There is toilet paper and water in Yan Luqing’s backpack. First, she simply cleaned the area around his wound, then tried her best to wipe her hands clean, and then…

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And then doesn’t know how to start dealing with those wooden thorns that got in.

After waiting for a while, Gu Ci turned his face slightly and said, “If you don’t want to pull it out, turn the light away.”

Yan Luqing had never done such a thing in her entire life. She took a deep breath and stretched out her hand to the first wooden thorn.

When she pulled it out, she thought that Gu Ci’s muscles would be tense and there would be slight trembling, stuffy grunts and a series of other actions that would aggravate her tension.

But there was nothing.

Yan Luqing seems to be treating a dummy’s wound.

“In fact, just now when you fixed your left hand, I already wanted to ask…” Yan Luqing was really puzzled, “Gu Ci, don’t you feel pain?”

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He did not say if it was not painful, nor did he say it was painful.

In the silence, he said: “The pain can be gradually tolerated.”

Before Yan Luqing had time to appreciate the meaning of this sentence, a burst of electric current sound rang in her ears extremely abruptly——

Before long, she heard the familiar early adult voice that she had been in touch with for a long time.

“Maria——! Ah, I’m so anxious! Just now when you had an accident, I don’t know why I was forced to go offline.” Makabaka said quickly, “Moreover, I found out that it is difficult for me to connect to you when you were by Gu Ci’s side. I’ve been trying just now, but I can’t connect to you no matter how. Now I’ve changed a——”

Yan Luqing quickly interrupted it in her mind: “Gu Ci even blocked my golden finger so I am not surprised that you are blocked by him too. Okay, since you already come out, don’t talk nonsense anymore and just get down to the business. How can I and Gu Ci go out?”

As she asked, her eyes were still fixed on Gu Ci’s back and she was still carefully pulling out the thorns.

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“Maria, I think the system has broken down this time. You’ve fixed the opportunity for them to know each other. There shouldn’t be another punishment like this except if they suddenly turned against each other… Unless something has changed again…”

Yan Luqing was a little anxious: “You get the two of us out first! Let’s talk about it after we go out! Just before, inside the WeChat, I can only receive messages but not send out even a message. I couldn’t call the police either. What the hell is this actually?”

Makabaka responded after five seconds: “Your classmates must have helped you call the police, but… I think this place probably can’t be found by outsiders.”

The movement in Yan Luqing’s hand stopped.

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She asked thoughtfully: “…What did you say?”

“That is to say, the punishment of the system generally cannot be so easily removed due to things such as external forces——Just like your previous high fever, taking medicine will not have much effect, it can only maintain stability, and if there is no problem with the root cause, the punishment will disappear automatically.”


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It seems to be so.

Yan Luqing was about to yell at it when Makabaka said again: “But! But all punishments are time-limited! With six hours as a level, there are eight levels from six hours to forty-eight hours. It will be automatically lifted at that end point.”

That’s two days at most before they can be found.

Yan Luqing paused and asked: “In a word, you can’t save me now, right?”

The female voice said softly: “Sorry Maria, I don’t have the authority. This connection is also a forced one… I also don’t know why Gu Ci has an impact on me. “

Yan Luqing said: “No need to apologize.”

“However, if you can’t save us, can you provide me with material objects?” Yan Luqing looked at Gu Ci’s back, “For example… Medicine and bandages for treating wounds.”

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Gu Ci felt that Yan Luqing had been silent for too long, and her hands had stopped moving.

Gu Ci turned his head and glanced at her: “What’s wrong with you?”

As soon as Yan Luqing touched the extra items in her backpack, she stopped the movement in her hands.

“How should I put it…” Yan Luqing blinked nervously before meeting Gu Ci’s gaze, “Just now, I… I found a baby in my backpack again.”


Gu Ci was silent for three seconds and asked without expression: “What is it?”

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