Yan Luqing has watched a lot of costume TV series before. There are two ways for the people in the mountain to have accidents: one is to fall off a cliff that is completely suspended and there is most likely a waterfall below, while the other is to roll down a steep hillside like the one she is experiencing right now.

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In the TV scene, when the female lead accidentally rolled down while being chased by someone, she then wheeled smoothly to the bottom of the hillside in a circle. After rolling, she patted her clothes and sat up only after a little rest like stretching her waist and patting her legs, then she could stand up and continue to run for her life again.

Yan Luqing originally thought it would be like this.

Until now, when she has experienced it once by herself, she just wants to raise her middle finger to the TV show she had watched.

Yan Luqing had obviously let go of her hand just now, but almost at the same time, Gu Ci held her again with a turn of his hand. It just so happened that when he changed positions, his strength loosened a little, and the momentum of Yan Luqing’s continuous falling suddenly increased, and the two rolled down the hillside together.

… It seems that she really looks like an evil creature who dragged down her rescuer because of her heavy weight!

In the later details, she only remembered that Gu Ci encircled her very quickly and whispered “Close your eyes” softly in her ear.

Yan Luqing still believed in his words even under such a tense situation, and immediately executed the instruction almost like a conditioned reflex.

Then in the darkness, she felt as if she had fallen into a thin but secure embrace.

The hillside is not at a very steep angle but it’s not flat ground either. This is where Yan Luqing wants to raise her middle finger at the TV series——There are countless protruding stones and soil blocks on the slope, as well as trees and stumps. Whether it’s stones, soil blocks or tree stumps, there are certain intervals and it’s impossible for those things to stop their rolling. It will only continue to act as obstacles to hit all parts of their body during the process of rolling down.

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As for where it hit them, it’s completely random.

Yan Luqing knew that she had been hit twice, by a big stone and a sharp piece of wood, in her lower back and leg, and already felt that she was about to die. If it hit her head with this kind of strength, she would have won the jackpot.

Those several bumps made her muddle headed and her consciousness was almost blurred, only remembering the last trace of instinct to cling to Gu Ci’s clothes.

She doesn’t know how long they rolled when she finally felt the angle of the slope widened and the speed slowed down. The two of them hit something, which she doesn’t know what it was, and a banging loud sound was heard.

Then, their rolling completely ended.

As soon as they stopped, the two naturally let go of their hands. Yan Luqing breathed out, and her voice was like a gossamer, but she could not help but cursed: “Ah… F*ck…”

This f*cking system punishment.

After rolling this time, Yan Luqing finally understood why Gu Ci would embrace her——The front of a person is much more fragile than the back. When the two of them rolled down while embracing each other, only the back of the body would be injured. The risk would be reduced, and not to mention that she also carried a backpack behind her.

But he still has more places that got hit than she did.

Especially the last collision that caused the two to stop. Yan Luqing didn’t feel any pain at all, so it must have been Gu Ci who was hit… Just listening to the sound before, she already felt that it was extremely painful.

Yan Luqing wanted to ask him about his situation immediately, but she was in so much pain now that she didn’t dare to make any big moves.

She couldn’t get up. But lying on her back, she felt uncomfortable in her stomach, so she had to mobilize all her strength to support her upper body. She retched a few times and didn’t vomit anything out, but at least her stomach didn’t churn so much anymore.

It was dark all around. She was very afraid of the dark, but at this moment there was something more critical than the darkness that she had to confirm first.

So Yan Luqing kept this posture and used both hands to ‘moved’ herself to Gu Ci’s side, then tentatively called him: “Gu Ci?”

There was no response.

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Their distance is too close. She can even smell the same scent of the hotel’s shampoo on him that was the same as on herself, and…

The smell of blood.

Her heartbeat accelerated rapidly, so Yan Luqing stopped calling his name and went to touch him directly instead.

She fumbled to his head and touched it from the top of the head to the back of the head, and found that there were no wounds and no wet and bleeding spots, and her whole person relaxed a little bit.

“Gu Ci, can you hear me…”

Before Yan Luqing finished her words, the person by her side seemed to wake up suddenly and started to cough.

He coughed intermittently, but it didn’t seem like it would stop. Yan Luqing immediately ‘moved’ back to the place where she had just stopped rolling before, touched the backpack she had brought down together with her, then found a water bottle and a spare flashlight inside before returning to Gu Ci again.

Yan Luqing turned on the flashlight to look at the mineral water bottle in her hand, and then handed it over: “Here is the water, drink it.”

Gu Ci seemed to hesitate for a moment before taking her water with one of his hands.

But after taking it, he didn’t drink it. He held it in his hand and then placed it on the ground. Afterwards, he sat up also using this hand as his support. The speed is not slow, but the posture is a bit stiff and strange.

