Chapter 63: You Can Do Anything To Me

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The test results soon came out.

As expected, Alder’s body had been modified with one-third of his body having been replaced with bionic limbs, and the chip that controlled him in his brain was found by the tracking program written by Song Mei.

It would be a little difficult to get it out. 

The subtle shadow of the chip was projected in front of them, and Yelis stroked his beard. “I have done several simulation experiments. As long as the direct removal is performed, the chip connected to the brain’s nerves will be more tightly attached to the brain, and there has been no progress in cipher code. Frankly speaking, there is currently no completely risk-free removal method.”

This was exactly what Alder expected.

The technology of the Randa Empire was inherently more advanced than that of the Glorious Empire. What’s more, when the Empire was first born, so many technological inheritances were broken, and the Holy Order hiding in the dark aimed at this and studied it for more than a hundred years.

“However, with a living example like His Highness, our speed can be accelerated,” After Yelis finished speaking, he turned his head and shouted, “Song Mei, get ready to analyze and decipher.”

Song Mei sighed. “Understood.”

Seeing Alder get up from the metal bed, Qi Qing tilted his head, hesitating in a rare way. “Should I…”

Ji Xingjue knew what he wanted to say. “Well, about this, when I was in the Imperial capital, Madam used a more sophisticated and advanced instrument to scan and test, but failed to scan the chip in my body.”

Qi Qing didn’t show any disappointment, but just squeezed his hand tightly, and turned to look at Alder. “Your Highness, do you want to cooperate?”

Alder nodded slowly.

While the teacher and student over there were silently analyzing the chip data, the three walked into the small meeting room next to the laboratory. After closing the door, Qi Qing tapped the table lightly with his fingertips. “You said that the Holy Order didn’t know that you were conscious.”

Alder thought about it seriously. “At first, my consciousness was very vague, and I could only follow orders in a daze. In the last few months, the waking time has been getting longer and longer. The first time I fully regained my consciousness was when I saw you two under the underground palace and was almost unmasked by you.”

Qi Qing asked, “Have you seen the face of the Holy Son?”

Alder shook his head, “I rarely meet him, and when I see him, he always wears a mask.”

Ji Xingjue listened for a few words, stared at Alder’s face without letting go of his expression, and suddenly asked, “Then, Your Highness, have you heard of Yser?”

Before, he and Qi Qing sneaked into the Star pirate space base where a priest was caught. Ji Xingjue tricked and deceived him, but was exposed when he asked Yser’s name.

Qi Qing turned his head to look at him, and probably guessed what he had asked at that time.

Alder’s expression froze suddenly. 

Ji Xingjue exhaled. “I see.”

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Yser was indeed a senior member of the Holy Order. 

These leaders in the Holy Order should be the remains of the fugitive army and the royal family of the Randa Empire a hundred years ago, and they should be at least one or two hundred years old. 

Yser was only in his teens. Thinking of the long silver-white hair that he could barely see when he turned his head on the high platform that day, he speculated that Yser might be the descendant of the Holy Son.

Alder’s memory was disturbed a lot, Ji Xingjue and Qi Qing asked once through, sorted out the information, and reached a consensus.

Although the Empire and the Alliance had reached a sense of cooperation, it was probably impossible for the Alliance to obediently cooperate with them in concealing the arrest of Jacob.

Whether An Hong could be re-elected depends on the election in a month’s time. At this time, it would be of great benefit to him to be able to throw out scandals about his political opponents, as its advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

It was also impossible for them to tell those two brothers about Alder.

This was bound to arouse the vigilance of the Holy Order. Instead of letting Alder pretend that nothing happened and arousing suspicion, it was better to pretend that Alder was captured by them, and then let Alder escape and return to his command.

Alder had no problem with that. “I’ll try to stay sober and reach out to you guys.”

The tracker Ji Xingjue took out was the size of a grain of rice. “I’m giving you something that I have received as a gift. This is the backing of Marshal, and I have upgraded the improved version.”

