After posting the comment, it seems that Yan Luqing still has endless afterthought. Yan Luqing did not pull away but kept staring at the screen until the short video was replayed four times before she reluctantly moved to the next one.

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It was early in the morning when the two of them set off, and now it was already the time for the sun to shine dazzlingly. Yan Luqing seems to be swayed by the sunshine outside the window. She moves slightly towards the inside, and her mobile phone also changes its angle to face the sun——This is more convenient for Gu Ci to see, as if sending them directly to his eyes and forcing him to look.

Gu Ci just watched as she swiped the video from this angle.

She commented on every video she had seen, as if she had to leave something to feel comfortable.

After watching the obviously fake-looking daily video of a loving couple which seems like they had a camera attached to their forehead, Yan Luqing commented: [The words of envy have been engraved on my tombstone.]

She swiped to another video of a filter monster that was the same as the long-haired girl just now, except that this person was singing.

Yan Luqing’s phone is muted, and she commented without even listening to the song: [Sorry, it won’t be beautiful anymore when I see a beauty talk. It’s so good to listen to. You are so beautiful when you sing (/ Rose)]

She saw another person’s bungee jumping video and she typed: [Bungee jumping has a chance to injure your leg because the rope was tied there. I usually tie it to my neck~]

Gu Ci: “……”

#What is she actually doing


Yan Luqing waited until she finally was lacking in words to comment before raising her head and exercising her neck.

She turned to look at Gu Ci, and found that the brim of his hat was still in the low angle and thought that he was probably not awake yet, so she turned to read her WeChat again with little interest.

In Yan Luqing’s ear, Makabaka reminded her that the yellow bubble had risen by several levels, and her experience points still continued to soar.

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Now, because her comments have gained too much cheerful chatting and laughing, the yellow color has surpassed other colors so much that the yellow pops up so much more than before when she sees other people’s bubbles.

But the pink color barely made any progress.

Makabaca said that pink is the most difficult one to progress, because the algorithm of pink is different from other emotions. It includes emotions such as like, love, expectation, longing and being moved, etc. All the less intuitive and more complex emotions collected by Yan Luqing will not be classified here.

Because the algorithm is complicated, it can only be upgraded by people’s emotional reaction to her. So far, Yan Luqing has hardly acquired similar emotions.

Yan Luqing was thinking about these things for a moment, and was about to poke Big Black and Little Black’s bubbles for fun, but accidentally slipped down and entered the dialog box with Gu Ci.

And she found… At this moment, the regular transparent bubbles on Gu Ci’s profile picture had once again turned into white, opaque and irregular bubbles, which were coming out in succession.

Yan Luqing was very curious and clicked a few times——





Yan Luqing: ? So many question marks?

… Isn’t he sleeping?

Is this being confused by something in the dream?

Last time when she messed around, she only got one question mark. Now, it could even let Gu Ci have so many question marks in succession. It seemed that this matter was very confusing.

Before arriving at Butterfly Mountain, Yan Luqing tried to find the traces of her high school classmates in the memory of the original owner in that short time when she was in the car.

Yan Luqing disliked it so much if she had to look for any scene from the memory of the original owner, so unless it is necessary, she will not look for things that way.

The first reason is that it feels weird, like there’s water in the brain. The second reason is that the original owner’s thinking is very weird, and seeing her memory is like watching a documentary of abnormal psychology.

But after all, these people are also the classmates of the original owner. Yan Luqing does not know her specific relationship between her and everyone, so as to avoid embarrassing scenes when meeting later, she still recalled a little of it.

And it’s fortunate that she recalled it because she found that the original owner was really lonely and did not have any friends at all. She did not actively make friends during school, and she also has a withdrawn personality. When she was unable to control her illness repeatedly, she always left school at every turn for a period of time and then suddenly returned to school again. Everyone basically regarded her as a transparent person.

The only thing that she voluntarily did was to add this class group chat——Because Gu Ci was in the group.

There is only one message from the memory: she and her classmates are equivalent to strangers.

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Fortunately, Yan Luqing has been observing the bubbles of each person in the group chat these days, so she already has a hunch in her heart.

