Chapter 64: You Didn’t Have That Attitude Last Night

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When you are exhausted to the extreme, you don’t even have the strength to dream.

It was still early to wake up.

Ji Xingjue struggled to open his eyes, desperately rethinking the matter of life and death. His eyelids were still a little swollen, and the tear mole and the skin on the back of his neck were slightly red after repeated rubbing.

The little robot was lying on the bedside, waiting quietly for an unknown amount of time. Seeing him wake up, he happily held up the baby flower in his arms. “Mama! Ah Xing is blooming!”

Ji Xingjue: “…”

Qi Qing had the habit of exercising in the morning, no matter how early Ji Xingjue woke up every day, Qi Qing usually disappeared when he opened his eyes.

This morning, the warm body temperature was still close right behind him, and the arms hugging across his waist were tight and strong.

Unexpectedly, after having more intimate contact, Qi Qing’s possessiveness in his movements became a bit stronger. His deep and magnetic voice sounded from behind, “What’s wrong?”

Ji Xingjue didn’t say a word, staring at the flower that the little robot offered to him as a treasure, as if the cat at home was staring at the potted plants and thinking bad thoughts.

Qi Qing paused, reached out to take the flower pot, and put the pot, which was shrouded in a dangerous atmosphere, back to the window sill. After a while, he returned to the bed, put his hand on the back of his neck, and rubbed his fingertips lightly, as punishment. “You seem to be plotting something against my Ah Xing.”

Ji Xingjue trembled all over immediately. He turned over weakly, looked at him face to face, and said hoarsely, “Lord Marshal, if you do it again, I will die.”

It was unknown when an extra breakfast appeared on the bed. Qi Qing hooked the corners of his lips, kissed between his eyebrows, and commented in a good mood, “Fragile.”

Ji Xingjue was very dissatisfied with this evaluation. In order to prove that he was not fragile, he got up with a hiss, feeling that his body and soul had been separated one step earlier.

In the middle of crawling up, before he could touch his breakfast, he fell back on Qi Qing’s body in distraction, and discussed with him with his eyes lowered. “Lord Marshal, can I take back what I said last night? Facts have proved that blind tolerance is connivance, and will only create an unruly younger brother…”

Qi Qing brought the breakfast. “No.”


Ji Xingjue drank the nutritious porridge on Qi Qing’s hand slowly, and behaved quite honestly.

It seemed like he knew that he could not afford to tease the fire.

Just as Qi Qing felt a little satisfied, Ji Xingjue added some strength, and immediately leaned over with a broken body but firm in spirit, and pecked at his ear with a smile. “Such a good boy, Gege didn’t love you for nothing.”

Qi Qing raised his eyelids. “Have you forgotten what you said last night?”

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“Do you believe what a man says in bed?” Ji Xingjue said lazily, “How could I not tease you when you’re so amusing.”

Qi Qing’s words couldn’t get through to him, so he decisively shut up.

In a practical sense, after feeding the cat which had gorgeous fur but was too lazy to groom himself, Qi Qing reluctantly rubbed Ji Xingjue’s hair, urged himself to turn over and get out of bed with firm will and put on his uniform neatly. “Stay in the dormitory and rest today.”

Ji Xingjue also didn’t want to perform an awkward walking posture with trembling legs in front of people, especially in front of the mean-spirited Song Mei.

He could imagine what Song Mei would say: “Why are you walking like a newly married young woman!”

Ji Xingjue lay back on his stomach, bit the sheet sullenly, then brought the optical computer over, and waved his hand casually. “Go and do your own thing, I’ll check Alder’s communication records from two years ago.”

Qi Qing disagreed. “Don’t you want to rest?”

Ji Xingjue gave him a quick glance, his smiling eyes filled with rippling water. “Lord Marshal, it wasn’t me who was making the effort.”

Qi Qing’s movements froze a little.

Obviously, he had already tasted the taste that filled his heart and mind, which was more wonderful than he imagined, but Ji Xingjue’s every movement and expression could still easily arouse his emotions.

