Chapter 69 - Now we're objects.

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Tang Bai had a long dream, he dreamt that he was wearing a black suit with a white rose pinned to his chest, standing at the omega light's funeral and crying all the time, crying his heart out, as if his tears were going to be dried up for the rest of his life.


Blurred by tears, the handsome man in the black and white photograph has a picturesque brow, untamed and gentle.


The sadness in the dream was so thick, so overwhelming that he could not breathe, and Tang Bai woke up suddenly at some moment of extreme depression.


He saw Xiao Cheng, who had been by his side for who knows how long, staring at him with a frown, and when he woke up, Xiao Cheng touched his forehead with the back of his hand and his frown relaxed, "It's not hot anymore, did you have a nightmare? I've warmed up some milk for you, get up and have a sip."


For a moment, Tang Bai felt a momentary overlap between Xie Ruhang and Xiao Cheng.


"Xiao Cheng, I'm struck by the fact that you and Brother Xie seem to have a very similar body type." Tang Bai said curiously.


Xie Ruhang, who has obviously been very rigorous about stuffing booster pads into smaller shoes: "!"


Tang Bai nodded seriously, "It seems that not only do they have the same body type, but also the same hair style."


Xie Ruhang, who obviously makes a point of scrunching up the trumpet's hair every time: "!!!"


Tang Bai said innocently, "I thought I saw Brother Xie just now, is it true that fans of an idol will look more and more like each other?"


Xie Ruhang nods disingenuously.


Seeing Xiao Cheng's uncomfortable expression, Tang Bai said, "I'm not saying you're imitating Brother Xie, I feel like there's a lot I admire about you both, but there's still a lot of differences between you.


It's right in front of you.


Xie Ruhang lied without a blush: "He's out on some business and won't be back for a while."


In fact, Xie Ruhang had been considering whether he wanted to show his hand before Tang Bai woke up, and in the future footage shown to him by Magic Silver, he saw that he seemed to be in poor health because his body had rejected Tang Bai.


In fact, one can also guess if he has made any enemies based on his own words, "I might harm you", but Xie Ruhang knows his character very well, if there are enemies in the world who want to harm Tang Bai, he will take care of them first instead of hurting Tang Bai first.


Only something beyond human power could have made him choose to do this to Tang Bai. He could not think of anything that could stop him except death.


He sees the future from his own perspective, whereas Tang Bai should see the future from Tang Bai's own perspective.

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Tang Bai said that the future him would like Gu Tunan.


According to Xie Ruhang's understanding of himself, if one day his health was really so poor that he was dying, and he refused to go with Tang Bai and chose Gu Tunan again, then Gu Tunan might be the shield he had found.


There's just one thing Xie Ruhang can't figure out... why would he need Gu Tunan as a shield in the future?


This question is one of the top three unanswered questions in his mind, along with "Why Tang Bai likes Xiao Cheng" and "Why is his future health so bad".


Until Xie Ruhang verifies the credibility of Magic Silver's foreknowledge of the future, he will not merge the vests for the time being, since there must be a reason why his future self chose to keep it a secret.


Tang Bai had sworn to tell us a lot of details about Gu Tunan and him in the future. If they all match up, it means that the future he saw is real. Before that, he also needs to test the magic silver more to see if it can inspire new future fragments.


Xie Ruhang said that he had to go out for a while and that he had already talked to Xiao Cheng and was very confident about Xiao Cheng's character, so Tang Bai did not have to worry about being alone with Xiao Cheng.


Tang Bai's heart was sweetened when his alpha was approved by his best friend. He looked to Xiao Cheng and gossiped, "Are you happy and excited to see your idol?"


Xie Ruhang's cheek is not thick enough to stage his own rabid fans chasing him. He coughed and maintained Xiao Cheng's low, magnetic voice, "I'm still happier to see you."


The scent of hot milk floats in the air, a sweet milk smell somewhat similar to Tang Bai's rut, and with Xie Ruhang's provocative voice, Tang Bai is instantly awakened to the memories Xiao Cheng marked him with not long ago.


I was tingling, my whole body was enveloped in alpha's tall body, too strong to escape, but the licking of his glands was so gentle that in retrospect the fearful reaction at the time seems to have turned into eroticism ......


Aaaahhhh no thinking no thinking no thinking! That's too shameful!!!


Tang Bai blushed and looked at Xie Ruhang with shy, watery eyes, "I was happy to have you there."