There were more than ten people who came to the so-called ‘Alma Maters Outing Activities’ this time. When they arrived, the group of people that arrived earlier were standing in the shade of a tree not far from the parking area, chatting enthusiastically after not seeing each other for months.

Yan Luqing and Gu Ci got out of the car one after another, and everyone’s chatting stopped abruptly.

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In their dazzled gaze, the two of them still walked in that direction at a steady speed. What Yan Luqing saw in her eyes was Gu Ci’s figure wearing a black sports suit. His legs are incredibly long and his body proportions are so amazing.

Before she finished sighing, she heard Gu Ci suddenly ask: “These classmates, do you still remember them?”


Yan Luqing suddenly felt that she had no secrets in front of him.

But if she answered that she didn’t remember at this time, then she couldn’t explain her insistence on pulling Gu Ci out to ‘relax’.

“… Of course I remembered some of them.” Yan Luqing pretended to be relaxed and said, “Anyway, we have been classmates for so long, and it’s better to hang out with familiar people than to stay at home.”

While talking, the two have arrived at the shade of the tree.

A girl with a bob haircut that looked very cute was the first one to walk to Yan Luqing with a blushing face.

“That…you are Yan Luqing, right?” There were surprises in her big eyes, “Oh, my God. I haven’t seen you for a long time and you have actually become so beautiful! We all turned silly just now because of your look. If it wasn’t because you said that you were coming before, and you also had the great Gu school grass[1] by your side, we really wouldn’t be able to recognize you! “


The girl said excitedly and patted her own head again. “Oh, I almost forgot to say, you certainly don’t know who we are, but it’s not too late to know who we are! Hello, my name is Xia Yutian, and that one who looks like me is my twin older sister, Xia Xuetian.”

Xia Xuetian has a similar personality to her younger sister, and greets Yan Luqing enthusiastically: “Big beauty, come here. We two will introduce everyone to you.”

And then.

It was the vivid interpretation of drama scenes: [The Familiar People].



While Yan Luqing was in an awkward state and felt embarrassed, she heard a very light low laugh from the position where Gu Ci stood, which is obliquely behind her.

That ending sound really awakens people, and the words spoken were really so tender.

“It’s indeed quite familiar.”

After putting down this sentence, Gu Ci was immediately swarmed up and surrounded by several boys by the side.


In the time after that, Yan Luqing felt that her soul had been cut in two. Half of it had been so regretting the ‘familiar people’ sentence that came out of her mouth without thinking first, and the other half was following the twins sisters with a very unique name[2] to get to know everyone.

This time, the ratio of men to women is very even, with six girls and six boys. In addition to the rain and snow[1] sisters, there is another girl named Yin Ning’an in the girls’ group. She is a girl who dresses very carefully and one can even see that her hair was carefully ironed.

Yan Luqing paid special attention to her, because in her observation before coming here, this girl had the bubbles that were most relevant to Gu Ci among all the girls.

After Gu Ci sent a message saying that he was coming, Yin Ning’an’s bubbles kept popping yellow and pink. It was either 「I’m finally going to see Gu Ci」 or the meaningless cry like 「Oh my god, oh my god, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh」. Even yesterday, for a whole day, Yin Ning’an seemed to be choosing clothes for herself to be put into the luggage. Her bubbles were like 「Will Gu Ci like this one?」, 「It seems that Gu Ci doesn’t like such gorgeous… 」, and so on.

Yan Luqing even sighed emotionally after she read them.

The remaining two girls were next to Yin Ningan, slightly behind her left and right side. This position seems to highlight Yin Ning’an as the leading role and the two obviously taking the position as her little follower.

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Of all those who were present at this time, Yan Luqing was the only one who needed to recognize other people. After all, Gu Ci’s popularity in his school days was quite amazing. Although he couldn’t be contacted for several months and she did not know what excuse he used to brush past it, everyone soon forgot about this matter easily after that.

In the boys’ group, she wasn’t concerned about them that much and finished it after saying just her greeting. She only had a deep impression on two of them. One was Pei Ze and the other was Tao Qingzhou——Because these two guys were so eager to stick to Gu Ci.

Yan Luqing even wants to say that why don’t the two of them just simply each stick in front and at the back of Gu Ci and turn into a plaster for Gu Ci.

