Yan Luqing was deeply shocked by the inner world of her big brother. Soon, after driving through the traffic light, they entered the sparsely populated villa area, and the sports car slowly stopped.

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Yan Luqing saw the so-called Yan’s ‘Family Home’. The whole white single-family villa has an area of ​​two or three times that of hers. There are rockery and fake springs in the villa’s yard, and there is also a garden. There are many facilities suitable for children to play, such as swings in the garden.

Yan Fengming put Yan Luqing down without saying a word and went to park the car. Yan Luqing walked to the door by herself, and saw someone dressed like a Butler bowing slightly towards her and led her to the door.

“Master is already waiting for you in the study room upstairs.”

The so-called Master is the father of the original owner.

Yan Luqing nodded: “I see, thank you.”

Then the Butler stepped back and went to the side.

Yan Luqing stood there and didn’t move. The Butler looked at her, and she looked at the Butler.

“?” The Butler sent her a question mark with his eyes.

“?” Yan Luqing also bounced back with a question mark in her eyes. “Where is the study room? May I trouble you to lead the way? “

Butler: “…………”

Although the Butler didn’t say anything, Yan Luqing estimated that if she added his WeChat, she would certainly see the bubbles of ‘Eldest Miss is really a capable demon worthy of mental illness’.

Looking at every things and faces around her that was completely unfamiliar, Yan Luqing inexplicably felt melancholy.

She just left her house not that long ago, but she missed the group of people in her villa so much already.

Although Big Black was too straightforward, most of the time he was reliable. Although Little Black’s brain lacks more than one tendon, he hits whatever she points at. Even the Black Bodhisattva who is unbearable to her ears, can be reluctantly thought about too.

And also…Gu Ci.

The Gu Ci that as long as he is nearby, she seems to be able to sleep well. Although his life experience and his look was very princess, this Princess Ci’s character is quite mysterious.

Yan Luqing followed the Butler to go upstairs and in the time it needed for her to once again secretly think of a bunch of people in her villa, they arrived at the study room door.

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The beautifully carved wooden door is half open, and a middle-aged man sitting inside can be seen at a glance. A beautiful woman was also leaning on his side. This picture can simply be summarized as the head of a rich family and his beautiful wife.

Yan Luqing originally thought that the head of such a family should be very dignified, but when the head of the family saw Yan Luqing, he immediately smiled and motioned to her to sit next to his beautiful wife. “The reason for why you have to come here this time, did your elder brother tell you already?”

The tone was also quite gentle.

Yan Luqing sat down, and after some consideration, she said: “He just asked me to explain to you about Gu Ci’s matters.” Then, the big brother’s unspoken criticism came up in her mind again. She was afraid that this father was as imaginative as his son, so she simply showcased the card directly. “Gu Ci is indeed with me.”

After that, Yan Luqing told him about the matters of her bringing the person back from Jin Qi’an, and about how miserable Gu Ci was at that time. Seeing that the cheerful man’s face turned dark and the beautiful wife’s complexion was very bad, she sang a praise again about what she had done to Gu Ci and compared it with what Jin Qi’an did.

“…In short, if you are worried about Gu Ci, you can rest assured that I am a good friend with him now.”

Only then did Father Yan’s face eased, and he smiled: “About this matter, just now before your big brother arrived home, your mother and I have already asked the people on your side.”

Yan Luqing understood it in a flash.

No wonder her big brother is so cold faced, but her parents are so amiable.

Father Yan said again: “I am calling you this time because the affairs of Gu Ci’s parents that I have been investigating have gone through. We can’t have any contact with Gu Ci for the time being for fear of him being implicated, so…”

He seemed to want to continue, but his beautiful wife suddenly interrupted him softly: “You two children don’t need to know too much, you just need to understand that he can’t go back to his house now——It will take at least two to three months to be safe.”

Yan Luqing understood.

First, the parents of the original owner are the same as they were in the book, which is, they are indeed good friends with Gu C’s parents.

Second, Gu Ci is safer with her now.

