The temperature dropped badly outside today, so the air conditioner was turned on in the room and the temperature was good. There was a faint scent on the pillow on which Yan Luqing was lying. She doesn’t know if it was the scent from Gu Ci’s body. Anyway, for the present her, everything smells very good as long as it is not the ‘biting cold pine scent’.

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Yan Luqing felt that her face was hot, and it was getting hotter and hotter.

Half of it was because of fever, and another half was because of Gu Ci’s questioning.

She wanted to refute, because she obviously praised him from the bottom of her heart, but suddenly realized that…whether it was her painstaking complimenting comments, or the praise towards the male lead and female lead in the original book, the frequency of ‘good-looking’ that came out from her mouth was indeed so high that it seems like a wholesale from a vegetable market.

This word of wholesale, Gu Ci actually used it quite accurately.

Deserves to be a man named word[1].

Yan Luqing could only explain to him extremely dryly: “…Although I praise a lot, you are different.”

After she said it, she realized that it looks so much like a classic scumbag quotation of ‘Although I have many exes, but you are different’.

Gu Ci obviously thought the same way, and his smile deepened——This person’s smile is usually not because of happiness. Yan Luqing observed that, except for some cases, his smile was either because he was about to turn weird or was in the process of being weird.

At this time, he did not speak. So, he must be having something weird in his heart.

After thinking about it, Yan Luqing could only pretend to be pitiful and said in Da Hong Pao‘s[2] tone: “…Didn’t I already say that my fever is so high that I have burned all the vocabulary in my head now? Do you really want to bother about such a word with a high fever patient?” She paused and emphasized: “——What’s more, the patient is still so sincere!”

After that, Yan Luqing tried to squeeze her eyes, trying to get that kind of eyes full of spring water, the pitiful feeling of a sick beauty——Like that very loveable kind when Princess Ci was lying in the sick bed.

But she had a high fever and her eyes were so dry like the f*cking Sahara Desert. After squeezing for a long time, her face was sore and she didn’t squeeze out even a little bit of moisture.

Gu Ci bent down to fetch the water glass from the bedside table, and his white and slender knuckle tapped on the glass rhythmically. He looked at her with great interest for a while, then smiled and said: “Don’t squeeze anymore. You looked like you’ve got a stroke.”


Gu Ci indeed caused damage and the poison that came from his mouth is indeed a poison, but after the poisoning, he turned around to pour hot water for her. After pouring it, he then helped her up and said concisely and comprehensively: “Drink it.”

The short words made Yan Luqing feel very moved.

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She thought while drinking the water that although he was positioned as a big villain in the original book, if Gu Ci was not forced by so many lunatics, how good would he be?

Maybe he would be as good as he is right now.

What a pure, kind and careful young man.

Yan Luqing almost shed tears again after she drank that glass of water.

——Princess words, forever the almighty god.

Two hours later.

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Yan Luqing finally can confirm that the illness was caused by the system.

——Her illness can be described as retreating like the wind. Just like playing a joke with her. Thirty-nine point five degrees just went down easily like that in precisely two hours.

Gu Ci stood by the bed and looked at the thermometer that had shown her body temperature to be normal, and then slightly raised his eyes to look at her. The expression on his face was that kind of light and breezy look, but there were a lot of emotions hidden in his eyes.

Yan Luqing felt a very heavy guilty conscience in her heart.

After all, whether the fever occurred or subsided, it was due to other factors, and she could not tell that to Gu Ci who took care of her.

“…Ah, it’s so amazing. The fever has already subsided so soon.” Yan Luqing looked at him and boasted insipidly: “You are actually born just to be a doctor, ahaha, haha…”

“There is no such a thing.” Gu Ci smiled beautifully and gently, boasting more naturally than she was, “It is obviously because Miss Yan has good health, and has an extraordinary talent.”

Yan Luqing: “…” Damn your supernatural extraordinary talent.

She wants to temporarily withdraw the pure and kind word she used to describe Gu Ci, and only keep the careful one.

Gu Ci naturally left this bedroom to her by default. After checking that Yan Luqing’s high fever really had subsided, he went back to the other bedroom.

Yan Luqing got out of bed and took a shower. After coming out of the bathroom refreshed, she found that the mobile phone rang two times on the bed. She picked it up and saw that it was the message from Jiang Baichu.

[Jiang Baichu]: Good night, Sister~

[Jiang Baichu]: [CuteCatHead.jpg]

Yan Luqing has a complicated mood.

It’s true that she likes beautiful women, but if this beautiful woman doesn’t transfer the favor to the male lead, she can’t keep this little life of hers anymore.