It is right for women to have good fate, but he was born with a fate that could steal everyone’s peach blossoms[2].

So under this premise, it’s amazing that Gu Ci’s fate as a man can still do so well.

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“The hotel we booked is not far ahead. Let’s continue our chat later.” Yin Ning’an said in a soft voice. She was facing the boys as she suggested, “How about we go there and put down our luggage first?”

Gu Ci’s plaster No. 1, Pei Ze, said: “Okay. And you girls also have to change clothes too. Our plan today is to climb the mountain, and the three of you… “He looked at Yin Ning’an with her two little sisters, and shook his head,”were all wearing skirts and shoes with heels. How do you plan to climb with these?”

Yin Ning’an’s little sisters probably have a good relationship with Pei Ze. They laughed and scolded him on the spot, pretending to hit him. Pei Ze evaded while saying, “Don’t touch me, don’t touch me, ouch! This Lord already has a wife now!”

The boy’s side all made a ‘tsk’ sound towards him and said towards the girls, “Pei Ze has been driven crazy recently. After dating, in between his three sentences, he will always mention his wife.”

Plaster No. 1 suddenly pulled a long face: “It’s my wife who chased me——It’s, my, wife, who, chased, me! Don’t say it as if this Lord is a lap dog, okay!!!”

Everyone burst into laughter, and Yan Luqing couldn’t help it either.

This feeling of young people getting together really has a kind of magical power. In the season when the leaves are all over the ground, it still feels so fresh and full of vigour.

At the time when Yan Luqing’s smiles broke out, she subconsciously looked for Gu Ci’s eyes among the boys.

——No matter where he is, his existence can always be found very easily. At this time the smile on his face is not as exaggerated as everyone, just lightly hanging on the corners of his lips and the corner of his eyes.

When Yan Luqing saw the slightly curved eyes behind those glasses, she happened to run into Gu Ci’s gaze in mid-air.

This trip was planned to last four or five days, so everyone brought a change of clothes. Girls generally have more luggage than boys. When everyone is ready to set off towards the hotel, it is also the time for the boys to help the girls share their luggage.

It was also at this time that Yan Luqing realized that her luggage was carried in Gu Ci’s hand since they got out of the car… until now.

So right now, only the two of them stood in place and didn’t move at all——Yan Luqing had no luggage, and Gu Ci didn’t intend to help others carry luggage.

Yan Luqing couldn’t really be empty-handed. When she took the initiative to help the Xia sisters carry things, Xia Yutian noticed this sharply: “Oh my God, I seem to remember that the great Gu school grass has a young master’s temper[1]…”

Xia Xuetian knew what her sister was talking about, and then she said: “That’s right. Boys in our class have always been the one who sent him water and begged him to play a basketball game on behalf of the class. Apart from the teacher, who has ever seen him bring things to others!”

Yan Luqing couldn’t explain the complicated relationship between the two of them, and quickly changed the subject, “By the way, why do they have so much luggage in their hands? And there’s still so much left even after the boys had helped?”

She was referring to Yin Ning’an’s two little followers. The two girls carried a handbag in each hand, looking very strenuous.

Xia Yutian said: “Heh, when they first came, I saw that they didn’t bring too many things. Most of them should be Yin Ning’an’s stuff.” She smiled at Yan Luqing, “After all, Yin Ning’an is a big lady, a rich woman. In the past, many students in our class were scrambling to be nice to her. It’s a normal thing.”

Yan Luqing nodded, expressing her understanding.

Originally, everything was going on smoothly in accordance with the plan. No one thought that there would be unpredictable circumstances——

The closer they got to the hotel, the more cumulonimbus clouds were floating in the sky. In the end, as soon as everyone entered the lobby of the hotel, the original sunny day changed its face, and splashes of rain fell from the sky.

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The first day of the mountain climbing plan, ended. A group of people had to go and check in with a sigh.


Ten minutes later.

“F*ck——You two live in the same room?” Plaster No. 1 stared at Gu Ci and Yan Luqing in disbelief.


Because they were late joiners, when Yan Luqing made a reservation, there were only suites left in this hotel. The largest room size in the suite is similar to that of a normal room, and there are two bedrooms in it. She booked this suite after she asked Gu Ci.