After the conversation, the couple fell into silence almost at the same time, and the focus vaguely shifted to her.

In fact, from the beginning to the present, Yan Luqing can clearly feel the kind of observation and exploration gazes that the two people have towards her——This should be the type of gaze that Yan Luqing has felt the most since her crossing.

They were worried about this daughter, so they talked while observing her expression and mental state.

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Mother Yan looked at her with a pair of beautiful eyes that were full of worry: “By the way, Qingqing, I heard that… You haven’t taken medicine on time recently? No matter how angry you are with others, you can’t make fun of your illness.”

Hearing this ‘Qingqing’, Yan Luqing was stunned for a moment.

She has never met any real family members who are related by blood with her. She has been in the orphanage since she can remember. The closest people are the orphanage dean and his wife.

Yan Luqing’s nickname is Qingqing. It is said that because she was the chubbiest child of her age when she was a child, the dean jokingly gave her a homophonic nickname, hoping that she would not gain weight again, so she was called ‘Qingqing[1]’.

Although she knew it was a different word, at this moment, she still missed it inexplicably.

“… Who told you that I didn’t take the medicine? If I didn’t take the medicine, who took the medicine for me?” Yan Luqing smiled and calmed the mother who was cautiously expressing her concern. “Moreover, am I not in a better state now than before?”

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Mother Yan had been observing for so long and could see that her daughter was in good condition and almost lost the gloomy feeling she had before. The eyes are bright, and her whole person looks so much better too.

So she said nothing more, only patted Yan Luqing’s hand and said: “Then you must remember to see the doctor on time.”


In the following time, Father Yan and Mother Yan still kept looking at Yan Luqing with the expression of about to speak but said nothing and hesitating while saying nothing too. They frowned but were also concerned with her, seemingly afraid of stimulating her. They always only say half the sentence every time and it makes Yan Luqing’s heart feel extremely tired.

After sitting and suffering in the study room for a long time, it was finally lunch time. Before sitting at the dining table, Mother Yan said to Yan Luqing: “Your second brother has gone out. Today, you will eat with the three of us only.”

She nodded calmly on the surface, but said in her heart: Oh, I still have a second brother.

Yan Luqing only drank wine last night, and her appetite was quite average. In addition, facing the three people, who didn’t say a word at all at the dining table but were filled with the expression of ‘I have something to say’, her appetite turned even more average.

She put down her chopsticks when she was about half full, and then she tapped the side of the cup that was placed by her side with her fingers. The small sound attracted the attention of the people all over the table.

Yan Luqing said: “I suddenly have a small wish. I don’t know if it can be realized today.”

The eldest brother’s face was cold and speechless, Mother Yan’s eyes changed slightly, and only the gentle voiced Father Yan asked: “What’s your wish?”

Yan Luqing: “Let’s… create a family group chat?”

——Otherwise, I will be too fuckin ‘tired to live at home.


Yan Luqing left the Yan’s family house after lunch. At the request of Father Yan and Mother Yan, it was not the driver who sent her back, but still Yan Fengming, despite the ‘I don’t want to’ expression all over his face.

Yan Luqing didn’t want to care whether he was willing or not, and didn’t want to bother to please him and talk to him. Sitting in the car, she began to look at the bubbles on the profile pictures of Father Yan and Mother Yan.

She feels that she is simply a genius——It’s really convenient to build a family group. You don’t have to add them as friends to see their bubbles.

It’s just that…the bubbles are either blue or gray.

Father Yan’s gray: 「Why did she behave so normal today? It’s completely contrary to what her psychiatrist said…I have to make another call again.」

Yan Luqing: ?

Mother Yan’s blue: 「How can I get Qingqing to study at school again?」

Yan Luqing, who had just passed the college entrance examination: ? You really don’t have to.

Big Brother’s red: 「Are Mom and Dad’s brains made of paper paste? So easy to be deceived?」

Big Brother’s red x2: 「I don’t believe that nothing happened between her and Gu Ci.」

Yan Luqing: “…”

These bubbles started to repeat the same contents as she poked them more and more. In Yan Luqing’s previous experiments in her own villa, every time after she reads three or four of them, she has to wait for a while before it will be refreshed with the new real-time bubble contents again.