Yan Luqing returned Jiang Baichu’s emoticon. At the same time, she noticed that Jiang Baichu’s profile picture started to have bubble on top of it, so she clicked on it casually.

Yellow bubble: 「My beautiful sister said good night to me!」

Pink bubble: 「Qi Yanchuan is actually pretty good…」

Yan Luqing: !!!

It’s actually a pink that belongs to the male lead! F*ck, the male lead finally stood up!

Yan Luqing was still immersed in happiness when she found that two pictures suddenly appeared below the line of text on the pink bubble.


She clicked it in astonishment——

In the first picture, in a dimly lit corner, Jiang Baichu is sitting against the wall. With her hands on her knees, she is facing Qi Yanchuan who is standing opposite her.

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The second picture, is… is Qi Yanchuan princess carrying Jiang Baichu!!!

No wonder her high fever suddenly subsided!

As long as the relationship between the young couple eases, her body will be fine.

In the photo, the two are still carrying the blinding 3D special effects. A human-shaped pine tree covered with pine needles is holding a beauty surrounded by rose petals. Although quite strange, Yan Luqing didn’t feel it stung her eyes.

Because she was thinking all over her head: This lord’s Golden Finger actually started to take pictures already!

This is really extremely, remarkably, exceptionally, wonderful.

At the same time, Makabaka’s voice rang again: “Congratulations, Maria~ When the Golden Finger upgrades till a certain level, it will evolve~”

Yan Luqing looked at the red WeChat with a shocked face——It’s really not wasting her efforts of posting comments day and night whenever she has time. This evolutionary function is really too useful.

In other words, in the future, not only the text explanation, but she can also see the pictures?

Then, what will she have again next?

What’s more… The Golden fingers even have evolved. Can she see what’s in Gu Ci’s heart now? Can she? Can she? Can she?

Thinking of this, Yan Luqing suddenly felt excited and reached the dialogue box with Gu Ci.

But five seconds later, she found that there was no difference between the Gu Ci now and the Gu Ci before: When she didn’t provoke him and let his heart fluctuate, the bubbles were still transparent, and the content was still a full period one after another.

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At that time when she can read other people’s words, she can only read the four punctuation marks of Gu Ci’s.

Now she can already see the pictures of the protagonists, but she is still only able to read the punctuation marks of Gu Ci’s.

True humanoid bug——Princess Ci.


Yan Luqing’s fever did not recur, and she slept peacefully all night.

On the first day, because of the weather, they were unable to go out, and everyone felt suffocated. Early the next morning, plaster No.1 and plaster No.2, which were sticking to Gu Ci, suggested to everyone that they should stay on the mountain for one night.

They said like this: “We finally got together, every minute and every second can’t be wasted. Moreover, a trip to the mountains without setting up the tent is not satisfactory at all.”

No one had any opinions. What’s more, they already brought the tent and the sleeping bag. This time, it was just a cut before a play.

On the way up the mountain, there are too many weird and funny little things around. Yan Luqing was taken by Xia Yutian and Xia Xuetian to buy things left and right, and soon ran out of energy. During this period, Yan Luqing’s sight suddenly turned dark two or three times——But at that time, she was already in extreme fatigue for a while, so she didn’t take it seriously.

Due to the lack of physical strength of some people, and also due to the curiosity of the boys about rock climbing and other activities, plus the problem that girls can’t walk when they see good-looking things in stalls, it’s already night when the large group arrived on the mountain to put up their tents together.

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Everyone was preparing to have the games later in the evening such as a night story, truth or dare, who is the spy, and so on. Before that, they decided to form a team to go to the nearest supermarket to buy some snacks and beer.

On the way to the supermarket, finding the opportunity in between the noisy joking of others, Yan Luqing dragged Gu Ci and led him to the back of the group while ignoring the ambiguous eyes that the classmates cast towards the two of them.

Gu Ci didn’t resist either, and followed her lazily.

After they found a hidden place and stood still, Gu Ci watched Yan Luqing loosen his sleeves and suddenly put her backpack in front of him, then opened the zipper——

She first took out two small bottles from her backpack and introduced them one by one: “This is the medicine to be applied to your eyes today, and this is the next medicine you have to drip into your eyes everyday.” Then she took out a box of eyeglasses again, “This one, I asked Dr. Liu to directly send it to Big Black. You will have to change your fourth glasses tomorrow.” Then she was rummaging again, “Then, this is the stomach medicine that I asked from my family doctor. I don’t know whether you will have any reaction to the restaurant’s food where we ate at noon today or not…”

After she pulled out all of it and handed them to him, Yan Luqing pulled up the backpack. The moment she raised her head again, her eyes happened to collide with Gu Ci’s gaze.

