Yan Luqing has a lot of minor injuries, but basically she doesn’t need to be bandaged with medicine. After all, wearing long-sleeves and trousers had blocked some scratches for her, so her trauma examination will soon be over.

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It happened that Big White Teeth was holding a few pieces of paper in his hand, which seemed like they were used for the doctor’s confirmation and several of them were also for her to sign, so Yan Luqing just sat aside and waited.

While looking at the doctor signing the documents, Big White Teeth chatted with her: “These two children are also very lucky. Nothing big happened to them although they had rolled down the hillside so far away——I was just telling the male classmate that he was not strong enough and should do more exercise in the future. Say, if he was stronger, like me, would he even fall down at that time? Heh… “


Yan Luqing has been in a confused state since she was rescued and she also doesn’t understand why this state of hers came into being.

But now, she knows very clearly that she is really unhappy.

“This uncle.” Yan Luqing interrupted Big White Teeth, who is still going to continue to talk.

The eyes in the room immediately gathered on her.

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“You don’t know what we were like at the time, so why do you say it like that?” Yan Luqing was clearly sitting on the stool, but her momentum was as if she had said that while standing on the stool, “At that time, it’s not just solely strength that was needed to hold me. Don’t you know how slippery the slope is? And when we rolled down the hill, he always keep me with him and still had to avoid many obstacles——”

Yan Luqing changed her tone and finished it with clear articulation, with a mellow and full tune, “If my male classmate is really weak, we might have died earlier. Don’t say it so easily, okay?”


She knew that this person probably had no malice, maybe he just has a straight personality and he only said it casually.

But she just feels angry.

She remembered the way Gu Ci held her. She also remembered when she wanted to let go and he held her hand instead. And when he held her head all the way before finally hitting his back on a tree and getting hurt himself… Why did he become a ‘little boy who is not strong enough’ that can be ridiculed at will in the mouth of an outsider?

Big White Teeth was speechless, and finally the female doctor broke the silence with a light laugh.

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“What the girl said is too right. You just have a simple mind. If the boy is really like you said, will the girl hurt so little?”

Big White Teeth took the signed documents and left awkwardly. He pushed open the door and Yan Luqing happened to meet the gaze of Gu Ci who was about to come in outside the door.

Did he hear it?

How much did he hear?

But even if he heard them all, Yan Luqing won’t feel embarrassed either.

She sat on the chair and waved to Gu Ci: “Hey, come here, Gu Ci.”

Just now that man was so stupid that he didn’t even bother to dislike him, but Yan Luqing said a lot of things so seriously.

In accordance with her words, Gu Ci walked towards her.

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Yan Luqing said: “Lower your head again.”

In accordance with her words again, Gu Ci bowed his head.

Then the girl’s deliberately softened voice smoothly passed into his left ear——

“You must not listen to his nonsense. If you dare to become a muscular man like him, you will lose a precious friend, me.”


The female doctor who watched the young girl whispering in the other party’s ear was very patient. After Gu Ci straightened up, she walked to the two of them and started the formal examination.

In the process, she constantly sighed emotionally.

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For example, when she discovered that Gu Ci’s back was not only disinfected, but also applied with medicine, and finally wrapped in a bandage——

“Really good. You two have a good way of giving each other first aid.” The female doctor sighed emotionally, “The disinfection and bandaging are so thorough, and there is no infection at all. It’s just that the wound from the wooden thorn is a bit deep, so for a while, you have to take care of yourself more and always change the dressing on time.”

Yan Luqing wanted to help him ask if it would leave scars, but Gu Ci suddenly curved his lips and said: “It’s indeed good, because we have a Doraemon that has everything in its pocket.”


When the female doctor found that there was a dislocated and resetted joint on both of them, she sighed emotionally again: “This technique is very good. Generally, there is a good chance that there will be some minor problems left if you don’t come to the hospital for resetting, but you both have done a really good job in this. It’s really perfect.”

When Yan Luqing thought of Gu Ci’s reaction as if he didn’t feel the pain at all at that time, and his amazing move in resetting himself, she said: “It’s normal, because we still have an Astro Boy with iron arms.”


The female doctor’s smiling face froze: Is she unable to understand the children’s problem nowadays anymore? What’s this all about actually??

In the end, she carefully concluded: “I didn’t expect that you two are already at this age and still love to watch cartoons… Like a child, really like a child, haha.”

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