Chapter 60: The Gentle And Lovely Childhood Sweetheart Wife Who’s 5 Months Pregnant

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Alder’s panting was slight and chaotic. He was shocked when he heard his name, and buried his head to the other side in embarrassment.

However, his body seemed to have another consciousness, constantly resisting and struggling.

Ji Xingjue saw the problem, and exchanged a glance with Qi Qing. “Go catch Jacob, I’ll watch him.”

Qi Qing nodded slightly. From his arms, he took out the military locks and handcuffs specially used to restrain prisoners on the battlefield, and handcuffed him. “Be careful.”

Ji Xingjue looked at the handcuffs in shock. “Lord Marshal, why do you still carry these with you?”

Qi Qing said coldly, “To handcuff you.”

After speaking, he turned and left, chasing after Jacob’s scattered footsteps.

The corner of Ji Xingjue’s lips hooked up. He pressed Alder, and almost dragged him back to the starship, looking down at him.

In his impression, Alder had a free, easy and straightforward personality. He had a royal and dignified manner, but also had a down-to-earth side, unlike most people who would be disturbed by rumor and gossip. When he was a classmate, he heard some gossip and spoke up for him.

Ji Xingjue had a good impression of him, and when he heard the news of his death, he felt sorry for a while.

However, the current Alder was as pale as wax, colorless unlike a human being, and his whole person felt gloomy. He was completely different from the once high-spirited eldest prince.

Ji Xingjue was silent for a while. “Alder, what’s going on?”

Alder fell into a dead silence.

“What happened two years ago?”

Still silent on the ground, Ji Xingjue turned his head and glanced at him. He got up and sat on the operating table, and said lightly, “Are you ashamed to face your old friend and dare not speak up, or… because of something in your body, you can’t speak up?”

Alder moved his lowered head.

Ji Xingjue said, “According to the official report, two years ago, when you were on patrol, you encountered a raid by Star pirates, and there were no traces of bones left in the exploding starship… I think in fact, the Holy Order took you away and modified you in some way.”

Hearing the last sentence, Alder finally turned his head back, with some indescribable sadness in his eyes, he smiled wryly.

Ji Xingjue sighed slightly, “I understand.”

Alder said hoarsely, “Sorry, I… can’t help myself.”

His mind was locked inside his body, which had to obey the orders of the Holy Order.

Let the prince who loved his own country be forced to do things that harm the interests of the Empire, the hatred of the Holy Order for the Empire was evident.

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If Ji Xingjue’s guess was correct, if he and Qi Qing hadn’t accidentally caught up with Alder this time, there would be a scene where the eldest prince assassinates His Majesty the Emperor in the future.

That would be an absolutely devastating blow to His Majesty the Emperor—but so what?

Back then when Duke Qi Bai was attacked and they fled along the way, they sent a distress signal to the Emperor. His Majesty the Emperor remained unmoved and ignored them.

Footsteps came from outside the cabin door, Ji Xingjue immediately put away his indifferent look, and looked at the door with a smile. “Lord Marshal is back, how is the harvest?”

Qi Qing stepped into the starship, carried Jacob with one hand, and threw him to the ground.

Jacob was startled and frightened, and kept howling. “Marshal Qi Qing, Marshal! As long as you let me go, I will reveal the news of the Alliance Council to you…”

“No need.” Qi Qing took out his handkerchief, wiped his hands slowly with a trace of disgust flitted across his brows.

Fearing that the two of them would chop him off, Jacob yelled again, and Ji Xingjue’s ears were buzzing, which gave him a headache. “Make him shut up first.”

Qi Qing deeply agreed, and a hand knife directly knocked Jacob unconscious.

Seeing Qi Qing come back, Alder immediately turned his face away again.

Qi Qing also ignored him. He strode straight to Ji Xingjue’s side, and after carefully observing his expression, he shook his hand again, and after confirming that everything was normal, he finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

Ji Xingjue calmly let him rub and do a round check of the situation, and stroked his back after a while. “It’s really fine.”

Qi Qing responded in a low voice.

Seeing that he was still uneasy, Ji Xingjue stretched out his hand to grab him, inserted between his fingers teasingly, and squeezed his fingers slowly. “Remove Alder’s handcuffs.”

Qi Qing didn’t ask any further questions, and opened the terminal to unlock it remotely.

The hands that were handcuffed behind the back regained their freedom, and Alder didn’t intend to escape. He stood up slowly, looked at the two, and twitched the corners of his lips in a complicated face. “They don’t know that I have a clear consciousness, but it’s better to lock me up for safety.”

“At least before you lose consciousness, you should be respected,” Ji Xingjue nodded at him, staring at him and asked, “Alder, what can you tell us?”

Alder struggled to open his mouth, but couldn’t make a sound, and his wry smile deepened. “I can’t say it in any form.”

He pointed to his own head. “They modified my body and implanted a chip in me.”

Transformed human control chip.

Ji Xingjue narrowed his eyes slightly. “Are your chips the same as those in the underground palace?”

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This could be said, Alder nodded.

Ji Xingjue exhaled. “There may be a solution, the teacher is studying this.”

Half a month ago, Yelis had thoroughly researched the chip brought out by Qi Qing.

The good news was that at least the chip brought out by Qi Qing was not self-destructive. The bad news was that the chip could be implanted in any part and had a hidden system.

The worse news was that if they didn’t enter the correct chip password, and wanted to remove the chip from a living body with vital signs, they had to cut out the flesh.

—In other words, if they didn’t know the correct password, when the chip was implanted near the heart or the brain, the relationship with the chip was a relationship of life and death.

Yelis was now trying to crack the password, or use other methods to take out the chip. In the afternoon, the old man and Ji Xingjue discussed the possibility of directly hacking into the chip system and becoming the controller in turn.

