In the past week, since Yan Luqing asked the question of ‘Normal person A crossed into mental illness B’, she began to report to Gu Ci’s room on time every day. She probably thought that she was hiding it well, that nobody knows about it, that Gu Ci was still a person with rather poor eyesight…

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So he won’t notice that she used the toilet in his room to flush the medicine.

Gu Ci heard it many times, that several of her bodyguards suspected that ‘Miss Yan’ had suddenly stopped taking her medicine, but they couldn’t help it either.

He also has heard many times that a young man called Little Black said although ‘Miss Yan’ was ill, she was really good. Then he got educated by Big Black with ‘She is indeed good now, but you can’t expect her to be good all the time’.

A great change of temperament was something that can be performed and pretended.

But what happens if a severely mentally ill patient does not take medicine?

The results vary from person to person, but no matter what happens, it can’t become like how Yan Luqing was now.

——Normal life, work and rest, action, ridicule other people like nothing. She joked about being mentally ill and although her words and deeds were occasionally out of line, there was no pathological manifestation.

She is extremely wary, so wary that she doesn’t flush the medicine in her own room but runs to his room instead.

But he swallowed the medicine he gave without any precaution at all.

From this moment on, Gu Ci could no longer use ‘acting’ to define this person’s behavior.


Due to physical problems before, Yan Luqing had never experienced the feeling of being drunk. So she is quite unfamiliar with all the feelings she is experiencing now. She finds it difficult for her brain to concentrate. The most powerful and direct thing is only the subconscious one.

And she didn’t subconsciously feel that there was anything wrong with her behavior just now.

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She felt that her face was too hot, and Gu Ci’s hand that was sticking to her was very comfortable. She thinks he looks so damn good to look at when he came close to her, and he was worthy of being the paper person she loved. She also thinks that this pair of glasses should not be therapeutic glasses, but should make its debut as decorative glasses, and then asked Gu Ci to be the model’s spokesperson. It will definitely be popular.

Her thoughts jumped up and down, and she even felt…that the words Gu Ci said, and the scene like this, is quite like a father educating his daughter seriously. A very old father.

It’s just that his actions are so not like an old father at all.

It’s very aggressive, very ’A[1]’, and makes people’s legs turn very weak.

Yan Luqing wanted to laugh because of the brain circuit that jumped like on a trampoline when she was drunk, but her face was confined between his fingers and couldn’t laugh.

“Hey, why are you pinching my face so tightly…”

Perhaps because she was in a state of half drunkenness, what Yan Luqing said was obviously normal, but it sounds like she was acting very coquettishly.

The girl’s voice became very soft and was mixed with the smell of wine, and the breath that she exhaled when she spoke also brushed the skin between Gu Ci’s fingers. In fact, the heat is only a little at best, but it felt inexplicably hot.

Gu Ci loosened his fingers.

Yan Luqing took the opportunity to move a part of the lower muscles and put a flower-like smile in his hand, “Gu Ci, you know what? Just now, you are like a father teaching his daughter not to casually believe in bad people. Hahahahaha…”

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“I’ll ask you again.” Gu Ci didn’t pay attention to her amusement at all, and no longer has the emotion he had when he just spoke. He looked at her very coldly and calmly, “You dare to take the medicine given by anyone, don’t you?”

“Of course not!” Yan Luqing replied in time, “Those that Big Black, Little Black and Black Bodhisattva gave to me, I didn’t eat it all.”

Black Bodhisattva is her new nickname for the new chatterbox bodyguard.

Gu Ci released his hand and freed Yan Luqing’s face. He nodded without expression: “Then what happened just now?”

Yan Luqing wondered: “…Just now, the three of them didn’t let me take the medicine. Didn’t I take the medicine you gave?”


Gu Ci was staring at her as if staring at a fool.

Yan Luqing finally reacted: “Oh——What you wanted to ask, is why would I take the medicine you gave me?” After she asked, she immediately replied in a brisk tone, “Of course it is because I believe in you.”



What kind of person would say the word ‘believe’ so easily?

Although Yan Luqing’s brain is not particularly clear, she thinks she is able to read Gu Ci’s eyes——Are we very familiar?

