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The men were at a loss for words at the sudden answer.

Looking up at the sky, they saw a cluster of stars that seemed to be scattered in the sky.  It was a very beautiful sight.

In the midst of this, they started thinking about why Lee Jiho was being this way.

As if noticing that the soldiers were flustered, Lee Jiho added as if making an excuse.

“I didn’t come to see the scenery, I came to record the movement of the stars.”

“… Pardon?”


However, he immediately had to regret his choice.  The doubt on the two subordinates’ faces deepened even more.

‘Well, since astronomy is unfamiliar to the commoners of this era.’

Lee Jiho gave up on explaining the details.

In any case, he had no obligation to convince his subordinates of his movements one by one.

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He let out a short sigh and opened his mouth.

“It’s nothing. Let’s just go back.”

“Yes? A-Ah, yes.  Please come down carefully.”

However, there was not the slightest shaking in the movement of jumping down the tall rock, to the point of his two subordinates worrying.  Lee Jiho landed stable.

The ability of knights dealing with auras was amazing.  The search team silently admired and followed him.

* * *

Good news and bad news arrived at the same time for the Balazit duchy.

The good news was that his subordinate Lee Jiho succeeded in subjugating the venomous dragon Gadavira, and the bad news was that the enemy family succeeded in expanding their territory.

“What?  The Marquis of Winterfell takes over Valloon Fortress?!”

Duke Balazit threw away the pen holder he was holding and let out a roar.  He was so angry that it seemed like he would spew fire from his mouth.

The aide who delivered the news had to bow down without doing anything wrong.

“What the hell did that bastard do to take over the heavenly fortress?!”

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“It is said that they dug a cave under the fortress and exploded gunpowder.  It looks like one side of the wall has completely collapsed.”

“Damn it!”

Bang!  The Duke slammed the desk and muttered curse words.

The Raina region near Valloon Fortress was one of the most prosperous lands in the country, and it was a land that served as a springboard for advancing to the south.

It was a really big problem that such a place was owned by the northern forces.

Wasn’t it the weakness of the North that it was less productive than the South?

‘Besides, it’s been a while since they have even settled their enormous debt.’

Just a few months ago, they were steadily breaking down their own political power.

When he succeeded in pushing his daughter into the heart of enemy lines, he thought he had won.

But in an instant, things turned the way he wasn’t expecting again.  As expected, they were not an easy opponent.

The Duke clicked his tongue and asked.

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“Has there been any news from Nadia yet?”

“Yes, there has been no contact from the lady yet.”

“But… It’s not something she can prevent anyway.”

How could she, a powerless dame, interfere with battlefield situations?

He demanded competence from those under him, but he did not push something the impossible became possible.

Since her virtue in Winterfell would reflect his own, forcing her wouldn’t make it possible either.

Of course, that doesn’t mean the situation isn’t fretful.  He licked his lips, deep in thought.

‘As expected, it was a good choice to marry Nadia there.’

At least if Winterfell prepared to move the military in the north, Nadia would be able to notice it in advance.

After the Duke kept his mouth shut for a long time, the aide who couldn’t stand the silence started to make a comment loudly.

“Still, isn’t it good news that Sir Jiho succeeded in subjugating Gadavira?  These days, instead of Marquis Winterfell from the Karla’ai Expedition, he became the talk of the town on the streets of the capital. All they talk about is a dragon slayer, Sir. Dragon slayer!  Ha ha ha…”

“…I’m glad he did his part.”

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After the last triumphal ceremony, rumors of people praising the Marquis of Winterfell had bothered him.

After all, it seemed that the Duke made the right choice to bring that stranger to his side.

Had it not been for the good news he had brought, he might have lost his vase by now.

However, he was too greedy to be satisfied with small good news.

The Duke opened his mouth to the aide who was still restless.

“Bring me the stationery.  After a long time, I need to ask about my daughter’s well-being.”

* * *

It was in the morning when the deputy leader of the knights returned to the Winterfell estate.

After appointing John as the temporary lord of the fortress, Glenn ordered for his return.

It didn’t take long for the lord’s order to be actually carried out.

Before two days had passed, they all packed up.

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