“Because I left some of my stuff with her before, so she wanted to give it back to me.”

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“What needs to be given so far away from other people?”

“It’s a secret, so we can’t let the other classmates see it.” Gu Ci paused, turned his head slightly, and said while looking very sincerely, “So, sorry. I can’t tell you about it either.”

Yan Luqing: “…”

In fact, she only gave him medicine and glasses. Is it necessary for him to be so mysterious?

“… Okay,” The Big White Teeth cleared his throat, “Then, how did the two of you fall down?”

Yan Luqing replied to him this time, “Because I didn’t pay attention to the road and missed my footing. He tried to hold me but failed in pulling me up. Then we fell together.”

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“Yeah, we found that place afterwards and because of your accident, it will be reinforced later.” Big White Teeth said, and then continued to ask: “So after falling down, the two of you just stayed inside that tree hole at the bottom of the mountain. How do you rest in it?”

Gu Ci: “Sleep in the sleeping bag that I brought.”

Big White Teeth hesitated: “…Sleeping together?”

Yan Luqing inexplicably felt that the atmosphere inside the car had become strange, and she was also a little uncomfortable. Then she suddenly raised her voice and emphasized: “The one he brought was actually a double sized sleeping bag.”

Big White Teeth: “Cough. Okay, then what do you eat?”

Gu Ci: “Eat the food in the backpack of this female classmate next to me.”

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Big White Teeth froze for a moment: “So… she brought the food, and you brought the sleeping equipment?”

Gu Ci said with a smile: “Well, that conclusion is correct.”

Big White Teeth: “…” Why is there even a division of labor and cooperation? Are you sure that you really didn’t do it on purpose???

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The Butterfly Mountain is a well-known scenic spot that has been developed for many years. It was also regarded as one of the signature attractions for local tourism. All facilities are perfectly complete and the emergency center is not far from the mountain area. The vehicles soon drive into the nearest hospital.

Yan Luqing got out of the car first and entered the hospital under the leadership of a staff member. Gu Ci was originally a few meters behind her, but he was suddenly pulled by the Big White Teeth, who asked questions in the car.

Gu Ci looked at the man who was holding his arm, and said without emotion: “Is there something?”

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Big White Teeth is taken aback.

Gu Ci looks so easy to talk to when he is in the car. At that time, he had a smile on his face and that kind of smile looked very polite. Coupled with the fact that he was too good-looking, it gives people the illusion that this person is very easy to get close to.

But now when seeing this kind of smile converge and being stared at by that pair of dark eyes, it actually makes people’s hearts feel cold.

Then he came back to his senses again: This was just a young lad who had just graduated from high school. Cold my ass.

“… That, young man.” Big White Teeth first looked at him from top to bottom, shook his head at him and then did the action that a fitness man often does when they show their muscles. The exaggerated muscles were plainly displayed nakedly. “Look, if you are like me, can you not be able to pull a little girl up?”

He said painstakingly: “So, in my opinion, you have to exercise more in the future!”

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They were examined by a middle-aged female doctor wearing a mask. She had many smile lines around her eyes and seemed to have a good temper.

Yan Luqing was talking to the doctor about how the two of them had been injured and where they had both been injured. Suddenly, a low pressure came from her side.

When she turned her head, she saw Gu Ci’s expressionless face. As soon as the big white lamp in the hospital shone on him, that delicate face looked like that kind of cold-faced model in a magazine.

——Almost reflexively, a few words came to her mind: The princess is in a bad mood.

Didn’t he still smile and answer the questions in the car just now? What happened?

Yan Luqing was still puzzled and Gu Ci already left a sentence of “I am going to the bathroom. Just check her first” and went out of the door. A few seconds later, Big White Teeth, who was with them in the car, happened to enter the consultation room.

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