Then he saw Yan Luqing took out, from her so-called backpack full of food… Iodine, alcohol, a can of special powder for treating skin wound, a small tool box for treating skin wound, and… A roll of bandage.

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Gu Ci’s eyes moved from Yan Luqing’s backpack to her body again.

Yan Luqing braced herself and said while laughing with a ‘haha’ sound, “Don’t you think my backpack looks like Doraemon’s pocket?”

Gu Ci nodded: “Indeed.”

“Ah, this is also the result of me turning over the compartment of my backpack… Ha ha… You didn’t expect me to be so careful too, right…? Ha ha…”

The more she talked, the more Gu Ci stared at her. There is no doubt or aggression in his eyes, but it can bring some pressure to her.

Anyway, being looked at by Gu Ci so much, she couldn’t speak anymore.

What kind of look is this?

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This is the look that Gu Ci looked at her with at the time when her high fever of 39,5 degrees just retreated like that. Unfathomable, and it’s meaning was unknown.

Now, facing this ‘mysterious appearance’, this look appeared again.

But didn’t Gu Ci often caught her strangeness?

So far, has he ever asked one more question?

Is it necessary to spill this lie?

These three consecutive questions knocked her down.

“Forget it.” Yan Luqing weighed it, and then neatly unpacked and separated the tools and medicine to wipe his back. She smashed the broken jar[1] and said, “Don’t ask. It’s Doraqing.”


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With the help of Doraqing, a certain princess’s back is temporarily safe.

It was already midnight, and Yan Luqing felt that her spirit had just been aroused by the sudden situation. Her body was too sleepy, but it was the question of who will be sleeping in the sleeping bag’s turn now.

Yan Luqing feels that the two are really changing their identities. She is like a knight who advises with earnest words and good intentions while Gu Ci is the noble and powerful princess who had just protected the knight. She is persuading the princess, saying: Quickly come in and sleep.

Please support this translation by reading it at the translator’s original website to read the new chapter faster.

“Even if we can only wait for someone to come, the wounded must be given priority to rest first——And on such a cold day, isn’t it just normal to huddle up for warmth?” After saying so, Yan Luqing patched herself, “Cough, huddling for warmth is just a metaphor, not really hugging each other.”

Princess Ci did not say anything, Yan Luqing also began to act shamelessly.

“If you don’t go in, I won’t go in either. It will be wasted then.” Yan Luqing pointed to the sleeping bag that looked very comfortable and said, “If you go in, I will go in.”

——You jump,I jump.


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Two minutes later, Yan Luqing finally lay down steadily in the sleeping bag——And opposite her was Gu Ci.

After all, the situation is urgent and the conditions are limited. They can also be regarded as sleeping together in the literal sense.

Probably because both of them are thin, so when they are lying face to face like this, there are still a lot of empty spaces in the middle of the sleeping bag between them.

Yan Luqing is now in a state of ‘falling asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow’, but considering that Princess Ci should be very unhappy and it is estimated that he has never slept with the opposite sex, she force herself to fight the sleepiness and said to Gu Ci: “Don’t worry, I sleep very well-behavedly.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll wake up if there’s any danger in the wild.”

“You won’t really think I have a big heart, right?”

——Fed three reassurance pills.

And only three minutes later.

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Gu Ci’s ears heard the sound of breathing at a constant rate. She had clearly fallen asleep.


After this night, he would no longer feel a sense of speechlessness anymore.

Gu Ci half propped up, reached out his hand for the backpack beside the sleeping bag, and found the Warm Baby, the so-called ‘treasure’, that Yan Luqing wanted to stick to him.

He tore open the outer packaging, and then tore the layer of sticker. After it started to heat up, he stretched out his hand to Yan Luqing’s back——

In a state between half-asleep and half-awake, Yan Luqing felt that she had a warm thing on her back. She was so comfortable that she blurted out in a daze: “Um…What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Gu Ci retracted his hand. His voice seemed quite gentle in the middle of the night. “Didn’t you say, sticking up will get warmth?”

[1] Smashed the broken jar: write oneself off as hopeless and act recklessly.

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