Chapter 17.2

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“——Gu Ci!”

A female voice with its volume deliberately lowered suddenly rang out in the tree cave.

Gu Ci looked up and found that Yan Luqing, who was sitting opposite him, had suddenly stood up, took a few steps over and squatted down beside him.

She came up with her fingers stretched out and directly grabbed the cuffs of his jacket. Gu Ci saw her eyes were so widened and her tone was so panicked, “What to do now, Gu Ci? I think I saw a wolf.”

“Where did you see it?”

“At the entrance of the cave, I glanced at it casually and saw a shadow, about ten meters away from us.”

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“Just calm down first.” Gu Ci turned his head and looked at her, “Are you sure what you have seen is a wolf?”

“I haven’t seen the real one but I have seen it in the picture.” Yan Luqing recalled again, “I think it’s a wolf. The ears and the mouth are really very similar to what’s in the picture. Besides, we are in this kind of deserted old forest——”

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she was: “Why do you think that when we go out in the daytime, there is no one around at all? Maybe they are all eaten up.”

Yan Luqing spoke in Gu Ci’s ear with her breath close to him, making his ears feel itchy. Not only that, she was so afraid that she started talking nonsense, and her mouth is getting more and more outrageous. “Just before, I checked on the Internet that the moon is very round tonight. How can it be so coincidental that we meet a wolf tonight. Later, will there be werewolf transformation under the moon too? What to do, what to do Gu Ci, what to do… “

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She spoke very fast and in a tone that was not joking too, but it was precisely this kind of seriousness that showed her nonsensicalness at this time.

“Yan Luqing,” Gu Ci slightly turned his face and said in a half like a warning but also half like a joking tone, “Don’t make me laugh.”

His voice was so low that people could hear the cool youthful feeling in his unique tone. When Yan Luqing hears that voice calling her name, her mind that was filled with the panic of ‘I am going to die’ seems to have been comforted.

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She finally calmed down.

Gu Ci removed her clenched fingers, and stood up while supporting his hands on the ground: “I will go to the entrance to have a look. You sit here and don’t move.”

“Hey——” Yan Luqing grabbed him anxiously, “Don’t go! What if you go there and get seen by it?”

Gu Ci wants to laugh again.

“Then what shall we do?” He asked slowly, “Didn’t you come to me to let me check it?”

“… No.” Yan Luqing was stunned for a moment, “I came to you, I came to you because…”

Because he’s the only one here?

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It seems not.

Even if there are ten or one hundred people here, she would also come to Gu Ci.

She was just too panicked. She wanted to call Gu Ci’s name immediately when she encountered something she was afraid of, as if in this way she could feel a little bit at ease.

Because he seems to be able to solve all difficulties, he seems to be omnipotent, and he seems to have magical powers that make people want to rely on him.

Yan Luqing didn’t speak and Gu Ci didn’t continue to ask her either. He only turned around and prepared to get up again.

“I will go have a look at it too.” Yan Luqing said, holding him. “Let’s go together.”


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Gu Ci knew from beginning to end that there could be no wolves.

She may have seen something, but there will never be a lone wolf haunting this place.

But Gu Ci still stopped his movement and sat back on the ground again, then turned his head to look at her already frightened into watery eyes.

“Are you so sure that there is a wolf there?”

“… Yeah.”

He said softly: “If there is really a wolf, do you think you can come back alive if you go with me?”


After asking this sentence, Gu Ci saw that Yan Luqing’s already calm mood was about to develop into fear again.

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