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Gu Ci did not show any surprised look, just like last night when he knew that there was no signal on his mobile phone, he also did not look very surprised.

That’s strange.

She even thought that when Gu Ci was pulling her on the top of the mountain but he couldn’t move her at all, he probably already knew that all of this was not caused by natural factors.

But… It’s impossible, right?

Maybe it was just his personality that is good at hiding his emotions and can appear to be particularly calm. Yan Luqing told herself in her heart.

After all, how can normal people accept such unnatural and anti-scientific things?

Yan Luqing is so absorbed in thinking about her own affairs, and her arm is suddenly stopped by him. At the same time, a brief sound of an object passing through the forest suddenly came to her ear——

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Yan Luqing’s scalp turned numb. She reflexively hugged Gu Ci who was directly next to her, put her arms around his waist, and cried anxiously: “What’s that? What’s that, Gu Ci? “

Gu Ci didn’t answer immediately.

Yan Luqing became more and more afraid as she waited, and only more and more afraid again, until she heard Gu Ci’s chuckles and said while dragging a teasing tone: “It turns out that Doraqing is still afraid of this too?”

“…” Yan Luqing became a little embarrassed, “What is that actually? Have you seen it?”

“Small animals with gray color. I am not sure whether it’s a rabbit or squirrel.”

Yan Luqing breathed a sigh of relief.

In Yan Luqing’s cognition, according to Makabaka, she has been blocked by the system from the outside world. Now they saw an animal and the mobile phone had the signal again. So, there is a high probability that the punishment is about to end, right?

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“What time did we fall here? Do you remember?”

“About nine o’clock in the evening.”

Yan Luqing simply counted the time with her fingers, and found that twelve hours had passed since the two fell down——With six hours as a level, although Makabaka didn’t say how many levels her punishment was, it means that there’s this possibility every six hours.

On the whole, there are signs that it is either this six hours or the next six hours.

Yan Luqing’s mood improved a lot in an instant.

——But she didn’t notice that her every move, every change of facial expression, including the number that was unconsciously chanted in her mouth, all fell into Gu Ci’s eyes.

On their way back, Yan Luqing kept reading the messages on WeChat.

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Big Black and Little Black were already dying of anxiety. When she clicked to open the dialog box with them, there were not only a lot of new messages in it but also so many bubbles that they were about to overflow the screen.

Yan Luqing clicked Little Black’s blue bubble: 「Even though Miss Yan is ill, I still think she is a good person…」

Little Black’s grey bubble: 「Miss Yan won’t really have an accident, right?!! Oh, no!」

Little Black’s red bubble: 「Why are so many people unable to search and rescue two people???? It’s fine if they can’t find it, but why are we not allowed to intervene? Damn, I’m so angry!」


Little Black’s previous blue, gray, and red were all complaints about her, but now the three colors are all the worries about her.

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Yan Luqing: …What’s the matter with this kind of feeling like a mother’s relief?

The content of Big Black’s bubbles is similar to that of Little Black’s.

Then there are the messages sent by the classmates, the messages sent by Father Yan and Mother Yan after they got the news from Big Black and Little Black, and even the messages sent by Jiang Baichu——Anyway, those who can send in a bunch of messages, their bubbles are basically serious and caring thoughts. Even her elder brother, who hates her and even sings the grievances for Gu Ci, popped out the bubble of 「Hope she won’t really get herself into an accident this time」

However, these kinds of emotional bubbles are just text only, not like the well illustrated pink one.

While reading the messages, Yan Luqing wondered how to level up the blue and gray bubbles, and the two of them finally walked back to the tree hole.

As soon as Yan Luqing saw the sleeping bag, she remembered the embarrassment of last night and immediately looked at Gu Ci: “You go to sleep. I will call you if there is something.”

Gu Ci didn’t refuse this time. He went straight to the sleeping bag and lay down in it, then closed his eyes.

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