He was really willing to be eaten to death by Ji Xingjue. Leaning over, he kissed Ji Xingjue’s eyelid. “Call me if you need anything.”

Ji Xingjue poked his face. “Got it.”

The room fell silent, and Ji Xingjue used the information provided by Alder to break through the firewall step by step. 

The little robot lay beside him, quietly and obediently accompanying him.

The Imperial family had a dedicated communication channel, and it took a lot of time to break through the protection of the firewall.

At noon, when Tian Luo brought lunch, Ji Xingjue was still figuring it out. It was not until night fell that he successfully intruded secretively, and found what he wanted among countless messages.

That communication record had been deleted, but as long as it used to exist, there would be traces, so he wasn’t afraid of not finding it out.

Ji Xingjue saved the record after recovering it. Looking at the time, and feeling that he could walk on the ground, he got up satisfyingly, changed his clothes and walked to the laboratory.

After not seeing Ji Xingjue for a day, Song Mei looked around suspiciously. “Why do I think you have a little more strange temperament?”

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Ji Xingjue’s eyelids twitched, and threatened him through his gritting teeth. “Let me remind you, this is my husband’s territory.”

Song Mei was speechless. “What about your integrity? Why is it so smooth to call your husband?”

Dr. Song had always been full of exploratory spirit in gossip. Just as he was about to continue speaking, his eyes drifted away, and when Ji Xingjue turned his head, he suddenly saw the back of his neck covered with hickey and bite marks.

Greenish purple emerged, as if he had been ravaged. 

Song Mei: “…”

Ji Xingjue was keenly aware of his gaze, squinted his eyes, and pulled the back collar to cover up the traces. “I advise you to think it over before speaking.”

Song Mei pondered for a few seconds, then resolutely said, “Indulging in lust will hurt your body! You two take it easy… Does Qi Qing have any strange hobbies?”

It wasn’t that Qi Qing had any strange hobbies.

Qi Qing actually didn’t use heavy hands, but Ji Xingjue’s skin was really delicate, and it was easy to leave marks if he rubbed it even just a bit.

Ji Xingjue didn’t like to discuss his physique with his friends, so he gave him a flick on his head. Seeing Alder come out of the laboratory, he walked over and said, “Your Highness, let’s talk.”

Alder also stayed in the laboratory for a day, being rounded up and flattened by Yelis as a guinea pig. Time was running out, he should set off tonight.

Ji Xingjue rushed over to have a face-to-face meeting with him, pulled out the short communication record he found, opened it for him to take a look, and confirmed. “Is it him?”

Apparently Alder could not provide a response in this regard.

But he could guess the pain that flashed in Alder’s eyes.

With solid evidence, Ji Xingjue sighed. “Your royal family…”

He didn’t like it at all.

In that short communication record two years ago was the third prince Harlem.  

Harlem in the video was on a study tour in the Alliance. Facing Alder, the smile on his face was as clean and gentle as ever. “Brother, I’m going back to the Empire soon, where are you now? Maybe I can come and see you when I pass by the front line.”

Facing his younger brother, Alder told him about his coordinates without hesitation, and said with a smile, “Don’t come here, the war has been tense recently, and it’s very dangerous. When I return to the Imperial capital, I’ll bring you a gift.”

Harlem met An Tang during his study tour in the Alliance. 

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Ji Xingjue walked to the door of the laboratory, thinking deeply. 

Now it was basically certain that Harlem had contact with the Holy Order, and he had introduced himself to An Tang, intentionally or unintentionally let An Tang hear his name. An Tang was attracted by his information in the Holy Order’s laboratory and invited him to join the Alliance.

In other words, if Harlem did this at the behest of the Holy Order, the information he obtained from the Alliance was from the Holy Order…or in other words, specially arranged by the Holy Son.

Did the Holy Son do this to make him realize that he was a “vessel” and a part of the “Resurrection Plan” to wake up the sleeping soul in the chip?

He wanted him to take the initiative to go to the Holy Order’s territory.

