She folded her fingers and threw herself down with her hands on the ground, knelt facing Gu Ci’s direction.

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This action seemed to please Gu Ci. Since the time Yan Luqing was awake to the present, the corner of his mouth finally curved up for the first time, “What are you doing?”

Yan Luqing swung her hands up and down while clasping it together, and said in a small voice: “I am formally apologizing to you.”

Then Gu Ci let this matter pass just like this.

At first, Yan Luqing didn’t dare to believe that Princess Ci was so easily coaxed, but she soon thought that this was not the first time she challenged the bottom line of Princess Ci, but he never really got angry with her.

——Except that time when she swallowed the medicine he gave her at the villa and was pushed to vomit it out by him, where she felt that Gu Ci’s mood was more similar to anger.

Yan Luqing found that a Warm Baby was pasted on the back of her clothes, but she could not remember when she pasted it. The Warm Baby was already cold and she had torn it off when she got up.

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The water and food in the backpack came in handy now. After the two of them had solved the needs of food and clothing, Yan Luqing looked at Gu Ci’s back: “How is your injury? Do you want to change the medicine?”

“No need to.”

“Then, you didn’t sleep well last night…” When Yan Luqing mentioned last night, her heart felt guilty and her voice became smaller as she suggested, “Would you like to sleep now? I am very energetic now, and I definitely won’t sleep again this time.”

Gu Ci finally raised his head and glanced at her, “I will go out first.”

“Go out? What do you want to do? “

“Yesterday, it seems that we rolled down the mountain in one direction only. No matter how far away we are, we should be found now.” Gu Ci rarely said so many words, “I paid attention to the outside sound last night, but no one came. So I want to go out and have a look now.”

From Gu Ci’s voice, it didn’t feel like he was anxious about this situation at all, but he just simply explained to her.

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Once last night was mentioned, it made Yan Luqing feel embarrassed again.

Why did she sleep so deeply in that kind of situation… She was also very confused.

“Did you wake up… since the time you recorded the video?”

Gu Ci made the ‘Hmm’ sound and said: “Otherwise?”

“Then you have been awake for so long, why…”

Why wait until she wakes up before leaving?

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Yan Luqing didn’t ask it out, but someone has a very strong understanding ability and has already understood it. He smiled and said: “Of course it’s because there is still someone who hasn’t woken up. I don’t want to profit from someone’s tears.”


“Gu Ci, I really didn’t cry last night!” After Yan Luqing emphasized it for the last time, she got up from the sleeping bag and said, “I will go out with you.”

“You just dislocated and repositioned your ankle yesterday. Don’t move it too much.” Gu Ci stood at the entrance of the tree hole, with his back against the light, and looked at her with the eyes that had some helplessness in it. “You said it yourself too. Since I didn’t run away in the morning, I also won’t run away now.”

“… I’m not afraid of you running away.” Yan Luqing walked to him and moved her ankle. “You can see that my foot is fine now, and… I just don’t want to stay by myself.”


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After being silent for a while, Gu Ci suddenly chuckled, and said in a tone like a brother bringing a child with him: “Okay, let’s go.”


Gu Ci’s ‘go out and have a look’ is indeed only looking around. The two walked along the tree hole all the way to the slope where they fell. They walked up in this direction for a while, which was densely blocked by irregularly scattered trees, and it was completely impossible to see where the two of them fell from.

Besides the two of them, there is no one around here. A tourist attraction as large as the Butterfly Mountain, which was also the place where many schools held their autumn outing, it turned out that even the voice of tourists’ conversation cannot be heard.

It’s probably because of taking care of her ankle, they’re moving very slowly. While they were walking, Gu Ci suddenly said: “In the morning, there is a signal on the mobile phone.”

“…!” Yan Luqing was stunned for a moment, “Can you make a call?”


“Can you send messages out too?”

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