The more Glenn listened to his vassals’ opinions one by one only made him shake his head.

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In the meantime, he kept pouring out all the ideas he had in his head.

It would be crazy if a plausible idea would come out from several people pouring out all kinds of opinions.

“What do you think about attaching a latch to the chest to support the javelin?”

“That sounds pretty useful, Your Grace. I don’t think it’s going to be that hard to make. I could instruct the Dwarves to make new samples.”

“Oh, would it be okay to order more samples from the dwarves? Was it Miar? That dwarf would protest that he’s tired and laid down.”

“We have to mass-produce it someday anyway, so we need to tell them to make it in advance.”

The conversation seemed to be prolonged, but the meeting went smoothly.

Nadia looked pleased as the men put their heads together and shared their concerns.

‘Fortunately, they know how to use their brains.’

Nadia couldn’t control every part of the battle plan.

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After she drew a big blueprint, others had to fill in the flaws.

In that sense, the vassals needed to be competent.

It was fortunate that the plan would not go wrong as everyone was trying to achieve the same goal in mind.

‘But I need to give them some hints.’

Mounted shock tactics seemed to have been used for a long time in Lee Jiho’s hometown.

That meant he might already know how to retaliate.

Nadia would need to give them a heads up on this part.

Nadia broke in among the knights in the middle of a heated discussion and opened her mouth.

“Excuse me, Glenn.”


As soon as Nadia cut in quietly, the voices stopped. She could feel the eyes of the vassals on her.

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“I’m sorry to interrupt the discussion. But there’s one thing I have to say.”

What else was she trying to say this time? Not only Glenn, but also others, listened to her.

It was something they had learned from their experience that the new Madam never said nonsense.

“Of course, as you may already know…… There is no such thing as a disease without weakness.”

“That’s right. If such a thing existed, the army would be made up of one soldier.”

“The same goes for our new unit. When you have strengths, weaknesses also exist. The enemy will be flustered at first, but one day we will come up with a way to stop our troops.”

Nadia continued, looking up at him.

“Assuming that His Grace were to face a heavily armed cavalry, how would you fight back? From the perspective of a hypothetical enemy…… That’s right, imagine His Grace in the shoes of the Southern Lords.”

“Southern army? Are you assuming a civil war?”

“I mean yes, for example.”

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Glenn paused to think.

Nadia’s point of view to think from the enemy’s point of view made sense.

Unless the enemy was a decent idiot, once they had been beaten, they would take precautions against him in the future.

If so, it would be his task to prepare for the countermeasures.

‘If we must stop the armed cavalry charging without arrows and javelins….’

It was suicide to fight back with the cavalry they had.

Because the cavalry of Glenn’s enemy, the Southern army, is weaker than the Northern’s.

But if he were the commander of the Southern army, he would surely try to find another way.

“I would build a heavily armed infantry unit that uses longer spears than the existing ones.”

After much contemplation, he finally came to a conclusion.

“Unlike humans, horses couldn’t wrap their whole body in armor. A very long javelin would be used to aim for the horse instead of the rider. Because of the impact of the fall, the cavalry wouldn’t be able to move freely for a while. I think it’s worth trying if they are aiming for that moment.”

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Nadia thought it was a great relief that she didn’t need to come up with the same disease analogy.

If her partner to get her revenge were so clueless, the future would be very difficult.

Glenn added.

“But the Southern will not be able to operate infantry as easily as we are.”

“Why is that?”

“First of all, most of the infantry are farmers who lack training. It takes time and money to create infantry units that will hold their line undisturbed by a cavalry charge. Elegant crafts cannot be made overnight.”

He continued, raising another finger.

“And secondly, their cavalry are nobles while their infantries are  commoner.”


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