Chapter 59 : It Was The Eldest Prince Who Died 2 Years Ago

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Qi Qing: “….”

Qi Qing lowered his eyes and said coldly, “Do you think we won’t return to the Empire anymore?”

As a man, Ji Xingjue certainly knew that it would be uncomfortable to endure, and he also knew that Qi Qing probably wouldn’t be soft-hearted when dealing with him later.

But it was really interesting to see cracks appear on Qi Qing’s handsome and cold face all year round, showing other expressions such as embarrassment and shyness.

Especially when seeing someone as indifferent as Qi Qing fall in love with him, he felt like he was at a loss if he didn’t make a fuss about it.

After Ji Xingjue completed his revenge, he laughed and slipped to the other side, sat cross-legged on the carpet, and said solemnly, “An Tang’s message has arrived. I’ll check it first and then send it to you at the same time. It’s not good to be engaging in sexual activity in broad daylight, so go get down to business, Lord Marshal.”

Qi Qing clicked his tongue, so much wanting to pinch the back of his neck again.

However, he took the initiative to be an envoy to come to the Alliance. Apart from arresting Ji Xingjue, he had other business matters. He made an appointment with several officials from the Council in the afternoon, so he could only stare at Ji Xingjue for a while, and after calming down by himself, he went out.

The Lord Marshal calmed down and went to change his clothes. When he came back, Ji Xingjue was still reading the information carefully, without giving him even a single glance.

Qi Qing reminded him, “I have a meeting in the afternoon.”

Ji Xingjue nodded casually, “Go.”

Qi Qing emphasized, “I’m going out now.”

If you’re going out, just go already.

Ji Xingjue turned his head in puzzlement. Seeing Qi Qing’s face, he thought for a while, and suddenly realized. He smiled and hooked his fingers. “Lord Marshal, come, I have something to tell you.”

Qi Qing leaned over with a sullen face.

Ji Xingjue bit the tip of his ear lightly, saying with a smile in his voice, “Come back early, I and our son are waiting for you.”

As expected, the Lord Marshal, who was clouded with dark clouds, became clear as bright as a sunny day. He hummed calmly, and just like that, with the shallow tooth marks on the tip of his ear, went out of the door.

Damel was waiting outside. When Qi Qing came out, he looked at the message on the terminal. “It’s a good time to go out now. Do you need someone to guard Madam’s door?”

Qi Qing nodded, “Yes.”

Damel nodded, “Un un, Marshal, don’t worry, the brothers will protect Madam well.”

Qi Qing calmly touched the tips of his ears. Ji Xingjue didn’t need to be protected, what he needed was to be watched.

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Qi Qing could clearly smell the premeditation hidden under his words.

Damel turned off the light screen of the terminal. He raised his head and subconsciously followed Qi Qing’s gaze to his earlobe, his face flushed immediately, and after a while, he couldn’t help but leaned over and asked treacherously, “Marshal, did Madam accept you yet?”

Unable to tell. Madam, who was so dignified and gentle, could be so…thrilling.

In front of his subordinates, Qi Qing was silent for a moment before replying “um” coldly.

Damel almost wanted to celebrate with a firecracker, and he was as happy as an old father. “According to the custom, don’t you have to prepare two hard-boiled eggs?”

Qi Qing kicked over: “Get lost.”

The representative who was instigated by the Holy Order was named Jacob, and as Ji Xingjue expected, he belonged to the other party.

This congressman used to take advantage of the convenience in the Council to install many relatives and friends into the Alliance government building. What he usually liked most was to delay his work for ten days to a half months, and only money could motivate him to work.

Who would have known that there was An Hong, as if falling from the sky, with unbreakable ability and skills, making swift and decisive reactions, slamming the backs of these people who only received money to do things. Jacob was cut off from his financial resources, and he was especially dissatisfied with An Hong, and had often targeted him. However, due to his low methods, An Hong never even looked at him once.

The congressman’s resume from birth to what he ate this morning was presented in full. Ji Xingjue read it through, summed up the effective information, and passed it on to Qi Qing.

He was so invested in his work and only turned his head when he finished. Just then did he realize that the little robot that had been fully charged, ran over and lay beside him, obediently accompanying him to work.

Ji Xingjue smiled, touched the little guy’s head, and took out the camouflage ring.

Jacob probably got on the line of the Holy Order more than a year ago, and he didn’t need too many words to confuse him, just giving him money would do.