“Cough…” Gu Ci seemed to have finally finished his last cough, calmed his breath, and looked up at her.

Now that there is light, Yan Luqing can see his appearance clearly.

The hair on his forehead was mixed with a leaf, and he was wearing a black sportswear so she couldn’t see where he was injured. His face was completely different from the time when the moon was shining on him just now. There was a small scar on the end of his eyebrow that was oozing blood beads. She didn’t know where his glasses had gone to. He was slightly panting and his whole person looked like in a somewhat sorry state.

Only those eyes are still clear and calm.

Yan Luqing herself is certainly not much better.

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She suddenly realized that when the two of them were looking at each other like this, added with her thought about Gu Ci’s last move to catch her, she immediately have the feeling like they had been sharing the weal and woe and finally survived a disaster.

What does he want to say now? He must be wanting to ask ‘Are you okay?’ or ‘Where are you injured?’. Yan Luqing is ready to say ‘I am okay’ and then sincerely says ‘Thank you’ to him.

Then she saw Gu Ci open his mouth, as if there was a faint doubt in his expression, and he said warmly:

“Yan Luqing, why are you so heavy?”


On October nights, the environment at the foot of the mountain was gloomy and cold. Gu CI said that his rough guess was, the place where the two of them had a collision before was an ancient tree with a diameter of less than seven or eight meters.

Yan Luqing’s mind is full of Gu Ci’s words just now.

How come he said that she’s so heavy?!

Isn’t her body as thin and as light as a swallow already? How can he say that she’s heavy?!

Yan Luqing almost choked to death: “It wasn’t really because I was heavy just now, it was because——”

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She wanted to say ‘because her legs were caught by something else’, but she found that her voice seemed to be blocked and she could not say it out.

Yan Luqing tried again: “Because——”

It was stuck again.

Before she had time to react as to why it was so, Gu Ci already stood up slowly with one hand holding the object behind him as a support.

Hearing the voice, he seemed to smile a little while before saying: “I know. There’s no need to explain.” Then he stretched his hand in front of Yan Luqing, his voice was like usual, “Lend me the flashlight.”

Yan Luqing looked at the hand in front of her.

This hand is usually very white and good-looking, and the bones and knuckles are just in the right shape and proportion. At this time, even though stained with dirt and small scratches, one can still see that it was well nourished.

She looked at the person in front of her again.

When she called him before and he didn’t respond, Yan Luqing’s brain went blank——Now he already woke up, and his calm look was exactly the same as she thought.

He could joke with her as soon as he opened his eyes, and the tone was not anxious at all, as if they had not fallen into this no-man’s land, but only temporarily separated from the large group.

Yan Luqing was inexplicably relieved, and she was no longer entangled with the problem of being heavy or not, then directly passed the flashlight into his hand.

After Gu Ci shone the flashlight over, she discovered that the side they hit was a hard trunk, and the light seemed to be able to penetrate into the inside of the trunk.

Gu Ci rested on the spot for a while, then turned to the other side.

Yan Luqing was still in the same posture as before, lying on the ground, raised her voice and asked him: “Gu Ci, what are you doing there?”

“There is a big tree hole on the other side where people can get in.” He replied and walked back to her again, “Do you still have your mobile phone?”

Yan Luqing nodded: “In the bag.”

“Go in and take a rest first, and then you notify the others. I will call the police.” He said.

The arrangement is very good… But…

“That, Gu Ci.” Yan Luqing looked up at him with a little embarrassment, “I seem to hurt my foot when I rolled down…”

Gu Ci’s steps paused slightly, “I know.”

Yan Luqing was taken aback: “How do you know?”

Gu Ci squatted down in front of her and the only light that came from the flashlight was illuminating his slightly curved eyebrows: “If you can walk, why would you use crawling?”


What a great fellow.

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What a mouth you have.

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What! A! Mouth! You! Have!!!

Yan Luqing was resenting it so much that she was about to explode, but she still could not move in the end and still had to use such humiliating posture like ‘crawling’.

Just when she felt that she could now anger herself into a pufferfish, Gu Ci spoke again.

“But you have to wait for a moment.”

While speaking, he suddenly sat down just in front of Yan Luqing’s eyes with his back against the tree trunk, less than half a meter away from her.

There was still anger from resentment in her voice: “What am I waiting for!”

Gu CI put the flashlight on the ground, and his expression was faint: “Wait for me to reset my arm.”

“?” Yanluqing suspected that she had heard it wrong. “What did you say?”

“My left hand is dislocated,” Gu Ci explained to Yan Luqing in a calm tone as if saying ‘I am a handsome guy’, “So wait until I reset my arm before I can help you.”


Reset it by yourself?

Are you still a human?