Seeing everyone’s surprised eyes, and Gu Ci didn’t intend to explain at all, Yan Luqing had to explain it from beginning to end.

Next, it’s the free activities.

They went to the hotel lounge in the morning to chat together, and they talked mostly about interesting things. Yan Luqing couldn’t get in, and Gu Ci also unexpectedly didn’t participate a few words in it.

Yin Ning’an frequently cued him secretly, while Plaster No.1 and Plaster No.2 also cued him hard. It all just resulted in him smiling and saying a sentence of “I forgot almost all about it.”  and it evoked a boo.

After lunch, several people went back to their room to tidy up their luggage.

This suite, which is as big as a three-bedroom flat, is mainly large in the living room’s size, and the two bedrooms’ area and bed are almost the same size.

When more than a dozen people shrunk into only two people, the surroundings suddenly calmed down.

“Gu Ci,” Yan Luqing took the lead in breaking the silence, “You pick first.”

She felt that of course she had to cater to Princess Ci first. After all, he was unwillingly dragged out by her.

As if knowing what she was thinking, Gu Ci looked at her with a smile in his eyes, “Okay, thank you Miss Yan.”

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Miss Yan: “……”

It is this kind of distinctive personal characteristic again.

The warm voice and smile make people feel like a mystifying spring breeze.

After Gu Ci said thank you, he chose the one slightly farther away from the door and reserved the nearest one for Yan Luqing. Both of them got up early in the morning, so they each went to take a nap.

When the sun came out again in the afternoon, Gu Ci still hadn’t woken up.

He didn’t close the door, so Yan Luqing could stand in the living room and directly see a silhouette of him lying on the bed from the door of the bedroom.

How bad was his sleep all this time actually… He had been sleeping for so long in the car since halfway through their journey and he still hasn’t got enough sleep.

Yan Luqing walked out of the door cautiously without any noise. She contacted Big Black and Little Black first——The two said that they were worried about Yan Luqing and Gu Ci’s safety and had to follow behind.

The place where Big Black and Little Black stayed at, is only two hundred meters away from her and Gu Ci’s hotel. After the meeting was over, Yan Luqing felt that she had nothing to do, so she wanted to stroll around here. After all, the Butterfly Mountain is also one of the tourist attractions in the city. If there is something interesting, she can bring it back for Gu Ci to play.

As a result, when the three of them had just finished shopping and turned a corner, Yan Luqing saw a dark skinned middle-aged man sneaking behind a girl, and he behaved in a very abnormal way.

“…Even in the daytime, there is an indecent man staring at a beautiful young girl. Really shameless.”

Yan Luqing cursed while stepping lightly, and hinting at Big Black and Little Black to also follow the indecent men.

At this moment, most people just woke up from a nap, and those who went to climb the mountain have not returned. The alleys here are narrow, and at a glance, there are only them on this whole street.

Yan Luqing got close and found that the girl seemed to be wearing a school uniform.

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“F*ck, that beautiful young girl is still a high school student——”

While she was still sighing emotionally, suddenly——The indecent man dashed towards the girl with a hundred meters sprint’s speed!

Yan Luqing was taken aback, reacted, and immediately followed him. The indecent man grabbed the girl’s wrist and was about to twist the person away when Yan Luqing, who dragged the tattered body that couldn’t run fast, slapped Little Black frantically: “Go chase him, chase him! Stop him, don’t let him rob anything!!”

Then she fell on the ground inexplicably.

Big Black asked hurriedly: “Are you okay?”

“I’m okay, I’m okay. I wear long pants. Go go go. Let’s go there quickly!”

The tumbling failed to block her steps. Yan Luqing patted her knees and stood up, then immediately rushed to the corner with faster speed and happened to see the scene of Little Black subduing the indecent man with one hand.

Seeing Yan Luqing, Little Black reported: “Miss Yan, do you want to call the police?”

“Report it! We definitely must report it!”

After Yan Luqing finished speaking, she turned her head to look for the girl. She was leaning against the wall and holding her arms, looking particularly helpless.

The first thing Yan Luqing saw was the girl’s panicked and frightened eyes. She didn’t pay attention to the others, and went straight up to put her arms around her shoulders, “Are you okay, little sister? He didn’t hurt you, right?”