However, Jacob was also very shrewd and extremely careful in doing things, so it wasn’t until the last few days that An Tang caught him, but he hadn’t had time to follow him to find out the hideout of the Holy Order.

Ji Xingjue glanced at the congressman’s itinerary. At the beginning and end of each month, Jacob would go to a restaurant in the capital to enjoy a leisurely afternoon, and today happened to be the end of the month.

After a while, Ji Xingjue changed his clothes and left the hotel calmly with his newly made face. Before leaving, he greeted a few guards at the door briskly.

Arriving at the restaurant, Ji Xingjue sneaked into the staff’s restroom first, then borrowed a waiter’s clothes before bugging the surveillance camera. After waiting for a while, sure enough, he saw Jacob appearing at the door of the restaurant and went to the old seat by the window to watch the sparkling river across the capital.

Fortunately, the Alliance paid attention to equality and freedom. If it was a nobleman who loved to clear the field with ring guards, it wasn’t easy to get close to him.

An Tang’s information detailed what Jacob would order every time he appeared in the restaurant. Because Ji Xingjue had pinpointed the timing, he strolled to the back kitchen without much effort, and took the chef’s meticulously prepared meal with a smile.

His performance was too natural, and there were many people coming and going in the restaurant, and the chef didn’t notice that he was an unfamiliar face. “Be careful, don’t damage my plate presentation. Mr. Jacob has high requirements for this plate.”

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Ji Xingjue nodded obediently. Using the standard posture he had learned after observing for more than an hour, he walked to Jacob’s dining table with the dinner plate in his hands. Glancing at the robust and prosperous Sir representative, he put down the dinner plate. Taking advantage of his height, he threw a small object on the man’s head the moment he raised his hand.

Seeing that the small tracker he made was lying firmly in his hair, Ji Xingjue murmured to himself, “you shouldn’t lose your hair at this age,” and smiled slightly. “Your Excellency, please enjoy.”

After finishing all this, Ji Xingjue strolled back to the staff rest room, returned the clothes, and left the restaurant in a well-groomed manner.

Although it was a face, no one was suspicious of the change in temperament before and afterwards.

The scenery in the capital of the Alliance was really good, the lake and water complementing each other. After Ji Xingjue came to the capital, he was pressured by Dr. Chen to work overtime every day. It was the first time he had such free time to appreciate it. He walked slowly by the river for a while facing the breeze, and found a place to sit down, and chatted with Yelis.

The sky was getting dark, and the evening wind suddenly picked up. A car slowly pulled up beside him, and Ji Xingjue was not surprised. He got up and knocked on the window.

The car window lowered slowly, revealing Qi Qing’s unhappy face.

“Aiya, I just got lost. Does this kind person want to take me for a ride?” Ji Xingjue opened the door and got into the car, and praised with a smile, “Lord Marshal is so smart, he knew I was here just by looking at the information.”

When Qi Qing returned to the hotel and found no one, he felt a great psychological shadow, and pinched the back of his neck unhappily. “How did it go?”

Ji Xingjue was pinched by him and his whole body became limp, like a kitten that was caught by the back of the neck. He suddenly became obedient, and turned on his optical computer to signal Qi Qing to look. “I was there all afternoon, and Jacob still hasn’t moved, but according to the information An Tang gave, I think his contact with the Holy Order should be in these two days.”

As he said, he looked around. “Where’s Damel?”

“At the hotel, ready to respond at any time.”

Ji Xingjue deeply felt that Adjutant Damel was like a stone in the Marshal’s eyes.

While the two were talking, Jacob on the restaurant’s surveillance camera moved.

He signed the bill with a natural expression and drove away from the restaurant.

Ji Xingjue rubbed his neck, leaned on Qi Qing as if he had no bones, and synchronized the tracking route map on the suspension vehicle. “Lord Marshal, don’t let him find out ah.”

Qi Qing sat upright, his tone was indifferent. “Of course.”

Jacob drove all the way to the outside of the capital city. This area was a private starship area. According to the law of the Alliance, all private starships had to start from here.

Ji Xinjue had guessed that he would be coming here earlier, so after he sent a message to An Tang on the way, the two successfully followed up this area of high official and noble persons, and even got the right to pilot a ship.

The voices of Jacob and the staff came in from the optical computer. “Mr. Jacob, are you going back to visit your mother again?”

Jacob snorted.

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The staff complimented, “You are so filial. You will visit her regularly every month. Your mother must be very happy.”

