and sometimes when he didn't think of Tang Bai, his chest would still hurt.


He remembered the dessert Tang Bai had made for him, he remembered the dance Tang Bai had taught him, he remembered the kiss Tang Bai had given him.


It's strawberry flavoured, tart and sweet.


He likes Tang Bai.


I particularly like Tang Bai.


He liked Tang Bai from the first moment he saw her.


Why is it like that? Was it love at first sight? Why did Tang Bai fall for him? If Tang Bai hadn't liked him, he might never have understood his feelings, then they could have been good friends, then they could have seen each other every day.


Why is it a tragedy that the person you like happens to like you too?


Then came the day when an omega handed him a love letter and the omega thought he was an alpha and handed him a love letter with a red face.


For a moment, he thought he saw Tang Bai in the same light, blushing and hesitant, the light in her eyes beautiful and clear.


Gu Tunan confessed to him after seeing him with the love letter. Only later did Gu Tunan tell him that the hasty confession that day was because of the softness in his eyes when he looked at the omega that day, Gu Tunan said he had never seen him look at anyone with such soft eyes.


At that moment, Gu Tunan's sense of crisis was unprecedented, and he was so unprepared that he rushed to confess his feelings, thinking that he could not let anyone get ahead of him.


Gu Tunan likes him.


This is something he did not expect.


In fact, many times he felt that he did not deserve to be liked; he came from a lowly background, was gloomy and had a short life span.


Gu Tunan complimented him, saying that he was independent, enterprising, idealistic and powerful, and that he was a tree that could grow alongside him, unlike those delicate doddering flowers.


Gu Tunan said he would cancel his engagement to Tang Bai for him, Gu Tunan said he would help him hide his identity, Gu Tunan said a lot.


He frowned a little.


He didn't like to hear Gu Tunan describe Tang Bai as a vase. Tang Bai was not a snivelling beauty as Gu Tunan called him, on the contrary, Tang Bai was strong and could always smile brightly and warmly, Tang Bai had his own lofty ideals, he had been studying mechanics in secret and never gave up.


What Tang Bai needs is an opportunity, an environment where he can really express himself.


He defended Tang Bai a lot in his mind, but he didn't say a word of it because it was a favourite he had hidden away and liked so much that he didn't want to share it with anyone.


Xie Ruhang listens quietly as Gu Tunan expresses his love for him, but his thoughts are on Tang Bai.


It is good that Gu Tunan and Tang Bai cancelled their engagement. Gu Tunan does not like Tang Bai, does not respect Tang Bai and such a person will not treat Tang Bai well in the future.


Tang Bai will meet a more suitable alpha and Tang Bai will live a happy life.


He thought that Tang Bai might have known that Xiao Cheng was Xie Ruhang, since he had revealed his identity as a "rat" in the chief examination with "Long Night".


"The image of the Rat is not on the Internet, but with the power of the Tang Family, if Tang Bai wanted to find out, he would.


Although only a few people like Gu Tunan know that he is an omega now, if his identity as an omega is ever revealed, and his injection of the camouflage potion is also revealed, will Tang Bai understand that he said those desperate words because of his longevity?


Will Tang Bai be sad when she realises? According to Tang Bai's kind personality, Tang Bai should feel guilty and he doesn't want Tang Bai to feel sad for him.


If Tang Bai had known that he was in love with Gu Tunan, and he had rejected him because of Gu Tunan, wouldn't he have been less upset if that was the news Tang Bai knew?


With this in mind, he looked at Gu Tunan and whispered, "I won't live long, so will you still like me?"


Gu Tunan froze for a moment and instead of asking him why, he nodded at him.


"Will you like me even if I don't like you?"


In fact, he felt cruel at this moment, but he was not a very noble person in the first place, and Xie Ruhang smiled when he saw Gu Tunan nodding without hesitation.


"Can I ask you something? If one day my identity as an omega comes out, before I die, I want to tell people that I like you and that you like me and that we both loved each other, is that okay?"


It was an odd request and Gu Tunan hesitated for a moment before nodding.


So the matter was settled.


Xie Ruhang likes Gu Tunan.


Everyone will know, including Tang Bai.


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And Xie Ruhang likes Tang Bai, which is something Xie Ruhang only needs to know about himself.