This was the tracking chip that Ji Xingjue extracted from the ring Qi Qing gave him, and it had been slightly upgraded.

The chance of this thing being discovered was very low—even if it was discovered, just push the blame to them.

Qi Qing calmly looked away, not feeling guilty at all.

Ji Xingjue leaned on the back of the chair, showing a bit of elegance and laziness. He glanced at Qi Qing with his belly full of evil tricks and stretched out his toes restlessly, and hooked Qi Qing’s thigh. “Lord Marshal, you can come up and specifically deploy it, I have to go help with research on the chip.”

Qi Qing: “….”

Alder looked strangely at Qi Qing’s ears, which turned red for a moment, and was a little dazed. “What’s wrong?”

Ji Xingjue jumped up before Qi Qing could fight back, and said with a suppressed smile, “It’s okay, it’s a bit hot in the meeting room, and the Marshal is stuffy.”

Qi Qing coldly gouged out Ji Xingjue’s thin back who left leisurely and took a deep breath. “No need to pay attention to him.”

Alder recalled something about the past again. “Professor Ji seems to be different when he and the Marshal are together.”

Qi Qing raised his eyes. “Un?”

“You may not have seen him in front of outsiders,” Being able to talk about the past was quite comforting to Alder, “He is the type who seems to be very gentle and kind, and treats everyone very well, but no one can get in touch with him further.”

Even Song Mei and Cecilie, the two best friends, had never been able to touch Ji Xingjue’s inner heart and secrets.

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It was also his way of protecting other people.

After thinking about it, Alder added, “The Marshal also seems to be different in front of Professor Ji.”

Qi Qing in front of outsiders was an inviolable and intimidating Marshal of the Empire, strategizing and invincible, coupled with a coffin-cold face, whoever saw him would feel somewhat fearful. 

The two of them only showed each other their soft sides.

Ji Xingjue wandered outside and followed Yelis and Song Mei to study how to crack the chip password.

Song Mei, who was waiting for the program analysis, turned his head to look at Ji Xingjue. He couldn’t help but glance at him, and then at him again.

Ji Xingjue raised his eyelids, “What?”

Song Mei clicked his tongue. “You have a sly smile like a cheating sly fox on your face, it’s too suspicious.”

Ji Xingjue corrected, “It’s stealing incest.”

Song Mei guessed which incense he was stealing, and immediately had mixed feelings. “What’s wrong with this world? Since when did the relationship between the two of you get so good? It’s hard to see you two are so in love with each other!”

Ji Xingjue calmly said, “Our relationship has always been very good, a legitimate husband and husband relationship. What’s wrong if we are so in love with each other?”

He wasn’t only in love with Qi Qing, but also kissed Qi Qing.

Song Mei put on an expression that he had expected for a long time. “So you two have been playing us all these years, right? Tsk tsk, it’s only been a few months since you came to the front line, and you were scored by Qi Qing like this?”

Ji Xingjue corrected again, “I scored him.”

Song Mei scoffed, “Fart, you with just the physique of a domineering Marshal’s little wife.”


It was already late at night when he left the laboratory, and research on chips did not require advanced facilities. While Alder was still there, Yelis planned to stay at the Doyler base for a while, so that he could observe and study.

Even the little fat man was pushed to stay at the front line.

Qi Qing ordered the guards to be responsible for the safety of the two, quietly mobilized the military’s defense patrol time, and gave Alder a little space to steal the starship and leave.

There was a spy of the Holy Order in the army, so he had to do it very secretly. 

Back in Qi Qing’s dormitory, Ji Xingjue habitually ignored the little robot clinging up on his leg, fell headfirst onto the bed and stretched his waist. “I can’t sleep well on a starship, it’s better to be on Earth.”

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The little robot had forgotten the hatred that Ji Xingjue almost demolished it last time, and obediently squeezed his shoulders. “Mama has worked hard.”