Ji Xingjue remembered that day on the central star of the Boundless Star Sea, the archbishop faced him and silently called, “Your Highness.”

The only one who would be called His Highness by the people of the Randa Empire was obviously the Crown prince Ludwig who died young. 

It was just that this group of people spent their energy to revive the Crown prince, so why did they divide into two factions, and suddenly there was internal strife, half of the people wanted to kill him, and the other half wanted to protect him?

Although it was already known that the Holy Order was the exiled army back then, more than a hundred years had passed and times had changed, but the Holy Order was still shrouded in heavy fog.

Just as Ji Xingjue was thinking, there was a sound of footsteps ahead, obviously calm and steady as always, but Ji Xingjue felt the restlessness and anxiety of the person.

He looked up and smiled. “Why are you in such a hurry?”

Seeing Ji Xingjue, Qi Qing slowed down and said nonchalantly, “I’m not.”

He didn’t see Ji Xingjue when he returned to the dormitory, and his first reaction was that Ji Xingjue ran away again.

Ji Xingjue had a mouth full of nonsense, and he was good at saying the most nonsense with the most sincere expression. Lord Marshal’s psychological shadow was extremely heavy, and he immediately ran around looking for someone.

How could Ji Xingjue not guess Qi Qing’s thoughts, he bent his eyes and raised his jaw. “I’m yours now, why run away?”

Qi Qing tilted his head uncomfortably.

Ji Xingjue narrowed his eyes. “Do you not want to admit it? You didn’t have this attitude when you teased me last night…”

Although Ji Xingjue’s voice was very low and there was no one around, Qi Qing still felt hot in his ears. He covered his mouth, and said with a dark face, “We’re outside.”

Ji Xingjue raised his eyebrows, and licked his palm with ease.

Qi Qing was startled, then withdrew his hand. Staring at Ji Xingjue for a moment, the invincible Lord Marshal was defeated by the hook-like eyes with a gentle smile, and chose to change the subject. “…Have you found the communication records?”

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Only then did Ji Xingjue look away, and calmly walked to the rest area side by side with Qi Qing. “It’s him.”

Qi Qing snorted coldly, “I just said that he has evil intentions.”

Ji Xingjue looked at him. “Are you sure you’re not being jealous?”

Qi Qing kept a serious and upright face. “No.”

Ji Xingjue snorted, let him go, and returned to the dormitory before expressing his conjecture.

The Holy Son wants Ji Xingjue to go to the territory of the Holy Order.

It was a pit dug out, waiting for Ji Xingjue to jump into it, but it was also the key to breaking the game.

Qi Qing muttered to himself, and tapped the table with his fingertips. “Before the official confrontation comes, there are still some troubles to be resolved.”

In addition to Harlem, there were other high-level members of the Empire who were members of the Holy Order. 

If these two parties were not dealt with, Qi Qing’s battle ahead would definitely be threatened, so he must keep his eyes on the front and watch out for his back.

Ji Xingjue actually didn’t care about the hatred between the Holy Order and the Empire. Even if the Holy Order really overthrew the Empire and re-established the Randa Empire, he didn’t care. He had a very narrow place in his heart, and only had those people who were deeply imprinted in his mind when his memory was blank.

It’s a pity that he was forced to become a part of this plan, and the responsibility on Qi Qing’s shoulders destined him to stand on the side of the Glorious Empire.

Ji Xingjue thought for a while, then nodded, “It seems that I have to go back to the Imperial capital to seek him out.”

He was thinking about it casually, when there was a sudden blackness in front of his eyes, his steps staggered, and he was hit by a retching feeling.

Qi Qing’s face suddenly changed. “What……”

Ji Xingjue clutched his chest and waited for a few moments before forcefully suppressing the sudden out-of-body feeling. Looking at Qi Qing’s face, he showed a “I am teasing you” expression, and teased, “Oh, no, I seem to be pregnant?”

Qi Qing: “…” 

The author has something to say:

With Ah Xing’s mouth, it’s no wonder that Xiao Qi has a big psychological shadow(.)

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