Much, much, much more happened later, when he cut his glands, went to war, won a battle, and in triumph stabbed to death a nobleman who had defiled his subordinates.


The nobleman, a Cheng Family man and a member of Parliament, was impulsive after all, and many people came to see him during the time he was imprisoned.


He was told that Tang Bai, one of the heads of the omega protection society, was also running around for the civilian omega who had been raped, saying that Tang Bai had been so busy with the matter that he had to forget to eat his meals.


Gu Tunan brought him a bento, saying that the whole Federation would know about his stomach problem and that Auntie Tang was a fan and had made it especially for him and asked Gu Tunan to bring it to him.


He picked up the bento, opened it and saw the omelette in the shape of a love heart.


He finished his bento in one clean bite.


It still tasted like he remembered it, in fact he instantly recognised who the real owner of the bento was who made it.


He wondered how he and Tang Bai, how they had come to this point. There had been times when they had been close, when they had talked all night, when they had walked hand in hand under the stars, when they had thought about the future together.


-- If I were to set the curriculum in the future, all this nonsense would become electives, and everyone who wants to learn etiquette would take it, and those who want to learn self-defense would take it themselves, and learn whatever they like! There's no need to take etiquette tests at federal military schools, it's all red tape and should have been thrown out a long time ago ......"


-- "I... I also want all the kids in the slums to go to school, I want everyone to have enough to eat and new clothes ...... I also want to contract all the omega inhibitors and get them a normal job, not the mining kind, the kind that is so exploitative ......"


-- "I really hope that every omega can go and do what they want to do."




This is the future Tang Bai hopes for and he will do his best to give Tang Bai a new future.


Tang Bai should not be a bird in a cage, he should be a phoenix soaring in the sky.


But he couldn't let Tang Bai go down that uncertain road, so he let him go alone.


With the help of many people, he was acquitted and returned to the battlefield, where he led his combat squad to a narrow victory at the cost of nearly leaving his life on the battlefield.


The ministry took the dying man to the military doctor just as the effects of the camouflage potion wore off and his true gender was revealed, and the whole planet was in uproar as they demanded that the military ministry take back his rank and put him back on the right path as a deviant omega.


Even if he has had his glands cut, he will not be in heat to affect others.


He was seriously wounded, but with a ruthless determination he announced to everyone that he would take off his uniform as soon as an alpha could defeat him.


Blood flowed all over the cockpit, but the mech he was manning defeated all his opponents with great authority.


Having won the battle, he was admitted to the ward again, many people came to see him, many people wanted to interview him, Bai Zhi was talking to him about working together and by the end of the day ......


Tang Bai is also here.


Tang Bai sat at his bedside for a long time and said to him, Is it because I am omega and Gu Tunan is alpha that you don't like me and prefer Gu Tunan.


He said yes, he said he only saw Tang Bai as a friend.


Tang Bai, after a longer silence, said, "So.


Then Tang Bai raised a smile and said to him, actually it's not bad now, you are my omega light oh, I wish you happiness.


Yes, it's great now, Tang Bai is still as good looking, proud and reserved as he remembers the young master to be, and those beautiful eyes still shine brightly when he says "you are my omega light".


It is the light he has always wanted to guard.


He said to Tang Bai, "I wish you well too.


Things went as he expected, with Bai Zhi using his influence to implement various initiatives, the slum dwellers getting better and Tang Bai preparing to enter the mech building competition.


Tang Bai gave him the rabbit mech that he hadn't given away back then, and he gave Tang Bai a book in return.


If Tang Bai had looked through that book, he might have found a dried rose petal on a page that contained the words he liked so much.


"I have come to give you a gift, that among so many stars I will continue to live in one of them, and I will continue to laugh on that star.


This way, when you look up at the stars, you feel as if all the stars are laughing.


It's time to say goodbye.


You know, it's too far to go home, I can't take my physical body with me, it's just a useless shell, there's no point in grieving over a useless shell."


Xie Ruhang thought that the star he became would be distant, small and out of place, deep in the dark clouds, just as his life had been a rebellious and maverick one, mired in many impossibilities.


At this thought, those dark phoenix eyes finally lost their last light and he faced the stars, remaining forever on the eve of dawn.

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