After the repetition, Yan Luqing did not look at her mobile phone again.

She finally returned to her villa after saying goodbye to Yan Fengming. Yan Luqing walked to the gate quickly, and saw two familiar black door gods waiting at the gate.

She hasn’t seen them for only half a day but when she looked at these two toys, she suddenly felt that they are a lot more pleasing to the eye than when she left during the day.

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However, the two lovable toys did not bring her lovable news——

As soon as Yan Luqing arrived home and changed her shoes, she heard the mature and steady Big Black by her side say to herself: “Miss Yan…Would you like to see Dr. Qu this afternoon?”

“?” She turned her head in disbelief, “What did you say?”

The two brothers looked at each other, and then Little Black stuttered and said: “Be, because we have turned your room over and over again, but, but we really don’t see any robots.”

Yan Luqing locked the door of the room and sat on the floor of her room, looking at the artificial mental retardation that would usually call her ‘Maria’.

Since she went back to the room just now, it hasn’t stopped the electric current sizzling sound——Such a weird thing, Yan Luqing unexpectedly was not afraid of it at all.

She thought again and again and felt that it was probably because that so far nothing has been more bizarre than her crossing into a person with mental illness.

When she recalled it carefully, this robot had indeed never existed in the mouth of everyone in the villa.

Her room was visited by her doctor, Big Black, Little Black, Black Bodhisattva, and an aunt who delivered food to her, but everyone seemed to treat this robot as air.

Yan Luqing always thought they were accustomed to it, so they never showed a special reaction to the robot. She didn’t even think there was anything unusual about the fact that the initial code name was not set.

Now when she thinks about it again, this thing probably appeared along with her crossing.

There is only one possibility——

“Repair complete. Restarting——”

After the mechanical female voice said this sentence, Yan Luqing watched the robot shrink and shrink in front of her, and finally turned into an object in the shape of a camera hanging in the air.

Yan Luqing: …It’s true that the longer one lives, the more they will see.

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She looked at the camera facing her, and a human voice that was many times more natural than a mechanical female voice came to her ears:

“Hello Maria, the transmigrator. I am system number 10902, which has been bound to you in the crossing this time. I am now activated. Do you need to rename me?”

“Yes.” Yan Luqing looked at it and said, “Your name is Makabaka[1].”

Makabaka gladly accepted the name and then said: “Please choose the voice you like: Loli Voice[2], Adult Voice, Girly Voice, Early Adult Voice.”

“Early Adult Voice.” After Yan Luqing made the selection, she suddenly thought of her golden finger, “So…you are the one who did my red WeChat?

“That’s right. It’s a gift from the system!” Makabaka, who has become an early adult, seemed very excited when it said this. “Host Maria is really, very lucky, because this gold finger is a rare upgradeable gold finger——”

Hearing this, Yan Lu Qing immediately became full of spirit: “How to upgrade it?”

Makabaka’s voice suddenly paused: “Ah, I checked it and found out that, in fact, it has been upgraded twice…”

Yan Luqing was taken aback: “Huh? When?”

“Because since you crossed in, the people around you have felt a lot… Horror? Fear? Also sadness and other emotions, and of course there is anger too, it’s just that they didn’t directly express it to you.”

“What kind of emotions someone has towards you, it will upgrade the corresponding emotions.” Makkabaka said, “So you should have found that gray, blue and red bubbles are significantly more than the two other colors. This is not because they do not have positive emotions, but because they have not been upgraded, so you can’t read them.”

Yan Luqing: “…” Damn it, Little Black’s contribution cannot be left unrecognized. Horror and fear, these two emotions, half of them were contributed by himself alone.

No wonder she basically couldn’t read any positive thoughts. Even yellow and pink are very few.

“So, I keep reading the repeated thoughts because I haven’t upgraded?”

“That’s right.”

