When Yan Luqing froze in place, Big Black returned and reported that the indecent man had been taken away.

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The female lead Jiang Baichu once again thanked her and said that she has to leave soon for the assembly time. Yan Luqing added Jiang Baichu’s WeChat in a trance and watched the female lead leave.

Makabaka still asked in her mind: “So why did Maria suddenly want to save the female lead? Is it really a coincidence that you met her?”

Yan Luqing thoughtfully replied: “I saw that this little cutie was almost bullied, so I rushed forward.”

“…But she just has to be pushed slightly, and the male lead will immediately appear around the corner to save her!”

Yan Luqing said courageously with sufficient reason: “But I don’t know about it. I only know that I can’t let a beauty be bullied!”

Makabaka: “…” Convinced.

Yan Luqing’s mind was also in a mess. She began to recall, what did Makabaka say when it first appeared?

——Can’t change the plot.

It means that small details can be changed at will because after all, it’s a different person. No foreigner, like a transmigrator, can completely follow the original role in the original plot——but the general direction cannot be changed, such as when and where the protagonist will appear.

What did she come to the Butterfly Mountain for?

In order to follow the general direction of the original story according to the system.

So, she has not only greatly changed the direction of this wave?

She has even f*cking changed the role of a character!!

Makabaka’s voice in her head muttering to itself sounded very broken: “What to do now…what to do now…I just took office and I don’t want to change to the next host so early. Hiks, and Maria is quite lovely actually…”

Yan Luqing: …It wouldn’t be, right? Could it be that I am going to die???

Yan Luqing’s mind interrupted it: “Wait wait! What do you mean with ‘next’? Why have you started looking for the next home already? Will I become something because of this move? “

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“It’s like this. The plot deviation can be remedied within 24 hours. For example, the beginning of the event deviates, and the transmigrator can restore the ending of the plot to the right track with our help. But you have taken up the role of the male lead and let him have nowhere to go during this period of time. This has been done and can’t be changed, so… “

“So…” Yan Luqing continued listlessly, “Even if it is remedied, I will still be punished.”

Makabaka added cautiously: “But will not die.”

She suddenly remembered the inexplicable fall on the flat surface. It must be some force in the world that was stopping her.

Yan Luqing sighed: “Just tell me, how can I remedy it?”

After agreeing to meet again in an hour with Big Black and Little Black, Yan Luqing returned to the hotel in despair.

As soon as she entered the room, she slumped sideways on the carpet with her back against the sofa and looked up at the ceiling, paralyzed like a salted fish, feeling both cold and hot simultaneously on her body.

She suddenly heard a clicking sound of a doorknob turning from the door in front of her.

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Gu Ci came out with a cup.

All the decorations here are very homely and the living room is extraordinarily large. Gu Ci walked by with long legs and walked past her to pour a glass of water next to the TV, and then walked back while drinking.

Yan Luqing’s reaction was slow, but she was shocked when she realized afterwards: “…It couldn’t be, right? You have just woken up now?”

“How long have you slept? You really are Sleeping Beauty——” Yan Luqing was about to say the nickname of ‘Sleeping Beauty Ci’ she had once given him, but saw Gu Ci’s eyes glanced over calmly and she changed what she wanted to say in an instant. “… I mean, the reincarnation of Sleeping God.”

Gu Ci looked at her, and his appearance when he just woke up looked like he was not willing to speak.

All of a sudden, his eyes were suddenly fixed on a certain place. It seemed that he was going to pass by her again, but because of what he saw, he changed his route halfway and walked towards her.

Yan Luqing just slumped on the carpet and watched the two straight long legs stand in front of her. She raised her head and couldn’t help feeling that although she was seeing it from a death angle, which was from the bottom to the top, the face of the long-legged owner was still very beautiful.

The long-legged owner asked: “Where have you been?”

Yan Luqing held back for a long time: “…I went to do evil.”

Gu Ci stared at her knees and said in a light voice: “Yeah, I can see it.”

She then followed Gu Ci’s line of sight.

It’s the result from the flat surface fall——Her long pants were torn, but her skin was not torn, except that the area around her knees was a little blue. Yan Luqing was shocked by the previous anti-scientific thing, and even forgot the pain here.

Yan Luqing saw that Gu Ci had walked two steps forward, then turned around and sat on the sofa.

He took another sip of water again, and his voice just after drinking water was clear and pleasant, making her heart feel soothed.

“Where are your two bodyguards?”

“They went with me.” Yan Luqing then asked again, “Why?”


Half an hour later.

Big Black and Little Black, who had arrived downstairs in the hotel to wait since earlier, saw Yan Luqing coming from a distance… There was another very familiar thin and tall figure beside her.

After Little Black greeted Gu Ci, Big Black also greeted Gu CI: “Why are you here too?”


Gu Ci only nodded to the both of them.

Gu Ci’s frame seems to gleam in the sun, making his slightly smiling face more fair and handsome. He said in a gentle tone, “I came because I heard that even two people could stop her from falling, so I was very curious.”