Xie Ruhang and Tang Bai, who were just trying to change the subject, looked at each other for a moment and blushed in unison when no one was talking about the marker.


The little omega in front of him was getting redder and redder, and even though he took a small sip of milk to hide his emotions, the blush still did not subside.


Xie Ruhang's throat tickled a little and he took a sip of the milk as well, and his first reaction was ......


This milk doesn't taste as good as Tang Bai.

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"Why aren't you wearing your star buttons today?" Tang Bai suddenly whispered.


Xie Ruhang looks at his outfit and cries foul, the star buttons are a detail easily overlooked in the rush.


"There is a legend that if you get the second button on the person you like, you can get their true love, you pin the star button on the second button so that others know ......" Tang Bai's voice got smaller and smaller as he looked blearily at Xie Ruhang, like a child asking for candy.


"Do you know that I'm seeing someone?" Xie Ruhang helped Tang Bai to say the words he had been stammering for half a day.


Tang Bai's ears turned red for a moment, but his eyes continued to look unabashedly at Xie Ruhang with the brightness of a peach blossom between them as he said softly, "Now we're together."


The two newcomers, who had never been in love before, stared at each other, not knowing what to say next, before Tang Bai wisely said, "We have to give each other special names, I can't call you Xiao Cheng anymore."


The fingers that held the glass nervously rubbed the wall, "Brother."


Xie Ruhang: "!!!"


Xie Ruhang's mouth turned up in a frenzy, and it was only through his years of experience as a face-palmist that he managed not to show any strange expressions that would have ruined his persona.


Is this what it's like to be in love?! This kind of thing is too good to be true!!!


Seeing Tang Bai, who was still waiting for a special term of endearment, Xie Ruhang tried his best to control his swirling emotions and racked his brain trying to come up with a pampering and special term of endearment.


Tang Tang ? Bai Bai? Baby? Baby?


...... How to give sweet omega boyfriend a special nickname online and wait quite urgently!


If conditions didn't allow it, Xie Ruhang would have posted online for help.


At that moment, a flash of light came to his mind, and the name "young master" from the magic silver clip came up.


A very apt title indeed.


If his parents had not died and if he had grown up the way they wanted, he might have grown up to be a servant at Tang Family.


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"Little Young Master." Xie Ruhang whispered to Tang Bai.


"Why do you call me Young Master?" Tang Bai said cautiously, "I think there's a little bit more distance in that title."


"Because you are in my heart a young master growing up in love, with a bright, clear light in your eyes, and I want to be a faithful servant, a knight, or a husband to watch over my young master." Xie Ruhang looked at Tang Bai and said slowly.


He was a contradictory man, usually quiet, but when it came to expressing his love for Tang Bai, Xie Ruhang never minced his words, and he did so with such sincerity that he was more eloquent than the praise he received in words on the Internet.


Tang Bai gave a wooing sound in his heart, he was afraid that he would forget his business and hurriedly said, "Brother, there is something I didn't tell you clearly before I was in heat, I suspect that someone has changed my inhibitor."


Xie Ruhang couldn't care less about Su Shuang brought by the word brother at his words, he said seriously, "Do you still have the inhibitor you were replaced with?"


Tang Bai took half of the suppressant out of his backpack, "I'll go back and get it identified, I reckon there's an aphrodisiac in there, the suppressant was just put in my bag a week ago and I'm now wondering who could have touched my bag in the week."


"I would leave my bag in the classroom during the day and all the mechanical students would have the opportunity to touch my bag, but we have surveillance in the classroom, I can check the surveillance video for the week." Tang Bai frowned, "Did Bai Li switch my inhibitor? He was very defiant at first, switching inhibitors could have gotten me into trouble, and if you weren't there when I was in heat, a random alpha could have tagged me."


"If this gets publicised, I'm afraid public opinion will stop me from going to military school again."


"There are no ifs, young master, I am at your side." Xie Ruhang suddenly said.


Xie Ruhang's voice is low, soft and firm when he calls out for the young master, as if he will always be by his side.


Tang Bai felt like his ears were going to get pregnant, he rubbed his ears and then his face, his original sad expression was tinted with the sweetness of love, "At night I was back in my dorm room at the Etiquette College to rest, my backpack was left in my dorm room, there were many students who could come over to string the dorm, but I didn't have a camera in my dorm room ......"


