The wetness on the palm of her hand just now was blood.

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And a layer of dry red was also pasted on the inner wall where Gu Ci was sitting before.

He wore a black clothes and pants. If it weren’t for the light, in such a dim environment, she could only see that the clothes were torn, and couldn’t have seen that there was a large part of the black cloth that was wet.

Looking at that round red part, Yan Luqing suddenly thought of the way they were rolling down the hill——Her consciousness was very vague as she could not see anything when she was being held and her eyes were also closed, and she was still thinking about complaining at that time. Her clothes were torn in a few places, but there was no injury except for the ankle.

In fact, it was just someone taking the injury for her.

Yan Luqing had an inexplicable slight sense of suffocation in her heart, like it was being pulled tightly.

However, Gu Ci broke away from her hand casually, and said in a very calm tone: “Only a few scratches.”

It seems to be explained specifically for her.

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Yan Luqing’s worried feeling hadn’t passed yet, and she was again shocked when she heard the words. “You called this only a few scratches???”

Gu Ci changed his remarks: “If it wasn’t because of the last hit with this tree, it was really just a few scratches.”

“Then… Why don’t you tell me that you are bleeding so much here?”

Gu Ci blinked, “I heard what’s in your bag and I know what’s in my bag. Since there is no medicine, what’s the use of saying it.”

There’s no use… But.

It’s at least better than enduring it yourself.

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Yan Luqing is the kind of person that will immediately ask someone she trusts for help if she feels uncomfortable. Like when she had found something wrong with her just now, she immediately told Gu Ci about it.

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She didn’t know if Gu Ci changed his personality after experiencing the tragedy of his parents and he became so vigilant, or if he was just like that to begin with.

When they were with a group of old classmates before, Yan Luqing talked more than him after she had a good relationship with the twin sisters. But before that, she didn’t even know the twin sisters.

Yan Luqing has always felt that people are social animals, and yearning for lively life, sowing seeds on the barren soil will open up a garden, but Gu Ci was not.

He is too indifferent.

Obviously, he is a person who can live a splendid life but he chooses to be lonely.

So——Is it because of such a personality that he is destined to love no one, and that’s why he gets such an ending in the book?

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Yan Luqing didn’t notice that her thoughts were getting farther and farther away, and her gaze already changed several times. The moonlight that was shining in from the small hole made the bottom of her eyes seem a little bit moisturized, making it look very sparkling.

“Oh…” Gu Ci spoke beside her with a smile again, deliberately dragging the tone as he said, “It turns out that if I say it out, I can earn Miss Yan’s tears.”

Yan Luqing suddenly recovered her senses: “…I am not crying!”

It’s just that she was thinking a little too far ahead, thinking of her extremely indignant ending and feels a little bit emotional.

Her thoughts quickly went back to the present and she blinked a few times to blink the moisture away. Then she looked at Gu Ci very seriously: “Even if it is useless after you say it out, but you can not say nothing too. Aside from the fact that you were dragged down by me today, even if it wasn’t because of me that you fell down and got injured, I would also like to know your condition.”

“What’s the reason?”

“Because we…”

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Gu Ci interrupted her, “Are friends?”

Yan Luqing was taken aback for a moment: “…That’s right. You have to rush to answer it first.”

After speaking so, she went to the backpack to turn over her own water, clean toilet paper, and all the utensils that can be used to clean up the wound.

Gu Ci laughed behind her, not knowing what made him feel amused, and after a long while he said:

“Miss Yan really has nothing new.”

Earlier, when Yan Luqing was carried in by Gu Ci, because her ankle was so painful, she didn’t notice that the back of Gu Ci’s jacket and the black T-shirt inside it were torn. In fact, just with a little bit of light from the flashlight could already reveal the wound in it.

It’s almost the same as Gu Ci said, probably it was a scratch at the beginning, but after all, this is in the mountains, and there are some thorns on the branches and twigs. Originally, those thorns might only stick to the wound, but they pierced in because of the last violent impact.

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