Chapter 61: A Forced Transaction of Marshal Qi

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The people from the Alliance who had come to take over the case and the Imperial mission rushed over at the same time.

Ji Xingjue and Qi Qing calmly remained on this Alliance starship, and had no intention of moving away after handing over someone. The person who came to take Jacob away was An Hong’s secretary, who had been under An Hong’s cold and high pressure all year round, and with Qi Qing’s indifferent gaze, he seemed to lose a few more strands of hair. “…this, Marshal, this starship is the latest purchase of our Admiral……”

When Ji Xingjue got on the starship, he checked the starship all over, and dismantled everything that needed to be dismantled. Qi Qing calmly handed back a bag of surveillance monitors. “Un, please return it to your Admiral.”

Ji Xingjue clasped his hands by his side, and said with a smile, “Didn’t your Admiral tell you that this is the deposit he paid in advance in our private transaction.”

The Marshal of the Empire would not steal a starship, the secretary thought for a while, thanked him without much doubt, and locked Jacob away. Damel waited by the side with the little robot in his arms. He watched the Alliance people leave with cold eyes, and then asked, “Marshal, what should we do next?”

When the little robot who lay obediently in his arms heard the sound, it said, “Mama, hug.”

Ji Xingjue reached out to take the little idiot, and squeezed its ears in distress.

Smart computing couldn’t be done without an upgrade.

There were other Imperial officials on this trip, and those people were the most troublesome.

But Qi Qing did things in his own way and didn’t pay much attention to them, and they also have nothing to do with Qi Qing.

Qi Qing said, “You lead a team to send them back to the Imperial capital, and then return to Doyler Base to report.”

“Then what about you and Madam?” Damel asked.

Alder hid in the rest cabin and didn’t want to see other people. Ji Xingjue respected his opinion and didn’t mention a word of it. “Let’s go back to the front line first.”

Damel didn’t question any further, and nodded. “Then Marshal and Madam should be careful—this starship is made by the Alliance, it smells fishy.”

He looked left and right suspiciously. “The Alliance people are so hypocritical, will they really give away such an expensive starship? Do you want to change it?”

The Imperial army and the Alliance army were quite hostile. The Alliance army thought that the Imperial army were chauvinistic pigs, and the Imperial army thought that the Alliance army was hypocritical and weak.

Rumors had it that what both sides liked most was fighting while cursing at each other. If there was an intimacy value in the contact during the war, the intimacy value between the two parties would probably be overwhelmed.

Ji Xingjue was overjoyed when he thought about Qi Qing participating in the scene, and laughed sullenly. “It’s okay, I’ve checked everything.”

Damel boasted happily, “Madam, you are amazing. When I first saw you in the Imperial capital, I guessed that you are not simple. You can fight, do research, and hack technology. Our marshal is really lucky to marry you.”

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Hearing this, Ji Xingjue turned over the old accounts with a smile. “Oh, no, we signed a contract. Speaking of which, the Marshal is still my creditor.”

Damel: “……”

Qi Qing: “……”

Seeing that the situation was not right, Damel broke away. “Marshal, there is still a need for command over there, and this subordinate will take a leave first.”

Ji Xingjue looked at Qi Qing cautiously, and dragged out his voice. “Lord Marshal? Speaking of which, I haven’t read what was written on our marriage agreement yet.”

Qi Qing’s Adam’s apple rolled, and he raised his hand to block the other person’s burning gaze. “It’s nothing.”

Ji Xingjue took his hand away and looked closely into his eyes. “It’s really nothing?”

“…I’ll go ask Alder something.” Qi Qing couldn’t bear his stare, and ran away calmly.

Ji Xingjue looked down at the little robot. “Dan Dan, why is your dad so awkward?”

The robot leaned on his shoulders and nodded in agreement. “Papa has always been like this, he’s really dishonest.”

Ji Xingjue couldn’t help but laugh. “Baby, do you know who you’re talking about?”

The little robot tilted its head in confusion.

In another separate room, Qi Qing pushed open the rest cabin door.

Alder was like a withered tree, quietly leaning against the window, looking at the cold and dark universe. His eyes were complicated and difficult to understand.

Qi Qing observed him. “Do you need some water?”

Alder shook his head calmly. “After being transformed, I seldom feel hunger, thirst or sleepiness… I don’t know if I’m still a human being.”

After finishing speaking, he turned around. “Are you here to ask me about the relationship between the Holy Order and Ji Xingjue? I can only tell you that in the Holy Order, the Holy Son advocates protecting Ji Xingjue, and I often hear him say ‘wait for him to return’, while the Holy Father takes the opposite position, and the one who sent people to the Imperial capital is the Holy Father.”

After a pause, Alder added, “I think you can trust Ji Xingjue.”

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“I never doubted him.”

All that Ji Xingjue said was that he was transformed by the Holy Order when he was young and implanted with a chip, but he never mentioned what the transformation was.

Qi Qing stared into Alder’s eyes, and what Ji Xingjue said to him a long time ago echoed in his mind, and asked, “Have you heard of the ‘Project of Resurrection’?”

Alder’s pupils shrank.

This was obviously a topic that the chip forbids to mention, Qi Qing nodded. “I understand.”

The Holy Order frequently conducted human experiments and was carrying out a resurrection plan.

In fact, he had expected the origin of the so-called “Holy Order”, but it was only now confirmed.