They are indeed not familiar with each other, but she indeed believe in him.

Seeing that he had been silent, Yan Luqing started to joke again: “Why, why are you so entangled with this… Are you planning to poison me to death just now?”

Gu Ci still looked at her faintly, as calm as if the one who had just pressed her down to spit out the medicine is not him.

He pulled the corners of his lips and a faint smile appeared on his face. “Then, why do you think I let you spit it out?”

Yan Luqing did not answer this rhetorical question.

She said something completely irrelevant to the present: “I may not seem to be a smart and shrewd person, but since I grew up and become more sensible, I have never misjudged people.”

Gu Ci raised his eyebrows slightly, “So?”

“So, do you want to bet with me?”

“What to bet on?”

When Yan Luqing thought about the first day she crossed in, even when she was showing good to him, she was wary and frightened in doing it. How long has it been since she actually spoke to Gu Ci in such a provocative manner.

Can this also be considered as ‘provoking the local tyrant in his den’?

“I will use Big Black and Little Black as my bet with you.” Yan Luqing looked at the local tyrant’s increasingly stunning face under the light, and at his increasingly recovering eyes. “Just bet… That what you just let me eat, and then let me spit out again, is a medicine that has no effect on me whether I take it or not.”

The words fell, and the bathroom corner fell into a long silence.

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It was unknown whether he was speechless by the first half of this sentence or not but after about half a minute, Gu Ci finally had a little expression on his face——The faintly discernible sharpness all melted and softened, just like the sunny sky after the snow.

He returned to his usual appearance.

With a slight smile, Gu Ci opened the door beside him, and the words he said were the kind of mystifying things he was good at: “Those two people, you’d better take care of them yourself.”

He did not respond whether to gamble or not, and Gu Ci remained unmoved no matter how Yan Luqing teased him afterwards.

He held her arm in one hand and took her upstairs, which can be regarded as ‘sending’ her to the door of the room.

When Gu Ci turned to leave, Yan Luqing suddenly couldn’t help but call him.

“Gu Ci.”

He stopped his steps and looked at her sideways.

Yan Luqing’s hand was holding the side of the door frame, and there was no more playful expression on her face.

“You may not believe it, or it may feel strange, but…” She took a deep breath and exhaled it again as if she had been depressed for a long time, “But I still want to say it.”

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Yan Luqing’s eyes are moist and watery, and when she looks at people seriously, it always gives people a feeling as if through these eyes, one can see an extremely agile soul that is not suppressed under this body.

Gu Ci saw her look at himself very seriously, and uttered word by word: “If I can’t even believe in you, then my current life is really meaningless.”

After speaking, she laughed again.

“Gu Ci, good night.”

Early the next morning.

Yan Luqing woke up by a mechanical female voice that seemed to call out the soul.

“Maria, Maria, Maria got up… Maria, the data show that in half an hour you will miss the best meal time after being drunk, and there will be a 90% probability that you will have stomach problems relapsing today…”

Yan Luqing was so annoyed that she sat up immediately and said to the robot: “If it weren’t for the code name Maria that reminded me to be kind, you’re just a bunch of scrap iron now, do you know that?”

Although it’s annoying, it’s true. Yan Luqing is not only suffering from headache, but also stomachache now.

Her former healthy body never suffered such a sin after drinking only so little of alcohol before. While complaining, Yan Luqing was holding her head to get out of bed. After washing up, she quickly asked people to bring in stomach nourishing congee and sobering soup.

She was in a trance while drinking the congee and soup, and the experience of last night appeared in front of her scene after scene.

In the last scene, in front of the room’s door, when she personally said to Gu Ci about something meaningless, she finally couldn’t bear it and threw the spoon directly into the bowl——


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Why are drunk women so sentimental?

Why??? Those words were said as if she was confessing to him aaaaahhhh!!!

Yan Luqing feels as if she is about to die in embarrassment.

Without Gu Ci digging it out, she had already personally dug out the Terracotta Warriors statue of Qin Shihuang Mausoleum plus Barbie’s Dream Castle with her toes.