Qi Qing glanced at him, and commented softly, “A boot licker.”

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pulled down the piece of clothes that Ji Xingjue had slid up too much, covering his fair belly.

Ji Xingjue couldn’t help giggling. “It’s better to say something nice to your son.”

He really couldn’t imagine what kind of face Qi Qing would have when he knew the character prototype of this little guy. 

As he spoke, he propped himself up with one hand, and pressed Qi Qing’s hand that was about to retreat with the other hand, and jokingly asked, “Lord Marshal, are you such a gentleman?”

Qi Qing’s eyes darkened, holding his waist, he bowed his head and kissed him.

As the warming breath intertwined, Qi Qing still had time to stretch out his hand, and accurately found the switch of the little robot beside his with wide-eyed eyes, who watched in shock as Papa pushed Mama onto the bed, who seemed to be fighting, and was tangled whether to fight or not, and pressed the off button.

He didn’t want to be watched by this little guy.

The entangled kiss lasted for a long time, Qi Qing let go of Ji Xingjue’s lips, his voice hoarse. “Do you know what you’re doing?”

Ji Xingjue tilted his head and thought about it seriously. “From the appearance, I should be seducing you.”


Ji Xingjue: “I seduce you.”

Qi Qing breathed a little in disorder. He grabbed his hand and put it on his waist with an old wound. “This wound was left when I first went to the battlefield.”

Ji Xingjue stroked the scar lightly. Even though it had been a long time, he still couldn’t help being frightened and couldn’t bear to use force, for fear that Qi Qing would recall the old pain.

“When I was dying, I thought,” Qi Qing looked down at him, “If I die, I will never see you again.”

That actually made him feel more terrible than death.

“So I keep it to remind myself that I can’t die.” Qi Qing kissed the red mole at the corner of his eye. Ji Xingjue’s eye corner was red, and it was hard to tell which was redder.

He said, “I came back to see you alive as promised.”

Ji Xingjue looked at him gently. “Thank you for coming back as promised.”

He was actually very happy when he heard that Qi Qing came back that day.

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Qi Qing didn’t speak. As soon as he lowered his head, delicate kisses fell on the back of his neck.

Ji Xingjue’s body tensed instantly. There was a thin glint of water in his eyes, and the veins in the hand clutching the bed sheet were exposed. “…Qi, don’t…”

The back of his neck was like a switch, and Ji Xingjue became extremely sensitive after being touched.

Qi Qing stared at him, curling the corners of his lips. “That’s right.”

Obviously, the Marshal was pettily taking revenge.

Ji Xingjue slowly relaxed his body guard, lay lazily on the bed, and looked at Qi Qing’s handsome face:

“Xiaobao has become a mature man.”

Qi Qing: “…Don’t call me Xiaobao.”

“It’s so cute, it’s not a pity not to call.”

Qi Qing pursed his lips, and said sullenly, “You call me that, it makes me feel…you only think of me as a younger brother.”

Seeing that Qi Qing spoke his mind so frankly, Ji Xingjue’s smile deepened. “Of course not, I will always tolerate you. This kind of tolerance is not because I treat you as a younger brother and feel guilty towards you, but just because… I love you too.”

This was the first time Ji Xingjue said the word “love” directly.

Qi Qing’s breathing trembled a little, and he kissed him indiscriminately.

The moonlight flowed in from the window, and the pot of flowers named “AhXing” bloomed at some time, slowly blooming in the moonlight, and each petal revealed a crystal clear beauty.

Ji Xingjue, as the words implied, held Qi Qing’s hand tolerantly, and landed it on the button of his own shirt. He was a little shy, but he also frankly exposed the soft inside under the clamshell.

“You can do anything to me, as much as you want.”

Qi Qing was like a piece of soft ice and snow.

And that soft snow and ice melted on him.

The author has something to say:

The Lord Marshal has cheered up!

I hope the review will let me go, there is no explicit content(.)

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