In star calendar 806, the Randa Empire was destroyed by the artillery fire of the rebels. After that, the rebels ran around and were suppressed by the newborn Glory Empire with high-handed means. Until 825, these rebels gradually disappeared.

There was only such a short sentence recorded in the history books of the Empire. As for where they went and what they did after they disappeared, there was no follow-up.

In the same year, several scientists of the Randa Empire were assassinated in the Alliance.

—Now it seemed that there was a high probability that they just escaped by feigning death, returned to the rebels, and started this plan.

Qi Qing shook his head. “Is this why the Holy Order hates the Empire?”

The downfall of the Randa Empire was also involved in the Alliance, no wonder the Alliance was also targeted.

Alder nodded knowingly.

“As for the central character of the resurrection plan, it should be,” Qi Qing instinctively thought of the tyrant who died in front of the emperor’s throne, but soon another character appeared in his mind, and he spit out a few words, “The previous crown prince, Ludwig.”

“The Marshal is sharp,” Alder said.

“That’s enough to know, thank you.”

Qi Qing was about to go back to find Ji Xingjue, but Alder stopped him. “I used to think that the Marshal and Ji Xingjue had a bad relationship, but I didn’t expect the two to have a strong relationship. Most people in the world are like this. Those who seem to have a bad relationship are actually very good, and those who seem to have a good relationship are actually very bad.”

His words were quite meaningful, and Qi Qing seemed to realize something. “I will pay more attention.”

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Alder said sincerely, “I just heard from Adjutant Damel that you two are already married? I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years.”

A sincere smile appeared in Qi Qing’s eyes. “Thank you.”

Ji Xingjue sat on the floor of the operating cabin, holding the little robot with one hand, and beside him was the mechanical repair box on the starship, intending to dismantle the little guy.

The little robot rolled helplessly on the ground. If there were tears, they would have burst out at this moment as it cried out, “Papa! Papa!”

As soon as Qi Qing came out, he saw such a tragic scene, his brows twitched. “What are you doing?”

Ji Xingjue held a screwdriver in his mouth, an electric drill in his hand swirling, and raised his head innocently upon hearing the sound.

Qi Qing pulled out the screwdriver from his mouth. Ji Xingjue bit on his fingertips, licked it with the tip of his tongue, and rolled his eyes with a smile.

Every small part of the body has an inseparable relationship with the mind, Qi Qing felt that his heart was being rubbed by him, and he immediately withdrew his fingers, his ears turning red.

Ji Xingjue said leisurely, “You don’t blush when you kiss me, but you blush when you are teased. Marshal, you have double standards?”

“Why do you want to dismantle it all of a sudden?” Qi Qing refused to answer this question. He raised his hand to release the shackles and the little robot swished into his arms to hide.

Ji Xingjue said helplessly, “You just went in and asked Alder, you already know right?”

Qi Qing took a breath.

Ji Xingjue sat in front of him, his handsome face was shrouded in shadow, and his expression was calm. “For more than a hundred years, the Randa Empire has long been left behind by the torrent of time, annihilated in the old river. The universe has entered a new era, but they are still stuck in the past.”

He sighed insignificantly, unable to tell by his expression whether it was pity or something else. “…Why bother.”

Qi Qing half-kneeled in front of him, gently taking him into his arms. “Ah Xing, are you afraid?”

Ji Xingjue was silent for a moment. After being at ease for so long, he was finally willing to show some of his exhaustion, and said “um” vaguely. “I don’t know when I will no longer be me… Before that, I have to make this little guy more reliable.”

Qi Qing finally understood all of Ji Xingjue’s actions.

Ji Xingjue’s fear was deeper than Alder’s.

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Alder was under control, but if the soul in his body really woke up, would the consciousness belonging to Ji Xingjue still exist?

Once thinking of this possibility, Qi Qing’s heart turned cold, and he hugged him tightly. “No, there must be a solution.”

With a bit of sadness in his eyes, Ji Xingjue buried his head in his neck, breathing his warm breath. “So you can understand why I have to leave.”

“…No.” Qi Qing spit out the word coldly. As if he was afraid that he would run away now, he tightened his strength again, “If you mention this thing again, half of the research funds will be deducted.”

Ji Xingjue smiled. “Okay, Lord Marshal is too black-hearted.” He didn’t want to mention this matter any more, instead he scratched Qi Qing’s chin, “I’m so pitiful, can you show me the marriage agreement?”

Qi Qing opened his mouth, and after frowning for a few seconds, he still took out the marriage agreement and sent it to Ji Xingjue awkwardly.

Ji Xingjue had been curious about this thing for a long time, so he opened the terminal and clicked on the file.

Ignoring the long-winded Imperial marriage law, he directly turned to the important part that he couldn’t see at the time.

“Marriage Agreement”:

Party A’s Qi Qing, Party B’s Ji Xingjue.

If Party A dies in battle, half of the property belongs to Party B, and half belongs to his mother, Yu Tong.

If Party B does not want the marriage to continue and proposes a divorce, Party A shall not refuse in any form.

If Party B has other interests in his heart, Party A must let Party B go.

Party A must be loyal to Party B forever, until death.


Looking at it line by line, it really was a black-hearted contract of prostitution.

It was just that the Lord Marshal brought a “dowry”, using a means of forced transaction, and sold himself to Ji Xingjue.

The author has something to say:

A forced transaction of Marshal Qi, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer (?)

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