“Dean Yelis?” Alder was not too surprised. The technological level of the Holy Order was even slightly higher than that of the Alliance. It was almost impossible to release him from imprisonment.

On the contrary, because of the mention of another old acquaintance, his expression was in a daze, as he remembered everything in the Imperial Capital.

Immediately, he suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said, “When I was being modified, I heard a familiar voice, you have to be careful of him, he is…”

The voice was imprisoned again, and he couldn’t move.

Ji Xingjue and Qi Qing glanced at each other. “The three of us know that person?”

Alder nodded.

“Someone older, a senior?”

However, once the information was detailed, Alder could no longer give a response.

Ji Xingjue spread his hands. “The scope is too big.”

Alder’s face turned red from struggling and he kept struggling to squeeze out a few words, “As soon as possible…they have already invaded the high-level…”

Qi Qing listened quietly for a while, then suddenly said, “Do you know where the Holy Order’s den is?”

Alder nodded.

“If your actions are exposed, they will ask you to go back and report.” Qi Qing said, “Is that right?”

Ji Xingjue immediately understood Qi Qing’s implication, and looked at Alder suddenly, with a twitch at the corner of his mouth. “Lord Mashal is still smart—although you can’t say it, you can do it.”

Alder was startled, understood what the two of them meant, and nodded slowly, “That’s true.”

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“Before that, let me take you to meet the teacher,” Ji Xingjue asked, “How long can you stay awake?”

Alder said, “Before the next order comes.”

“When do they ask you to return?”

This was not a secret, Alder could speak of it. “Recently there was a conflict at the top of the church, and the bishop sent to the Alliance was killed. I am responsible for receiving Jacob’s transmission of information here, and there are probably… less than half a month’s time.”

As seen in Dark Star last time, the Holy Son and the Holy Father seemed to be in conflict.

Ji Xingjue thought for a while. “Which faction does the bishop of the Alliance belong to, and who killed him?”

Alder: “…Holy Father assigns, me.”

Ji Xingjue patted him on the shoulder sympathetically. “We have to hurry up.”

The time seems to be sufficient, but in fact, it took about ten days to travel from the Capital of the Alliance to the front line of the Empire. Ji Xingjue sent a message to Yelis, asking the old man to come to the front line.

Alder didn’t seem to want to say any more, he picked up the handcuffs silently, and looked at Qi Qing. “Marshal, let me be handcuffed.”

Qi Qing didn’t do silly idle talk, and did as he wished. When the handcuffs were put on, he lowered his eyes and asked in a low voice, “What’s it like to be thrown into chaos while being controlled?”

His question was a bit like stepping on someone’s foot, but Alder was not angry, and forced a smile. “A living hell.”

Qi Qing didn’t speak any more. He watched Alder slide down on the bulkhead and turned to look at Ji Xingjue.

Did Ji Xingjue also fear being controlled when he learned that his body was abnormal?

The starship was slowly setting sail.

After communicating with the old man, Ji Xingjue sat on the console with a happy expression with his legs swinging. He noticed Qi Qing’s gaze, raised his head and smiled at him. “What’s wrong?”

Qi Qing closed his eyes, pressed him into his arms, and kissed him on the top of his head.

It was like treating some important and fragile treasure. 

Lord Marshal was really clingy.

Ji Xingjue put his head on his shoulder, and suddenly thought of the little robot that was always sticky to him.

That little guy’s personality was set according to Qi Qing… As expected of a father and son.

When he returned later, he would design a younger sister for the little guy, and for personality, should just follow him?

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Ji Xingjue thought about it carefully.

Dan Dan was so stupid, if there was really a younger sister designed according to his personality, it would probably be bullied every day.

He had the messy thought for a while, and then remembered to do serious business, and sent An Tang a message, asking him to take Jacob away by himself.

The people of the Alliance Council, let them dispose of themselves.

Qi Qing also sent a message to Damel, the purpose of jointly searching and destroying the Holy Order had been reached, and there was no need for the Mission to stay in the Alliance.

An Tang sent a video message, and was a little surprised by the efficiency of the two. “As expected of the Marshal and Professor Ji, you caught Jacob’s evidence so quickly. But I saw the movement of the Imperial Mission in the hotel, what news did you two get, are you going to return to the Empire?”

An Tang stared at the embassy’s every move in the hotel as expected, Ji Xingjue lazily said, “Admiral, don’t worry, I will research the bionic limbs as agreed, and report to you as soon as I have results—the fee is very expensive.”

An Tang raised his eyebrows, showing a generous smile. “If Professor Ji is willing to be named as an honorary professor of the Alliance Research Institute, he can receive one million star coins every year.”

Ji Xingjue immediately widened his eyes at the sight of profit. “It’s not impossible…”

Qi Qing interrupted blankly, “It’s impossible.”

Ji Xingjue shrugged, “It’s a pity, family education is strict.”

An Tang pondered for a while, then suddenly realized, and said with great interest. “I thought Professor Ji’s childhood sweetheart wife who’s five months pregnant is as gentle and lovely as you said, what a pity.”

After speaking, An Tang showed a subtle smile and hung up the video call.

Ji Xingjue: “…”

You ain’t afraid you can’t get your legs anymore.

Qi Qing’s eyes turned to him, and his tone was cold, “Five months pregnant?”

Ji Xingjue: “……listen to my explanation.”

“Gentle and lovely?”


“Childhood sweetheart wife?”

Ji Xingjue saved a note of An Tang in his heart, and said softly and lovingly, “The above descriptions are obviously about me, not the wise and mighty Lord Marshal.”

Qi Qing smiled coldly. “You’d better be.”

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