Yan Luqing: “…” Isn’t this satirizing three people at once?

Little Black: “…” I don’t know how to respond, but I seem to have been attacked by a mystifying anger QAQ.

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Big Black sincerely replied: “It is indeed safer for you to follow.”

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One is because Miss Yan seems to be particularly obedient to Gu Ci’s words, and the other is that although Gu Ci’s appearance is outstanding and looks thin, his temperament really makes people feel trustworthy from the heart.

Yan Luqing didn’t want to care about that much anymore. She simply began to talk about what she was going to do:

“Anyway, you guys just treat it as… me connecting the red thread[1] this time.”

The so-called revision of the plot, and the revision is precisely the follow-up——

Yan Luqing disrupted the opportunity for the male lead and female lead to meet, which led to the heroic male lead helped the beauty returning to the gathering place after saving her and the male lead comforting the female lead, then the female lead was afraid to move around alone but also embarrassed to tell others about her experience, so she went to the male lead to move around together etc, and those series of plots could not happen because of her disruption.

The purpose of Yan Luqing’s trip is to find a way to let the male lead go to the female lead, even though their starting point had been disrupted, so that they can get in touch with each other and have a follow-up development.

Her goal is to find the male lead first. The plan is to act according to the circumstances, but there is no actual plan.

Because the students were all dressed in uniform, they soon arrived at the high school student gathering place where the male lead and female lead were. They seem to be preparing for camping at night. The girls are missing and the boys are preparing all kinds of materials.

After confirming with Makabaka that this is the class where the male lead is in, Yan Luqing casually found a boy and said:

“Student, please find Qi Yanchuan in your class for me.”

Seeing a man and a woman with two bodyguards, and this man and woman also doesn’t look like ordinary people, the boy felt so curious that he went back to find the person while looking back.

Yan Luqing was waiting, but she heard Gu Ci next to her suddenly ask: “Is Qi Yanchuan the person you want to connect the red thread to?”

“Yeah.” Yan Luqing paused, “Why, do you know him?”

Gu Ci didn’t answer her.

He seemed to be purely curious about it, but seemed to be guessing something too. He suddenly looked at Yan Luqing with a faint smile, “Who are you going to connect him to?”

“You’ll know that later. Even if I say it now, you won’t know it either.” According to the timeline, it will still take Gu Ci several more years to get to know the male lead and female lead.

Yan Luqing did not pay attention to this question again after answering it casually, because a teenager wearing a black T-shirt was walking towards them.

His facial features are handsome, with unique edges and corners at his age, and there is a clear tension between his eyebrows. When he saw a few of them, he said unceremoniously: “Why are you looking for me?”

“Qi Yanchuan, right? Hello, I’m… “

Yan Luqing was about to introduce herself, when Qi Yanchuan approached and she saw the male lead’s face, all the words she wanted to say instantly got stuck in her stomach——

… Help!!!

Let’s forget the female lead’s rose petals, because after all, the encircling effects are really beautiful.

But why does this male lead have the 3D pine leaves floating around his face and body!!!!!

The 3D pine leaves were just like a bunch of green needles growing all over him, okay???

Yan Luqing really wanted to ask him: Brother, don’t you get pricked by them???

Qi Yanchuan saw that the girl in front of him didn’t speak and with a dull expression on his face, he became even more impatient, “Why are you looking for me?”

Makabaka knocked her in her mind: “Maria! This is not the time for you to make complaints about it! You are seeing things on the protagonist’s faces because the author frequently uses the most words to describe them! Don’t make a fuss!”

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Yan Luqing suddenly realized——

The original book does often describe the female lead, Jiang Baichu, with the words such as ‘lips like roses’, ‘scent of roses’, ‘skin like roses’ and so on.

Then the male lead… Naturally uses the ‘stands upright like a pine tree’, ‘a touch of fresh cedar smell’, ‘tall and straight like a pine tree’… So his special effect is to become a human-shaped pine tree.

Yan Luqing recited ‘the world is so big that there are all kinds of strange things’ three times in her heart before she managed to organize her words to the human-shaped pine tree: “…You know Jiang Baichu from the class next door, right?”

There was a subtle expression on Qi Yanchuan’s face.

Yan Luqing didn’t see it, but there was a subtle expression on the face of the person standing next to her too.

Yan Luqing is not in the mood to analyze the subtlety of the male lead now. She comes straight to the point: “I heard that you are the person in charge of these two classes of autumn outings designated by the teacher, so I came to you.”

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——This is the identity of the male lead in the original book that Makabaka mentioned to her.

Next, Yan Luqing euphemistically retells Jiang Baichu’s story, emphasizing that Jiang Baichu was very scared. The girl needed someone to accompany her very much, but she certainly won’t take the initiative to say this kind of thing and so on.

After hearing what Jiang Baichu had experienced, Qi Yanchuan was obviously taken aback.

Sure enough——even if there is no opportunity, there is still an unusual bond between the male lead and female lead.

Because of his expression, Yan Luqing can see that there should be any major problems in the follow-up.

