Chapter 16.4

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Yan Luqing was sitting next to him. She originally wanted to open the screen of her mobile phone and continue to look at it, but she was attracted by his face.

She was sighing in her heart: How can the right height of brow bone and the right height of the nose bridge achieve such a harmony? How can he be so beautiful even when lying on his back? She can really name him and he indeed deserves to be a princess… While waiting for a series of rainbow farts.

Then Gu Ci opened his eyes.

“Miss Yan, why are you staring at me?” His eyes were tired, so he didn’t look aggressive. “Or do you want to tell me a story before letting me sleep?”

“Ah, no.” Yan Luqing still has some shadow now when she thinks of the quilt covering till the neck’s story. She shook her head. “After all, I can’t tell that kind of special favored story like yours…”

He asked ‘Then what are you doing?’ directly with his gaze.

“I’m looking at your face,” she said truthfully. “I think your bones really look good.”

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“Huh?” Gu Ci simply replied with a top picked question again.

Maybe boys don’t understand this kind of word very well?

Yan Luqing thought for a while and explained to him with her own understanding: “Let’s put it this way, what I mean is, if all the people are turned into skeletons now, you must be the most beautiful one among the skeletons.”

Gu Ci: “…Thank you, your story is not bad either.”

With that, he really closed his eyes. It didn’t take long for the occasionally trembling long eyelashes to turn into the almost-non-trembling one, and the sound of his breathing also gradually became longer.

He already fell asleep.

With beautiful scenery at hand, not taking photos is a waste of resources. Yan Luqing found an angle and took Gu Ci’s picture. Then she falls into a state of having nothing to do and starts to play with her mobile phone boredly again.

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To be honest, since seeing the upgraded version of pink, Yan Luqing thought that all the colors had been upgraded too. As a result, she saw it just now that the other colors were still only text.

Now she wants to see other emotions with pictures and texts too——Such as sad Little Black, angry Little Black and so on.

Therefore, Yan Luqing had to again open the short video software that she hadn’t seen for a few days, with a clear purpose: asking for praise. But this time, her goal is to collect the development in an all-round way, not only to have joyful likes and comments, but also to bring a little forty-five degrees[1] of sadness.

When Gu Ci fell asleep, his whole body was cold, but it became much warmer when he woke up.

He seemed to have slept for a long time, because the light in the tree hole became dim, and what was lying in front of him was Yan Luqing that he didn’t know when she got into the sleeping bag.

She was playing with her mobile phone with her back slightly facing him. Her light colored hair is scattered, sending out the same shampoo fragrance as his.

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Yan Luqing’s finger tapping on the screen is very pleasing to the eye. Her hands are very slender and small, and her fair skin contrasts sharply with the black screen.

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But… He can’t take a closer look at what she clicked.

The experience of the last time made Gu Ci subconsciously resist looking at the words she typed, but the recovery of his eyes and the fast-reacting brain allowed him to quickly see the content on it with a sweep.

Her style suddenly became very different from the last time he saw it.

The first video is the video of sea and waves, and she typed: You said you like the sea, but after the tide you choose to retreat.


Then she came to a video that looked like a melodrama and commented: He loves you the most when you don’t love him.


Yan Luqing scrolled down again, and Gu Ci saw a big line written on the video——Let’s talk about your ex]

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She thought about this one for a while and then typed a long sentence: I can’t remember it clearly, only remember that he likes to wear counterfeit shoes. But last time I took a pair of counterfeit shoes to visit him, he covered his head with white cloth[2] and didn’t seem willing to see me.

Gu Ci: “…”

He was about to stop Yan Luqing’s behavior, but she turned to a video and commented again without even watching the content:

A lonely night, QQ[3] is not ringing, WeChat is not ringing, just let mine ring a bit. Thank you, stranger.

Gu Ci “…”?

[1] forty-five degrees of sadness: the posture of looking up at the sky, just to keep the tears from falling down.

[2] covered head with white cloth: I don’t know whether this means that he is dead, so he was covered with the white cloth, or this one below:

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