“Let others have emotion towards me…” Yan Luqing said this sentence several times in silence.

“Yes! For example, if you do good deeds and become a volunteer, you will get a lot of positive emotions…” Makabaka explained endlessly.

Listening to it, it means to let her go out to upgrade, find people, do things, and gain emotions.

It’s true that she really wants to upgrade, but it’s also true that she doesn’t want to move.

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Yan Luqing thought for a moment, and suddenly said: “Then if I post something online and then people feel emotional about what I post, does that count?”

“…” Makabaka was silent for a full five seconds before hesitating, “Theoretically, it may work like this… But no one has done this before. I advise you’d better…”

“Then try it. We will know by then, right?”

Yan Luqing immediately downloaded the well-known short video app, changed the ID with the same name as her WeChat ‘Fleeing Goddess’, and began to try to be active in various popular video comment areas.

Swipe until she saw a beauty that fulfilled her aesthetic——

Fleeing Goddess: [Do you guys have no wives yourself? Why do you look at my wife]

Swipe until she saw a commentary at the bottom of a hot video——

Fleeing Goddess: [I have smashed the bookstore that did not display your work, did I do it right?]

Swipe until she saw an unfinished sequel of a well-known hot-blooded anime——

Fleeing Goddess: [My grandma’s brushing her teeth is not more popular than this?]

In addition to being active in these comment areas, she also goes to the popular comments to put the opposite opinion.

Under the video of a cat owner feeding his own cat a Boston Lobster, someone commented: “You are treating your cat like this, but can your parents also have such a good lobster?”

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Yan Luqing laughed when she saw this and replied on the spot: [Then don’t type on the keyboard here anymore, go and find a jail if you are bored]

In just one afternoon’s time, she already got 99+ likes and 99+ comments. The sound of her mobile phone never stopped and all she got were “Hahahahahahaha”. She upgraded the yellow level very smoothly——And more than one level.

Makabaka: “…” With a silly face.

In history, all the hosts who have drawn this Golden Finger always go out to find a quest to upgrade with great interest, but this one actually stayed at home and posted comments on the Internet.

…The main point is, she succeeded. This is the most upsetting thing.

Yan Luqing commented on a few more casually, then put the mobile phone aside and let it ring by itself, then asked the question in her heart: Sso, why did you suddenly jump out and activate yourself after so many days without any movement?”

Makabaka came back to its senses and said: “Because Maria didn’t trigger the activation condition.”

Yan Luqing was stunned for a moment: “You were there as soon as I crossed. If crossing itself is not a condition, then what is?”

“The system will not be activated until something that will cause deviation to the plot happens or the life of the transmigrator was threatened.”

“???” Yan Luqing was puzzled, “Which one am I now?”

“The first one.” Makabaka projected the text directly in front of her.

It probably means something like this: The plot deviation here refers to the time period and scope of the character’s role——At some point in time in the original plot, the character should also be there. It doesn’t matter that the details of the period change from the original plot, but the place and time can’t be deviated.

After reading it, Yan Luqing thought about it for a while and said: “Do you mean that you appeared here because I can’t stay here now?”

“That’s right, from the day after tomorrow, you’re going to start the plot~” Makabaka finished its sentence in a very rippling tone. As if suddenly remembering something, it added, “——Oh, I almost forgot, you have to take Gu Ci together with you too.”

Two days later, the first day of October 1st[1] holiday.

Yan Luqing and Gu Ci got into the car together. The simple luggage prepared by the aunt was put in the trunk while Big Black and Little Black were in another car.

The driver in the front seat asked: “Miss Yan, do we leave now?”

“Gu Ci, have we brought everything already?”

Gu Ci glanced at her indifferently and just said “Yeah”.

Yan Luqing nodded to the driver: “Let’s go!”

Two days ago, knowing that the plot she had to go through was to leave home, Yan Luqing actually didn’t want to agree with it, but Makabaka said that if the plot deviated from the original one, the usual consequence would be the second one——The life of the transmigrator will be threatened. And the threat includes all the people in the villa.