Xie Ruhang was a bit worried about Tang Bai's mood, the last thing Tang Bai wanted to suspect would be those omega friends, after all the time we had spent together, "Have you been anywhere else besides these two places? I remember you told me you've been practicing swimming recently, did you have your inhibitor with you when you went to the swimming pool?"


Tang Bai nodded, "But the backpack was in the locker at that time and there were cameras installed in the locker."


"I think I remember you going to the mechanics teacher's office this week, did you have your backpack with you at that time too?" Xie Ruhang asked.


"Brought it. I went to Mr. Cheng's office several times for tutoring, and there were times when I went to the toilet without my bag, but Mr. Cheng is very nice, and he has nothing at stake with me, so it's unlikely that he would go and swap my inhibitor." Tang Bai subconsciously excuses Cheng Wenhui.


"I've heard that Cheng Wenhui and Cheng Yangbin are brothers, is he avenging Cheng Yangbin's death?" Xie Ruhang speculated.


Tang Bai shook his head without hesitation, "No way, you don't know, when I reported to the mechanical department on my first day, Mr Cheng used Cheng Yangbin's copied drawing as an example in class."

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"Just as Cheng Yangbin came over to pack up his things and leave, he saw Mr. Cheng unmercifully dissecting his plagiarism ideas, he cursed at Mr. Cheng and cursed at him, cursed at him badly, Mr. Cheng is Cheng Wenhui's half-mother, they have a bad relationship, Cheng Yangbin has a bad temper, Mr. Cheng is like a sufferer, let Cheng Yangbin scolded, not even a word back, so I was angry that I helped Mr. Cheng dislike back on the spot ......"


Xie Ruhang was silent for a while and then suddenly said, "You said Cheng Yangbin is here to pack up and leave, so does Cheng Wenhui know that Cheng Yangbin is coming to this class?"


The question froze Tang Bai, who had a good memory and instantly recalled the day he entered the classroom and asked Cheng Wenhui where his seat was.


Cheng Wenhui looked over to an empty table and said that it was Cheng Yangbin's place and that he could sit there when Cheng Yangbin came and packed up and left.


At first glance, it didn't sound wrong, but now that I think about it, since Mr. Cheng said that, it meant that he wouldn't be kept waiting for too long, so if Cheng Yangbin was late, would Mr. Cheng have to keep him waiting all morning?


"...... Not knowing that Cheng Yangbin would come this session, he should have known that Cheng Yangbin was going to be there right away." Tang Bai said.


Xie Ruhang tapped on the table, "You said that this teacher Cheng had a weak temper and was so contrary that he didn't say a word back when he was yelled at by Cheng Yangbin."


"If he was so weak and unwilling to confront Cheng Yangbin, and he knew that Cheng Yangbin was coming to pack up and go home in a while, why didn't he wait until Cheng Yangbin had left before releasing the example?"


Yes, why?


"Could it be that this Mr Cheng has a low EQ? But then you just told me that after he found out Bai Li whistled at you, he immediately asked you to help him analyse that drawing of Cheng Yangbin's." Xie Ruhang said meaningfully, "That's a clever move, letting you give everyone a hard time with mechanics and earning your goodwill at the same time."


"People always feel good about the people they help, and as soon as you entered the classroom you helped this Mr. Cheng, and then this Mr. Cheng helped you, and with this back and forth, you built up quite a bit of goodwill towards Mr. Cheng, whom you hadn't known for long, and easily accepted with gratitude the help that Mr. Cheng was going to give you for tutoring."


As Xie Ruhang's analysis progresses, Tang Bai's head becomes more and more dull, and he stares at Xie Ruhang like a hamster without a dream, holding his milk.


Xie Ruhang stroked Tang Bai's head and said softly, "All of the above is my verbal analysis and subjective judgement, I am just saying all this to tell you that trust is a wonderful thing, but don't trust others gullibly because there are many bad people in this world."


"But then," the dark eyes were suddenly gentle, "there are more good people, and we all love the nakedness with which you treat people."


Seeing Tang Bai nodding obediently, a part of Xie Ruhang's heart became soft and warm. He knew that the road of giving voice to the omega would be a difficult one, and that if he went on, Tang Bai might not be as carefree as before.


He recently came across an aptly named "omega light" on the Star website for Tang Bai.


He doesn't really want Tang Bai to carry such heavy expectations, he just hopes that there will always be light in his young master's eyes.

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