“No.” She started to tremble unconsciously. Her hands were holding his clothes, and her voice was shaking, but she still said: “Even though so, we still have to go together.”

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Yan Luqing feels as if she has been filming the scene of an important juncture between life and death in an idol drama inside the cave. Unexpectedly, when Gu Ci takes her to the cave entrance, they are not just ‘having a look’. He even goes out of the tree cave with a flashlight in his hand and even without saying anything at all. Yan Luqing has no time to react yet and can’t stop him anymore even if she wanted to.

So Gu Ci just went to the opposite side like that and stood at the place where she saw the dark shadow.

After a few seconds, he, without any injury at all, waved the flashlight at her, as if calling her over.

Yan Luqing forcibly resisted the weak feeling in her legs and moved out of the hole. When she got a little closer to him, she looked up and saw Gu Ci’s smiling face: “Miss Yan, please come here.”


He looked at her very gently, “I will be your teacher today and give you a lesson.”

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Those eyes are like the kind of eyes in the educational advertisements that care for mentally handicapped children, the kind like those adults who show sympathy and affection for mentally retarded children.

“This is a dog,” Gu Ci pointed to the ground and shone his flashlight on the dark shadow from just now, and said each word clearly: “Scientific name: Border Collie. You’d better read it carefully over and over again.”


The dog, which was mistakenly thought to be a wolf, was injured in the leg. When Yan Luqing saw the shadow, it immediately fell on the spot. However, Yan Luqing didn’t see the process of it falling to the ground and thought that the wolf had gone somewhere and that’s what caused a misunderstanding.

The fur color of this Border Collie is very beautiful, it is also of a very pure breed, but it’s dirty and the injury on its leg seems to come from being iron chained for many years.

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Gu Ci dragged it into the tree hole and the two of them wrapped its leg with the medicine and bandage that they used when they treated Gu Ci’s injury last night. During the whole process, it didn’t resist at all and even wagged its tail.

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“It seems to know that we are saving it. It doesn’t struggle even though the wound is so deep and does not cry in pain too…” Yan Luqing can not help but sighed, “It really deserves to be the smartest dog.”

“Gu Ci, you said just now that there’s a high probability it could not stand being tied up all the time, so it broke free from the iron chain and ran out. Now, since it has broken free,” she suggested enthusiastically, “Shall we take it home and take care of it?”

How natural this question was, maybe she herself didn’t even notice it.

Gu Ci was startled for a moment.

But he soon regained his senses again. His hand movement did not stop and even laughed while he said: “Miss Yan, I suggest you search the personality and IQ of the Border Collie first. If you can’t even clearly distinguish between a dog and a wolf, you may not be able to control it.”


Yan Luqing couldn’t refute it. Tonight was really too shameful. It was so shameful that the shame even goes until Ultraman’s hometown[1]——As long as Gu Ci lives, he will never forget what a shameful thing she did today.

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However, rather than passively die, it is better to take the initiative to attack.

Yan Luqing sternly said: “Gu Ci, I’ve decided to raise it. By the way, I will give it a name now.”

He asked: “What do you want to name it?”

“I will just name it Wolf.” Yan Luqing touched the dog’s head. “From now on, its name is Wolf, and its nickname is Wolfie.”

“… Okay.”

Gu Ci raised his head and glanced at her. Her beautiful eyes were full of smiles. So, in a rare occasion, he decided to praise her once, “Miss Yan’s courage to face her mistakes is really admirable.”

It was precisely nine o’clock when the medicine was done being applied.

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As soon as Gu Ci finished praising her, a familiar sound of people’s voices came into Yan Luqing’s ear.

——It’s the voice of the search and rescue team that has finally found them.

They fell down at nine o’clock last night and were found at nine o’clock today. It’s a full 24 hours.

It’s finally over.

At the time they heard the sound, there seemed to be a moment of stagnation in the tree cave.

There seems to be an invisible boundary line that opened up. It’s a completely different atmosphere between before and after hearing the voice of the search and rescue team.

[1] The author only wants to describe it as ultra shameful.

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