Just with that sentence, the girl sobbed and cried while leaning against her.

At this moment, no one noticed, the two embracing people passed by a tall boy who was the same age as the girl, but whose eyes were inexplicably confused.

Yan Luqing can’t stand the cry of beautiful women most.

Just now, she saw the girl’s face and although she didn’t see it clearly, the outline was definitely a beauty.

This is a tourist area. After Big Black called the police, he escorted the person away to the nearest management department, and Little Black stayed.

When Yan Luqing separated the girl from her shoulder and was about to wipe her tears, her whole person turned stiff as if petrified in the wind.

Her stiffness was so obvious that the girl was puzzled, and so was Little Black.

Yan Luqing blinked.

Then blinked again.

It’s not wrong. She read it right.

This girl is indeed beautiful. It can be seen that she is a beauty even though she is still a teenager, but——

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There are rose petals that are very solid, very 3D, floating with halo effects…On her face and all over her body.

Such a direct IQ shock and anti-scientific shock had stunned Yan Luqing.

At this moment, she really forgot the lesson of the past, and subconsciously poked Little Black. Then with a very small voice, sighed to him: “…LOL, have you ever seen a girl with a bunch of petals on her body and face?”

Little Black looked at her in silence for a while, then turned his head in silence again and dialed Doctor Qu: “Dr. Qu, it’s not good. Miss Yan has a new hallucination again. She feels there are flowers on someone’s face.”

Yan Luqing: “…………”

It’s really funny, really funny, really funny.

“Sister…” The girl suddenly opened her mouth. She looked at Yan Luqing and bowed to her solemnly, “Thank you!”

But in Yan Luqing’s eyes, she only saw those rose petals that changed position according to her bow.

The girl raised her head and said: “I am a high school student who came here for an outing with my class. My name is Jiang Baichu. I really don’t know how to thank sister… Sister? Are you listening?”

Yan Luqing looked at the girl while opening and closing her lips, and still could not help looking at those petals that seemed to be able to circulate around.

Wait, what did she say her name was?

Jiang Baichu?

Jiang Baichu????

This name, Yan Luqing won’t remember it wrong.

She raised her head to look at the beautiful girl in front of her.

——This is the female lead of the original book, Jiang Baichu.

No wonder.

No wonder Yan Luqing always feels so familiar when she hears about the Butterfly Mountain. No wonder the girl’s face would have such expensive special effects of roses——Because she is the female lead!!!

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Jiang Baichu looked at the person in front of her whose eyes turned from surprised to hot, and she became a little embarrassed: “That… Sister, is there anything on my face that I haven’t wiped clean? You seem to always stare at…”

Indeed there is.

But Yan Luqing still shook her head, took her hand and said sincerely: “No, I just can’t help looking at you because you look so beautiful.”

The female lead Jiang Baichu’s face turned red.

“Wow——Maria, I’ve only been on standby for a while, why did your pink suddenly go up by a lot? It also rose several levels! Has someone suddenly liked you… or feel touched by you? In short, the pink’s level suddenly rose very high!”

Makabaka’s excited voice rang out in her ears, carelessly gossiping, “Did you have any suitor in these hours?”

But it didn’t take long for the good-sounding Early Adult Voice to suddenly change from the excited tone into the surprised tone: “Wait, it’s not right! Something’s wrong——”

“What’s wrong?” Yan Luqing replied thoughtfully.

“Did you change any plot?”

“… Didn’t I save people? Where did I change the plot? “

“No, there is precisely something wrong with this saving people!”

“This is the scene of Jiang Baichu’s first encounter with the male lead. She should have been saved by the male protagonist, not by you——With your appearance this time, the male lead will become a passer-by then!”

Makabaka went to do something unknown to her. After five seconds, it continued, “I found it, I found it! Just now, the male lead has passed by you in a daze! “

Yan Luqing: “…………”

It seems that, indeed, Jiang Baichu was saved here by the male lead.

This is the beginning of the whole book, the beginning of their love story. The clichéd hero saved the beauty and planted the budding seeds in the heart of the sixteen-year-old.

Oh no.

Planted the wrong bud.

She robbed the male lead of his role.

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