After Gu Ci got the dressing for his wound changed, they went back to the hotel by car.

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Everyone was waiting for them in the lobby of the hotel, and when they saw the two of them, they immediately gathered around them.

Everyone seemed to want to talk to the two of them, but in the end they just asked briefly about the injuries and how the two fell down. After all, they all knew that they needed rest the most now, so they didn’t ask about the rest of the details that much.

When they were back in the suite, Yan Luqing’s eyes were too sleepy to be opened, but before entering the room, she suddenly remembered something and turned her head to call Gu Ci.

“Hey, don’t forget that the doctor said you can’t get water on your back.”

She knew that Gu Ci was a very clean person. Although he never said anything, it was probably quite uncomfortable for Princess Ci to live in the tree hole for one day and one night.

Even if they mocked each other Doraemon and Astro Boy, Yan Luqing believes that she herself was a generous person, so she should still remind him well about what should be reminded.

Gu Ci glanced at her and turned his body slightly. His eyes look like he has something to say.

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But without waiting for him to answer her, Yan Luqing already blocked all the roads that might get herself connoted: “Okay, go to bed early. Good night.” Then she closed the door of her room all at once.

After leaving Gu Ci, the humanoid shielding instrument, Makabaka popped up in Yan Luqing’s head. She took a quick hot bath and casually said a few words to it, and then it went on standby mode.

Yan Luqing almost smashed herself into the soft big bed after she finished cleaning herself.

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She lay down and grabbed her mobile phone and was ready to swipe WeChat for a while before going to bed.

As soon as the red WeChat icon is clicked, the group chat is the one at the top. Yan Luqing easily clicked it and found that there were a lot of bubbles on everyone’s profile picture. She looked at them one by one and they were basically happy that the two were successfully rescued.

The yellow bubble on Gu Ci’s Plaster No.1: 「Damn it, I almost thought I would never see Brother Ci again.」

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The yellow bubble on Gu Ci’s Plaster No.2: 「What a relief… But, how come I feel that Brother Ci is not happy? And Yan Luqing is not happy too? Obviously, it’s those two who are rescued but why does it look like we are the ones who are celebrating it??」

Yan Luqing: “…”

Yan Luqing continued down again.

Xia Xuetian’s pink bubble: 「F*ck, f*ck, f*ck. The more I think about it, the more drunk I get. She fell down and he fell down with her too. Isn’t that the f*cking beautiful ‘you jump, I jump’?」

Xia Yutian’s pink bubble: 「This is love, d*mn it. Let me put the words here. The CP[1]that me and my sister supported has never had a BE[2]!」


Yan Luqing took a closer look. The two sisters should be thinking about the same thing, which is a personal fantasy extended by her brief statement just now.

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This CP also refers to… her and Gu Ci?

The two of them were too able to make a fuss and they already started from the first day Gu Ci helped her with her bag. Just now, they were also the only ones shouting “I’m so disappointed that it is not really playing a boo”. So, it’s not surprising either that they are like this now.

Yan Luqing looked at it for a while and felt that the more she looked at it, the more awkward she felt. So, she simply skipped the two sisters’ bubbles.

Further down, it was the girl who hadn’t even said a few words——Before leaving, Yan Luqing observed her bubbles and learned that, most likely, she had a secret crush for Gu Ci when she was still in school, and now she still is. It’s just that she doesn’t know when she  will go to confess her love.

Anyway, Gu Ci was saved and she should be very happy, right?

When thinking like this, Yan Luqing was shocked after seeing the color of her bubbles.

But why… is it red?

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She immediately clicked to open it——

Yin Ning’an: 「It was Yan Luqing who slipped on her own and fell down. Gu Ci went to pull her and as a result he was also pulled down. In the end, she was not injured at all and only Gu Ci got injured?」

Yin Ning’an: 「How could she have the nerve to say that? Disgusting.」


[1] CP : couple

[2] BE: Bad ending.

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