She couldn’t even imagine Gu Ci’s reaction after hearing this

In the time between Yan Luqing’s tossing and rolling back and forth in the bed, she suddenly heard the intermittent sound of electric current coming from the robot.

She was taken aback, but when she fixed her eyes to have a look, the room was quiet again.

Yan Luqing was planning to ask Big Black to come and take a look when the door of her room was knocked lightly three times, and it was precisely Big Black who came in.

He walked to her bedside in a hurry and said: “Miss Yan, Mr. Yan Fengming’s car is parked in the yard. He said he wants to take you home to have dinner with the family.” After a pause, Big Black probably thought of her current situation and added a sentence, “Yan Fengming is your elder brother. He is the eldest son of the Yan family.”

Yan Fengming?

This name has never appeared in the original book.

After crossing in for a long time, she finally has a family member who came to contact her. Being able to be disliked to this point by so many thousand is really not easy.

Sighing emotionally, Yan Luqing got out of bed and began to clean up and change clothes.

Since the person is already waiting outside, there must be no way to refuse it anymore. Besides——

She happened to not know how to face Gu Ci right now. This elder brother is really a timely rain.

Before leaving the house, Yan Luqing remembered that the robot was behaving as if it were malfunctioning. She turned around and instructed the two door gods, Big Black and Little Black: “By the way, there seems to be something wrong with the robot in my room. There is an electric current sound. You two remember to find someone to have a look.”

Then she turned and walked towards the white sports car parked in the yard.

Big Black and Little Black behind her were stunned.

Seeing the white sports car go away, Little Black asked in a trembling tone: “Brother, in…in Miss Yan’s room…when, when did it have a robot?”

Big Black’s tone was a little firmer than him, but only a little bit: “…Don’t think too much about it. Maybe it is some kind of toy.”

He said so, but had to take out the mobile phone, and turned to the number of the psychiatrist.

Yan Luqing didn’t know that her inadvertent remark had frightened the two children at home. Now, her eyes and heart were full of doubts.

This elder brother named Yan Fengming, is a character with quite a few words.

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When she first got in the car, she called him big brother, and Yan Fengming only replied with a hum, then drove in silence afterwards.

When Yan Luqing probingly asked why he suddenly came to pick her up to eat at home, Yan Fengming unexpectedly replied: “Dad and Mom asked me to come.”

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She doesn’t know whether to call it elegant indifference or bad brother-sister relationship.

Along the way, Yan Luqing casually found topics to talk to him, such as asking why the new bodyguard from her family came to her villa, such as sharing about her newly recruited little bodyguard with high force value——It’s a conversation between family members that she can comprehend.

But Yan Fengming suddenly turned away from the subject and asked her: “I heard Yu Xi said that Gu Ci was with you?”

Yan Luqing was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said: “Yes.”

In the book, the reason why the original owner kept it from everyone was that she was abnormal and wanted to lock Gu Ci up.

Yan Luqing is not, so she doesn’t need to keep it a secret.

Yan Fengming seems to be a little surprised at her simple reply. He turned his head to look at her, before looking straight ahead again. Finally, his tone changed a little, as if he was depressed and angry: “Okay, you will explain it to Dad and Mom later.”

Yan Luqing: “……”

I can’t see through this man.

The traffic lights in this city are quite long. Encountering a 300 seconds red light, the sports car slowly stops, and Yan Luqing finally finds an opportunity.

She took out her mobile phone and skillfully opened her QR code…

“Brother, I found out that I don’t have your WeChat yet.”

So she just added Yan Fengming like this.

Yan Luqing quickly entered the dialog box between the two of them and stared at Yan Fengming’s profile picture. Five seconds later, she sees a steady stream of blue bubbles coming out of his profile picture.

Great. He even has lots of bubbles!

Sure enough, a person who is cold on the outside does not mean that he has no thoughts inside. This WeChat is really added correctly.

Yan Luqing began to click those blue bubbles. She wanted to see what this elder brother was entangling about at this moment——

「She is too abnormal today.」

「When Yan Luqing is so happy, there must be no good things.」

「What did she do?」

「She wouldn’t have……XX Gu Ci, right?」

Yan Luqing: ?

Yan Luqing: ??? Is that what you’re thinking when you’re so silent???

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