Yan Luqing was so shocked that she forgot what she was getting angry for just now. She kept this posture of lying on the ground with her eyes widened, and she reached out to stop him. “Gu… Gu Ci, don’t be impulsive. How about, we call the police first after this, and then wait for uncle police to come. After that, we will go to the hospital and ask the doctor to give you——”

Before she finished speaking, Gu Ci already lowered his head slightly. His eyelashes drooped and covered his eyes, and his gaze was fixed on his left elbow. The posture originally looked like a very relaxed one, but his right hand suddenly moved to his left elbow and lifted it up to the left very quickly——

Then Yan Luqing heard a sound.

She couldn’t describe whether that sound was ‘kacha’ or ‘clomp’, or even neither of them——

In short, it is a very contradictory, dull and crisp sound, and it feels sour and painful at the same time.

But unexpectedly, the expression of this person did not change at all, as if he completely didn’t feel any pain at all.

Even after finishing, he raised his eyes and smiled at her.

The beauty smiled and looked really good, but Yan Luqing moved away half a meter in a panic: “I don’t want it, I don’t want it, I don’t want it——!”

The smile on the corners of Gu Ci’s mouth deepened. He stood up again with the support of the tree and walked towards her, ignoring her cry and directly holding her right calf which could not be moved at all.

Yan Luqing didn’t feel pain, but she felt that her hair was going to stand up.

Gu Ci looked at it briefly with the flashlight, then moved it very lightly with his fingers, and came to a conclusion: “The ankle is dislocated.” After speaking, he raised his head and looked at Yan Luqing, “You really don’t want it?”

Yan Luqing shook her head fiercely: “No, no. Just let me bear the pain like this. I think I can quickly get used to this kind of pain. I can persist until the uncle police come to rescue us…”

Gu Ci seemed to be amused by her appearance. He let go of her ankle, and said: “Miss Yan, if the dislocation is not resetted in time, not only you won’t become accustomed to the pain, but it will become more and more painful. And if the interval is too long, it may cause permanent damage…. “

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The more Yan Luqing listened, the more she hated it.

In her last life, her body was in good health and she seldom went to the hospital. However, this body was suffering from this pain or that illness every day after she had crossed through. Gu Ci had blocked so much of the blow for her and she still dislocated her ankle.

She was afraid of pain, and still couldn’t make up her mind.

“… Then, let me do some psychological construction first.”

“Okay.” Gu Ci actually agreed so easily.

Yan Luqing watched him walk from the place by the side of her right leg to the place directly in front of her, then heard him say: “I just reset my left hand, so I temporarily can’t use the strength from my hand.” Gu Ci squatted down in front of her again, but this time with his back facing her. Then he turned his head and showed his side face to her, “So, just use your  knees and propped on the ground first, then I will carry you in.”

The moment they enter the tree hole, it instantly becomes much warmer than outside. At least there is no continuous gust of wind anymore.

The two of them went to turn on their mobile phones and began to send messages according to Gu Ci’s division of labor.

Because of this mountaineering activity, the twelve of them set up a small group outside their college classmates’ group. As soon as Yan Luqing opened her WeChat, she found that there were a lot of messages that @her and @Gu Ci, and she sent a message in reply to the group.

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[Fleeing Goddess]: About 500 meters away from the supermarket, Gu Ci and I accidentally fell down the hillside together. Now Gu Ci is calling the police and we are both slightly injured. Don’t worry too much.

After sending it, she looked at Gu Ci: “I have finished sending a message to the group.”

“Can you send it out?” Gu Ci took his mobile phone off his ear and said, “Mine is out of the service area.”


Yan Luqing used her mobile phone to make another call to the police. It turned out to be like Gu Ci’s, hers was also out of the service area.

Then why can she still receive messages from the group in WeChat just now? And, it seems that her WeChat message can still be sent out?

Yan Luqing opened the group chat again.

And saw a red exclamation mark on the left side of the message she sent out just now——It also failed.

Does that mean that messages can be received but can’t be sent out?


Seeing her exclamation mark, Gu Ci immediately stood up and walked out of the inner wall of the tree cave: “I will go out to test the signal.”

Yan Luqing nodded and said okay. When Gu Ci’s footsteps faded away, Yan Luqing immediately tried to call Makkabaka that had never appeared again since the evening, in her mind but she didn’t get even the slightest response.

The moment when Yan Luqing saw the exclamation mark just now, she thought of the root cause of the two being here now——The system was punishing her.

Why does the system impose a penalty——A high probability was because the male lead and the female lead are falling apart again.

Yan Luqing leaned her back against the inner wall of the tree cave, and tried to open the dialog box with Big Black and Little Black again. Without exception, they were all red exclamation marks.

She opened the dialog box with Jiang Baichu somewhat speechlessly.

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