The moonlight happened to be reflected in his eyes, making his eyes clear and lingering.

Yan Luqing had some doubts: “…What I said just now, have you heard it clearly?”

Gu Ci didn’t answer whether he heard it clearly or not.

He looked at the stuff she had stuffed into his hand first, and then raised his long eyelashes to look at her, then the corners of his lips curled up slightly, “When did you bring these?”

Yan Luqing was made to laugh unnaturally by him, then slightly looked away and said: “Of course it was the day we left.” She curled her lips, “It’s just as I had guessed… You really forget to bring them.”

This sentence whirled in the evening breeze, and finally floated to Gu Ci’s ears with a little bit of complaint in it. The ending sound also had the unique coquettish anger of a young girl but it doesn’t make people feel disgusted with it.

Gu Ci hasn’t said anything for a long time and Yan Luqing felt very puzzled in her heart, so she went to look at him again.

…And then realized that he was still staring at her.

She wondered whether the moon had given him too good of a light because tonight, Gu Ci’s beauty value has almost reached the peak since Yan Luqing met him. Apart from his facial features, he still has a unique temperament on his body——His appearance now seems to condense the beauty of heaven and earth, with a sense of contradiction. Not only like the soft water in a spring pond, but also like the cold frost and snow on the mountain.

Especially those eyes that are as dark as ink, with a smile that doesn’t seem like smiling in it. He obviously didn’t say anything but seems to be able to take away people’s mind just by his gaze.

Yan Luqing once again looked away, and this time she even turned her face away together.

Being alone with somebody at night really can make people lost in various fantasies and conjectures. Especially with a big beauty, this kind of fantasy will increase exponentially.

“Hey, why are we standing here stupidly?” Yan Luqing pulled her backpack and pushed him first. “Let’s go, let’s go.”


The two were left behind for too long, but they roughly knew the location of the supermarket and walked silently all the way in that same direction.

There are many trees around. The leaves collide and it occasionally makes a rustling sound.

When Yan Luqing was silent, she couldn’t control the thoughts that were jumping in her mind. She thought that calling Gu Ci with Princess Ci was really right. He had collected a lot of fairy tale scripts. For this ongoing scene now, she originally called it ‘Ci Ci’s Dreamwalking in Wonderland’.

When passing a small road turn in the middle, Yan Luqing suddenly dizzy for no reason.

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She finally realized something——

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How many times has she been like this today?

Seeing her a little bit weird, Gu Ci reminds her from the side: “There is a slope below, pay more attention to the road.”

Yan Luqing nodded, “Okay.”

She muttered to herself silently in her heart: There must be… There must be something wrong.

So, while holding a flashlight, she prepared to look at the road ahead more carefully.

But before she even took two steps forward, her left foot suddenly stepped on an empty air——

Yan Luqing’s pupils suddenly shrank.

Damn! It’s the system again!

There is clearly a ground here before! She always has a good look at her feet for every step she takes! This f*cking… This f*cking thing must absolutely come from the punishment of the collapsed play between the male lead and female lead!!

Wasn’t it still sweet before?! How can it suddenly collapse so seriously?

Can both of the children have a little more stable relationship??!!!

She was frantically complaining in her heart, but everything came too suddenly. Yan Luqing only had time to make a short ‘Ah’ sound when the sense of weightlessness struck her. The voice was so small that she thought no one would hear it except herself.

But the next second, her hand was suddenly grabbed.

“… Gu Ci!!” Yan Luqing’s eyes widened. She felt that the way she shouted ‘Gu Ci’ was like the way one would shout ‘Dad’.

“Yan Luqing, I already said that there is a slope here, you——”

Gu Ci grabbed one of her hands, and the words he wanted to say next stopped suddenly, then his eyebrows frowned.

——He also realized something weird.

Gu Ci’s leg was borrowing the strength of an old tree by his side and his arm was constantly pulling her upwards. However, no matter how hard he pulled, Yan Luqing not only didn’t go up at all, but instead went down more and more.

In such a stalemate, the result was nothing more than she rolled down with Gu Ci.

Yan Luqing knew how heavy she was and although Gu Ci didn’t know the number, he must be able to see that she can’t bring such a drop force——The weight that dragged her down was inexplicable and belonged to some kind of power from the so-called system in this world.

Feeling this, Yan Luqing immediately released her hand to let go of Gu Ci.

——Unexpectedly, that slender hand grips back in an instant, grasping her firmly and steadily.

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