Finally, when Yan Luqing was about to say goodbye, Qi Yanchuan touched his chin and asked almost the same question as Jiang Baichu with a full face of confusion: “Why do you always stare at my face when you talk?”

The eyes of the girl in front of him were too straightforward to ignore.

Of course it’s because you f*cking grows green pine trees all over your body.

After Yan Luqing slandered him in her heart, she also smirked and used the same excuse as what she had used with Jiang Baichu to prevaricate before: “I look at you because you look so good.”

The male lead glanced at the group of people inexplicably, and finally turned away without saying a word.

Not towards the direction of the group of boys, and not towards the direction of continuing to work either. So, there is a high probability that he went to find Jiang Baichu.

Yan Luqing sighed with emotion as she watched the pine tree gradually move away. She didn’t notice the expression of the person by her side. She just tugged Gu Ci’s sleeve.

“Gu Ci, I will never use pine trees to describe you again in the future.”

Yan Luqing thought that she had finished the task, so she basically went back to the hotel room in a happy mood. She doesn’t know whether it was because the rain cooled her down and made her feel cold, or she has a relapse, or if the so-called punishment is coming so soon, as her symptoms in the afternoon in which she sometimes feels cold and sometimes feels hot, hit again.

And as soon as she entered the room, it was all darkness in front of her. If Gu Ci hadn’t pulled her in time, she estimated that she would perform hitting the ground with her face on the spot.

Yan Luqing wanted to spoil Gu Ci before and gave him the bedroom close to the door. Now Gu Ci helped her into that bedroom and lay down——She was lying on the bed where Gu Ci had been sleeping for several hours in the afternoon and was still covered with a quilt. She thought thoughtlessly: Rounding it up, she and Gu Ci can be said to have a relation of being covered with the same quilt.

Gu Ci called and asked the hotel staff to bring up medicine and a thermometer. Before that, he remembered to put a cold towel on her forehead. Even when he is taking care of people, he appears very organized, skillful and with ease, but also quite considerate.

While Gu Ci went to change the towel, Yan Luqing opened her mobile phone and checked WeChat.

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She didn’t add Qi Yanchuan’s WeChat, the first reason is because she felt that the cold-faced teenager would not agree, the second reason is because——After all, she had added the female lead Jiang Baichu’s. Can’t she still not be able to see what the two of them had gone through?

She opened the dialog with Jiang Baichu and saw red and pink bubbles popping out on the top of the girl’s profile picture.

? Red and pink?

Yan Luqing clicked the red one first——

Jiang Baichu: 「Is Qi Yanchuan sick? He pulled me away from the party for no reason, and didn’t say anything to me either. Does he think he’s so high above?」

Yan Luqing:?

Anyway, there are still pink bubbles. At least it should be whatever kind of emotion she is looking forward to or expecting. If there’s pink, it should be developing in a good direction…Right?

With that in mind, she clicked on the pink one again——

Jiang Baichu: 「What’s that beautiful sister doing this afternoon? She’s so cute. Oh, I really want to chat with her…」

Yan Luqing:??????

Damn it. So the two of them didn’t follow the plot. Could this be the reason why she has a high fever now?

Yan Luqing wanted to continue poking her bubbles to look for more information when her mobile phone was suddenly taken away.

“Lie down obediently.”

When Gu Ci finished speaking, he changed the towel on her forehead. Because his hands were soaked in cold water, when he leaned over, all over his body also brought over a cool breath.

Yan Luqing leaned towards the place where his body exuded the cool breath and nodded obediently: “Okay.”

Regardless of those two, it’s more important to quickly recover from this illness——If this illness can be cured.

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Yan Luqing feels so uncomfortable from the high fever. In addition, after seeing the male lead that has green pine trees all over his body, although the pine trees were not guilty and the male lead was not guilty too, the pine trees that grew on the male lead and even became a 3D special effect was a heinous crime.

As soon as she closed her eyes, her brain was full of human shaped pine trees. She felt that her brain was contaminated, so she opened her eyes again and followed Gu Ci——she had to look at Gu Ci more and clean her eyes.

Yan Luqing enjoyed Gu Ci’s care and appreciated Gu Ci’s beauty. After a long time, she let out a long sigh of relief: “Ah…My brain is not very good right now, and I can’t think of any suitable adjectives, but in short, all in all——”

Different from her perfunctory towards the male lead, she solemnly praised him: “Gu Ci, you are really so good-looking.”

Exactly the same rhetoric.

《Scored Three Times》.

Gu Ci, who was putting a thermometer in her ear, suddenly stopped for two seconds.

Until the thermometer made a ‘beep’ sound.

Yan Luqing looked at Gu Ci and glanced at the number on the thermometer. Then, with a random flick of his finger, the thermometer was thrown onto the bedside table next to them, making a ‘pop’ sound.

“Good-looking…” He repeated these words again and then suddenly curved his eyes and smiled.

Gu Ci’s eyes were deep and dark, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was so tender. It seemed that he was saying something ambiguous. He called her name word by word: “Yan Luqing, is the good-looking in your mouth a wholesale thing?”

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