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Yan Luqing immediately asked Big Black and Little Black to pack their luggage, set up a week’s vacation for everyone in the villa, and persuaded Gu Ci to go with her.

The so-called ‘plot’ in the system refers to the alumni activity organized by Yan Luqing and Gu Ci’s high school classmates during the October 1st holiday——Which is to visit the Butterfly Mountain around the perimeter of the city for an autumn mountain hike outing.

The short message from the organizer was sent in the form of a mass message, and in the WeChat group it was also tagged with @everyone. If Yan Luqing received it, Gu Ci must have received it too.

According to the personality of both of them, neither of them would participate in this kind of activity, but Yan Luqing went to Gu Ci and said that the two should participate together in it——

Gu Ci half-leaned against the door frame and looked at her lazily, “Give me a reason.”

“…” Yan Luqing held back for a long time, “I want to take this opportunity to let you go out and relax.”

Gu Ci looked at her, slightly squinted his beautiful eyes and with the expression as if smiling but not smiling, “Where do I make you feel that I need to relax?”

“Then,” Yan Luqing carefully changed her words, “How about you accompany me to relax?”

Gu Ci’s smile spread out in the bottom of his eyes: “As a person who said that ‘a salty fish and homebody are the happiest person’ everyday, Miss Yan, your need for relaxation is much less than mine.”


Princess Ci’s words were too venomous and Yan Luqing could not help but to take out the killer move——The drunken night she was very unwilling to face.

“Gu Ci…Actually, after I sobered up yesterday, although I didn’t go to find you to talk about it all day, my memories are intact and I remembered all of it.”

After she finished speaking in that very Biluochun[1] tone, she saw Gu Ci’s fingers move slightly.

Yan Luqing made persistent efforts and said in a very Tieguanyin[2] tone again: “Maybe you don’t believe it, but I really have a deep impression of that night. I even dream of someone pinching my face in my dreams…”

Then after that…

After that, Gu Ci sat beside her, and the two were already on their way to Butterfly Mountain.

Although this trip is defined as a plot by Makabaka, Yan Luqing was completely immersed in a travelling mood——And still, it was travelling with her favorite paper man too!

It just cannot be more happier.

“Are you not sleeping enough?” Yan Luqing was very energetic but Gu Ci on the other hand, looked elegantly indifferent with his drooping eyelids, and the slightly blue color was obviously visible under his fair skin. “You can sleep for a while, and I will wake you up when we get there.”

The two of them were wearing sports outfits today. Gu Ci also wore a hat with cap. Hearing this, he pressed the cap to cover his face and leaned on the back of the chair, then did not move at all anymore.

Yan Luqing glanced at Gu Ci’s side profile with only the jaw line exposed, appreciated the beauty of the Fleeing Princess for a while, and then opened a certain app skillfully.

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This thing called upgrading is too addictive.

After Gu Ci is asleep, she can start her upgrade career without worry.


Gu Ci’s sleep quality has always been very poor.

In such an environment like in a moving car, it is difficult for him to even have a shallow sleep, and he only has been keeping his eyes shut for a rest.

Until he opened his eyes in the middle and inadvertently saw the expression on the face of the person beside him.

The girl was looking at the mobile phone screen, the dimples are slightly pink, the original beautiful apricot eyes almost turned into crescents with a smile. He doesn’t know what she saw that made her couldn’t hide the happiness in her eyes.

Gu Ci straightened up slightly and glanced at her mobile phone screen casually.

His glasses were changed again, and although he still couldn’t see things that are too far away, he could see the ones within two or three meters quite clearly.

Yan Luqing was swiping a short video app in her mobile phone screen and the current video shows a long-haired woman with heavy makeup that was filtered for unknown numbers of layers, and she is lifting her hair up.

He watched Yan Luqing quickly double-tap the screen with her thumb, liked it and then her fingers were flying quickly on the keyboard.

Yan Luqing was typing: Good fellow! I will confidently and directly greet you then. Hi, wife.

Gu Ci: “……”

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