Ji Xingjue couldn’t help admiring him. “It’s really a filial son of the Holy Order.”

According to the data, Jacob did go to visit his mother—but it was not certain where he went on the way to the planet next to the capital star.

Sure enough, Qi Qing quietly followed Jacob and soon saw Jacob make a leap.

It turned out to be an unknown transition point near the Alliance capital star.

Ji Xingjue calculated quickly, and frowned. “I’m afraid we have to take the risk to follow, this is a long-distance transition point.”

Qi Qing nodded. “It’s okay, don’t worry.”

Ji Xingjue checked the protection system of the disembarked starship uncomfortably, and after making sure everything was in good condition, he nodded. “Follow up.”

The moment the starship entered the transition point and started the transition, Ji Xingjue’s eyes suddenly blurred.

There was a buzzing in his ears, his vision was plunged into darkness, his blood flow and heartbeat accelerated, and his fingertips instantly became cold. It was the same as the leap to the Boundless Star Sea when diving into the warship of the Star Pirates before.

This sudden symptom lasted for a full three minutes before Ji Xingjue suddenly came back to his senses. When his vision regained clarity, he had already been forcibly pressed down on the seat by Qi Qing, and there was a rare hint of panic in Qi Qing’s expression. “Ah Xing?”

Ji Xingjue’s face turned pale. He wiped off his sweat and waved his hands, and smiled at him. “Sudden leap sickness, I’m fine.”

The report popped up in his mind again: Including, but not limited to… the occurrence of adverse transition reactions.

Is this the body’s rejection reaction, or an adverse reaction to the successful fusion process?

Qi Qing didn’t feel all right at all, if it wasn’t for the transition process, he would have decisively changed direction.

Fortunately, Ji Xingjue’s face quickly returned to normal, as if it was really just a sudden adverse reaction to the transition.

The starship jumped out of the jumping point. Ji Xingjue didn’t wish to say more, and immediately changed the subject. “It’s quite far away, this is the edge of the Alliance’s first Galaxy. I have a hunch that there may be surprises along the way. Let’s go.”

There was no ambush outside the jump point, and Jacob’s tracking point appeared on the star map again. Qi Qing knew that it was not the time to pursue the previous matter, so he could only force himself to divert his attention and keep up with the starship.

Not long after, a planet loomed in sight.

Jacob drove the starship to land. Ji Xingjue glanced at Qi Qing, saw the worry in his eyes, and flicked his forehead. “It’s really fine, enough to fight with you for a round. Let’s go, as soon as we catch the traces of the Holy Son, get rid of that chip, and Gege will give you another daughter.”

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Qi Qing: “…… ”

This man ran his mouth like the running train, Qi Qing ignored his words, activated the stealth system, and cautiously approached the hidden planet.

The planet was covered by rainforest, and earth-shattering tall and thick trees concealed all the traces. The two landed safely and left the starship. They followed Ji Xingjue’s tracker all the way to behind a big tree.

Jacob’s dissatisfied voice came from ahead. “How can we meet in this kind of place?”

A deep and hoarse voice replied, “Where’s the information?”

“One-hand payment and one-hand information,” Jacob asked for the money frankly, “I don’t need to say more.”

The other party snorted disdainfully, and then his voice suddenly stopped, as if realizing something, his voice became sharper. “Idiot, you don’t even know you brought two tails!”

Jacob: “What…”

Before he could finish speaking, the person he was talking to had already rushed over here.

The moment he showed his face, he turned out to be an old acquaintance.

It was the hooded man who they met on the Dark Star before and cooperated with the Holy Son in the Boundless Star Sea to rescue the archbishop!

Seeing the two of them, the hooded man froze in rushing over, turned around and ran away without hesitation!

However, it was a step too late.

Ji Xingjue quickly swept across his legs, and Qi Qing tacitly stopped the way forward, and the two kicked and grabbed, and slammed the man to the ground!

Ji Xingjue was no longer polite, and directly reached out to grab his mask.

The hooded man struggled violently, and his hoarse voice contained a hint of panic and pleading. “No…don’t! “

Qi Qing had expected it to be like this and violently suppressed him. Ji Xingjue took advantage of the opportunity to lift off the mysterious mask.

The hooded man hastily turned his face away, but the two of them still saw the face clearly.

Ji Xingjue opened his mouth and murmured, “Alder?”

The face was familiar to both of them.

It was the eldest prince who died two years ago.

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